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Weighing In: How to Choose a Diet and Lifestyle That's Right for You!
Weighing In: How to Choose a Diet and Lifestyle That's Right for You!
Weighing In: How to Choose a Diet and Lifestyle That's Right for You!
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Weighing In: How to Choose a Diet and Lifestyle That's Right for You!

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Sometimes you want to lose a few pounds (or a few dozen) but you can become so overwhelmed by the sheer volume of diets claiming to be healthy and effective that you end up choosing to do nothing. Then again, you may also have heard the chorus of “experts” insisting that diets don’t work. But, given the popularity of diets in the American way of life, it’s obvious that millions of people believe they do.

The reality is that every diet and diet plan does work – for someone! But diet and exercise will only get you so far and it is equally true that the effects of dieting will, in all likelihood, not be permanent unless you really incorporate true changes in lifestyle.

However, a diet can be the tool to give you a jump start. It can give you the kick you need to get off the couch and get moving. That’s why people gravitate to them. They want to change!

By comparing and commenting on a variety of some of the most popular diets and lifestyles actually tried by the author, friends and family, this book can make it easier to decide which one is the best for you.

Part 1 of Weighing In begins with the ABC’s of weight loss basics and metabolism, then moves on to Part 2 which compares ten popular weight loss methods. The author describes each plan or method in some detail and comments on the advantages and/or disadvantages of each. The comparisons include personal examples of both successes and failures as well as sample recipes adapted to suit personal tastes. Part 3 of the book offers the XYZs - lots of suggestions for incorporating lifestyle changes that minimize the stress and strain of everyday life which often cause people to make unhealthy choices. Part 3 does not provide a To-Do List of how to change. It is intended to stoke the fires within each individual reader to uncover their own vision of wellness – of what will work for them personally.

If you’re yo-yo dieting, Weighing In is the book for you.

Release dateJan 9, 2016
Weighing In: How to Choose a Diet and Lifestyle That's Right for You!

Roni Bauer Antenucci, B.A. M.A.

Roni Bauer Antenucci has, like most women today, been reinventing herself throughout her lifetime. Born, raised and married to her husband, John, in New York City, they moved to Connecticut after their marriage. Roni worked continued to work as a private secretary in a large corporation in the City until shortly before their first child was born. After several moves, they finally settled in Rochester, New York. Roni went back to work as a school secretary while the kids were in grade school, then became an office manager, and, finally, a business manager for a church. Suddenly, the children were adults and Roni realized she preferred her volunteer life as a Stephen Minister to her professional life as the church’s Business Manager. Off to college she went to resume her education earning a Bachelor degree in Human Services and a Master degree in Theology both in the same school year. During that time, she and John also became primary caregivers to his parents who had come to live with them. After completing her education, Roni served as the first non-priest female Pastoral Associate in an Assisted Living Facility and Nursing Home. She then went on to serve as a Pastoral Associate in a 750 family church. She has conducted preaching, spirituality, centering prayer and meditation workshops, and designed, developed and facilitated grief groups and sexual abuse groups, researched, wrote and acted in plays designed to educate and raise the level of awareness of women’s roles as equals in the early Church. Roni and John have also conducted missions nationally with Isaiah Ministries. They have traveled extensively throughout the United States and abroad.When the Antenuccis left the Rochester area, they gave away or sold all their possessions, and took off in a fifth-wheel and a truck to fulfill their long-time dream of traveling and ministering across the country. One year turned into eight and they eventually became independent contractors for a map company while moving around the U.S.Roni and John now reside in Sarasota, Florida. After they decided to settle down for good, started a brand new business and a new life in a new community, they were soon hit with a triple whammy! Roni, John and their daughter, Deborah, each came face-to-face with serious illness. Out of those experiences came a firm determination to reinvent herself once more by learning to live a healthier lifestyle and focus on wellness. Thus, was born Natural Road 2 Wellness.The mission of Natural Road 2 Wellness is to walk together for a time on the journey with others as they begin to redefine, reinvent and reshape themselves to achieve their own vision of spirituality, health and wellness. We will provide the highest level possible of information, understanding, support and consultation and will treat all with integrity, respect and care.

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    Book preview

    Weighing In - Roni Bauer Antenucci, B.A. M.A.

    Weighing In

    How to Choose a Diet and Lifestyle That’s Right for You!

    by Roni Bauer Antenucci


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2015 by Roni Bauer Antenucci


    This book is strictly for informational purposes only. Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information presented in this book is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. However, the reader should understand that the information provided does not constitute legal, medical or professional advice of any kind.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.





    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Chapter 2: Weight Loss Basics

    Chapter 3: Weight Loss and Metabolism


    Chapter 4: THE ATKINS DIET

    Chapter 5: THE DOCTOR’S DIET

    Chapter 6: THE DUKAN DIET

    Chapter 7: THE FLAT BELLY DIET

    Chapter 8: THE FRENCH DIET: The Secrets of Why French Women Don’t Get Fat

    Chapter 9: The Mayo Clinic Diet

    Chapter 10: The Mediterranean Diet

    Chapter 11: The Paleo Diet

    Chapter 12: The South Beach Diet

    Chapter 13: The Weight Watchers Diet System


    Chapter 14: Exercise

    Chapter 15: Stress Versus Serenity

    Chapter 16: Worthwhile Tips – Food for Thought


    Bibliography and Resources

    About the Author


    So many people encouraged me to write this book that I don’t know where to begin or who to thank first.

    I suppose I really need to begin with my first Masterminds Meet Up Group. Julie and Gary Larson, Andre Kasberger, Doug Ross and Beth Hillard who tried so hard to teach me the basics of domains, websites and the world of internet marketing. No matter how discouraged I got, their enthusiasm and willingness to share their knowledge kept me going. Beth even convinced me that I could learn to build my own website by taking a course with her from those wonderful teachers, Vicki Apple and Bonnie Dye. In the two hours we spent commuting to their course each week it was impossible not to be aware of Beth’s excitement about developing her techie abilities. When I got stuck, she was always willing to help. Five years later, she still was ready to help. This book would still be sitting in my computer unpublished if Beth hadn’t been willing to bring me up to date on the finer points of web sites and blogging!

    It was through the Masterminds group that I learned about Sara Hand and the Sarasota Barcamp, a two-day techie seminar. Towards the middle of the second day, I was positively convinced that I was very technologically challenged! Then I went to Mike Gussler’s presentation and I heard the only talk that made sense to me during the previous two days. Mike’s willingness to travel from Largo to Sarasota each week in order to share his expertise with a small group of us introduced me to a whole new world of possibilities. The germ of the idea for this book came out of these classes. Thanks to Mike, the germ has finally sprouted, with lots of detours along the way, but with my own personal twist. Hopefully, he will approve!

    It’s also impossible to ignore those helped guide me through the detours on the road to this book. Thanks to my long-time friend, Pat Pelino, who served as a de-facto editor and proof-reader for my first attempt at writing; thanks to my sister-in-law, Pat Antenucci, who put her editing skills to work on the booklet I wrote for our previous business.

    Thanks are due to all those who were my weight-loss models along the way: Bud & Sharon Stoddard whose belief, perseverance and enthusiasm were remarkable; Gloria Treis, Michele Bertot, and my daughter-in-law, Glenna Shultz Antenucci, for the strong examples of grit and determination in their own weight loss journeys. I also need to thank Glenna and my son, John, for providing me with the knowledge of the things I realized were beyond my capabilities. Their dedication for so long to extreme exercising was unbelievable. It exhausted me to watch them!

    My daughter, Debbie Antenucci, is really the one who started me on the Natural Road 2 Wellness. It was largely because of her that I became interested in nutrition. Her belief in the natural, in the value of wholesome foods, healthy, mostly organic eating habits, and her courage and strength in the face of her decades-long battles with cancer have been unbelievable. Not only do I love my daughter, I deeply admire her. Thank you Debbie for being the special person you are!

    Thanks also go to my long-time friend Rosario Garrido, a truly gifted psychotherapist, whose insights and professional experience helped me, as she has so often in the past, to see where I was missing the forest for the trees.

    Our mentors, Bob and Bonnie Salerno, are also on my thank you list. Although we have only known them a few short years, their dedication to educating others about the importance of good nutrition and its relationship to health and wellness has been inspiring. Their willingness share their twenty plus years of experience in the Wellness field, to give of themselves, to teach and guide John and me through the ins and outs of all we needed to learn was invaluable. John and I cherish their friendship and appreciate all they have done for us over the past five years.

    Last, but far from least, I want to thank my husband, John. His constant encouragement, his willingness to shoulder most of the household responsibility while I write, his ability to tolerate my frustration and aggravation when I get stuck, his unbelievable energy for doing the mundane tasks I can’t find time to do – all of it never ceases to amaze me. He is truly my rock!


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