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MIND READING: Clairvoyance and Psychic Development
MIND READING: Clairvoyance and Psychic Development
MIND READING: Clairvoyance and Psychic Development
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MIND READING: Clairvoyance and Psychic Development

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Unlock Your Hidden Mind-Reading Power! 

No matter what people say, there's no escaping the fact that they may be thinking something different. 

Have you ever wished you knew what someone was thinking? 

Mind Reading is available to download right now! 
You'll learn to empty your mind, in order to understand the thoughts of others. This book helps you to look beyond the physical world and converse with people in a new way. 

Why do some people always seem to know what's going on? 
You can develop your empathic skills as well, helping you relate better with everyone from young children to complete strangers. By studying body-language, facial expressions, and emotional reactions, you can vastly improve your social skills! 
Also, discover out the science of mirror neurons and stimulating your cognitive skills - which can help you peer deeper into the mysteries of people's minds. 

Download How to Read Minds today, develop your perception skills, and become a master of the mind! 

PublisherCrystal Muss
Release dateJan 18, 2016
MIND READING: Clairvoyance and Psychic Development


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    MIND READING - Crystal Muss

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    When you watch TV shows where a mind reader is used to deduct certain truths, you wonder whether this is actually possible. You may be surprised to find that scientific evidence is becoming stronger in favor of every single human being having the capability of reading minds. Most are undeveloped at the skill, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not there. It needs honing. This book takes that element of thought that helps you to read someone else’s mind and shows you how.

    The problems that people encounter in trying to read minds is that they have not yet developed and honed the skills needed. Once these are known skills that can be tapped into, anyone can read the minds of people around them. In the TV show The Mentalist viewers saw Patrick Jane helping police to get to the bottom of crimes. He had previously been involved with psychic work that exploited people, but developed this ability to read minds that was a very useful one. We all have that ability, but until you learn to use it, it’s useless to you.

    Imagine being able to please people around you by anticipating their needs. Imagine being able to break that male/female barrier and being able to understand the opposite sex. Well, you can but you must be prepared to put some time into it because this isn’t a skill that you can develop overnight. There are those who purport that this can be learned in a matter of minutes, though that’s hardly likely. It takes a while to learn behaviors. If you really want to use your psychic abilities, then have the patience to learn.

    However, all of your behaviors, all the way through your life, may be hampering the ability. In the busy world in which we live, people have forgotten how to use instincts and to make those instincts pay off by knowing that they are accurate. It takes a while to gain this confidence, but when you can, you will be able to read the minds of people and find a much more harmonious lifestyle.

    Isn’t that worth trying?

    Chapter 1 – Understanding the Basics of Mind Reading

    First, let's clarify one thing straight off the bat. There is no such thing as real mind reading. This opinion has been proven through the overwhelming plethora of academic studies, research, sting operations, and oh so many other attempts at validating or debunking the psychic arts, in no unspecific terms - despite what conspiracy theorists like to point out.

    Now, while some of you believers are indubitably getting outraged or sobbing quietly into your whoopie cushions, and you skeptics are smugly and insufferably smirking, consider the impact of that statement. It means that there is no one who is born with the ability to perform this art, and that it's an open field for anyone who wishes to indulge in it. As long as you have the patience and dedication to study and apply it to every aspect of your life with as much perseverance as you would pursue, say, getting laid.

    This particular fact has been accepted so readily by practitioners and academics of psychology that it has led to the development of an entirely new stream in psychology – Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP, which I'm quite sure many of you have seen mentioned in varying places or articles (particularly so if you've attended seminars or conferences held by new-age Marketing Gurus).

    With that in mind, the basics of mind reading rely on a few foundational pearls of wisdom:

    A] While everyone is unique in some way, no one is truly unique.

    B] The reason why mind reading works well is because everyone wishes and believes they're truly unique. Yet, refer to rule A.

    C] Even people who don't seem great at making connectionswant to make a connection, but are afraid of rejection or have trust issues or hold themselves back by repeating to themselves that no one out there can truly understand them.

    D] People are always willing to share more about themselves than they realize, and only refrain from doing so because no one has used the proper approach to get them to open up yet.

    E] As long as you're confident and hold your own, a significant number of people will deeply believe the version of themselves that you paint them out to be, since they themselves want to believe that that's who they truly are.

    F] No one wants to believe as deeply as a skeptic, yet no one is as much on their guard as a skeptic either.

    G] Perception often trumps truth.

    H] A mob is far easier to predict than an individual. However, two to three people are far harder to convince than an individual, unless one individual in that group is significantly higher in the power dynamic than the other two. In that case, if you target and convince that individual, the rest of the group usually follows along.

    I] When starting off, always go from vague to specific. Mind reading works on a pyramid, where you move towards the specifics as you reach higher.

    Remember these basics as we move on to the practical parts of Mind reading, which we will explore in sequence in the subsequent chapters.

    What does it mean to Read Minds?

    What does it really mean to read someone's mind? It is a useful skill you might ask? The answer is YES! Once you learn the secrets to reading people's minds you will be able to navigate much more successfully through life.

    Imagine being able to read your bosses mind, the next time you go into a meeting? What if you were able to sense and feel what your spouse or loved ones were thinking at any given moment? Would that help you in life? Of course, it would because you would be able to shift your thinking, in response to what people were thinking and feeling.

    Everything in life requires communication, and there are many different ways to communicate with someone. When you communicate with people, you are also communicating with their human energy field.

    This human energy field is a reflection of your physical, emotional and spiritual conditions and it is actually extremely sensitive.

    This energy field is really your human aura - and it emanates all around you. Your aura acts like an invisible energy field that surrounds you. Just as you have an aura, so does everyone else.

    The aura is kind of like an invisible shield that surrounds all living things. Animals and plants have an aura just like people. Some people can see auras whereas others cannot. Your aura is like your energy imprint and it’s important to keep in mind that there are multiple ways to sense your aura from literally seeing it, to sensing it or feeling it.

    There are many facets to communication, including verbal and non-verbal. Developing these skills can give you the edge you need to succeed in life. Often times when we think of communication, we think in terms of only speaking and listening, however, messages are also being sent and received non-verbally. People react not only to what you say, but how you say it, in terms of your body language and the non-verbal clues you display.

    Non-Verbal Communication

    Non-verbal communication is the unspoken part of communication, often referred

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