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Alpha Sex Drive Secrets: 101 Ways to Reclaim the Sex Drive You Had as a Young Man... Even if Everything Else You've Tried Has Failed
Alpha Sex Drive Secrets: 101 Ways to Reclaim the Sex Drive You Had as a Young Man... Even if Everything Else You've Tried Has Failed
Alpha Sex Drive Secrets: 101 Ways to Reclaim the Sex Drive You Had as a Young Man... Even if Everything Else You've Tried Has Failed
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Alpha Sex Drive Secrets: 101 Ways to Reclaim the Sex Drive You Had as a Young Man... Even if Everything Else You've Tried Has Failed

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If you're a man interested in safely, naturally and quickly rekindling the surging sex drive you had in your youth... or if you are suffering from ED (erectile dysfunction) or just don't find yourself in "the mood" for sex anymore... then this new book can change that -- fast.

The book is called: "Alpha Sex Drive Secrets"

And it contains 101 ways to reclaim the sex drive you had as a young man... even if everything else you've tried has failed.

Best part:

There are no dangerous drugs to gag down.

And no creams, pills or other "gimmicks" to waste time with.

These are 100% natural and inexpensive (most are free) ways to reclaim the raging sex drive you once had.

Some of the secrets inside include:

* The ancient sex food that is so potent, priests were forbidden to eat it! (And how to get it today in any supermarket.)

* The secret supplement that causes wet dreams. (There's no guarantee this will work for everyone, but if it does... watch out!)

* What the Holy Bible says about increasing your desire to have sex. (Hint: If you are a man who likes breasts then you will love this!)

* Casanova's bizarre sex drive drink. (Casanova was perhaps the most famous lover in history. Here's how he kept his sex drive strong... and how YOU can, too...)

* Little-known "mind tricks" you can use on yourself to rekindle a snuffed out sex drive almost instantly.

* The one nutrient almost everyone with low sex drive is missing (and the good news is it's dirt cheap and VERY easy to find).

* The FIRST thing you get checked out if your libido is lagging. (Almost nobody thinks this could be the problem, but in today's high-tech world, it's often the MAIN cause!)

* Ways to naturally boost testosterone in your body starting right away. (Healthy testosterone is essential for having a healthy sex drive, here's what to do...)

* The "natural Viagra" that works almost as well as the drug -- and without any of the side effects.

* How Ronald Reagan and Bob Hope kept their energy levels high and lived so long. (And how it can increase your desire to have sex again.)

* A special way of doing pushups that can recharge your sex drive almost overnight.

* How to "trick" your sex drive into working again!

* Why farmers tend to have low sex drive (and how to make sure you don't make the same mistake they do no matter what your occupation).

* Yoda's sex drive "booster."

* How your chair could be stealing your sex drive right out from under you! (This one tip alone could solve all kinds of sexual and urinary problems. See chapter 52.)

* How to regain a lost libido simply by turning off your cell phone!

* George Costanza's weird (but highly effective) sex drive system.

* A secret way to sleep with your wife that's almost guaranteed to get you back in the mood in no time flat!

* Why your pets could be dampening your sex drive without you even realizing it.

* How ancient Samurai kept themselves (and their libidos) in tip-top shape without doing a lick of exercise or even moving their bodies.

* And much, much more...

Bottom line?

It's a simple matter of common sense and biology we men are propelled by our sex drives. Take away a man's sex drive, and you take away his birthright.

You also take away his drive to succeed.

His ability to father offspring.

And yes, his very manhood.

Well, guess what?

This book can make sure that NEVER happens to you.

If you are currently suffering from low sex drive (or NO sex drive), tell your wife to brace herself — because daddy's going to be wanting him some lovin' real soon.

Grab your copy today and be back in "action" as early as tomorrow!

Release dateFeb 26, 2012
Alpha Sex Drive Secrets: 101 Ways to Reclaim the Sex Drive You Had as a Young Man... Even if Everything Else You've Tried Has Failed

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book ! Useful tips on the way in your pocket.

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Alpha Sex Drive Secrets - Radu Belasco


If you want to safely, naturally and quickly rekindle the surging sex drive you had as a young man... or if you are suffering from E.D. (erectile dysfunction) or just don’t find yourself in the mood for sex anymore... then this could be one of the most important books you ever read.

Here is why:

It’s a simple matter of common sense and biology us men are propelled by our sex drives. Take away a man’s sex drive, and you take away his birthright.

You also take away his drive to succeed.

His ability to father offspring.

And yes, his very manhood.

In fact, to paraphrase the esteemed George Costanza from Seinfeld:

A man without a sex drive is not truly a man

Well, guess what?

In the following pages we’re going to try to make sure that never happens to you. If you are currently suffering from low sex drive (or no sex drive), tell your wife to brace herself — because daddy’s going to be wanting him some lovin’ real soon.

How soon?

I cannot say for sure.

For some, these principles may take months to work.

For others, weeks.

But in some cases, it might even happen...


Maybe even this very night.

Again, there are no guarantees.

And I’m definitely not a doctor.

However, inside this book are 101 tips for reclaiming the sex drive you had when you were a young man that have worked for thousands of years for men all over the world.

And maybe... just maybe... they’ll work for you, too.

There’s only one way to find out.

Read through and try them out.

None of these tips are complicated.

Many don’t cost any money whatsoever.

And they have worked not only for myself... but I truly believe they will help you, too.

Radu Belasco

P.S. One more thing: Even though there are 101 tips in this book, you do not have to read it in any specific order. It’s designed so you can open it to any page, at any time, and find a proven tip for boosting your sex drive.

Just flip through the pages and read whatever stands out.

Some tips are interconnected and if one tip is related to another (or strengthens another) it’s noted.

Most of the chapters are no more than a half page (give or take) long.

And they are designed to be read, absorbed and implemented extremely fast.

So feel free to jump through it, skipping, reading and focusing on whatever suits you. You are in no way bound to read this book cover to cover or in any specific order to extract gold from it.

1 - Use It or Lose It, Stud

This is the most important sex drive tip, in my opinion.

Most low sex drive problems have to do with not using it in the first place.

Think of your sex drive like a muscle.

If you don’t use it, it will atrophy and wither away, and the last thing you’ll want to do is use it. Medical experts have even done detailed scientific studies on how not using your body parts makes them worthless — where they had athletic young football players lay in bed for two weeks straight, not allowed to get out of bed (even to answer the call of nature).

The result?

They Couldn’t Even Walk Afterwards!

Well guess what?

It’s the exact same thing with your sex drive.

And this is a tragedy.

You should be virile and ready to go — to please your wife (sexually), to show her why YOU are the man, and to use that sexual energy to attain our goals.

This is a whole topic in and of itself.

But an active sex drive gives you a lot of power.

This is something men with big accomplishments have known for thousands of years. Most men waste their sex drives and never use that energy to do great things.

No Good!

It’s also not necessary, either.

Unless you have a medical condition where you simply cannot get an erection (we’ll talk about some of those in this book) then you must have sex with your wife.



And eagerly.

Doing so will automatically make your sex drive stronger each time.

It’s not unlike lifting weights in that sense.

So go forth and make love to your wife — tonight!

Your sex drive will thank you for it...

2 - Don’t Be a Eunuch

This second tip is probably the most important from a purely psychological point of view.

And that is having a submissive wife.

There is nothing sexier to the average, red-blooded man than a wife who is submissive, and who is his help mate — there to assist him in his goals in life. (As opposed to a cold, standoffish control freak who thinks of you as her house man — a name my wife’s cousins actually gave to her live-in boyfriend!) I’m talking about a wife who is a willing partner there to encourage and support you... instead of nagging and trying to control you.

This is, sadly, most marriages today.

Most marriages are dominated by the wife.

And men are being basically de-balled as a result.

And if you have no balls (a eunuch figuratively or literally)...

You Have No Sex Drive!

Like it or not, that’s how it is.

So the first thing to do if you have sex drive problems (besides have sex with your wife more often — Alpha Sex Drive Secret #1) is evaluate your marriage and make sure you are the leader — not the follower. That she is the submissive one — not you. And that you are the man in charge — not the follower tugging at her skirt hoping she’ll have sex with you Saturday night since you did the dishes or whatever.

This will make the feminists howl in anger.

Good, let the hags howl.

Because men who are not the leaders are often nagged, dragged around and, eventually, cheated on as their wives and girlfriends seek out someone who will lead them.

Of course, if

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