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A Little Bit of Romance
A Little Bit of Romance
A Little Bit of Romance
Ebook55 pages45 minutes

A Little Bit of Romance

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My True Love Gave to Me: After one night of unbridled passion with Marcus, Viscount Weatherby, Lady Surrey--then Lady Emma--was whisked off the marriage mart by her parents, and betrothed to a man old enough to be her grandfather. Three years later, she is a widow, and Marcus has returned from India. Will he win Emma back? Or will her secret turn him from her forever?

Band of Gold: Spencer and Aileen Kramer are about to finalize their divorce, due to a tragedy that tore them apart. Spencer convinces Aileen to spend Valentine weekend with him to give their marriage one more chance. Will he succeed?

Love and War: Peter Wilson is back from the battlefield and ready to go on with his life, despite his injury. But he never forgot the woman he left behind, who married another man right after he left. Deanie Lawrence, now a widow, wants to explain why she married so quickly. Will Peter be able to set aside his bitterness to allow himself to hear her out?

Release dateOct 18, 2014
A Little Bit of Romance

Callie Hutton

USA Today bestselling author, Callie Hutton, who has penned more than sixty historical romance, romantic suspense, and cozy mystery books, writes humorous and captivating Regency with “historic elements and sensory details” (The Romance Reviews). With a million novels sold and translated into several languages, she continues to entrance readers with her heartfelt historical romances and mysteries. Her Victorian cozy mystery book, The Sign of Death was a finalist in the Simon and Schuster Mary Higgins Clark award in 2022.   You can find all of Callie’s books here: If you would like to stay in touch and hear about new releases, sales, recipes and a monthly Reader Appreciation giveaway, sign up for Callie’s newsletter here and receive a free book: .

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    Book preview

    A Little Bit of Romance - Callie Hutton


    To the Oklahoma Romance Writers Association

    My True Love Gave to Me

    ...a partridge in a pear tree...


    By: Callie Hutton


    Pemberton Hall

    Christmas Day, 1814

    She’s here.

    A jolt of excitement shot through Marcus, Viscount Weatherby, as he spotted her after scanning the crowd packed into the ballroom at Pemberton Hall. He had carelessly tossed aside the invitation he’d received to the lavish Christmas Ball the Duke and Duchess of Pemberton hosted each year. Then when Penrose mentioned at White’s yesterday that Lady Surrey would be in attendance, he knew nothing could keep him away.

    Emma—my Emma.

    Almost as if connected by an invisible cord, he headed in her direction, snatching two glasses of champagne from a passing footman. Trying his best to shoulder his way through the crush, he groaned in frustration when Lord Leighton stepped up to Emma and extending his arm, led her to the dance floor seconds before Marcus reached the spot where she’d stood.

    He downed both glasses and leaned against the wall, his arms crossed as he watched her turn in Leighton’s arms. His groin tightened when she smiled up at her partner, her lovely face lighting up in pleasure.

    In the three years he’d been in India, she’d not changed from the beautiful, passionate woman he’d had one glorious night with. Merely days before her parents announced her betrothal to the Earl of Surrey.

    Piled in a knot at the top of her head, her golden hair caught the sparkling candlelight as she turned and twirled, the slender twists of curls at her temples caressing her creamy skin. He knew first-hand her crystal blue eyes would be glowing with excitement. His fingers itched to cup her face and pull her to him, covering her lush mouth in a soul-searing kiss.

    Once again, the rage and hopelessness of reading her betrothal announcement in the newspaper swept over him. His beautiful Emma to be sold in marriage to a man old enough to be her grandfather.

    He turned as someone slapped him on the shoulder. Weatherby. Thought you gave up on these affairs.

    Marcus shrugged. Doesn’t hurt to pop in once in a while. He lowered his gaze to the cane Richard, Viscount Tetterly, leaned heavily on. What the devil happened to you?

    Tetterly grimaced. Attended a hunting party last weekend at Drake’s place. He joined Marcus against the wall, sighing with relief at the added support to his frame. Lord Buckley insisted on hunting those dratted little birds. Had the beater thrashing the bushes to get the little devils moving. Wouldn’t you know one of them flew up into a tree. So as Buckley took aim at a partridge in a pear tree, he stumbled backward, knocking me to my arse, then landed on my bent knee.

    Marcus grimaced. Sounds painful.

    With Buckley’s girth, I’m duced lucky he didn’t break the bloody thing. I’ll be hobbling around for weeks. He grinned. You should have seen the head gardener railing against the beater for ruining his shrubs.

    Tetterly sipped his whiskey. "You didn’t answer my question. What brings you here? Could’ve sworn hearing you loudly proclaim you’d never again step a foot in a ton affair, right before you hied off to India."

    No particular reason. Perhaps I wanted to celebrate Christmas with my friends.

    Tetterly snorted. He studied Marcus for a minute, then turned to see what had captured his friend’s attention. Ah. The glorious Lady Surrey. I should have guessed.

    Marcus stiffened. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Give over, old man. If memory serves, you and the charming lady were quite the thing before her parents whisked her off the marriage mart and betrothed her to Surrey. A shame, that.

    Marcus pushed away from the wall.  "Later Tetterly, I see

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