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Syria's Rocky Road to Recovery
Syria's Rocky Road to Recovery
Syria's Rocky Road to Recovery
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Syria's Rocky Road to Recovery

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This, my third volume on the Syrian crisis, first briefly reviews the background to the Syrian crisis, the biggest humanitarian disaster of our time. After identifying the soft power forces being paid to undermine Syria, it then explores the reasons those NGOs and other NATO controlled forces are so determined to destroy the Syrian Arab Republic. It also proposes some possible solutions, most of which, though not in any way acceptable or feasible in today's climate are, as we shall see, still useful in discourses on practical policy implementation.
These solutions are modeled on robust solutions that were used to address similarly big problems in former times. The deNazification process is particularly important as it shows that, if the commitment is there, major threats such as that the Nazis posed or the one the Muslim Brotherhood currently pose, can be eviscerated Conversely, if the will to identify and tackle the problem is not there, then the abyss and Armageddon beckon.

PublisherDeclan Hayes
Release dateFeb 17, 2016
Syria's Rocky Road to Recovery

Declan Hayes

I am an Irish-born professor of Finance, who has published widely in English and Japanese on matters of economics, finance and politics. I have been heavily involved in Syrian issues for the last few years and my focus is exclusively on that conflict for now.

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    Book preview

    Syria's Rocky Road to Recovery - Declan Hayes

    Syria’s Rocky Road to Recovery

    An Irish View


    Dr Declan Hayes

    Copyright © 2016 by Dr. Declan Hayes

    Smashwords Edition

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    No copyright will be enforced. Use contents freely.

    All proceeds go to help Syrian orphans & other children in Syria.

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    Table of Contents

    Abstract, Introduction, Acknowledgments, Caveats

    Syria: Prelude to War

    NATO’s Economic, Diplomatic and Ideological War on Syria

    Sunstein & the Conspiracy Conundrum

    Perception Management

    Hitler’s Business Pals

    War, Profits and NATO’s Cash Till

    From Hitler’s Crackpot Influences to Rebel Syria’s Strange Political Alliances

    Syria’s Turbulent Priests (and Imams)

    NATO’s Media: The Pope Did 9/11

    NATO’s Crocodile Tears for Ma’loula, Palmyra and Nimrud

    Anyone Been Raped and Speaks English?

    Refugees as a Political Weapon

    I’m a Halawa. Get me outta here

    The Murder Inc Enigma


    The Noble Savage Solution

    What Is To Be done?

    Royalties, Donations and Other Financial Matters

    How to Donate

    Fr Dave Option

    Marist Option


    Abstract, Introduction, Acknowledgments, Caveats

    This, my third volume on the Syrian crisis, first briefly reviews the background to the Syrian crisis, the biggest humanitarian disaster of our time. After identifying the soft power forces being paid to undermine Syria, it then explores the reasons those NGOs and other NATO controlled forces are so determined to destroy the Syrian Arab Republic. It also proposes some possible solutions, most of which, though not in any way acceptable or feasible in today’s climate are, as we shall see, still useful in discourses on practical policy implementation.

    These solutions are modeled on robust solutions that were used to address similarly big problems in former times. The deNazification process is particularly important as it shows that, if the commitment is there, major threats such as that the Nazis posed or the one the Muslim Brotherhood currently pose, can be eviscerated Conversely, if the will to identify and tackle the problem is not there, then the abyss and Armageddon beckon.

    Although the solutions posited here are presently not realistic, Syria’s current military situation make them worth considering from a policy analysis perspective. This is because the recent military advances of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies have made the United States and her NATO and Gulf State proxies, together with their soft power assets, switch to a ceasefire strategy so that, as the current mass military mobilization strategies of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Turkey show, they can regroup and resume their offensives against the people of Syria on another freshly baked set of lies. This short volume tries to preempt that by exposing the lies and the liars that drive America’s war against NATO.

    In alluding to such events as Derry’s Bloody Sunday when the British Parachute Regiment deliberately murdered 14 unarmed and peaceful protesters, the reader’s attention is drawn to Lord Widgery’s whitewash of that war crime, in particular to the British refusal for over 40 years to accept that British war criminals committed a war crime on that day would be, in the words of Lord Denning, an appalling vista that simply could not be accepted, regardless of the fact that it was true. Denning adopted the same haughty attitude when faced with the fact they had jailed scores of innocent Irish people on trumped up terrorist charges; because that too was an unacceptable vista, those innocent prisoners were deliberately forced to rot in jail, with some, like Guiseppe Conlon, dying there.

    Denning’s same appalling vista approach was adopted regarding the unspeakable child sex crimes of Jimmy Savile and his co-conspirators, who stretch all the way from the state controlled BBC, to the very top echelons of Britain’s Israel lobby, to the House of Commons, to the House of Lords and even to the British Royal Family. Crimes like Savile’s or of MI6 agents in the IRA are important to show not only that sinister forces can have leverage in the unlikeliest of important places but that strange alliances and confluences operate against Syrians and other Arabs. The war against Syria has local, regional and global dimensions and to really begin to solve the problem of Syria, those various levels must be identified and addressed.

    Therefore, rather than give a blow by blow, fully footnoted account of the war of extermination being waged against the Syrian people, this volume tries to dissipate the media induced fog surrounding this war so that the reader may have a less fettered understanding and appreciation of the forces behind the Syrian carnage. American Exceptionalism; the long standing ethnic cleansing polices of Turkey and Israel; the localization, criminalization and normalization strategies that Britain, America and other imperialist forces have successfully used in recent years throughout their various empires; such seemingly odd cases as Israeli groups supporting diehard neo Nazi groups in Ukraine; the support these hard core neo Nazis enjoy in the West; the absence of any mainstream support for true dissidents like Assange, Manning, and Snowden; the wholesale slaughter of the people of Yemen by Saudi mercenaries are all alluded to to show what dark times we are in and what dark forces are at play against the people of Syria, Gaza and other

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