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Life and Living 2016: A Seven Year Blueprint for Living
Life and Living 2016: A Seven Year Blueprint for Living
Life and Living 2016: A Seven Year Blueprint for Living
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Life and Living 2016: A Seven Year Blueprint for Living

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Life and Living 2016: A Seven Year Blueprint for Living is the forecast reading for the next seven (7) years. It documents the reading for the New Year 2016 as given by the divine forces known as the Seven African Powers to Gro Mambo Angélá Noványón Idizol in spiritual possession. Included are divinations on criminal justice, police shootings, the food and water supplies, political warfare, economics, mental illness and many other issues. It reveals the spiritual awakening that may be experienced by those whose lives are aligned with the powers at work during the next seven (7) years. Life and Living 2016: A Seven Year Blueprint for Living brings a new perspective on living life. It represents a blueprint for action and understanding. It is a guide to show when is the best time for financial investments, entrepreneurial thrusts, for love, family and health. The reading of the year speaks to spiritual immunities and tells a person how to conquer a dim spiritual light. In all, it is a one-of-a-kind look into the future.
Release dateJan 26, 2016
Life and Living 2016: A Seven Year Blueprint for Living

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    Life and Living 2016 - Gro Mambo Angela Novanyon Idizol



    Since time immemorial human beings have wanted to foresee the future, to know what portends augur for the future. In ancient Greece people consulted the oracle of Delphi to learn about their future.

    Today people go to fortunetellers and ask about their hopes for the future. In ancient Africa (Ile Ife) a system was devised to read the future. The system is known as the Table or Book of Ifa. That system crossed the ocean with African slaves and has been handed down through the ages and has given rise to the readings of the year from Nigeria, Haiti, Cuba, Trinidad, and Brazil. The reading of the year tells which Loa, Orisa, or spiritual force rules the coming year and what is to be expected.

    The power of the forces that forecast the future is the same from country to country. Yet the land where the power is visited will dictate what we see as a familiar feeling around the world…the forces. Each reading of the year is specific to the country in which the reading of the year is given. However, all the readings of the year should have something in common. While the forecast comes to Gro Mambo Angélá Noványón Idizol, as the vessel in Voodoo through spiritual possession of the forces known in African spirituality, other countries may come with a prediction of the known power of African spirituality accompanied by a power familiar to people in that land.

    For instance, Papa Ogu is the force in African spirituality that may rule a particular year. Papa Ogu is the one Loa that is known all over the world as Ogu, Ogun, or Gu. His name never changes, no matter what the religion is called. So, for any year that this spiritual force rules, many traditions, cultures and spiritualties will know the same commonality of this force. The Loa, Orisa, or spiritual force’s name might change, according to the dictates or circumstances of the land where the reading of the year was done.

    Life and Living 2016: A Seven Year Blueprint for Living will bring a new perspective on living in the year 2016 and the next seven years. It represents a blueprint for action and understanding. It is a guide to show you when is the best time for financial investments, entrepreneurial thrusts, for love, family, and health. The reading of the year tells you what to avoid (for 2016 and the next seven years to avoid drama) and how to take advantage of the best opportunities for the year 2016.

    The power of the year flows from a power of previous years. It is important to be aware of the powers of the past in order to understand the powers of a year that we have not yet lived. Understanding the powers of the past and the powers of the future helps people to have a deeper understanding of what is needed in their lives to have peace and tranquility. The root of anyone’s life begins in the area were they eat, sleep, pray and share happy moments. This area is called home.


    Spiritual and physical elevations for the coming year 2016 depend greatly on how honestly a person answers personal questions about their lives…because they truly know the answers to these questions. Moving through the spiritual seasons and the spiritual power of the systems in those spiritual seasons is a guide for honestly answering your questions, which will help you complete what reckoning that may exist in your private, personal and spiritual lives. Taking a good look at the months of April and May can help a person make a true assessment. Assessing the months of April and May can only bring a true assessment of what is needed and what needs to be cut away if a person puts emotions of the heart to the side and makes decisions from the heart. April is the month of newness. However, newness cannot come if the foundation of love or matters of the heart are out of balance. May is the month of direction, but directions for a true elevation cannot come if there are clouds(i.e. doubt, dishonesty or dismay)hovering overhead. There must be a clearing of these clouds in order for a person to sail in the direction the spirits are pointing out. The spirits are leading the way for a person to follow – following the spirits.

    There is surely a determining factor which will show the future years. The spiritual force, Baron, divined that for anyone to have a blessed and prosperous new year 2016, that would carry over for seven (7) years, there are personal things about themselves which should be corrected in order to have a chance at being rewarded this unique blessing by the Spirit. Individuals need to observe, however, this reflection in 2015 of things that are personally unfavorable about his or her personal character. One may ask a question about how do I know what to avoid so that I can have seven (7) years of good luck and fortune. The answer also lies with the one who is asking the question-You. The answer lies deep within the individual. The force puts the questions back to the individual and tells everyone to ask themselves the question, How old am I, and do I have seven (7) years to lose, stuck in the same place and doing the same thing? Do you understand?

    Can anyone afford not to pay attention to the warnings of this year? Can anyone afford to allow their self to be tripped up and fall into an unrewarding cycle for seven (7) years? That means falling into a bad cycle for seven (7) years. Ask yourselves, How old am I and can I survive a bad and vicious cycle for seven (7) years? So it behooves you to pay attention to this year and to the warnings the Spirit is pointing out to you, while you look deep within and answer your questions.

    Be it a young child, middle-aged person or an elder, seven years is a long time out of anyone’s life to struggle in the same spot for seven (7) years. It is a lifetime. Life is not guaranteed and it does not make any difference how old a person is because it is not just elders that are dying. Death comes for anyone at any time when it is his/her time. So seven years out of a person’s life in the direction of seven (7) years bad luck is something that no one can afford or would want to live.

    Journey through Life and Living and its blueprint for living life. Listen and experience the forecast of the spiritual forces as they speak to all from their dominions. All messages delivered are in an old sacred language spoken only by the spiritual forces and not spoken by those who are not trained to understand the speech of the force. It is important that we who have received these messages deliver them without tampering with them. Every message that has been written in this spiritual documentation is verbatim as it has been delivered. All messages have been translated into English as closely as possible to the spoken English language of Western society.

    Chapter One

    Introduction to the Ghede Season

    The Ghede season is a spiritual time of year when there will be many things or situations that people may look at as a negative, and it will be a negative. However, these negatives all come out in the celebration of life to help people continue to live. People can’t live a quality life if they have a foundation that’s not true, or any part of their foundation that is not true. Living on a foundation that is not true only sets you up to live on a false foundation filled with untruths from one Ghede season to the next Ghede season. Yet, the chance or opportunity for a higher and more fulfilling life is to choose a road of truth that has a clear foundation, which leads to cleaning up your spirit. Yet, some people do not take advantage of the opportunity to choose these roads during the Ghede season.

    During the Ghede season, the Ghede spirits look at us and see themselves as the ones who are living and us (the living) as if we are dying. When the living look at the spirits, the living will see them as a spirit of someone who has lived. However, the Ghede spirits see the living as dying because everything that the living is living, is dying as the body grows older. So, the message that the Ghede spirits are trying to tell you is, If you really want a good life there are things that you have to address. People can’t have a good life or the life that they are looking to enjoy if they can’t address the ugly. This does not mean addressing it in a good light or what a person selects to address. This means addressing false foundations or foundations that are not true, or even acceptance of foundations that individuals know are true, but don’t want to accept.

    The truth of a foundation goes two ways. If it is the truth and you know it is the truth, or if it is not the truth and you know it is not the truth, then the Ghede season is a chance for you to accept it. Then from there, you start to have a clean foundation where a negative spirit from the Ghede season cannot touch you. Moving through the Ghede season with the attitude to change will build such a huge radius around you spiritually, that negativities will not touch you.

    In the Ghede season, an individual must take a look at the things that he or she does. Those are the things that help you to have a good Ghede season. Whether you have got to get rid of something dirty about yourself, something evil about yourself or to accept something good that you don’t want to accept, it’s hard. Who wants to accept the dirt about themselves? Yeah, that’s dirt. You’re right. Who’s going to really want to accept that? You start to tell somebody, You’re dirty! You’re being mean. You’re nasty. You’re selfish. That’s the one! You tell somebody they’re selfish. They’ll be ready to kill you behind that one. They called me selfish! They’ll be ready to kill you and turn their back on you. They will do all kinds of stuff to you because you called them selfish. But if you are selfish and it’s the truth, the Ghede season is the time for you to accept the reality that you have been a very selfish person. From there you start to build a solid foundation to be able to walk, for elevation from this Ghede season to the next.

    Everything is important during the Ghede season and everything ties into the other. The Ghede season is a celebration of life and the celebration starts in November and finishes at the end of the month. It is important that everyone who knows anything about the Ghede season and the Ghede spirits, reach deep inside themselves for change by looking at the truth and seeing what it is and what it isn’t. The Ghede season is the time to accept it, acknowledge it and know it. It is not a time to play games with the truth or manipulate it. There should be an honest self-assessment by each individual before the beginning of December for a person to have a new power of Petro and Papa Ogu that comes, offering light and direction for the New Year.

    If one allows acceptance of untruths and manipulations during the Ghede season to set the foundation in December of any year, then in January, of the following year will start with untruths and manipulation. This will establish a path for the New Year which is not the true power of the

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