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The House Exhaled
The House Exhaled
The House Exhaled
Ebook84 pages26 minutes

The House Exhaled

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'The House Exhaled' is a collection of poetry by Julie G. Fox.

Release dateFeb 12, 2016
The House Exhaled

Julie G. Fox

Bilingual Russian & English poet and writer

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    Book preview

    The House Exhaled - Julie G. Fox


    Not the signs with bold arrows

    but the eyes show you the way,

    the anxiety, the fear, the intensity,

    all lead to ‘Departures’,

    at LHR or any other three-lettered airport,

    where population is divided

    into those who leave

    and those who yearn for the last hug,

    with the trickle of uniformed faces

    eyeing the two with suspicious boredom.

    Early Memory

    My hand stretched high through the air

    holding someone else’s hand,

    everything and everyone too tall,

    except for the white chickens,

    popping their heads through the wire;

    the sounds and smells of cows,

    with no sight of anything

    but the thick yellow straws of grass

    slapping my cheeks.


    I had other offers,

    but I chose you.

    Perhaps it was the time.

    Twenty-four and broken-hearted.


    Perhaps it was the setting.

    In the sports car. Mine.

    Under the smashed streetlights.

    Your neighbourhood.

    Perhaps it was the mood.

    Heavy-hearted. Me.

    Light-headed. You.

    Perhaps it was the burn-out.

    And fatigue.

    The other twenty-four who came before you

    just wore me out.

    Family Tree

    I will scan, retouch, sharpen and paste

    the best shots on the leafy branches.

    I will make sure everyone is under thirty,

    with no grey hairs,

    worry lines,

    or sadness in their eyes.

    I will name every great-grandfather,

    grandfather, uncle and son,

    their spouses and siblings,

    name but not date.

    It will be a very different tree,

    green and dense,

    with everyone alive and smiling;

    with every child

    carrying the names

    of their young ancestors

    into eternity,

    as high as the branches can reach,

    until the sun kisses

    the youngest of us

    on the forehead.

    For Enno

    It's the hunch of the road,

    and the nod of the silver tree,

    and the sour taste of the bread

    freckled with slippery sesame.


    in a burnt red,



    counting jumpy steps

    through bended roads

    stoned and cobbled,

    twisting a warmed key

    on a frayed shoelace,

    towering orange pennies

    on an ice-cream lady's pane...




    passed by gently kneeling


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