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Werewolves: The Truth Behind History's Scariest Shape-Shifters
Werewolves: The Truth Behind History's Scariest Shape-Shifters
Werewolves: The Truth Behind History's Scariest Shape-Shifters
Ebook52 pages12 minutes

Werewolves: The Truth Behind History's Scariest Shape-Shifters

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About this ebook

Stories about ferocious werewolves killing everything in their paths have been around for thousands of years. Take young readers on a trip through time to learn about ancient and medieval lore about werewolves. Then explore how werewolf stories have changed over time until these monsters became the troubled and distant creatures often seen in today's popular culture.
Release dateDec 21, 2015

Sean McCollum

Award-winning author Sean McCollum has written more than 30 nonfiction books and hundreds of articles for children and teens. Currently living in the United States Virgin Islands in the Caribbean Sea, he has sailed on ships big and small, and always checks where the lifeboats are stowed.

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    As a full moon rises above the forest, fog creeps between the black shapes of trees. Soon an eerie howl rises above the mist, Ah-WOO-oooo! When we hear that sound in the movies it can mean only one thing—a werewolf is on the prowl!

    Werewolves aren’t real, but long ago many people believed they were. Tales about them have existed for thousands of years wherever wolves have roamed. These fierce monsters have gone through many changes throughout history. Beliefs about werewolves in ancient times were very different from how they’re seen today.

    In the past these monsters often appeared as bloodthirsty predators. They prowled through the night and attacked anything that moved. However, in modern stories werewolves are often the unfortunate victims of a curse. Sometimes they’re even seen as heroes that fight

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