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Shifting Waters
Shifting Waters
Shifting Waters
Ebook44 pages34 minutes

Shifting Waters

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For every woman who found passion but not love…how did you find your way back to yourself? To life?

Sometimes a man walks into your life and, with a single look or the touch of his hand, you are towed out to sea. In this story, Sheila meets such a man–a man with the ability to engage every fantasy and passion, a man who moves so fast and so powerfully that the whitewater journey challenges her at every turn. Will she spin forever in his whirlpool or will she choose a different river for her life?

Release dateFeb 18, 2016
Shifting Waters

Maggie Jaimeson

Maggie is the author of 15 published books, as well as more than 30 short stories and numerous non-fiction articles. She is also the founder of Windtree Press, an independent publishing cooperative. Her love of lifelong-learning has garnered degrees in psychology, counseling, computer science, and education; and led to opportunities to consult in Europe, Australia, and the Middle East. Since 2013, Maggie has enjoyed the luxury of writing full-time. Her adult fiction spans romance, suspense, and SF titles under the name Maggie Jaimeson. She writes YA under the name Maggie Faire. Her non-fiction titles are found under Maggie McVay Lynch.

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    Book preview

    Shifting Waters - Maggie Jaimeson

    Shifting Waters

    A Short Story

    Women’s Fiction

    by Maggie Jaimeson

    Windtree Press

    Hillsboro, OR

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    Shifting Waters

    COPYRIGHT © 2011 by Maggie Jaimeson

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or Windtree Press except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information:

    Cover Art by Maggie Jaimeson

    Windtree Press

    Visit us at

    Publishing History

    First Edition, 2011

    Published in the United States of America


    For Jim.

    You are the river in my soul.

    You helped me to shrug off the dirt of the desert and join you in the water of life. 

    The journey continues to be extraordinary!


           I’ve always had this thing about the strong, silent type.  Maybe it’s because I’m the oldest of ten children.  Maybe it’s because my father epitomizes strong and silent.  In 1985, maybe it was because I was stuck in Washington, D.C. with beltway bandits who had traded belts for suspenders and were so caught up in conformity that no one had the creativity to think about being an outlaw.   I guess I was looking for excitement.  I was looking for something…someone… different. That’s when Bourne came into my life.

           I was working a temp job in one of those beltway offices with over two hundred engineers and operations analysts, and other hefty titles for paper-pushers who feed off federal tax dollars.  Bourne appeared at my desk, looking like someone who had just stepped off the pages of GQ, but wished he was on the pages of Outdoor.

           He perched on my desk, half-sitting, the crease in his pinstriped pants perfectly pressed, a pen in his hand which he drew slowly through muscular fingers, balancing it between his fingertips, the light playing on the gold casingsHis grey-blue eyes blasted through the wall I’d quickly built for protection.  He easily undressed me without his eyes ever leaving my face.  I was transfixed. I felt drawn into a pool of cool, sapphire water at the base of a cascading fall. 

    Hi.  Nice ring.  You engaged? he asked as if it really didn’t matter what I answered.

           I looked down at the half-carat cubic zirconium I’d been sporting for five months.  Since my divorce two years ago, I’d finally had it with trying to meet guys.  In a fit of anger with all the lame pick-up lines I’d been hearing in bars and dance clubs, I’d bought the ring from one of those mail-order places. I wore it to ensure the guys

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