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Cowboys: A Pair Of Mail Order Bride Romances
Cowboys: A Pair Of Mail Order Bride Romances
Cowboys: A Pair Of Mail Order Bride Romances
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Cowboys: A Pair Of Mail Order Bride Romances

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Mail Order Bride: The Cowboy Farmers In California & The Two Sisters From North Carolina - Two sisters from North Carolina head for two brothers in California, cowboy farmers, little knowing how one brother may never recover from an abusive childhood which made him extremely shy.

Mail Order Bride: The California Cowboy & The Pregnant & Jilted English Orphan - An English woman is jilted by her boyfriend after he promises to marry her and she becomes pregnant. She makes the long trip out to California to become the mail order bride of a farmer who appears alternately angry about her arrival, and reclusive at the same time. It takes a while for the woman to ferret out the truth but friends she meets along the way help, and eventually she sees a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

PublisherSusan Hart
Release dateFeb 10, 2016
Cowboys: A Pair Of Mail Order Bride Romances

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    Cowboys - Doreen Milstead

    Cowboys: A Pair Of Mail Order Bride Romances


    Doreen Milstead

    Copyright 2016 The Sweet Romance Network Presents…

    Mail Order Bride: The Cowboy Farmers In California & The Two Sisters From North Carolina

    Mail Order Bride: The California Cowboy & The Pregnant & Jilted English Orphan

    Mail Order Bride: The Cowboy Farmers In California & The Two Sisters From North Carolina

    Synopsis: Mail Order Bride: The Cowboy Farmers In California & The Two Sisters From North Carolina - Two sisters from North Carolina head for two brothers in California, cowboy farmers, little knowing how one brother may never recover from an abusive childhood which made him extremely shy.

    I’ve got to get out of here Kat! I can’t take this one more day. I’m going to go crazy. Why do we have to stay here and continue taking this abuse, Liz cried out at her sister and best friend. They were together in their bedroom.

    I know, but where are we going to go, Kat asked her older sister.

    Older by only a few hours, Liz was far more outspoken than Kat. She was also the leader of the two. Wherever Liz went, Kat followed after fully trusting that Liz would never steer her wrong. She knew Liz always had her best interests at heart.

    If we leave, what will happen to him, Kat spat out the word ‘him’ as if it were a sour piece of candy.

    Do you know what, Kat? I honestly don’t care. Has Ben ever cared about us, Liz asked as she looked away.

    The answer to that question was too hard to answer. She couldn’t remember their father ever really being concerned about them. As long as she could remember, he’d constantly thrown it up in their faces how it was their fault he had lost his wife. If they hadn’t been born, she would still be alive.

    The real truth was she had cancer. The doctor said it was a miracle she was able to carry twins at all. In the beginning of the pregnancy, she was healthy and fine. After the birth; her body was so weak there was no way she could even get up out of bed. Her body had spent so long fighting for the two babies inside of her, once they were born, her body had no strength left to fight for her own life.

    After their mother died, the twins had been raised by a series of caretakers over the years. Their father’s bitterness at losing his wife drove him to drink. The two sister’s had stopped calling him ‘dad" years ago. He was no dad to them as he rarely worked and when he did, they were odd jobs. He’d work just enough to pay all of the bills up and make them begin to feel like a real family then, for some reason or another, he’d quit and they’d go broke again. He suffered from depression and not knowing how to handle it, he would take it out on his girls.

    His family had struggled with the stigma of mental illness for several generations. His parents rarely talked of the fear that darkened the lives of their parents and the secrets they’d tried to keep from everyone around them. People were scared of the mentally ill. The only way of dealing with them in their time was to basically banish them from society.

    Ben’s parents continued the cycle and kept their problems hidden. This led Ben to refuse to get help for something as common as depression. Instead, he’d struggle until the darkness overcame him and then he’d take it out on the wrong person.

    Trust me Kat. I’m going to get us out of here, one way or another, Liz said, looking out the window at the rainy North Carolina night.

    They both heard the familiar sound of a bottle being opened. They both rolled their eyes. Another beer, the night was going to get worse before it got any better.

    Liz knew she should talk to Kat before turning in the final draft, but she also knew that Kat wouldn’t agree. She had to follow through on her promise and get them out of their situation. Her plan was a desperate act but she didn’t feel there were many options left to them. They didn’t have a decent education between them and no skills to survive on their own.

    Across the continent, two brothers sat looking out their window. The bright California sunshine mocked the darkness that plagued them.

    Calvin, I’m going to figure this out one way or another, you mark my words, Charlie told his younger brother.

    Though older only by twelve minutes, Charlie had been forced to take the lead in caring for both of them and their mother. Their mother was mentally ill. Their father had never been a part of their lives. The few times Charlie did ask about his father, it set his mother off on a rant for hours. Afterwards, he’d always swear he’d never ask again. Some days his mother was fine and acted like a normal mother but other days, the two boys were forced to hide from her fits of unexplainable rage.

    Growing up with their mother’s constant paranoia had been a harrowing experience. Their mother, Rita created a fantasy in her own mind thinking that if anyone found out she had two sons, they would take away one of them. She was convinced she was only allowed to have one child. The two boys were never to be seen outside the house together. Rita made the decision to send only one of the boys to school. The other would remain at home with her.

    At first, Charlie was sent to school, but being identical twins, the boys eventually came up with a plan where they would take turns going. Rita was never aware of their deception and being uneducated herself, she didn’t seem to notice or care that her son’s marks were poor. Since no one in town knew there were two sons in the family, the boys lived a strange double life. Their few friends never learned their secret and when they were old enough to quit, they just stopped going at all.

    Their rundown farm was located far away from town and their mother didn’t have any friends. Visitors were extremely rare and when

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