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All We Have: Thirty-Eight, #4
All We Have: Thirty-Eight, #4
All We Have: Thirty-Eight, #4
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All We Have: Thirty-Eight, #4

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Sydney. The ‘it’ capital of Australia.

Yet, Allison O’Connor wants nothing more than to escape from its grasps. The infamous Kings Cross bores her. And in order to stay clear of the lifestyle that slowly chokes her, she decides it’s times to finally become an adult and move to Melbourne. It also means going after the one man that she can’t quite forget. But in doing so, Ally soon discovers that moving to Melbourne could spark the biggest fight she’s ever faced: The fight for Robert Moors’ reluctant heart.

Robert Moors has one thing on his mind: making the Australian National Rowing Team and with that, The Olympic Team. All he’s done is train and ensure no distractions get in the way of achieving his dream. However, Fate has other plans. And her name, Allison O’Connor. The young socialite’s all sorts of trouble that Rob and his image doesn’t need. But staying away from her is a lot harder than he’s ever imagined. She’s everything he never knew he needed. And she’s everything that could obliterate his career and his chance at The Olympics.

They both have choices to make.

But with all choices comes consequences. And some consequences will destroy everything they worked hard to create and call theirs.

PublisherLen Webster
Release dateJan 26, 2016
All We Have: Thirty-Eight, #4

Len Webster

Associate Professor Len Webster has expertise in educational policy, educational development, quality development and flexible learning. Currently he is the Educational Adviser in the Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching (CALT) at Monash University, Australia. He previously was the director of an educational development unit in the Faculty of Law, Monash University, where he was the Faculty Quality Development Coordinator. He has also been a reviewer of the Australian University Quality Agency conference proceedings.

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    Book preview

    All We Have - Len Webster

    The Sometimes Moments Collection

    Sometimes Moments (Sometimes Moments #1)

    Sometimes, Forever (Sometimes Moments #2) Coming Sooon

    Thirty-Eight Series

    Forever Starts Today (Thirty-Eight #.5) Coming Soon

    Thirty-Eight Days (Thirty-Eight #1)

    Thirty-Eight Reasons (Thirty-Eight #2)

    What We’ll Leave Behind (Thirty-Eight #2.5)

    What You Left Behind (Thirty-Eight #3)

    All We Have (Thirty-Eight #4)

    With The First Goodbye (Thirty-Eight #5) Coming Soon

    The Ribbon Duology

    The Ribbon Chasers: a short story (Ribbon #0.5)

    The Ribbon Catchers: (Ribbon #1) Coming Soon

    The Ribbon Release: (Ribbon #2) Coming Soon

    Sydney. The ‘it’ capital of Australia.

    Yet, Allison O’Connor wants nothing more than to escape from its grasps. The infamous Kings Cross bores her. And in order to stay clear of the lifestyle that slowly chokes her, she decides it’s times to finally become an adult and move to Melbourne. It also means going after the one man that she can’t quite forget. But in doing so, Ally soon discovers that moving to Melbourne could spark the biggest fight she’s ever faced: The fight for Robert Moors’ reluctant heart.

    Robert Moors has one thing on his mind: making the Australian National Rowing Team and with that, The Olympic Team. All he’s done is train and ensure no distractions get in the way of achieving his dream. However, Fate has other plans. And her name, Allison O’Connor. The young socialite’s all sorts of trouble that Rob and his image doesn’t need. But staying away from her is a lot harder than he’s ever imagined. She’s everything he never knew he needed. And she’s everything that could obliterate his career and his chance at The Olympics.

    They both have choices to make.

    But with all choices comes consequences. And some consequences will destroy everything they worked hard to create and call theirs.

    There is a man who would give his life to keep a life you love beside you.

    -Charles Dickens

    For ‘Rob.’

    You taught me that loving myself meant more.

    In the end, it was always right.

    You have your dreams, and I have mine.

    And in the distance between us were all the dreams we found to live by.

    Fifteen years ago

    Julian, darling, stay by Mummy’s side, their mother called.

    But, Mum, I don’t want to be near the water! Rob’s nine-year-old brother argued.

    Their mother’s nostrils flared in annoyance. Arthur, could you please get that boy of yours? He’s going to fall into the Yarra!

    Julian. Their dad chased him as Julian laughed like he ruled the world. He ran along the riverbank until their father caught him. Got you!

    I let you get me, old man!

    Rob turned his head to see Julian on their father’s shoulders.

    You know you’re only nine. You shouldn’t call me old man yet, his dad said looking up at Julian.

    If you say so, old man.

    Robbie, honey, are you listening? his mother asked in her calm and soothing voice. His mother was the only person who ever really called him ‘Robbie.’ He loved it. It made him feel special. His brother and father used it occasionally but not like his mother did. Otherwise, everyone called him ‘Rob;’ it sounded more grown up and he liked that, too.

    She was the best mother known to anyone. And he smiled at the way her light blue eyes sparkled at him.

    Yes, Mum, he replied.

    His mother smiled proudly as she handed him an oar. You’re the grandson of a world champion. Whether you want to row for fun or as a sport, it’s all up to you, my love.

    Rob gazed out at the rowers from the row club gliding their boats through the water so effortlessly. He’d overheard them at the club talking about the upcoming world championship and winning gold at the Olympics. Rob wanted to do that when he was older. He wanted to make his mother proud.

    I’m going to do that, Mum, Rob said. He turned to see her staring at him.

    Do what?

    I’m going to win you a gold medal. You’re going to be proud of me. You’ll see.

    His mother stood up and wrapped her arms around him tightly. Robbie, I’m already proud of you. You do what makes you feel like you’ll be a proud man someday, okay? You be a good man when you grow up, she said into his hair.

    He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her with as much love. I promise, Mum.

    Seven months ago

    What if she marries him, Rob? What do I do then? How do I—

    Stop, Robert Moors interrupted as he glared at his nervous best friend. Noel, seriously. You gotta stop. Clara won’t marry him.

    Noel had sighed before he glanced at the main table. His eyes trained on Clara Lawrence. The young, beautiful brunette Noel had fallen in love with almost a year ago. I don’t want to go back to Boston without her. I don’t even want a life without her. He can give her everything, and I can’t even give her security or reassurance. I can’t buy her a future.

    Rob picked up his beer and paused. See, he said and took a long pull of the cold beverage.

    See what?

    You can’t buy her a future.

    His best friend raised his brow sceptically at him. I said that.

    "Sure, the bastard is a millionaire, but he can’t buy Clara’s happiness or her future. No amount of money will ever make her happy. You know that. She’s said it herself. Liam can’t give her everything. He’s not you. He’ll never be you. She loves you. Shit, she went behind her brother’s back to fall in love with you. Soul mates. That’s what you both are. All that love crap my old man goes on about is you and Clara. You gotta be patient with her."

    I know. Noel stared at the cutlery in front of him as the chatter of the rehearsal dinner continued around them. "But every day she hasn’t left him tears at my hope for us. Rob, I don’t want anyone but her. I don’t think I could look at another woman. Clara’s ruined me. I took it. I wanted it. I wanted her … Hell, I need her."

    Rob set a hand on Noel’s shoulder. I know, mate. I know. She’ll leave him.

    I hope it’s soon, Noel uttered and forced his lips into a smile.

    The sound of a chair scraping against the floor had Rob tilting his head to see one of his other best friends, Alex Lawrence, taking the seat in front of them. He muttered, This is fucking bullshit!

    You ‘right there? Rob asked.

    Alex shook his head and then quickly cringed. Since his car accident several months back, Alex had been getting headaches and a stiff neck. What do you think? Then he pointed at Noel. And what the hell are you doing? If you’re trying to win my sister back, you’re doing a shithouse job. If you missed the notice, this is her rehearsal dinner, Noel.

    You don’t think I’ve tried, Alex? Noel growled.

    Rob sat back in his chair, prepared to play peacekeeper between his two best friends. Let’s not make a scene, boys. The girl you both love will not be happy. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Maxwell Sheridan about to pass their table. Quickly, Rob grasped Max by the arm to stop him. You, sit. Might need your help with these two.

    Max glanced back and forth between Noel and Alex. Only if you promise the next round of drinks at PJ’s is your shout.


    Boys, Max announced and took the seat to Rob’s left. Let’s not get arrested tonight. I don’t feel like calling in any favours.

    No one’s getting arrested, Alex assured. We just gotta work out this mess.

    No kidding, Max said.

    When Rob felt the tension had somewhat lightened within their group of friends, he exhaled heavily and folded his arms over his chest. The discussion of how to stop Clara’s wedding commenced around him. His friends would hush when people walked past their table, but they’d continue their conversation seconds later.

    I don’t want to be like him, Rob heard someone say to his right.

    Allison, we are not discussing this right now, a man with an Irish accent said strongly.

    He got to move here. Why can’t I? the girl from before asked.

    Because the company needs you to continue to do this.

    The unknown girl let out a huff. "What? Whore myself around? I can’t do this anymore."

    Rob’s interest in the conversation piqued. Tuning out his friends, he focused on the girl’s soft voice.

    You are not whoring yourself around, Allison. Don’t be ridiculous!

    It feels like it. I feel like one. Let me go to school. Let me do something that doesn’t involve the company. Please, Dad, she begged.

    Allison, I’m not going to discuss this with you. Not here and definitely not now. Your brother doesn’t need this from you. Now, you sit with him and don’t mention any of this to him. Do I make myself clear?

    Yes, loud and clear. The girl conceded defeat, and Rob was disappointed for her and in her. In her voice, he heard her fight. The fire. But it wasn’t quite there.

    Curious, Rob craned his neck to see a young woman hugging herself. Her long, ash-blonde hair was curled and past her shoulders, resting on her pale, blue dress. She was tall but still shorter than he was. Her skin was on the creamier side of tan. He could only see the side of her face as her hair was like a veil. Rob squinted, hoping to see more of her. Then she turned her face, scanning the room. The moment her hazel eyes discovered his, Rob clenched his fists. His heart didn’t burst or became frantic like in the movies. It slowed. Like it told him to be aware of this woman, of her stare and of this moment. His breathing was just the same. Shallow and uneven. She held his gaze. The softness of the colour of her eyes was beautiful. Her lips were plump and her cheekbones defined. She was beautiful. Not in the way he had expected. She was beautiful in the way that it seemed like she didn’t know that she was.


    Her father had called her that. Allison was stunning. Allison was reserved. Allison had a fire in her that needed to burn. And Rob found himself intrigued by the way she looked at him. Her lips had tugged slightly upwards before she tore their shared gazes and passed him.

    That’s Ally, Max whispered next to him. That’s the enemy’s little sister. I met her at Clara’s dinner last week. She’s hot, right?

    Enemy … fuck.

    Rob shifted his focus to Max and glared at him. She’s like twelve.

    A smirk plastered Max’s face. You wish she was.

    Ally O’Connor spotted exiting club with a new man.

    Sydney socialite and millionaire rumoured to be on party binge.

    Sydney’s party princess high at exclusive event.

    Ally O’Connor is a whore and here’s why …

    Allison O’Connor continued to swipe at the countless online articles about herself on her iPhone. Report after report. Lie after lie. Her reputation—all but in tatters or none at all. It had reached the point of suffocation. She hated it. Pictures and videos of her all over the Internet. Some parents would be disappointed, embarrassed really, but Ally’s parents encouraged her promiscuous façade. It was all for the family business. O’Connor Investments. The moment she took her first breaths, her life had already been chosen for her. She was an O’Connor. An heiress from conception and a socialite the moment she had turned sixteen. All the things she had been entitled to, her father had once said.

    But Ally didn’t want any of it. She didn’t want the inheritance or the social title. Her brother had grown up just the same. However, Liam had managed to sneak away; he had taken up a deal with their father. And that was the first thing you were taught as a child: An O’Connor never backs out of a deal. Unfortunately for Ally, her father had refused every freedom proposition she had thrown his way. It seemed her party lifestyle was too much of an asset. Truth be told, she was a whore. Of course, minus the sex. Her father and the company had abused her image to benefit rewards: investment opportunities.

    You’re frowning, Clara Lawrence, her soon-to-be sister-in-law, stated.

    Ally tucked her phone into her clutch and smiled. Oh, you know, Dustin messaged me. Dustin Fletcher was Australia’s latest hot actor. Home and Away’s latest eye candy. Sure, she had thought he was an absolute god in the looks department, but personality-wise, the guy couldn’t hold a conversation with a brick wall. However, Dustin seemed so average and forgettable the moment Ally had locked eyes with one of the rehearsal dinner guests. His light blue eyes captured her attention. Held it tightly under his questioning gaze. Remarkable, that was the impression he had left. Absolutely remarkable.

    You’re a liar. I know that’s just for the magazines. You can’t stand Dustin, Ally.

    I can’t get anything past you.

    Clara shook her head. Nope. You seriously need to stand up to your father.

    I’ve tried. She sighed. But he wasn’t having any of it. My obscene public image is worth more than my brother’s investment know-how. There’s no escape. I’m stuck being O’Connor Investments’ public slut.

    Stop that! Clara scolded as she brushed her curly brunette hair over her shoulder. You’re far from that. Last time I checked you’re a …

    Ally groaned. A virgin, Clara?

    She nodded.

    "Which just makes the whole persona a total lie. And what’s worse is that none of the men I’ve been rumoured to have had anything sexual with have even touched me. So it makes being a whore even more fitting. I’m a pretend whore."

    Sweetheart, Liam, Ally’s older brother, interrupted.

    Clara turned around and smiled at her fiancé. But Ally saw right past it. It wasn’t quite complete. Not as loving as it should be. Her brother’s fiancée was also a pretender. For selfish reasons, Ally had hoped Clara would marry Liam—she’d never had a sister before. But ever since Clara had tried on wedding dresses, Ally knew she loved someone else. She had overheard Stevie and Clara talking about someone named Noel.

    Dessert’s being served, Liam said.

    Okay. We’re going to talk about this in detail, Ally. We’re going to make a plan, Clara promised.

    Ally gave a shrug. Sure, sure. Let’s get me some alcohol and cake, shall we?

    Alcohol? Liam raised his brow. For the past year, she’d been refusing alcohol and there had been a reason. She’d been telling her family it was to detox, but that was also a lie. It was a better reason than the truth. There was no point in worrying them; her feelings came second to the concerns of the family company.

    Detox is over. Plus, we’re celebrating! So lead the way, Ally urged as she tried to push the guilt that had recoiled back into the pit of her stomach.

    I’m a liar and a pretender.

    Frankly, there’s a special place in hell for someone like me.

    If there was anything Robert Moors wanted more in his life, it was to be away from this rehearsal dinner. The kind of dinner had four forks on one side and about six knives on the other. It screamed high class. It screamed millions. It was not a place for a Moors and certainly not for Rob. His brother, Julian, maybe. But that was a far stretch. However, several reasons kept his rear in his seat.

    His best friend, Alex, would call him a shit friend for bailing on his kid sister’s rehearsal dinner.

    His other best friend, Noel, would do something that would wind them in jail.

    Allison O’Connor.

    Rob sighed. That list wasn’t quite in order. Allison O’Connor was actually number one, but Rob didn’t want to admit that. He had priorities and his best friends and their problems mattered more than the young woman he was staring at. Allison’s eyes were on her phone as her brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law chatted next to her. For a moment, Rob focused on her, watching the way her frown deepened. It was cute. Caused that same slow burn in his chest that he’d felt when he first saw her.

    There was something about her. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about Allison. Maybe it was that fire that didn’t burn ferociously enough in her voice that interested him. But he’d never know. He’d stay away. Allison O’Connor was the enemy. She was the little sister of Liam O’Connor. And to put it simply, Rob hated the guy. Liam was engaged to Clara. The same woman his best friend, Noel, had fallen in love with last year.

    You all right? Alex asked once he took the seat next to Rob.

    He tore his gaze from Allison and nodded at his best friend. Yeah. Can’t wait for this to be over. I’m all for supporting your sister and everything, but I can’t help but feel like we’re betraying Noel by being here, Rob confessed.

    I know. I hate sitting here and doing absolutely nothing. But she’s my sister and she comes first. Alex rubbed his face with his palms and let out a huff.

    Where is Noel?

    At the bar.

    Rob shifted in his seat to see Noel standing by the bar, glass of whiskey in his hand, staring at Clara. Should we be letting him drink?

    He’s hurting, Rob. But he knows it’ll upset her if he does anything stupid. He’ll be all right. Plus, Max is keeping an eye on him, Alex explained.

    Reckon he’ll ever tell Noel about him and Andrea? You know … New York? He swung his attention back on Alex to see him shake his head.

    Alex’s eyes fell to the table. Probably not. Just like he still hasn’t told me that Sarah cheated on me with him. It’s been seven years.

    Does it matter now?

    His best friend chuckled. Honestly? I couldn’t give two fucks. Not then. Not now. I’m in love with Keira. I’m gonna marry her someday. Sarah and I, we were at that rough patch where we weren’t really together. She slept with God knows how many men when she was with me. When Sarah told me, I knew it was to hurt me. She had me choose, and well, I chose Max. The kid’s been in love with her since he was eight. I shouldn’t have gone after her. But I know it would hurt Noel if he found out. He loved Andrea.

    He loves your sister more. Look at him, Rob pointed out. They both watched Noel throw back his whiskey the moment he saw Liam and Clara kiss. I don’t think Max and Andrea would ever hurt him the way watching Liam and Clara together does.

    I never thought he’d fall in love with her. When I realised something had happened between them, I thought it was just sex, but it never was. I don’t know if our friendship will survive if she marries Liam. I’m scared for Noel, Alex admitted.

    I am, too, Rob agreed.

    Alex’s hand settled on his shoulder. Hey, so I heard about you and Stevie. How’s that going?


    Rob flinched. He wasn’t sure what to say. Since coming back from New York, things between them had shifted. And after Stevie had helped Clara pick out her wedding dress, she was more reluctant than ever before. He knew she was still not over an ex, and he wasn’t sure how to get her to move on. He had decided that he’d give her time. He’d give her the space she had asked for last week. But the more space he gave her, the more disconnected Rob felt from Stevie.

    I don’t know, he mumbled as he tapped his right index finger on the white-clothed covered table. The only time he’d ever lied to Alex Lawrence was when he’d kept the secret of Noel and Clara from him. Rob hadn’t wanted to but Alex had to see their love for himself.

    Well, I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Alex said as he squeezed his shoulder.

    Yeah, we— Rob’s phone vibrated in his jacket interrupting him. He dug his hand into his pocket and retrieved it to find his younger brother, Julian, calling. Hey, Alex, I better take this. It’s Julian.

    Alex dropped his hand from Rob’s shoulder and nodded. Make sure you grill his ass for missing my sister’s wedding. Milan or not, he’s family. He should be here.

    Rob had stood up from his chair and pressed his lips together before he confessed, He doesn’t think the wedding’s happening. That’s why he didn’t come.

    Alex raised a brow as he folded his arms over his chest. Bastard’s pretty confident.

    Sliding his thumb across his screen, Rob brought the phone to his ear. Alex reckons you’re a confident bastard for not being here, he said to his brother.

    "Tell Alex to shut his trap or I’ll tell Keira about the time I made him cry! The wedding isn’t happening, Julian said with conviction. So I’m bored and I’m guessing you’d be, too. Wanna chat? Update me on your last race. Tell them it’s a family emergency."

    Rob rolled his eyes. Alex, I’ll be back. Julian’s bored.

    Go, Alex said with a chuckle. Can’t leave Julian bored. What a terrible brother you are.

    Tell Alex I heard that! Julian retorted.

    Rob raised his chin at Alex as he listened to Julian mumble on about being in Italy for work. Then he turned and made his way towards the exit of the hotel’s ballroom. As he made his way into the hallway, he bumped into Stevie, spilling her drink all over her.

    "Shit! Stevie, are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

    Julian made a gagging sound into the phone.

    She wiped the champagne off her black dress. It’s fine, Rob. I’ll see you later.

    He grasped her wrist to stop her. Promise? I really need to talk to you.

    "Jesus, Rob! You sound pathetic. Rob and Steven sitting in a tree—"

    Enough! Rob barked.

    Stevie flinched and then pulled her wrist free. Okay. Enough, then.

    No, Stevie. I was talking to my brother, J—

    She shook her head at him. It’s fine. And before he could even explain, Stevie had left him alone in the empty hallway.

    Thanks a lot, Julian, he muttered into the speaker.

    What’s so special about this Steven anyway?

    Shaking his head, Rob made his way towards the lobby of the Hotel Windsor. If you’d have come home, you’d know.

    Julian let out an unbelievable laugh. Sorry, Rob. No Steven will bring me home. Now catch me up on rowing. Still on track for that gold in Rio?

    The corner of Rob’s mouth curved upwards. Yeah, still on track. Can’t let Mum down. I won’t miss another Olympics. I’m winning that gold.

    A girl with such a family, you can really go so far. Have you thought about attending… The moment she heard ‘attending,’ Ally tuned out the Environmental Minister. She was sure her brother’s upcoming wedding had every politician, businessman, and anyone with seven figures sitting in their bank account invited. Ally had recognised the names filling the wedding guest list as opportunists. Men and women who wanted in on the O’Connor circuit. Being linked with anything O’Connor-related got you opportunities; thus, the people who had surrounded her all her life had been opportunists.

    She was used to it. She was able to spot an opportunist a mile away. However, as she tilted her head and focused on Clara, surrounded by two young women, she knew she was lucky. Being born into the lifestyle made Ally immune to all the fakes. Her soon-to-be sister-in-law was marrying into it, completely unaware that becoming an O’Connor meant never being your true self ever again. And leaving Clara to fend for herself made her feel guilty. As much as she wanted Clara to be her sister, she would much rather see her happy. And that meant staying away from the O’Connor name. Sacrifices had to be made in order to make sure her friend never saw the tainted lives they all lived. Money was poison. Reputation was power. And Ally knew Clara wasn’t the kind of person to really accept this life.

    Excuse me, Minister, Ally said, not even giving him another glance. He could have been the politician version of Hugh Jackman and she couldn’t care less. What attracted men to her was her surname and her easy reputation. Well, supposed easy reputation. Only a few knew that her public image was a complete fabrication.

    Oh, come on, Clara. We can show you all the places in Sydney where you can go shopping. There’s this exclusive strip that we know you can get in. We’ve never been but you marrying Liam will definitely get you on that list, a woman in her early twenties said as she twirled her fake blonde hair around her finger.


    I’m not interested. Thanks. But I won’t be living in Sydney after the wedding, Clara explained.

    But you have to, fake blonde’s shorter brunette friend quipped.

    No, she doesn’t, Ally interrupted once she had approached the group. Clara isn’t a social whore like you lot. She’s not a socialite. Don’t even bother trying to get her to become your plus one. Unlike us, Clara here doesn’t want Hermès. So leave.

    The fake blonde laughed. It sounded more like a high-pitch screech that had both Ally and Clara wincing. That’s rich coming from social whore number one. You even have articles explaining why you’re a whore.

    She must have those articles on notifications.

    Great burn, though.

    Ally squared her shoulders and took a step closer to the fake blonde. As she took in her fat, Botox lips, she recognised who it was behind all the cosmetic surgeries. Behind all the fake was Lynette Hunt; her father made nowhere near Ally’s, but the Hunts had money. Lynette, I suggest you stay away from Clara.

    Lynette glanced at her friend and smirked. Or what?

    Ally leant in close. I can destroy you, Lynette. You name it. It won’t take much for me to ruin you.

    Bile rose up Ally’s throat. This wasn’t her. But she had to demonstrate to Clara that this was what the O’Connors dealt with. And if Ally was going to appease her father and her image, then she had to take Lynette Hunt down. No matter how much she felt like a piece of her had been sold to the devil.

    Lynette flinched. What could you possibly do?

    For a moment, Ally felt sorry for Lynette. But she messed with the wrong socialite. No one attacked the people she loved. And if it meant becoming exactly what she didn’t want to be, then so be it. Ally opened her black Chanel clutch and pulled out her phone. She unlocked it and brought up Serge, her Serbian bodyguard’s number.

    Do you remember Sylvia Den? Ally asked as she glanced up from her phone to see the fear flash in Lynette’s aqua eyes.

    Ally. Clara clutched her arm.

    She turned and smiled at her. See, Sylvia Den threatened my family. And well, the next day, she was completely and utterly socially ruined. Do you know how, Lynette?

    Lynette shook her head.

    "It’s called the Black List. Specifically, my Black List. See, all it takes is one call and you no longer matter. Not in any social sense at all. Forget Kings Cross, you’d be lucky to walk into a Starbucks without an instant refusal," Ally threatened.

    The knot in her stomach tightened and the bile threatened to breach. She was becoming exactly what she didn’t want to be. But she had hoped this was an eye opener for Clara.

    Do you understand how much power I have? Ally asked.

    Lynette nodded. I’m sorry, I-I …

    You’re leaving, she answered for Lynette. You both are.

    Yes, Lynette said and pulled at her friend’s arm. Please don’t black—

    Ally took a deep breath. I won’t. But come near Clara again, and trust me, I will.

    Lynette nodded and dragged her friend towards the exit of the ballroom, leaving Ally alone with Clara. Ally’s shoulders sagged. The layer of shame thickened around her. She had been everything she hadn’t wanted to be in a matter of minutes. That high-society bitch the papers had described her as; she had performed it without a second thought.

    Maybe this is who I really am.

    Maybe I’m supposed to be Ally O’Connor, Sydney’s societal princess.

    I’m no better than my father is, she mumbled under her breath.

    Ally? What was that? Clara asked.

    The horror in Clara’s voice was evident and had Ally shifting to face her. Then she let out a heavy exhale. That, Clara … that was what being an O’Connor is really about. You have to be prepared for when someone tries to take you down. The moment you marry my brother, all the secrets you think you have will no longer be your secrets. They will, instead, be society’s entertainment.

    Clara flinched. M-my secrets?

    Ally was sure that Clara understood deep down that she had meant Noel. That she loved him more than Ally’s brother. But she couldn’t fault Clara. Everyone had secrets. Some more shameful than others. And if she were selfless, Ally would tell Clara that if she wanted to be happy, then she should leave her

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