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Red Rock
Red Rock
Red Rock
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Red Rock

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Years into the future the separation of social classes is on the brink of collapse. When Daire’s popular and beloved Uncle, Dr. O’Connor, leader of the proletariat movement is assassinated, Daire knows that he’s next. Running from certain death, Daire finds a way to escape Earth and leave for humanity’s final frontier on Mars. Daire believes he is leaving his troubles behind when he flees to the Red Rock, but he was wrong, his troubles were only beginning.

PublisherEamonn Kichuk
Release dateFeb 2, 2016
Red Rock

Eamonn Kichuk

Eamonn Kichuk is a young, aspiring writer who is fascinated by the nature of reality and the possibilities of what humanity could achieve. This sense of wonder spans many topics, as is reflected in his writing and interests. Currently, he lives in Markham, Canada and attends school at York University studying Finance and Business economics. When Eamonn is not studying, writing, or training for his competitive running, he enjoys hanging out with his family and friends, reading, challenging people to a game of chess, and learning.

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    Book preview

    Red Rock - Eamonn Kichuk

    Red Rock

    By Eamonn Kichuk

    Copyright 2018 Eamonn Kichuk

    Smashwords Edition

    Chapter 1: Doctor

    Daire awoke in a haze, sprawled across his bed feeling more tired than when he went to sleep the night before. The room was dimly lit through the partially closed blinds at the end of his bed, letting in meager beams of light that barely illuminated his floor which was littered with clothing from weeks of slothful behavior. Daire slumped out from his covers rubbing his hands through his pitch black hair and stalled for a moment to gain full consciousness. He let out a yawn as and moved his arms in a circular motion as he made his way to the hall. The floor creaked as his long half-witted strides hit the floor with a ‘thud’. Passing the bathroom and the guest room, he walked through the aging smoky-white hallway to the stairs and then to the main floor.

    Like every morning in the O’Connor household the news channel was on the television at an unnecessarily high volume and Doctor O’Connor was shuffling through his papers in the kitchen. Daire paused to watch the television showing the post speech interview that his very own uncle had given the previous night. Doctor O’Connor, if you truly believe that your movement will bring balance to the nation’s economy, then why has it only caused harm to large and small businesses with nationwide strikes and riots? Some say your plan has no purpose other than feeding off the negative emotions of those in need.

    It’s called a movement for a reason, Doctor O’Connor started. And unfortunately we have a long way to go to recover from the years of damage this flawed system has forced on us. What you are seeing is not a result of the Proletariat Movement, but a transformation necessary to achieve equality.

    Daire grinned at the screen then made his way to the kitchen. They’re making you look like a villain out there, eh, Ed?

    Doctor O’Connor was staring down at his speech papers, not even batting an eye towards Daire. That’s because it’s working, he said. Soon we will have a fairly judged working class with the exact same opportunities as the middle and upper class. Doctor O’Connor paused and shook his head, still staring down at his speech papers. You did well last night kiddo, thanks for the help.

    Daire scavenged through the kitchen cupboards to find the last clean bowl and set it on the counter with an almost empty box of cereal. You’re the one who killed it. I just sat there smiling and clapping when everyone else did, he said, pouring the rest of the cereal in his bowl and getting the crumbled saw dust bran and sugar that made its way to the bottom of the bag. He opened the fridge hoping for there to be a carton of milk inside and was met with disappointment. The fridge was vast and empty, only containing a bottle of mustard, olives, and expired mayonnaise.

    It’s all about how you present yourself, Daire, and you certainly looked your part. Doctor O’Connor turned away from his papers towards Daire for the first time and smiled. Now get some damn clothes on you primitive ape. I don’t know why you walk around here all the time half naked.

    Daire laughed and shoveled the cereal into his mouth with his hand. I’ll tell you what Ed, he said with his mouth still half full. If you clean the dishes and go get some groceries like you promised, then I will always be clothed in your presence.

    Doctor O’Connor threw his hands to his head. Oh Shit! I keep forgetting, Daire. I’ll pick some up tonight. I promise!

    Daire rolled his eyes and clawed the last bit of cereal into his mouth. Alright Ed, he said, making his way out of the kitchen. I’m gonna go to work now, and there better be groceries when I get back.

    Yeah, Yeah, there will be. Go to work you bum.


    It was a chilly fall morning and the bus stop was crowded as usual with people overflowing from the shelter onto the sidewalks. The wind made everyone huddle close for warmth and the dark clouds above were still deciding whether or not they should make the day more miserable than it already was. Daire held his tall coat close with his arms crossed and head tilted down to cover any gaps where heat could escape. His tall lean stature did not hold heat well and it did not help that he was breaking the wind for others. He thought of leaving his spot and migrating to the back of the hoard of people but decided better of it when he caught an eye from a smaller elderly woman who clearly appreciated his service as a shield.

    Daire saw the bus slowly approaching in the distance when a shoulder brushed up against his. Morning love, said the voice.

    Daire swiveled his head to his side. Morning Kurtis, how are you feeling today?

    Well, you know, like someone glued a frozen pole to my balls. Its god damn freezing out! The elderly lady behind Daire gasped and looked up in shock. What are you looking at? I’m sure you’ve seen your fair share back in your day, ma’am, Kurtis continued.

    The elderly woman darted off in a shuffle toward the back of the group, turning her head only to say You’re disgusting in a hissing tone before disappearing into the mass of people.

    Why do you have to be such a dick sometimes Kurtis, Daire asked, glowing red from embarrassment.

    Relax now Daire, no need for a guilt trip, Kurtis put his hand on Daire’s shoulder then whispered in his ear. In all fairness she does look like the loose type.

    Daire tried to hold in his smile but couldn’t. You’re so crude, he said laughing.

    The bus was operating at near capacity and hadn’t come to a complete stop before people started rushing the doors to find a spot. Half the people at the stop weren’t even in the bus before they started shoving and pushing each other to get on. The bus broke out with yelling and screams until the driver forcefully closed the doors and started to drive off. The people cut off from the bus were not pleased and banged on the doors until the vehicle was moving at a considerable speed; then there was silence.

    At least we got on, Kurtis said uncomfortably close to Daire.

    Daire nodded his head which was no more than a couple of inches away from Kurtis’. The bus was beyond full with people’s bodies pushed against each other and the fresh smell of body odor seasoned the already stale air. It remained that way until their final stop.

    The bus came to a complete halt before the majority of its occupants started emptying through the doors at the downtown stop of Endless Street. Endless Street was the largest and busiest street of New Acadia, getting its name from the seemingly endless line of skyscrapers and factories lining up both sides of the road.

    Daire stepped off the bus and felt the return of the chilling wind climb up under his coat to his spine, making his hair stand on tails end. Daire tightened his jacket around his waist and signaled for Kurtis to hurry along with him. The temperature had not changed since Daire and Kurtis got on the bus that morning.

    The walk to Rossburg Tower was seven minutes thirty two seconds long according to Daire’s watch, and it was seven minutes thirty two seconds too long on this particular day if you had asked them. Kurtis swung open the front door of the tower and staggered in with Daire. The warm atmosphere was a welcoming change from the cold day. The marble surface and high ceilings of the main floor had become a second home for Daire and Kurtis who spent their working days sweeping and cleaning the washrooms of the first and second floors.

    The golden fifty foot high statue of Earth spinning in the middle of the room drew audiences from all over the world to come and admire it, even if for only a few seconds of ‘awe’ before proceeding elsewhere. Daire passed by the globe with barely a glance on his way to where his day would begin. He scanned his card by the door to confirm that he had shown up to work. With a lack of enthusiasm, he proceeded to enter the massive closet which was also the first floor janitor’s headquarters. An obese tall black man was sitting on a chair playing with his tablet which was no more than a glass screen. The man stood up with a jolly smile. I saw your uncle on the news last night Daire. What he is doing is going to change the world, he said eagerly.

    Daire smiled back. That’s only if it works, Jack, he replied in a bragging tone. There’s still a lot of work to be done.

    You have to give your uncle more credit than that, Daire! Jack said walking up to him excitedly. Your uncle is changing United North America! From Vancouver to Miami there are people just like us standing up for equal treatment and opportunity! This is a revolution! And you’re part of it!

    We’re all part of it, Daire said, stopping at the sight of Kurtis entering the room.

    Oh, Hey Jack, Kurtis started. Jack turned to Kurtis looking less than amused. How’s my sunshine this morning?

    I’m in no mood for your shit today Kurtis, Jack replied with a stone cold face.

    Are you implying that you’ve been snacking on my shit prior to this moment? Kurtis mocked. Daire gave Kurtis a cringing look, begging him not to start anything with Jack. Kurtis took the hint and bit his tongue to prevent his next snooty statement. I just wanted to tell you gentlemen that Argentina has officially declared war on Uruguay. It’s a total mess down there right now. He backed out of the room. Just thought you guys would want to know that.

    Jack shook his head. The world we live in, huh, Daire?

    Daire was about to respond before being interrupted again by Kurtis poking his head in the door and saying Hey Daire, that girl you want to shag is here to see you, he finished, opening the door for the woman and then walked away laughing.

    The woman was about five foot three with a slim stature, her brown silky hair almost reached her hips, and her ocean blue eyes looked as if she was inviting all to dive in. Both Jack and Daire were caught with their jaws hanging to the floor from her beauty. Hey Anna, Jack said trying to loosen the tension of the situation.

    Hey Jack, how are you? Anna said with a smile in her soothing voice.

    Good, Jack shot back, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Jack looked at Daire panicking. Uh, I got to go sweep the stairs. It was nice seeing you Anna, Jack said bolting out of the room.

    Won’t he need a broom? Anna asked.

    Uh, yeah, there’s already one outside, uh, with Kurtis.

    Kurtis, Anna repeated with distaste. I can’t believe you put up with him. He just seems like an asshole.

    Anna was right. Daire knew Kurtis met every criteria of the metaphorical definition of an asshole. But he was funny. He thought Kurtis could’ve been a comedian if he didn’t have the habit of pissing off the majority of the people he met. He’s not that bad, Daire lied. You just have to get to know him, he finished with some merit.

    Anna shrugged, I guess if you like him, he can’t be that bad. Anyhow, I just wanted to tell you that you looked really handsome yesterday and that your uncle’s speech was amazing.

    Thanks, Daire forced, not knowing what else to say. He felt a stream of nervous sweat drip from his armpits down his side. Daire and Anna stood in silent awkwardness. He could feel the tension building inside watching Anna feel uncomfortable with the situation as well. Well, I gotta go and clean the shitters, he blurted out. I’ll see you around!

    Oh, OK, bye.

    Daire burst out of the door and walked hastily away from the closet palming his face. I gotta go clean the shitters, Daire? he whispered to himself in regret. You’re so stupid!


    The Washrooms were cleaner than usual after a couple of hours into the work day, pleasing Daire immensely as he strained his mop in the bucket.

    Daire, said a low scruffy voice on his radio device.

    Daire immediately recognized the speaker and set down his mop on the tiled walls, Yes, Mister Thomas, what can I do for you? he asked.

    There’s been an accident in the Hologram Atrium. It needs to be cleaned up pronto.

    Yes, sir, Daire sighed, hanging up his radio device and picking up his mop. Mop Bucket, follow me, he said slowly and as clear as he could.

    Following Mr. O’Connor, replied the mop bucket in a robotic radio voice. The wheeled bucket placed itself a few feet behind Daire and followed him to the second floor.

    The Hologram Atrium took up over half of the second floor. It was a place where people could walk around, record their thoughts aloud and learn from the Rossburg database. The second floor was made to make one forget about the stresses of life for a while. The massive empty space was decorated thinly to avoid distraction and to calm the mind so that one could fill the empty space with his imagination.

    Daire walked into the Atrium and found a wide puddle of thick yellow liquid with chunks of unknown debris on the floor. He took an educated guess and diagnosed the spill as human regurgitation. The pungent smell pierced his nostrils in a way that few smells could. Even after three years of work as a janitor cleaning up a variety of liquids and solids with many odors, this one still made Daire’s senses cringe. He gave a lengthy sigh, his second of the day. Mop bucket, he said, Stay to my right in cleaning mode.

    Entering cleaning mode, the mop bucket repeated, approaching Daire’s right side within arm’s reach. Daire grabbed the mop and strained it before lathering the yellow pile. The mop bucket stayed in close proximity to his right side and moved as he did around the vomit.

    Daire watched people pass by talking to their holograms as he mopped away at the deteriorating stain. Feeling bored and frustrated with his own thoughts and actions, he decided to summon his own hologram. Assistance! he called loudly. In the blink of an eye, a hologram of a well-dressed Caucasian man appeared in front of him.

    How may I assist you Mister O’Connor? The Hologram asked in a pleasing tone.

    Give me the international news of the past week, Daire said, resuming his mopping.

    Of course sir. Argentina has declared war on Uruguay in support of an amalgamated South American continent...

    I know that already, tell me something else, Daire interrupted.

    "Of course, sir. Akin Corporation has announced a project to resurrect the failed Boundless program last modified in 1984."

    "What was the purpose of the Boundless program?" Daire intrigued, wetting his mop one last time.

    "Boundless was launched as an installable database in the human brain. Its purpose was to provide requested information and keep the intended user company when lonely. Since sanity was a critical issue in space travel and occupation, Boundless was considered a great scientific development to remove the flaws of the human psyche."

    Daire threw the end of the mop down with a ‘flop’ on top of the mess and continued shifting it in circles. Who were its intended users?

    The Boundless program was intended for those travelling to the terraformed planet of Mars to see firsthand the results of the terraforming process. Though the results were promising, the Boundless program proved faulty, compromising the mission and causing mental illness in many of its hosts.

    Daire finished mopping the mess and put the mop inside the mop bucket. What happened to those who were ‘mentally ill?’

    "Only a small portion of the Boundless hosts survived. Most were deceased or unaccounted for after twenty-one days of operation. Akin then shut down Boundless and did not revisit the program until the most recent announcement on October fourth."

    Daire shuddered at the thought of the consequences of a faulty program installed in a brain. Thank you hologram that will be all.

    Come again soon Mister O’Connor, the hologram said before disappearing into thin air.


    The work day came to an end and Daire was looking forward to a lazy evening sitting on the couch with his uncle conversing about the problems of the world. Daire blankly scanned his card to sign out of his work shift before shuffling to the exit. The Golden Globe shone gloriously as the setting sun beamed rays of light through the alleyway of two buildings across the street and gave the main floor a glowing golden tinge of light. Daire didn’t notice the beauty of the sphere’s decaying potency as the golden light faded with the setting sun. Instead he walked by oblivious to his own senses outside into the cold.

    The temperature had warmed throughout the day to an uncomfortable yet bearable cold degree. Daire was on his way to the bus stop when he saw Kurtis walking at a close distance ahead of him traveling in his usual confident stride with his chin held high and a bounce in his step. Daire increased his pace, catching him quickly and gave him a ‘smack!’ on the back of the head. Kurtis turned around bewildered until he saw that the offender. He gave a devilish smile. I haven’t seen you all day! he exclaimed, clearly knowing why Daire smacked him. How was your conversation with Anna? he asked, smirking at the thought.

    How do you think it went, asshole!? Daire said at a borderline scream. It was the most awkward thing that I have ever encountered in my life!

    Kurtis started howling with laughter. Oh, come on! It couldn’t have been that bad?

    Daire shook his head, You have no idea Kurtis. I choked and told her ‘I have to clean the shitters’ and left her alone in there.

    Kurtis fell to the ground losing control of his bodily functions laughing. You what?!

    Daire revisited the scene again in his head and started to blush. I don’t think you realize how much I hate you right now, Kurtis.

    Kurtis regained his composure and put his arm around Daire’s shoulder. I’m sorry, Daire, but you have to ask her out eventually, even if it’s just to hang out. You have to get this out of your system. Worst case scenario is, she says ‘no’. Daire looked at Kurtis and frowned, knowing he was right.Or I can keep humiliating you. Which is also fine by me.

    Daire laughed and punched Kurtis light heartedly in the stomach. You think you’re pretty funny don’t you? Daire said jokingly.

    Kurtis bent over from the friendly blow. You should probably take her out to some boxing lessons because you punch like a bitch. Daire and Kurtis both laughed and resumed their walk to the bus stop.


    Daire entered his house boisterously to let his uncle know that he was home. He looked up to see two overweight men hovering over his uncle in the living room. Their suits were both black and custom made with red ties hanging down from their chins, enhancing the girth of their neck. I guess we have nothing else to discuss, one of the overweight men said angrily. This was a complete waste of time. The two men stormed out the door clashing shoulders with Daire on their way out.

    Daire looked at his uncle puzzled, Who are those guys? he asked at the moment they closed the door.

    Men of power, Daire, Doctor O’Connor replied in almost a whisper. Take a seat, let’s talk for a while.

    Daire felt his heart grow with excitement and walked over to sit beside him. Doctor O’Connor sat in a thinking stance which encouraged Daire to sit silently while his uncle thought of what he was going to say. Those men offered me an eight digit amount of money to ‘pursue other interests’, Doctor O’Connor started. They want me to nullify the Proletariat Movement in a signed document.

    Daire was in shock, processing the eight digit dollar amount. How much exactly did they offer you? Daire asked trying to sound as calm as possible.

    Fifty Million to sign the document, sixty-five Million to sign the document then leave United North America.

    Daire felt his heart skip a beat, What did you say to them? Daire asked still trying to contain his excitement.

    Did the look on their faces look like I said ‘yes’? I didn’t even think about it! Doctor O’Connor said angrily. This is bigger than us Daire! I did not start this movement for the recognition, nor the money. No, it’s not about that! I started this because of the indifference between our social classes and the imminent collapse of humanity which we will suffer because of it! he yelled angrily.

    Daire sat silently fiddling with his thumbs. Doctor O’Connor sat still with his head resting on his arms and clenching his white hair with both his fists. I’m sorry I yelled at you Daire. I just hate experiencing firsthand how our society allows the powerful to bully the rest of us.

    I know you didn’t mean anything by it, Daire said, fully appreciating the apology. Things would be much easier if we could make things the way we want them to be.

    Doctor O’Connor shot Daire an interested look. That is a common mistake the men of power make far too often, Daire. Our world is much too diverse for that kind of thinking. Everyone’s needs must be considered. You and I are much too small in intellectual power and sheltered in ignorance to have control over everything. He steered his finger toward Daire. We would become tyrants like the rest of them. It’s all wishful thinking anyway.

    Well, you could have paid Akin forty million dollars to send us to a comfortable place on Mars if you had signed that document. Then you wouldn’t deal with politics at all, Daire joked.

    Well, since were not accepting anything from anyone, you could always go to Mars as a volunteer guinea pig for Akin, Doctor O’Connor replied playing along with Daire’s sarcasm.

    I don’t know, living has too much of an enticement for me.

    Doctor O’Connor chuckled at Daire’s witty comment, making him laugh too. As the night got older, Doctor O’Connor and Daire got lost in their conversation ranging from time travel to the price of shoes until Doctor O’Connor suddenly asked, Why don’t you ever bring anyone home, Daire?

    Daire’s face turned white.

    The only person that ever comes over is Kurtis, and he doesn’t seem like the relationship type.

    Daire laughed uncomfortably at the joke. I just haven’t found anyone I like I guess,

    What about this Anna girl? Doctor O’Connor asked looking devious that he knew something about Daire’s personal life.

    What? How do you know about her? Daire asked, embarrassed.

    Oh please, Doctor O’Connor exclaimed almost insulted. Anna is all you and Kurtis talk about when you two are over. I do have ears and I do have a brain, and when I mix them together, I have come to the conclusion that you have a bit of a crush on her and that you are quite bashful about it.

    Doctor O’Connor was enjoying watching Daire squirm for an answer. I don’t know Ed, Daire started. I’m just not interesting, you know? I have no idea what to talk about with her.

    Doctor O’Connor smiled at Daire’s statement. No one is ever born interesting Daire, people become interesting through their ventures, not their genetics.

    Daire frowned, deep in thought as to what notable ‘ventures’ he had partaken in his life as a twenty-one year old. There were none. Doctor O’Connor could see that Daire was in distress about the topic of his situation in life. I’ll tell you what, he started in a sentimental fashion. When I was twenty-one years old I was a lot more dull witted than you are right now. Your father and I were unemployed and doing nothing with our lives. Tomorrow is going to be a life changer for you. Tomorrow is when you will become your own self and you will start your journey with expression.

    Expression? Daire asked skeptically.

    The first change you are going to make in your life is that you are going to go and talk to Anna. Daire rolled his eyes at the cliché advice. Just a simple conversation, Daire! Ask her to do something simple with you, no pressure! Ask her if she would like to go for a walk?

    Daire paused for a moment, You know what? I will. Tomorrow, I am going to start my journey to become interesting.

    Doctor O’Connor gave a silent smile. That’s my boy, and hey - if things go well, bring her back for something to eat. I bought groceries… and ice cream! Daire lit up at the idea of eating a proper meal for the first time in almost a week. I told you that I wouldn’t forget, he gloated.

    Without another word Daire bolted to the kitchen, almost running into the refrigerator. To his surprise the fridge was full of meat, cheese, condiments, and sauces. Daire started grabbing as much food as he could and stacked them on the table at an escalating pace. His mouth was starting to drool with saliva and nothing else mattered to him other than the food he was about to devour.


    Daire was about to leave the kitchen when he caught a glimpse of something in the middle of the table. It was some kind of miniature marble statue of a naked man holding some kind of sphere on his shoulders. He was a bit confused on how he hadn’t seen it before he sat down, but there it was, sitting on top of all of Doctor O’Connor’s papers. Hey Ed!, Daire called out. What is this statue supposed to be?

    Doctor O’Connor wandered into the kitchen and followed Daire’s finger to the fine marble statue.

    That is Atlas, tasked by Zeus to hold up the skies for eternity.

    Daire looked confused. And why did you get a statue of Atlas?

    Doctor O’Connor shrugged his shoulders. I don’t know, he said, sounding deeply confused as he gazed at the statue. I guess sometimes I feel like he and I have a lot in common.

    Daire shrugged off the odd response and stood from his chair. I’m off to bed Ed, I got a long day tomorrow.

    Alright, but don’t forget to start your day off by taking the garbage to the curb! We missed last week’s pickup and it is starting to reek out there!

    I will, Daire replied while walking up the stairs.


    Chapter 2: The Weight of the World

    Daire woke up feeling rather energetic and confident which was unusual for him at 6:30 in the morning. Without hesitation, he popped out of bed landing on the balls of his feet and hastily checked his drawer for clothes. ‘No luck,’ he thought, resorting to picking up his worn clothes that lay on the floor and smelling them to judge which were truly ‘dirty’. He tossed through them until he found enough to survive the workday, and more importantly, talk to Anna.

    He entered the kitchen flamboyantly, catching Doctor O’Connor’s attention. It seems that you have kept your word on being fully clothed! Doctor O’Connor joked. Today is truly a special day!

    Daire gave a wide grin. I’m going to leave a bit early today, Daire said, getting a bowl of cereal. I want to get a good head start at work.

    Doctor O’Connor lit up at hearing Daire’s enthusiasm. I think that’s a great idea, Daire.

    Daire opened the fridge to get some milk but was once again met with disappointment. You forgot the milk! Daire exclaimed sounding a little frustrated.

    Well I’m sorry dear boy, but I am afraid you will have to do without, Doctor O’Connor replied, paying no attention to Daire’s tone.


    Daire arrived at work well before any of his colleagues, pacing indoors thinking of what he was going to say to Anna when she arrived. He suddenly felt disappointed. Hello Daire! My buddy ole pal! Kurtis yelled in his usual sarcastic voice. Why are you here so early?

    Daire exhaled deeply, knowing that he was going to tell Kurtis of his intentions. I’m waiting for Anna to come in, he muttered.

    You’re what? Kurtis said putting extra emphasis on the ‘h’.

    I’m asking Anna on a date! Daire replied louder.

    Kurtis gave a devilish grin. Are you telling me, that this is the day that you finally become a man? Bravo! Where are you going to take her?!

    I am going to ask her to go on a walk with me.

    Kurtis made a farting noise with his mouth. You’re going take her for a walk? Are you living in medieval times? ‘Why hello there Anna, I was wondering if you would like to take a gander into the woods with me this afternoon? I hear the horse trails are quite lovely this time of year!’

    Kurtis’ imitation made Daire nervous. You don’t think she’ll say yes? Daire asked, sounding concerned.

    Nope! But it’s too late now. Just as Kurtis closed his mouth, Anna walked through the door. I will be watching the whole thing, Kurtis said smugly and backing away slowly.

    Daire started to panic and second guessed at going through with his plan. Oh, Hey Daire! Anna exclaimed sounding excited.

    ‘It’s too late now, you have to go through with it,’ Daire thought. Hey Anna! How are you?

    I’m doing pretty well. There was insane traffic on the way here which isn’t too uncommon but…. Daire felt his focus leave Anna’s voice and his wandering eyes fell above her right shoulder where Kurtis was dancing comically with his broom, mostly consisting of pelvic thrusts. The businessmen and businesswomen around him looked at him in disgust, but Kurtis was shameless. Daire felt himself blush and tried to focus on what Anna was saying, …anyway, how are you doing? Daire felt relieved he tuned in at the perfect time.

    Well I can’t complain, you know, I’m just dicking around, Daire said immediately regretting his choice of words.

    Oh, Anna said nodding with a pause. That’s cool I guess. A moment of awkward silence ensued and Daire felt himself in a similar predicament as the day prior. Well I guess I’ll see you around, Anna said, exiting the uncomfortable conversation.

    Do you want to go for a walk or something after work?! Daire blurted out without thinking.

    Anna smiled and took a couple of slow steps back toward Daire. Are you asking me on a date? she asked in disbelief.

    Daire felt his legs quivering beneath him. I mean it can be if you want. I have ice cream at my place and you can meet my uncle… Daire cut himself off before he could say anything more stupid.

    Anna giggled at his actions. Sure, she said. I would love to have some ice cream and meet your uncle. Anna turned around slowly, spraying her tangerine scent all over Daire. See you soon.

    Daire stood in bewilderment. ‘I did it,’ he thought. ‘I actually did it!’ He looked up at Kurtis who was just as surprised as he was. Caught in mid thrust, Kurtis’ eyes were stuck open in disbelief and his jaw hung open. Daire smiled victoriously and walked triumphantly towards him. Guess who is walking the horse trails with me after work? he said mockingly.

    I don’t believe it, I don’t bloody believe it! She said ‘yes!’ Kurtis gaped.

    Daire pointed his chin straight in the air. I was there, I know! he said, still mocking Kurtis. I would love to stay and chat but I have work to do, he finished, walking away gallantly.

    You little knob! Kurtis whispered, jealous of Daire’s feat.


    Daire waited anxiously by the front doors for Anna to finish her shift and accompany him on a walk. His palms were sweating from the nervous thoughts that were filling his head. ‘She’s going to have a terrible time, what were you thinking! You have nothing planned for conversation and what if you walk too fast for her? Just think of things that you shouldn’t do…’ Daire could only think of one thing before he spotted Anna. ‘Don’t fart!’

    Hey, ready to go? Anna asked with her heavenly smile.

    Yeah! Let’s go!

    Daire bundled up his tall coat and watched Anna do the same with her tight red cotton jacket and her black scarf. Daire casually swung open the front door and held it there. Anna walked through the door way brushing against Daire on her way out. Thank you, she said softly. Daire felt a fuzzy feeling crawl up to his head. ‘You’re doing great so far!’


    The day was cooling off, hovering midway between freezing and ten degrees Celsius. The dry air made Daire’s lips shrivel causing him to lick them constantly. The walk to Daire’s house was much longer than he had expected. The sun was almost completely gone and he had been walking with Anna for just over an hour. We’re almost there I promise! he said desperately.

    Don’t worry, I love long walks, Anna replied with a jump. Besides, I have gotten to know you a lot more. You are just as sweet as I knew you would be.

    Daire gave a nervous laugh and tilted down his head, trying not to act too embarrassed in front of her. Anna tried to meet eyes with Daire but he would not dare look up to show his bright red cheeks. With a slow mellow movement Anna grabbed Daire’s hand and smoothly tangled her fingers around his palm. They walked in silence with large smiles on their faces. They both knew that sometimes silence was the best method of communication.


    So, tell me about your Uncle! I’m kind of excited to meet someone with such celebrity status! Anna exclaimed excitedly, breaking the silence.

    I wouldn’t know where to start, I mean he’s family, I don’t see him as a celebrity at all, Daire replied thinking of something he could say modestly.

    Well, he’s a doctor of some sort right? Why don’t you start there?

    Daire paused for a moment to think. Yeah he is, he has his Doctor of Philosophy in Economics.

    Economics? Anna sounded shocked. That seems kind of strange for what he does.

    What do you mean?

    I mean if he has such prestige and could make a nice living. Why sacrifice it all to help the poor?

    Daire had thought of that before, but he found little special with someone wanting to change the world. He wants to change the world just like everyone else. The difference is that he’s actually putting effort into changing it. Money is little sacrifice to unite our social classes as one instead of being controlled by the wealthy. ‘Why contribute to the problem when you can solve it,’ my uncle always says. Daire impressed himself with how professional he just sounded. It was as if Doctor O’Connor had taken control of his body and said it himself.

    Anna nodded, smiling at the existence of such a specimen of purity in the human race. When are you two going to speak next?

    We’re going to D.C. in a couple of weeks for our biggest speech yet, Daire said in a bragging tone. Ed says this will be the turning point of the working class, but we’ll see. Anyway we’re here!

    Daire pointed at his tiny time worn suburban house in the secluded corner of a little road absent from the rest of the community. Aww, your house looks so lovely! she said as if she was addressing a baby.

    Daire let out a light hearted laugh. Thanks!

    He was about to enter the driveway when he realized that his uncle had not taken the empty garbage bins to the side of the house from the curb. Looks like my Uncle forgot to take the garbage bins back in, Daire reached in his jingling pocket and pulled out his keys. Here, just walk inside.

    Anna’s face had a look of consternation. I am not going to walk in your house alone.

    Daire let out his first real laugh of the date at the sweetness of Anna. Don’t worry! You have to enter the house quite loudly for Ed to even flinch! Daire said trying to relax her. Just get out of the cold for two minutes while I put the bins at the side of the house, and I will introduce you two.

    Anna looked unsure but thought it would be rude to decline. If you think it’s alright, Anna replied, grabbing the keys.

    Daire grabbed the two green bins and tilted them on their wheels. One of the wheels was broken forcing Daire to lug one bin in his left hand and roll the other bin in his right. Anna turned the keys and gave Daire a nervous look before he disappeared to the side of the house. The broken garbage bin was giving Daire

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