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The Blood Calls You Back
The Blood Calls You Back
The Blood Calls You Back
Ebook60 pages41 minutes

The Blood Calls You Back

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About this ebook

Joe is a humble Android programmer of the “average” variety who thought kids were messing with him when he heard strange chanting coming from all around him in his house on a Saturday. Before long, things get a lot colder and he finds himself in the Ice Age due to a strange device held by an ancient chieftain named Bear. Smart phone support is nowhere to be seen, and this lady is claiming that she’s his great-grandmother with quite a lot of “greats” on the end. She seems to view him as some kind of sorcerer and shortly demands he provide her with planes, cars, and flatscreen TVs. How much can he even help? How did this even happen in the first place? On top of all that, she claims that the device can even see into his own future.

Do either of them want to know about their own futures?


Blood Calls is just one series set within the world of “Newcomer” about time traveling and strange intelligences: much more to come from both.

PublisherMike White
Release dateDec 23, 2015
The Blood Calls You Back

Mike White

I'm going to try to throw as much wacky science fiction/fantasy, and non-fiction comedy at you as you can handle. I'll have more books coming really soon in the Blood Calls You Back Series and the world of Reality Zero. After a long delay to get my ducks in a row, they are finally coming now. Especially books from my world "Newcomer." I love helping out other writers who have their own great stories to share, and I'm a prolific reader and reviewer.

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    Book preview

    The Blood Calls You Back - Mike White

    The Blood Calls You Back

    By: Mike White

    Copyright 2015 Mike White

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal use. Feel free to share it with friends, but it would be appreciated if you could offer whatever support you can so that the author can continue to write more. Thank you for your consideration.

    Cover Image Vacation on Mars (cropped) by: Brooke Binkowski under Creative Commons

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    More Books by Michael White

    Connect with Me

    Chapter 1

    OK look, the deal is-everything in my life was totally cool until those weird dudes showed up in my damn kitchen with all the chanting and fires and shit. It all went down like this-

    I was in the kitchen, waiting for my ribs to microwave (shut up) when I heard this weird-ass chanting. Crazy thing was, I had no damn clue where the hell it was coming from.

    First thing-I looked outside my window, nothing. I even popped open the window and yelled over at my neighbor, Jones Jones (yes that is seriously his name), who I just call JoJo. What’d I say again? Right it was something like-

    Yo, JoJo, do you hear that fuckin’ noise?

    Don’t hear anything, Single Joe, My neighbor said back.

    Kay- I told him. Thanks JoJo, I told him. He just shrugged and went back to whatever the hell he was doing in his yard. I couldn’t tell you, honestly. Fence was in the way. For all I know he was digging a hole to the other side of the world over there. Or like, building a bomb or somethin’.

    Kinda weird that he didn’t even ask me anything else about it, but oh well.

    That’s JoJo.

    OK, so next I took a little trip around my house, looking everywhere for where all the damn noise was coming from. Stupid thing was-it didn’t seem to matter where I went, out my front door, into the street, into my tiny brown lawn, made no difference. I even checked behind the white pillars in front of the withering garden in the stone structure with all the dirt in it in the front of my house.

    Spent a good 30 seconds digging in the dirt there, in case there was something hidden in there like a camera or whatever.

    Chanting continued, no louder, no softer. Just kept going and going.

    Fine. OK.

    So I was getting pretty pissed at this point. Who the hell was doing that? I ran past the pillars, ran around the side of my house, threw open my sliding glass door, and climbed up the stairs towards my attic in the living room. I checked my microscopic attic real quick, nada. I stomped down into the basement, hoping to freak out the hypothetical weird kids who had decided to sneak into my basement, but there was nothing. I seriously checked everywhere, even in the rusted-shut closet down there.


    Next I came back upstairs, looked through my whole room, the bathrooms, and everywhere else, but the chanting just kept going on and on. Seriously, how could it not get any louder or softer no matter where I went? I took off all of my clothes, and was so freaked out at one point I was seriously holding up my lighter, thinking about torching

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