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I would never have imagined that the little girl next door would have grown up to be a knockout or that not taking advantage of her in her drunken state would eventually lead to so much more than the best sex I have ever experienced.

Release dateApr 6, 2016

Trixie T

Trixie T is a young author just getting into her own, in more ways than one. Trixie has been WSIC EBooks Ltd. best selling author for six months running. Join her in her sexual odyssey and enjoy. Note from Trixie: Hello folks, I recently had a request from a dear friend of mine to help him fulfill his fantasy and if you know anything about me, it is that I am all about fulfilling fantasies. His fantasy intrigued me...write a book about my fantasies, my realities...I am really enjoying this new experience and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as am enjoying the writing. To that end I thought it I would allow my readers to share their own fantasies and realities with me and who knows, maybe it will end up in one of my books. So come on, don't be shy. Send me your fantasies and realities at I look forward from hearing from all my fans.

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    Book preview

    Katie - Trixie T


    By: Trixie T

    Published by WSIC EBooks Ltd.

    Copyright January 30, 2016 by WSIC Ebooks Ltd.

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter One

    Who would have thought that my actions of six months past would end up with me lying next to a beautiful young lady with her hot naked flesh pressed firmly against my own?

    No, I would never have expected it. As for Katie who knows. Maybe she planned this from the start or maybe it was fate and we have been working our way towards last evening’s event for the last six months.

    The funny thing is, her family moved in the house across the lane about fifteen years ago. I mostly remember Katie as a three-year-old blonde hellion in ponytails that I was certain would cause her parents many sleepless nights.

    As it was our back yards that faced each other I really didn’t see much of family. I do remember seeing her father a few times, as for her mother, I can’t remember the last time I saw her.

    I half-assed watched Katie grow over the last fifteen years, but I really didn’t see her grow. I guess my mind’s eye kept thinking of her as that ponytailed child instead of the young woman she has actually become… that changed six months ago.

    It was a warm summer evening and I was sitting in my back yard enjoying a shot of rum when a car came to a screeching stopped just up the road from the house. Not being the first time something like this has happened I didn’t think much about it until a girl got out, stumbled to her hands and knees and started throwing up. Even then I paid it little attention until the guy got out of the car and started berating the girl for throwing up inside his car and screaming at her that after he was finished fucking her she was going to dam well clean up the fucking mess.

    Sometimes I wish I had a higher and thicker fence around my backyard so I wouldn’t have to listen to the shit that goes on, but…

    Having enough of his foul mouth and his obvious bad temper I decide to do something about it. So putting my rum down, I make my way over to the youngsters. The girl must hear me coming for she raises her face to look at me. When she does I realize who she is.

    Dam it Katie, your parents are going to kill you coming home like this. I tell her.

    The fellow stops berating her and turns to me for the first time. She’s not going home until I’ve fucked the shit out of her and she has cleaned up my fucking car. He tells me and I can smell the booze on his breath from where I stand.

    I don’t think you’re getting fucked tonight sonny, at least not by her. Now why don’t you get back in your car and drive away. I tell him, hoping he’s not too drunk to drive.

    I can see it in his eyes. The young pup is going to fight me over this.

    Don’t even think about it youngster or I’ll thrash you every which way from Sunday. I tell him, standing straight to show off my full six feet, which makes me a few inches taller than him.

    The young puppy looks at me for some time, no doubt wondering if he can take on the old man and then get his chosen fuck for the night back in the car. I smile at him casually and cross my arms across my chest. I flex my not too shabby muscles, which seems to make up his mind.

    Fuck it. I doubt the bitch is worth it anyways. He says as a parting remark and then gets into his car and drives off with a squeal of tires and burnt rubber.

    Let’s get you home Katie. I tell the still throwing up girl.

    I don’t think I can stand. She tells me between one episode of heaving and the next.

    I’ll help you. That’s a girl. Now let’s get you home.

    I end up carrying most of her weight as we make our way across the lane to their back yard. Getting to the back door I try to open it, only to find it locked. Deciding there is no getting around having her parents find out, I knock on the door.

    Nobody’s home. My parents are out of town for the weekend. Katie tells me and then promptly throws up on both of us."

    Dam it I don’t need this shit!

    Where’s your house key Katie?

    Katie pats herself down and I am starting to dread the answer for other than hiding it inside her bra, there isn’t a hope in hell that she has her keys on her.

    She doesn’t even have to say anything. She just looks at me weakly while I stand there like an idiot, not having the slightest idea of what I should do with her. I briefly consider kicking the door in…

    Ah shit. Come on Katie. I tell her and back across the lane we go to my back door.

    Once we get inside the house I get a real eyeful of what I am dealing with. Katie has barfed all over us and we both stink to high heavens. Worse yet she is not finished… I hustle her into the bathroom and we just make the toilet when she lets go of another round.

    Now what Jack old boy. You have yourself a problem here.

    For at least fifteen minutes Katie keeps her face over the toilet. I flush it every couple of minutes to clean it out, only to have her fill it again. Talk about gross. I have not been that drunk myself in years, if ever.

    I sit close by and help her her throughout her barfing session and only when she has not visited the bowl for five or so do I decide it’s time to try to get her cleaned up. Think you can take a shower?


    Fuck, now what. There is no way in hell that I am letting her stay in those clothes in my house. At the very least they need to be washed, thrown out would be better and so do mine for that matter. Dam it Jack. See what happens when you don’t mind your own fucking business!

    Okay girlie let’s get you cleaned up. I finally tell her, hoping that we have seen the last of the barfing for the evening.

    Okie dokie.

    Her off-hand manner makes me laugh for the first time since she dropped into my lap for the night. Turning around, I start up the shower and then peel my thoroughly sickening clothing off me. Katie gives me the eye….

    Don’t even go there Katie. You’ve thrown up all over us. I need a shower as do you and since you can’t take one on your own, well we are going to have to compromise.

    You’ll behave?

    Scout’s honor. Now get up. That’s a girl. Can you take off your clothing? No. Okay let me help you with that.

    As I undress her I really do not take the time to notice of her. My only thought is to get us both under the water as fast as possible and get this over and done with. So I peel off her shirt and then struggle with her tight jeans, the bra is next and finally her panties.

    Somehow I manage to get her inside the shower without her falling over. I’ve been true to my word so far however, when I join her in the shower I can’t help noticing that she is looking boldly at my cock… okay so maybe I had noticed some things about her as I undressed her. Like her finely tuned five foot eight, give or take body. Her nice tight, round ass, her 40DD, at least, breasts with large nipples that got hard when they were bared to the cooler evening air…. that package along with her beautiful face, dazzlingly green eyes, high cheekbones and blonde hair had made my cock respond.

    Enjoying the view? I ask her as she eyes up my ten inch long, three inch around cock.

    Very and I guess I can take it as a compliment. Katie responds without so much as a blush.

    I guess you can, but right now shower. I tell her and then turn up the cold water.

    The cold water does not do much for my firm cock, but it certainly works wonders on Katie’s nipples for they just keep on growing until they are at least an inch to inch and a half in length. Of course I end up looking at them, hell I am a man after all; however I have no intention of going there so to the best of my ability I ignore not only her stiffening nipples, but her body as well. It is easy enough to do as I wash her hair, but it’s a bitch to ignore when I soap up and wash her firm body. I do manage it and once I am finished cleaning her I give myself a quick washing as she holds onto the shower rod to keep from falling.

    The cold shower manages to wash away some of the drunkenness out of Katie, but she is far from sober so once I help her out of the shower I end up having to dry her off, which does little to ease the throbbing of my cock, which of course she notices and drunkenly comments on.

    Hold on to that and I will be right back. I tell her as I wrap her fingers around the towel rack.

    I make certain she has a good hold on the towel rack and then I go into the bedroom, put on some boxers and then rummage in my dresser drawer until I find what I am looking for. Armed, I go back into the bathroom and breathe a sigh of relief when I see that she is still standing.

    Here put this on. I tell her. She tries, but in the end I have to give her a hand putting on the large t-shirt I snagged for her.

    Thankfully when we slip the t-shirt on it covers most of her beautiful assets, making it much easier for me to think straight. The question now is what to do with the girl. She sure as hell isn’t going to sleep in my bed for I have no intention of her waking up from her drunken haze and then finding myself in jail for something I didn’t do. Until recently I had the spare bedroom that held an extra bed, but I had decided to renovate it so no bed, no furniture even. That only leaves the sofa.

    Mind made up, I help Katie to the sofa and have her lay down. I find a bucket and place it by her head in case the need hits her again and then find a couple of blankets to cover her.

    Better? I ask once she is settled down.

    If the room stops spinning I will be.

    I bet. I tell her laughing. I’m going to wash our cloths so just lie still until I come back. Here’s the bucket if you need it.

    Okie dokie. Katie tells me with a sick looking grin.

    I leave her there and then picking the scattered clothing from the bathroom floor I dump them into the tub. I wash them out in the tub to get the worse of the crap off them and then throw them into the washing machine. Luckily, they are mostly the same color so I don’t have to worry about separating them however the bra does give me pause.

    Fuck it. She’s the one that got drunk so she can deal with it… hummm 40DD at least…

    I get the wash going and then go back to clean up the rest of the mess in the bathroom, which I quickly realize that I should have done first for now I have more laundry that I will have to deal with.

    I have just finished cleaning up the bathroom when I hear Katie going at it again. I go and make sure she is hitting the bucket. Seeing that she is and that he has managed to keep her hair out of her way I go back into the bathroom, select a washcloth and fill up a basin with cool water. By the time I make it back into the living room Katie is giving one last heave and then she collapses back onto the sofa. As I expected, she is sweating profusely.

    Here this will help. I tell her after I sit on the sofa and put the cool cloth to her forehead.

    So what happened? I ask her, more to take her mind off getting sick from the smell coming from the bucket than wanting to know.

    I let myself get drunk. I knew the guy was piling me with drinks and at first I didn’t care. He seemed nice and I was willing, but the drunker he got the meaner he got until… well let’s just say I’m glad I threw up in his car.

    Why were you by the house?

    Fluke. The party was out that way and we were just driving back.

    Ah, well lucky for you I was outside enjoying the evening.

    I suppose…. You have a nice cock and you look pretty good for an old guy. You want to fuck me Jack? Katie asks drunkenly.

    Old guy… Well okay maybe my forty-five would be considered old to someone her age, but still.

    You’re a fox Katie, but I’m not eager to go to jail for statutory rape. Tell you what ask me again when you’re eighteen. I tell her jokingly.

    It could still be fun.

    I don’t think so Katie, besides if I ever were to fuck you it surely wouldn’t be when you’re this drunk. Now go to sleep.

    For the next hour I watch over her. The booze still has her in its grip so I keep a cool cloth to her forehead and use another to wipe down her face and neck. I can’t say how much it helps, however is does seem to make Katie relax and breathe easier.

    As it is, I can’t help noticing what a looker she is. Her thrashing has caused the t-shirt I gave her to wear to ride high giving me an outstanding view of her shapely legs right up to her tiny patch of blonde pubic hair, which beckons enticingly to me, making it hard for me to keep my hands to myself. I do manage and for some time afterwards I get caught up at looking at her delicate pussy lips. I wonder what she would taste like…

    Deciding I better call it a night before I do something I will regret I pull the t-shirt back down over her and cover her with the blankets she had long since kicked to the floor.


    The next morning I wake up grumpy. All night long a vision of unfathomable beauty had teased me, causing me to toss and turn the whole night through. I put on some coffee and then try to ignore the person responsible for my piss poor night as it brews.

    Sadly, my willpower is not that strong and shortly thereafter I find myself looking in on my guest.

    Even in the morning light she looks beautiful. Her blonde wavy hair sparkles in the sunlight filtering in through the window. Her long graceful neck looks inviting and her breathing is doing things to her healthy chest that makes my cock start to respond…

    Shit! God dam girl. Why did she have to disrupt my world like this?

    Deciding I better stop looking before things get carried away I head for the laundry. I take our cloths out of the dryer and carry them back into the bedroom. Mine I put away, hers, after I untangle her bra from the rest of the clothing I lay on my bed for her.

    By now the coffee has finished brewing and I pour myself a cup. With coffee to fortify me, I sit at the kitchen table to read the morning paper…. No good. My thoughts keep wandering… I keep rereading the same article and I still don’t know what it is about… fucking girl!

    I drink my coffee and watch her sleep. The blankets are once again on the floor, the t-shirt riding so high that she is exposing bare skin from the bottom of her generous breasts to the tips of her toes.

    Dam, when did this little girl grow up and how could I have missed what she has become?

    Katie startles awake and then groans, causing me to smile for she is certainly going to be doing a whole lot of that today.

    Are you staring at me Jack? Katie manages to say between moans.

    Sorry, but you are a sight to behold. Do you remember what happened last night?

    Katie does not reply for a while. Figuring she needs the time to put two and two together I turn to go back into the kitchen for another cup of java.

    You refused to fuck me. Katie grumbles when I get back into the living room.

    Well there was that, but I was referring to you getting sick and everything that happened thereafter. I reply laughing.

    It’s a little hazy.

    I want to make sure that everything is good between us. I didn’t take advantage of you in your drunken state so I shouldn’t have anything to worry about, right?

    Shit, you could have taken me and we still wouldn’t have a problem…. I know ask me again when you’re eighteen… that I remember clearly.

    I’m surprised for I certainly didn’t think she was in any shape to remember any of the night, never mind that. I washed your clothing and have them laid out on my bed whenever you’re ready to meet the world again.

    Gee thanks but I think I’ll just die here.

    I return to the kitchen laughing and pour Katie a glass of orange juice and take it back to her. Drink this, it should help.

    Just let me die.

    Not on my sofa. Here.

    I sit down next to her and help her sit up. I hand her the glass of orange juice and then guide her shaking hands until she has the glass to her lips. Drink up Katie. That’s a good girl.

    As she drinks the orange juice we ending up staring at each other. I get lost in the pools of her memorizing green eyes. So much so that when the glass slips from her fingers to fall to the floor the sound of shattering glass barely registers….

    I’m sorry Jack! Katie exclaims, shocking me out of the trap I had fallen into.

    I look to the floor. Don’t worry about it. At least it was empty. Stay on the sofa until I clean it up. I tell her and then cover up all the beautiful assets that her high-riding t-shirt should have been covering.

    By the time I get the floor cleaned up Katie is starting to make her way back into the domain of the living. I tell her once again where she can find her clothing and then go to the kitchen to cook a breakfast of bacon and eggs.

    Aurgh! Fucking men! I hear a few minutes later and I have a good idea why for that bra of hers had really been tangled up in the other clothing.

    Sorry. I tell Katie when she enters the kitchen a short while later.

    I don’t even have to tell you what, do I?

    Nope, but in my defense I shouldn’t have had to wash your delicates for you.

    "I’ll give you that Jack, but would it hurt you to learn even a little about how to take care of bras. This one cost me over a hundred dollars.

    I whistle. Sure it was a sexy bra but a hundred dollars plus… I’ll pay for a new one as long as you model it for me. I tease her.

    You lost your chance last night so now you will have to spend your nights dreaming about what you passed up… Any more juice?

    Katie and I spend the next hour cooking and eating breakfast and then she helps me clean up and wash the dishes. Admittedly, she is a little slow on the uptake due to her hangover, but amazingly enough her and I find a lot of common ground to talk about.

    Very quickly I discover that not only does Katie have a pretty wicked sense of humor, but that she is pretty brazen and has no trouble teasing me about my missed opportunity.

    Chapter Two

    The rest of the summer turns out to be quite different from summers past. For one thing, I spend a lot more time in my back yard looking across the lane into my neighbour’s back yard.

    For years I wanted to make a higher fence, but never got around to it, however as I watch Katie sunbathing throughout the summer I become suddenly pleased that I hadn’t.

    I can’t say as I have ever really paid attention, however I can’t remember Katie sunbathing in her back yard much. If she had, I’m sure that even a dimwit like me would have noticed that she was all grown up.

    This first bikini I see her in is a small white affair that gives me an instant hard-on for part and parcel of that bikini is her oiled skin. I’ll never forget how her bulging breasts and flat stomach gleamed in the sunlight or how the little vixen knew she had me trapped and so she played it out by laying on her stomach facing me and then undoing the top strap of her bikini, giving me even more to look at.

    Throughout the summer her bikinis get smaller and smaller, showing off more and more of her fine assets. Her large breasts, her shapely ass, her narrow waist and flaring hips become seared into my brain resulting in me jerking off more night than I care to count; all the while fantasizing about manhandling that beautiful body of hers.

    Much to my surprise, throughout the summer our relationship undergoes a change. Whereas before we would barely acknowledge each other if and when we crossed paths now we stop to chat, which to me seems to be happening with uncommon regularity.

    The result of this is that come fall she starts showing up for quick visits after school or later in the evenings when she sees me in my backyard. For some of these visits she stands so close I can feel the heat coming off her, while others are shouted across the narrow lane.

    We get to teasing each other about almost everything and anything. A popular subject being our age difference and her drinking, which I am glad to see she controlled over the summer and now into the fall. She’s a brazen little vixen however and so she continues to tease me about missing my opportunity to have her. So brazen is she, that she doesn’t even have a problem talking about the size of my cock, although she likes to admit that in her drunken haze she is not sure if she had been hallucinating or not.

    In return, I tease her about her hallucinations quite a bit and remind her that I don’t have a problem with wondering if what I saw was a trick of the mind for every time she came out over the summer wearing one of her bikinis she proved to me that nothing I saw that night was in any way my imagination.

    I swear for two people that will never have sex it was easy for the two of us to talk and tease about it. Maybe that had something to do with it. The two of us are safe; me too old and her too young.

    Mostly, I try to keep our conversations on a friendly, silly level, whereas she works hard to keep it on flirtatious side. I swear that sometimes I feel like I am being hunted and it does not help that she is the bait for every time she comes to visit she looks so dam sexy that long before her visit is over my cock is trying to poke a hole through my pants.

    Katie always notices the bulges and never misses a chance to comment on it of course. The first couple times she did

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