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Claim Me
Claim Me
Claim Me
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Claim Me

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Dax lost his fated mate years ago, and he mourned William far longer than anyone thought was healthy. But there was a reason no one knew about. Dax fell in love with Quinn, William’s twin brother, and he's felt guilty ever since he realized it. Yet as his brothers both find their own mates, he sees that he can’t keep hiding his feelings simply because he fears rejection.

After his twin died, Quinn felt lost and alone, but Dax stood by him when he had no one else. Quinn has moved on, but he feels as if Dax is still weighed down by William’s death. The very idea tears Quinn up inside, and he’s determined to see Dax as happy as he was when they first met. The vampire always looks sad and lost in thought, and Quinn promises himself he won’t rest until he manages to help the best and dearest friend he’s ever had.

Release dateFeb 5, 2016
Claim Me

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    Book preview

    Claim Me - Marie Medina

    Published by Evernight Publishing ® at Smashwords

    Copyright© 2016 Marie Medina

    ISBN: 978-1-77233-714-3

    Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

    Editor: Karyn White


    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    To Howard


    The Year of Gods, 3

    Marie Medina

    Copyright © 2016

    Chapter One


    3154, The Year of Gods

    Quinn patted his horse as he set out, and he nodded to everyone who acknowledged him as he moved to the edge of Yoshinaga. Lots of people were getting ready to go to Jensen and Ciel’s matehood celebration, but Quinn had refused all offers of traveling companions. He loved living in Yoshinaga because everyone was kind and generally left him alone. He’d roamed from place to place for a long time to avoid people, but now he liked the stability of having a home again. He had no desire to be completely isolated, but he simply didn’t care for people. He never had. His twin, William, had been the outgoing one, the one everyone loved so much. Quinn had always been content to simply tag along, so William’s death had set him adrift in more ways than one.

    Quinn saw his apprentice, Sam, come out of the butcher’s, and he waved to the younger man one last time. Dax, Jensen’s brother, had invited Quinn to stay after the matehood ceremony and then go traveling with him for a couple of weeks. He’d almost declined, but Sam had insisted he could handle everything. Quinn felt guilty for even considering saying no. Dax was a vampire, and William had been his fated mate, so William’s death had been a hard blow for Dax as well. They’d only known each other a few weeks when William died, but Dax had almost been destroyed by the tragic event.

    Sighing, Quinn looked up at the fluffy clouds and tried to think about cheerful things. Dax had mourned William so deeply that, even after eight years, Quinn still worried about his friend. All vampires had fated mates, one other person whose blood called to them in a special way. The mate bond, supposedly, was like nothing an ordinary human could imagine. William had tried to explain it to Quinn, and it had indeed sounded wonderful and even magical. William and Dax had seemed so happy, always smiling and touching each other. Quinn worried the vampire would never move on and take a new lover. Vampires who had lost their mates claimed new ones all the time, as they lived such long lives. Quinn had never been very lucky in love, his shyness always getting in the way. Many women had liked him, but he’d never inspired any deeper feelings in them, and vice versa. There had been an older man he’d grown close to, but beyond a few tender moments and touches of the hand, nothing had happened there. Dax had been the one constant in his life, his truest friend, which was why Quinn wanted to see him happy more than anything else.

    Quinn and William had not been identical, but they still looked enough alike he worried the sight of him might bother Dax at times. Quinn’s blond hair was much darker, and his eyes were a bright blue instead of the startling green William’s had been. But their profiles and builds had been similar. The years had changed that some. Quinn was thicker and more muscular now, whereas he and William had both been tall and lanky eight years ago. Quinn wanted to discuss it on their trip, even if he knew it would hurt the vampire’s feelings and maybe even cause an argument. They’d grown close in their mourning, had needed each other in a way, but it was past time for Dax to start thinking of himself and his future. Quinn hated to see someone he loved hurting for so long, and he planned on making Dax see that he still had so many years ahead of him. He could find love again, and Quinn wanted that for him. Though no one could ever replace William for Quinn, Dax could find another lover and have the kind of happiness he’d been robbed of eight years ago.

    They both needed to move on, and Quinn hoped that, together, they’d be able to finally step completely out of the shadow of their mutual tragedy.


    Eight Years Earlier

    3146, The Year of Moons

    Quinn stared at Lucky, who munched grass as if he’d done nothing wrong. The horse didn’t seem to care that he’d thrown his rider into a ditch or that he was being summoned.

    Quinn clucked his tongue once more and called Lucky more firmly, and then he gave up with a loud curse. He didn’t know if anything was broken, but he certainly hurt all over. If the horse would only come closer, Quinn thought he could pull himself up easily enough. But Lucky refused to move away from the meal he’d found.

    You look as if you need help.

    Quinn looked up and saw a vampire approaching. He didn’t recognize the man, but the flowing silk robes and white irises gave his status away. Quinn felt a bit of fear in the pit of his stomach, but the vampire’s kind smile helped to quell it. He felt ashamed being afraid of vampires at the age of twenty-two, but he’d never been completely able to shake the irrational emotion.

    The man knelt and smiled again. I’m Dax. Are you hurt? I can help you.

    I’m not sure. My legs and back sort of hurt. I was just going along, and Lucky threw me for no reason.

    Dax nodded to the tree line. I was in the woods there, observing some birds. Perhaps he scented me or my horse and panicked.

    Lucky disproved that theory when he came over and nuzzled against Dax. The vampire pushed him away. Or maybe not.

    Quinn sighed as Lucky moved back to his patch of grass. He’s a bit odd. Always has been. But he was cheap. He regretted the words right away. Vampires never had to worry about those kinds of things, and he didn’t want Dax to think he’d meant anything by the comment.

    Dax gave him a sympathetic look, which surprised Quinn. We all have to make do at times. He extended his hand. Will you try to stand so we can see if you’re hurt? My own horse is tethered not too far away. I could take you home.

    Thank you, my lord. He took Dax’s hand.

    The vampire made a face. I hate being called that, but I know it’s proper. He sighed as he pulled Quinn up. Sometimes I hate that, too.


    Being proper.

    Quinn winced as a pain shot through his left leg. I think I am hurt. He stumbled a bit.

    Dax helped him back to the ground. Let me look.

    Quinn blushed, extremely embarrassed as Dax took his boot off and looked at his ankle, which was purple and swollen. The vampire’s eyes flicked up and over the rest of him. You’re bleeding, too. I can smell it.

    Quinn trembled at that, and Dax gave him another sympathetic look. You seem afraid of me. Please don’t be. I know some vampires are cruel and treat humans badly, but I’m not like that.

    "You’re … being very kind. Forgive me. I’ve always been scared of vampires. It’s stupid. I have no reason to

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