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For a Dragon's Seduction
For a Dragon's Seduction
For a Dragon's Seduction
Ebook86 pages1 hour

For a Dragon's Seduction

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Kaiser of Pratt prides himself on his ability to do his duty. Being part of the black caste of dragons, he has performed tasks that range from infiltrating a clan’s inner circle, to escort duty, to acting as a herald for his people. He’s willing to use every weapon in his arsenal to get a job done, including his body. While visiting Clan MacDuffan, Kaiser catches the scent of the human Seumas Maxton. While he recognizes Seumas as an asda—a human able to bond with a dragon—he’s met asdas before and has always been able to resist the allure of their scent. This time, Kaiser finds his thoughts consumed by Seumas. Knowing the human has valuable information, Kaiser thinks a fun romp with him might be just the thing to glean what he needs and scratch his itch. Except Seumas somehow knows he’s already bedded another. What must he do to convince the human of the pleasure they could have together?

Release dateMar 1, 2016
For a Dragon's Seduction

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    Book preview

    For a Dragon's Seduction - Charlie Richards

    Two men. One wants to retain control. One wishes to share what it feels like to let go.

    Kaiser of Pratt prides himself on his ability to do his duty. Being part of the black caste of dragons, he has performed tasks that range from infiltrating a clan’s inner circle, to escort duty, to acting as a herald for his people. He’s willing to use every weapon in his arsenal to get a job done, including his body. While visiting Clan MacDuffan, Kaiser catches the scent of the human Seumas Maxton. While he recognizes Seumas as an asda—a human able to bond with a dragon—he’s met asdas before and has always been able to resist the allure of their scent. This time, Kaiser finds his thoughts consumed by Seumas. Knowing the human has valuable information, Kaiser thinks a fun romp with him might be just the thing to glean what he needs and scratch his itch. Except Seumas somehow knows he’s already bedded another. What must he do to convince the human of the pleasure they could have together?

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    For a Dragon’s Seduction

    Copyright © 2016 Charlie Richards

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-0611-0

    Cover art by Angela Waters

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

    Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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    Smashwords Edition

    For a Dragon’s Seduction

    Highland Dragons: Book Eight


    Charlie Richards


    Going against tradition isn’t always a bad thing.

    Chapter One

    Kaiser of Pratt swept his gaze over the great hall, finding himself impressed by the turnout for the festivities. In his decades of working as a herald, a spy, or even an informant, he couldn’t remember a time when two men had openly celebrated a coupling. Not amidst the humans anyway.

    Dragons like Kaiser were different. For the most part, the members of the seven castes of dragons all lived in harmony in Karstelle Valley. However, they were actually solitary creatures.

    Once they were considered an adult, they began to build their own network of tunnels along the rocky rim of their mountain valley home. No one but themselves were allowed in their space without an invitation or permission. That was somewhere around their twenty-fifth summer, depending on their control over their abilities.

    Dragons lived upward of seven hundred, eight hundred, and sometimes even a thousand years, a long time to be alone.

    To ease the solitude, many dragons searched for a human with the ability to bond with them. Dragons called these humans asdas. They would woo the human, bond with them by sharing seed and blood, and spend their days doting on him or her.

    That thought brought Kaiser back to the event at hand. His fellow black dragon, Perth, had taken this clan’s young stable hand, Aodhan, as his asda. They’d had a bit of trouble to start with, as Perth had been accused by a jealous human, Hamish, of seducing Chieftain MacDuffan’s young daughter, Aria. Perth had spurned Hamish’s advances, and Hamish had retaliated by spreading rumors.

    Kaiser had been able to clear up the misunderstanding with the help of his now ex-lover, Ailbert. The human was the chieftain’s son, and he was also currently betrothed to a woman named Nessia. He’d taken advantage of both the woman and the chieftain’s absence when he’d first arrived, seducing the man.

    The connection had already come in handy.

    Aodhan is mine, a man grumbled. I gave his father two geldings for him.

    Kaiser scanned the crowd, searching for the speaker. Spotting the stable master, Callum Doohan, he headed toward the man.

    Stopping beside Callum, Kaiser smiled coldly at the human. I heard of that exchange, he growled. You gave Aodhan’s father two green geldings. Aodhan had to complete their training in his spare time... which wasn’t much, since you’re a lazy arse and had him working from before dawn until after dusk. Kaiser smirked coldly at the human, whose face was growing increasingly red. Mayhap I should share with Chieftain MacDuffan how his horses would have been much better trained and cared for these last couple of years under Aodhan, rather than you.

    Master Doohan curled his lip in a snarl. His face had turned beet red, and he snapped, And why would our chieftain listen to ye?

    Chuckling coldly, Kaiser leaned close and revealed, Because I know you’ve been stealing bales of his hay to trade to the sheep herder for mead. Upon seeing Callum’s widening eyes and paling face, he added, So you just accept what Perth has already given you. I happen to know the massive quantity of dried venison my fellow herald gave you should get you plenty of mead from the hall kitchens, should you care to trade it.

    Kaiser smirked, loving the unsettled look on the arse of a man’s face. Or the beautifully tanned hides Aodhan gave you from the deer the meat came from could be traded to Aodhan’s family for a fine tunic, he added, knowing Aodhan’s family were largely responsible for all the leather work done in the clan.

    To Kaiser’s pleasure, Callum mumbled something about work to do and wended his way out of the hall. While he didn’t think the man was actually going to work, at least he wasn’t spreading rude comments during Perth’s celebration. He wanted his fellow dragon and his human to have a good time.

    This has been a long time in coming.

    Kaiser turned

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