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Trey... Unbelievable
Trey... Unbelievable
Trey... Unbelievable
Ebook176 pages2 hours

Trey... Unbelievable

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I was totally used to calling the shots. Women kind of fell at my feet – not the other way around. I didn’t like to brag, but all of us were really good-looking and none of us had any issues with attracting the opposite sex (Even Tom who didn’t actually want them since he was married to a guy...) and I could, if I chose, have a different girl on my arm – every night of the week. And I did date girls – quite a lot. I didn’t fall in love with any of them though. If I’m honest, the thought of actually being in a relationship with any of them was quite horrifying. I wasn’t into that sort of nonsense. Relationships were for other people – grown ups – not me... I wasn’t like everyone else. I didn’t think I was really capable of it. Toby was the lovable one – I wasn’t. I’d felt this way since... well, since forever really – but definitely since Mum died. Mum had loved me unconditionally. She saw past all the flaws in all of her children – even me.

Release dateMar 31, 2016
Trey... Unbelievable

Heather Mar-Gerrison

I love to write M/M romance and as a sucker for a HEA, you're guaranteed one in my books. #happyheatherafters

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    Trey... Unbelievable - Heather Mar-Gerrison

    Trey… Unbelievable

    Heather Mar-Gerrison

    Smashwords Edition

    Heather Mar-Gerrison 2016

    New Edition for 2018

    Beautiful front cover design courtesy of


    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. The Author holds exclusive rights to this work.

    The Riverside Family…

    Tatum Conner Fletcher born 11th July 1990

    Truelove Valentina Fletcher – 2nd May 1993

    Tomas Jude Fletcher – born 15th June 1996

    Tobias Reuben Fletcher and Trey Vincent Fletcher – born 25th December 1997

    Sam Fletcher, born 1st April 1997

    Will Gerard Adams – born 12th June 1992

    Sebastyén Levi Kis – born 30th July 1992

    Emilio Toscano – born 5th February 1989

    Gianluca Toscano – born 12th February 1996

    Robyn Freya Reece and Clarissa Charlotte Reece – born 14th August 1998

    Madison Finnigan – born 7th February 1990

    Josie Evans – born 4th July 1990

    I should have known Clarissa was playing a game. I’ve got Truelove as a sister – she totally played Sawyer like a fiddle before they got together – that dinner party was hell on earth for him… Still – he’d tried his best to do the same to her too… I guess underneath it all, we were all guilty of trying to get one over on each other. It was just human nature after all…

    Chapter 1 – You have got to be joking…?


    Are you fucking kidding me?

    Toby shook his head gleefully. Nope. He said with such a beaming smile I couldn’t help feeling all happy inside. I adored Toby. He made my life complete, somehow. I really couldn’t imagine life without him but this was frankly weird. Just because he was in love with the actress, Robyn Reece, didn’t mean I thought she was attractive, too. I was pretty sure I was straight. I definitely fancied girls more than guys but having a gay brother made me wonder every now and then – and I could definitely appreciate a good-looking guy, but then, who couldn’t? I imagine most guys have had a little man-crush on another guy at some time or other in their life. Tom had more than most, but then he ended up married to a guy, so it was a given that his crushes were real. Mine, on the other hand was on David Beckham. Yeah, now you understand... Everyone has a crush on him.

    Since Robyn had miraculously appeared at our door just before Christmas and had realised that she rather liked my brother, in probably the same way as he liked her, they’d been keeping in contact on a more or less daily basis. She hadn’t returned yet but it was only a matter of time…

    Apparently, Robyn had a twin sister and I was, of course, according to Toby, going to fall madly in love with her – and we were all going to live happily ever after... together. Yeah, right. Like that was ever gonna happen? I wasn’t actually against the idea, but seriously? Where the fuck was I gonna find the twin sister, for starters? I grant you if I had already found her, I’d have done everything in my power to get her sister to meet Toby. It was only fair, after all…

    I’m not coming. I said firmly. It was beyond ridiculous. We’d seen the damned movie three times already. Four times was obsessive. And he’d surely be seeing her soon, anyway…

    Ignoring his shouts (or maybe that was hysterical pleading) I got in my car and slammed the door. He was losing it – big time. His obsession with Robyn Reece was cruising at high-speed. I feared he was gonna hit super-sonic speed and then crash, quite spectacularly. Because really, it couldn’t last. Sooner or later that beautiful (single) actress was gonna find herself a Hollywood hunk and forget all about my poor brother…

    I drove for ages and found myself in a little town a fair few miles from home. I hadn’t got the faintest idea where I was. Well, I was aware enough to know that I was in a little place called Fernleigh which I’d never heard of before but I had a sat-nav, so of course I could find my way home – but I didn’t really feel like going home, right now. I was beginning to feel guilty for letting Toby down and I hated feeling like that.

    I parked up and headed for the only place that was open – it was a cute little country pub called the Red Lion. I pushed open the door and went inside.

    The girl behind the bar looked up and smiled as I went inside. I smiled back, my dick twitching in my boxers. She was well pretty. I approached the bar.

    Hey there. She grinned, What can I get you?

    I took a step back and pushed my glasses up my nose, Uh, I’ll have half a Peroni, please. Damn, she was cute.

    She nodded approvingly, Good choice. She said, smiling up at me again, You’re not from round here, are you?

    I shook my head, No, I’m not a local. I live in a little place called Stoney Croft. It’s not all that far away actually...

    Stoney Croft? she frowned at me, I’ve heard of that place. She frowned slightly as she tried to remember, Oh, I know! She rolled her eyes and let out a cute little snort of mirth, You’re not related to some guy called Toby Fletcher, are you?

    I was a little shocked to hear his name if I’m honest. Girls usually knew me better than Toby. I pulled a face, Oh, God. I said, Well, now, that would definitely depend upon who was doing the asking. Are you a ghost of girlfriend’s past? Toby really hadn’t had all that many… I raised my eyebrows at her and treated her to my most charming smile.

    She snorted, Hardly, She spluttered, But he’s the only person I’ve ever heard of from there and I’ve got to admit, I did wonder what he was like.

    I frowned. This was quite possibly the weirdest conversation I’d ever had. Still, she was really cute so, in for a penny… He’s my brother, actually. I said, "Twin brother to be precise. So, looks-wise, I guess he’s just like me – minus the glasses." They were a recent addition – and I only really wore them for driving.

    She grinned, Oh, really? she drawled, How interesting.

    She really didn’t sound as though she believed me. I raised an eyebrow, Please enlighten me as to what’s so interesting about that? Please smile at me again. You’re so beautiful…

    She lowered her voice, He’s kind of my sister’s biggest fan and they’ve got talking on Twitter quite a lot… I don’t think he’s ever mentioned having a twin brother to her, though…

    My jaw dropped and I have to admit it was more to do with the fact that my twin brother, who I loved with all my heart, had not mentioned me rather than the fact I was looking at Robyn Reece’s sister… This girl looked nothing like Robyn Reece but Robyn was the only girl I was aware of that he talked to on Twitter, What’s your sister’s name? I asked her. I had to check. It was quite impossible. She looked nothing like her....

    She glanced around us both and then floored me completely, Robyn, She whispered, Robyn Reece. She’s my twin sister. I’m Clarissa – and yes, she rolled her eyes, "I’m totally aware that my name is nowhere near as cool as hers and I’m also totally aware that I’m nowhere near as pretty either, she grimaced slightly, I hear it all the time. People expect us to look the same. It’s like they’ve never even heard of fraternal twins."

    I frowned. Who in their right mind would compare this beautiful creature unfavourably against Robyn Reece? "I think you’re very pretty," I blurted out, before I could even think about what I was saying. But it was true. I looked at her. No, pretty didn’t even begin to cover it. She was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen in my whole life. Maybe I really should wear the glasses more often… I’d clearly been missing out.

    When I looked at Robyn Reece up on the big screen, I have to say, absolutely nothing happened downstairs. Sure, she was pretty but so were kittens and I didn’t want one of those, either. I wanted a dog. I liked dogs and we lived on a farm. Well, a small-holding, anyway and I thought it was well past time that we got another dog. I knew what I wanted. I wanted a Border Collie dog – same as Tom and Will’s – and I was gonna call him Max. Tom and Will had Meg, a bitch, and she loved me, but I wanted one of my own. I had it all planned out… We could totally start a breeding program, Meg hadn’t been spayed yet…

    She went a little pink and smiled shyly at me, Thanks, she said, and just for the record, you’re very handsome, too.

    I grinned, I can’t tell you which one’s the better looking out of me and Toby – but since most people can’t tell the difference...

    She smiled, I’ll bet I could. She murmured.

    Four words was all it took. Just those four words – and I was instantly hard – and completely and utterly hooked on her…

    Chapter 2 – Cutest guy ever


    Oh. My. God. The cutest guy to come in my pub for months and he was the brother of my sister’s stalker…? Where was the karma?

    Okay so stalker was a strong word – and she totally adored him, but seriously? What sort of a guy thinks he’s having a relationship with an actress he’s never even met? But then, what sort of an actress thinks she’s having a relationship with a guy she only communicates with via Facebook…? They were perfectly suited.

    I handed the guy his pint and I can’t deny, my heart fluttered a little as our eyes met and his fingers brushed mine as he took it off me. This guy totally gave me the impression that he was a player, though, and that sort of put me off him. Thanks, He smiled, So, what do you do?

    I swept my arms out to the sides and looked around, I run this pub. I said with a smile. Robyn helped me finance it but it’s all mine, now. I was able to buy her share back within the first year of trading. I said proudly, It’s a great little business. I added for good measure.

    His eyes lit up, Really? He asked, All this is yours?

    I nodded, feeling even prouder of myself. Yes. I said, "It’s all mine."

    Wow. He nodded approvingly, It’s really nice. He looked around.

    What do you do? I asked.

    He grinned, Do you know the Riverside?

    I nodded, That restaurant on the bank of the River Han? I asked. Suddenly everything was falling into place. He and Toby were twins. Their

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