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Paoli's Bride (Norlanian Brides Book One)
Paoli's Bride (Norlanian Brides Book One)
Paoli's Bride (Norlanian Brides Book One)
Ebook116 pages2 hours

Paoli's Bride (Norlanian Brides Book One)

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About this ebook

Kate Mason was ripped from her life on Earth to become an alien’s bride. When she refused, she was dumped into a government-owned brothel on the alien planet of Norlan and told that she had to work off the debt of her abduction by becoming a sex slave.

When Paoli, a recently freed slave, sees Kate in the brothel, he knows that she’s the one female in the whole universe for him. He sacrifices everything to pay off her debt and set her free.

Paoli is the kindest, sweetest man Kate has ever known, but she misses Earth and her family. Can she put aside her hope of going back to Earth someday and embrace Paoli, or will she always want to go home?

PublisherR.E. Butler
Release dateJan 31, 2016
Paoli's Bride (Norlanian Brides Book One)

R.E. Butler

A Midwesterner by birth, R.E. spent much of her childhood rewriting her favorite books to include herself as the main character. Later, she graduated on to writing her own books after "retiring" from her day job as a secretary to become a stay-at-home mom.When not playing with her kids, wrestling her dogs out the door, or cooking dinner for her family, you'll find her typing furiously and growling obscenities to the characters on the screen.Her best-selling series Wiccan-Were-Bear, The Necklace Chronicles, Hyena Heat, Wilde Creek, Were-Zoo, Arctic Shifters, Norlanian Brides, Saber Chronicles, and Ashland Pride are available now.

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    Book preview

    Paoli's Bride (Norlanian Brides Book One) - R.E. Butler

    Paoli’s Bride

    Norlanian Brides Book One

    By R. E. Butler

    Copyright 2016 R. E. Butler

    Paoli’s Bride (Norlanian Brides Book One)

    By R. E. Butler

    License Notes

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

    Cover by CT Cover Creations

    This ebook is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locations is coincidental.

    Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and is intended for those older than the age of 18 only.

    * * *

    I’d like to thank Dana Watson at Invisible Edits for editing this book. Thank you so much for your insight and help!

    A special thank you to Clarise at CT Cover Creations for working so hard to help me come up with an amazing brand for this new series. You made my characters come to life on the covers! Thank you for your friendship and your time! xoxo

    * * *

    Thanks to Joyce, the best sisterfriend ever. If it weren’t for you, every guy in the book would be named Jericho.

    Thanks to Shelley for Beta Reading. I’m so glad we’re friends!

    For Aunt BL and BB - I love you both.

    * * *

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Contact the Author

    Other Works by R. E. Butler

    Coming Soon in the Norlanian Series

    Paoli’s Bride (Norlanian Brides Book One)

    by R. E. Butler

    Kate Mason was ripped from her life on Earth to become an alien’s bride. When she refused, she was dumped into a government-owned brothel on the alien planet of Norlan and told that she had to work off the debt of her abduction by becoming a sex slave.

    When Paoli, a recently freed slave, sees Kate in the brothel, he knows that she’s the one female in the whole universe for him. He sacrifices everything to pay off her debt and set her free.

    Paoli is the kindest, sweetest man Kate has ever known, but she misses Earth and her family. Can she put aside her hope of going back to Earth someday and embrace Paoli, or will she always want to go home?

    Chapter 1

    Paoli Forza rolled over on the floor and looked at Kate. Even in sleep, his rescued human female was miserable, her face drawn in angst and unhappiness. He’d never seen anyone want to go home as badly as she did, and that included him the first night after he’d sold himself to the Bordelayz to save his family.

    The moment he saw Kate as she was brought into the Bordelayz in security cuffs, something had clicked in his mind and his heart. He’d never been much affected by females before, but Kate had brought him to his knees with one look at her beautiful face. He was actually on his way out of the Bordelayz as a freed male, having paid the owner, Yuil, the debt against himself to set himself free. He couldn’t leave Kate behind, knowing that she would be drugged into submission and made to service any male or female who paid for her. Immediately, he paid Yuil the debt against Kate with his remaining savings and she was released into his custody. It had taken several days before they were able to leave the Bordelayz because of the protocol of purchasing a slave, and she had stayed with him in his room.

    While they waited to be able to leave, he learned that she’d been kidnapped from her home planet of Earth because she was the chosen soul mate of a soldier named Dex. When Kate refused to become his wife, the money that Dex had paid for the kidnapping was returned to him and the soul-walk company put the debt on her shoulders. It was unfair to her, because she was a victim of circumstance, but it was the way of their people.

    The Bordelayz was a government-owned brothel. Norlanian people could sell themselves into sexual slavery at the Bordelayz to help pay off debts, and the government could punish criminals by putting them into the brothel. Paoli had been saving his money to set himself free and purchase a home for his mother and siblings. His dad had died when his military shuttle crashed when Paoli was fifteen. His mother had gone to work, but she was injured and lost her job, and then they lost their home. It was illegal to be homeless on Norlan, and Paoli knew his whole family was headed to the Bordelayz, so he did the only thing he could think of at the time – he sold himself into slavery at the Bordelayz and gave the money to his mother. She was able to buy a tiny, ramshackle home on the outskirts of Kyvern City.

    He’d promised to buy her a better house, but all that money was gone now. When he’d contacted his mother to tell her his news, she’d been furious.

    You’ve killed us all!

    What are you talking about?

    "They’ll take us to the Bordelayz. We’ll be forced to give ourselves to anyone who wants us. Your beautiful sisters, your brother, me…we’ll be ruined."

    "Why would you be taken to the Bordelayz? I have been sending you deenars every lunar cycle to help pay your debts. I’ll be able to send you more deenars soon, you’ll just have to make do until then."

    "I hope you’re happy, Paoli," she snarled, evading his question. You’re the worst sort of son. You take care of your own pleasure before making sure your family is taken care of.

    Before he could respond to her accusation, she had ended the call. There hadn’t been anything he could do about the situation at the time. He’d had just enough funds to buy his and Kate’s freedom from the Bordelayz and pay for their stay in the community house for three weeks. As a requirement of their abduction, each female was required to stay inside for one lunar cycle after their arrival. Because his mother had refused to allow them to come stay with her and his siblings, he’d had to purchase a room for he and Kate to share at the community home. He couldn’t have sent his family any deenars, because he had none to spare.

    Thankfully, his best friend, Eden, had come to see him and offered him and Kate a place to live. The makeshift bedroom in the back of the workshop was certainly not what Kate deserved. She’d been through so much in the last ninety days, and deserved to be pampered and treated like a queen.

    He rolled onto his back and brushed a thick lock of blue hair out of his eyes. Like all Norlanian males, he had been born with blue hair. As a young male, he’d been on the path to starting a career making clothing. Now that he was free from being a brokah sex slave, he knew he could make good money selling his handmade clothing, but no one would buy clothing from a former brokah who still had blue hair. When males mated with their soul mates, their hair turned from blue to brown. Even though he felt as though Kate were his soul mate, he knew that if they ever did make love, his hair would remain blue because she wasn’t his true soul mate. In order for his hair to turn brown now, he would have to purchase an expensive serum and inject himself with it. Only then would his hair change color, and only after that would he be able to sell his clothing and earn money.

    The day before, Eden had encouraged him to explain to Kate that he wouldn’t be able to earn money as long as he had blue hair, since the blue hair of an unmated male combined with his status as a former sex slave branded him as the lowest of the low. If he hadn’t made the choice to sell himself into slavery for his family, his blue hair wouldn’t be nearly as

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