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Forever, My Lycan
Forever, My Lycan
Forever, My Lycan
Ebook115 pages2 hours

Forever, My Lycan

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About this ebook

When Lucas takes Rose home, lust is clouding his mind, and he only thinks about the wild, hot, passionate sex they will have. The words soul mate, true love, eternal never enter his mind, not for a second, until a startling truth arises and he is faced with a shocking discovery.

Rose is not just a one-night stand. She is, what the universe has deemed since the start of time, his one true love. 

Lucas is a powerful lycan and he has just turned Rose into one without her knowledge. Whether he likes it or not, she is his now and he has to find her before the next full moon.

He has to find her before she turns into a beast. 

Release dateJan 10, 2016
Forever, My Lycan

Anastasia Maltezos

Although Anastasia Maltezos loves to read all genres of romance, she does have a particular interest in the paranormal field. When she's not busy writing her next book, she enjoys spending time with her family. You may send Anastasia an email at She loves to hear from her readers. Other books by Anastasia Maltezos on Smashwords: Lycan Prince, Lycan King, Lycan Warrior, Lycan Mate, Her Vampire Lover, The Lycan and his Witch.

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    Forever, My Lycan - Anastasia Maltezos

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    Forever, My Lycan

    Copyright © 2015 Anastasia Maltezos

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    Forever, My Lycan

    Author:  Anastasia Maltezos

    Chapter One


    I said put your clothes on and get out! Lucas roared. 

    His gut wrenched at the look of disbelief on her face, but it could not be helped.  His time was running out.  Lucas tried to control the raging fire slaking through his veins as he fought for breath.  His chest expanded and he swore under his breath, pushing down the powerful transformation spearing his limbs.  Dammit, he could not hold on.  Worse, he could not believe the dire implication of what the hell had just happened.

    Dammit! If there was a loaded gun next to him, he would fire a silver bullet into his chest. Lucas wanted to die for what he had done to this woman.  He muttered a harsh curse word as he watched her dress in a hurry.   His loins tightened with need as he gazed over her smooth skin, her sultry curves, her lush limbs.  Lucas still wanted her, but he resisted the violent urge to take her.  He knew she would die of fright being taken by a beast.  He also knew she would put that gun to his chest once she knew the truth.  She raised a pair of stricken brown eyes to him.

    Lucas? Why are you—

    I said get out! Now!  He roared.

    There was no time left.  He could not control his transformation for another second.  Human warred with animal. Reason fought with instinct. He watched her grab her purse and scramble to the door, her shoulders taut with pain and humiliation.  Anguish ripped his soul.  She slammed the door behind her and Lucas released the hold he was losing fast.  His blood pounded, his pulse quickened, and his skin and bone expanded as he transformed. His beast emerged within moments and Lucas stood over eight feet tall, his jaws snapping with frustration.  He clenched his eyes, raised his jowls, and released a long, feral howl. 

    He brought his monstrous hands to his protruding forehead and sank to the floor.  This cannot be, he growled.

    His mind raced with disbelief.  This was not possible. He had just met her. His mind tried to reason with what had just happened. Lucas had been shocked at the intense wave of attraction that had pummeled his senses when he had seen her tonight, and all he had wanted to do was to bring her back to his place.  Lust had clouded his mind and all he had wanted was one night of mindless sex. She could not be his one, he thought with another wave of disbelief. Even if she was, how could she ever forgive him?

    It was not supposed to happen like this. First, he was supposed to fall in love with his one, then tell her his deep, dark secret before they made love. He had always wanted his one to choose this life of hell, not have it forced upon her the way it had been forced upon him. Damn it! True love was not supposed to happen with a one-night stand.

    Yet, the lycan legend was precise and he could not deny what had just taken place. A lycan would involuntarily transform into his lycan form once he made love to his soul mate, his one, and his one would transform into a lycan on the next full moon.  Lucas raised his eight-foot form off the floor and went to stand by his window.

    He ignored the city’s vast skyline.  He was more interested in what was happening below, fifteen stories down.  With his sharp, lycan sight, he saw her clearly.  He caught the tremors riding her shoulders and his gut clenched with remorse.  She was sobbing. He watched her tuck a long, blonde strand behind her ear and he narrowed his gaze on her profile. His heart plummeted. She was pale with taut, drawn-in features and tears glistened on her lashes.  She pulled her cell phone from her purse. Lucas pressed his ear up against the glass and ignored all the other sounds from the city as he focused on her voice.  She was calling a cab.  He waited until she was safely driving away before he went to the bathroom. He stood before the large mirror and growled. He despised his lycan form—both eyebrows meeting at the bridge of his nose, a ferocious jowl, a low set of pointy ears, a long, monstrous snout.  With no thought at all, he smashed his fist into the glass, shattering the mirror into a thousand pieces.  Any way he looked at it, she was his now.  

    First, he had to find her before the next full moon in two days.  Lucas had to find Rose before she transformed into a beast.


    There were several Rose Bennets listed in New York.  Lucas stared at his computer screen, recalling the information she had given him about herself.  She had mentioned the name of the elementary school she worked at and how she lived only a few blocks from work.  Lucas narrowed his gaze on the list.  Now there were two possible numbers left.

    He glanced at his watch and his mouth thinned.  Rose had just left his place thirty minutes ago.  He knew she would be home by now, but it was four in the morning and he wondered if he should wait until tomorrow to contact her.

    Lucas growled under his breath and reached for his phone.  This could not wait.  He punched in the first number and waited.  The call was answered on the second ring.

    Hello, a woman answered.

    It was his one.  Her soft voice wrapped around him, warming his cold heart, easing the tension in his gut, and he stifled the curse ready to spring from his mouth.  The damn legend was powerful, he thought, but this was not the time to examine it.

    Rose, it is—

    He gritted his teeth, realizing she hung up on him.  He dialed her number again and she answered on the fourth ring.

    Rose, I need to speak with you.

    Please, leave me alone, she said, her voice breaking, and she hung up on him again.

    Guilt slammed his gut.  He wished he could leave her alone, but that was out of the question.  Their one night of passion had set off a series of events that would change the rest of her life in ways that were unimaginable and he had the responsibility to guide her through it all.

    Lucas knew where she taught and decided to go to her school tomorrow at the end of the day.  He had no idea how he was going to explain to her what had happened, but he knew he had to make her listen.


    Lucas pulled into a parking space affording him a clear view of the entrance of the school.  He trained his lycan sight on the few people milling about the front and saw Rose sitting on a bench with a young girl of about nine years old next to her.  He focused on his lycan hearing and listened to what they were saying.

    Thank you for waiting with me, Miss Bennet.  I didn’t want to wait in the nurse’s office.

    Rose patted the young girl’s hand.  I’m happy to be here, Shanelle.  I only wish you had told me earlier you weren’t feeling well.  Your mother could have picked you up at lunch time.

    I wanted to stay for the test.

    Lucas watched Rose’s expression shift and a rise of concern settled on the pretty schoolteacher’s face.  "Honey, you are one of my best students.  Your marks are always well above average and you never miss any school.  You need to go a little easier on yourself.  Once in a while, things will happen in life to veer us off course.  We have to adjust to life’s little obstacles.  In this case, you were feeling sick all day and stayed in class when you should have been home in bed.  Shanelle, I would

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