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Aliens, Gods and Human Civilizations
Aliens, Gods and Human Civilizations
Aliens, Gods and Human Civilizations
Ebook162 pages1 hour

Aliens, Gods and Human Civilizations

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Ancient humans created many incredible things that could not have been possible with their not-so-advance technology. These amazing structures and things make us believe that gods might have helped humans to build them.
Who are gods? Where did they come from? These questions are answered by different religions. All religions state that gods came from heaven, but a question – Where is heaven and is it a planet? – arises from this statement.
This book tries to answer this question with evidence of aliens in different civilization, close encounters of aliens with humans and alien technology.
PublisherNotion Press
Release dateDec 29, 2015
Aliens, Gods and Human Civilizations

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    The psychotic ramblings of a deluded idiot. Read it for a laugh if you like...

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Aliens, Gods and Human Civilizations - Antariksh




A n t a r i k S H

Notion Press

Old No. 38, New No. 6

McNichols Road, Chetpet

Chennai - 600 031

First Published by Notion Press 2015

Copyright © Antariksh 2015

All Rights Reserved.

ISBN 978-93-5206-594-3

This book has been published in good faith that the work of the author is original. All efforts have been taken to make the material error-free. However, the author and the publisher disclaim the responsibility.

No part of this book may be used, reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Dedicated to My Beloved Parents






1. Evidence of aliens on earth in different civilization

2. Gods and aliens

3. Ancient alien’s visitor on earth in different civilizations

4. The mission of ancient aliens on earth describe by civilization

5. Close encounters of aliens with humans in different civilization

6. Underworld of aliens in human civilization

7. Aliens technology in different civilizations

8. Aliens and lost human civilizations

9. Aliens influences in human civilizations

10. Aliens and human religions:

11. Connection between magic of gods and aliens

12. Temples of humans and aliens


Success is the progressive realization of worthy goal. Many able people fail to achieve anything worthwhile because they have not been properly guided. Success of any book depends solely on support, guidance and encouragement received from the well-wishers.

It gives me immense pleasure and contentment to acknowledge and thank all those who in big ways and small have contributed for this effort.

It is a pleasant duty to express my sincere grateful thanks to History TV18 and for their help, encouragement and timely guidance in each step of my book.

I am thankful to the books which are related to this subject for giving me guidelines.

A journey is easier when you travel together, interdependence is certainly more valuable than independence, so my sincere thanks and differential regards to my lovely colleague

I express my warmest of warm and most important acknowledgement by far is to my father, my mother, my family and relatives, for their love, affection, care, courage, and confidence to complete this book.

I am thankful to all those who have directly or indirectly extended their help towards this book.



Evidence of aliens on earth in different civilization

Ancient alien theorists believe that, thousands of years ago, extraterrestrials landed on earth, where they were hailed as gods and helped shape human civilization. but what proof could possibly exist for such an encounter?

Proponent of the theory point to two types of evidence: ancient religious texts and physical specimens such as cave drawings, stone sculptures and pyramids. Is your curiosity piqued? Here’s quick introduction to some of the most famous examples.

1. The Nazca lines

Etched into a high plateau in Peru’s Nazca desert, a series of ancient designs stretching more than 50 miles has baffled archaeologists for decades. Along with simple lines and geometric shapes, they includes drawings of animals, birds and humans, some measuring more than 600 feet across. Because of their colossal size, the figures can only be appreciated from way up in the air-and there is no evidence that the Nazca people, who inhabited the area between 300 BC and 800 AD., invented flying machines. According to ancient alien theorists, the figures were used to guide spaceships as they came in for a landing, and the lines served as runways.

2. Vimanas

Many Sanskrit epics, which were written in India more than two millennia ago, contain references to mythical flying machines called vimanas. Pointing to similarities between descriptions of vimanas and reports by people who claim to have seen UFOs. Ancient alien theorists have suggested that astronauts from other planets visited India during ancient times.

3. The Moai of Easter Island

The Polynesian island of Easter Island is famous for its MAOI: the 887 giant human figures with enormous heads that guard its coastline. Roughly 500 years old, these monolithic statues stand 13 feet high and weigh 14 tons, but some are twice as tall and much heavier. How could human beings without sophisticated tools or knowledge of engineering craft and transport such incredible structures? Some ancient alien theorists believe it is the work of visiting extraterrestrials who left their mark on the island.

4. Puma Punku

Located in the Bolivian highlands, Puma Punku is a field of stone ruins scattered with giant, finely carved blocks. Such precise workmanship on a massive scale would have been nearly impossible without modern tools and machines, yet the ruins are more than 1,000 years old. Ancient alien theorists have hypothesized that extraterrestrials with advanced engineering techniques created the site or advised the people who built it.

5. The Book of Ezekiel

In the Book of Ezekiel, part of the Hebrew bible, a prophet has a vision of a flying vessel accompanied by fire, smoke and a loud noise. Some ancient alien theorists have argued that the vehicle’s design closely mirrors that of a modern spaceship. Rather than a divine intervention, then, perhaps the text describes an early encounter between humans and alien astronauts.

These are the some evidences of aliens on earth found in different civilizations.



Gods and aliens

Myths and legends have long been regarded as fantastic stories that describe powerful gods, mutant giants and fearsome monsters. But why do so many different cultures, separated by vast distances, tell the same stories? Is it possible that myths and legends were really eyewitness accounts of ancient astronauts descending to earth? Ancient texts are filled with stories of gods interacting with humans, offering wisdom, technology, and even impregnating women. Could the demigods of mythology have been the offspring of alien and human unions? If so, could aliens have supplied the missing link that accelerated human evolution, advancing our civilization and making us who we are today?

The idea of ancient alien as astronauts has spawned a UFO religion named Realism. The Realign Movement teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species of extraterrestrials, which they call the Elohim. Members of the Elohim appeared human and were mistaken for angels, cherubim or gods. The Bible is full of accounts of angels and demons. The text mentions millions of angels and their experiences on Earth and in the heavens. In Christian tradition, demons are similar to angels. They are spiritual, immutable and immortal. The individual demon owns a specific knowledge, sometimes on only one subject. The apocryphal Book of Enoch recounts that a group of 200 rebellious angels, or Watchers, left heaven and came down to Earth to marry human women and have children with them.

The Quran depicts a story of angels that are given minds of their own, found in verse [2:34]. One of the angels was Iblis (Satan/Lucifer), who rebelled and was therefore banished on earth to create mischief amongst mankind. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, angels were all created as good beings, but some decided to become evil. It was written that angels do not need faith as they already have the knowledge of celestial things, which means that their action constitutes unforgivable sin. The idea of alien intervention on Earth can be found in the modern religious philosophy of Thelema. Thelema was developed by the early 20th century British writer, Aleister Crowley.

Crowley’s system of Thelema begins with The Book of the Law, which he claims was a direct dictation from an entity named Aiwass. Crowley later identified Aiwass as his own Holy Guardian Angel. The religion is founded upon the idea that the 20th century marked the beginning of the Aeon of Horus, in which a new ethical code would be followed; Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The famed American rocket propulsion researcher, Jack Parsons, was one of the first Americans to take a keen interest in the writings of Aleister Crowley. Parsons research into rocket propulsion was some of the earliest in United States history. His pioneering work in the development of solid fuel, and the invention of Jet-fuel Assisted Take Off units for aircraft was of great importance to the start of humanity’s space age. The work of Parsons and his peers helped people usher in the age of space travel. Jack Parsons was largely self-educated. I have heard

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