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Knights of Madness: The Quest for Spiritual Truth
Knights of Madness: The Quest for Spiritual Truth
Knights of Madness: The Quest for Spiritual Truth
Ebook150 pages2 hours

Knights of Madness: The Quest for Spiritual Truth

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Revised edition
Is our consciousness our very own built in time machine?
Have you ever considered the possibility of past lives?
Do they exist, and if they do how can you access them?
This book is the account of one such life which appeared as the result of regression therapy. It documents a time when the old ways were being replaced by the new religion sweeping Briton. Luke, the second son of a Northern King, is sent on a quest by his father to discover the truths about the Holy Land.
It also details the life of the author, and what events led up to his past life encounter, and details of the process involved, the effect it had upon him, and how past lives fit in with our concept of the universe...

Release dateDec 6, 2012
Knights of Madness: The Quest for Spiritual Truth

Adrian Holland

Adrian is primarily known for his artwork and book cover designs, although he is also an author. Originally from Solihull, West Midlands, England, he now lives in Rural Cheshire. Adrian has written a series of five Spiritually Influenced books, a series of thirteen Science Fiction books, and a series Fantasy and Mystery books.

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    Knights of Madness - Adrian Holland

    Knights of Madness

    The Quest for Spiritual Truth

    Adrian Holland

    Published by AMAZOLA

    The right of Adrian Holland to be identified as the Author of the work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.

    Copyright © Adrian Holland 2012

    ISBN 978-0-9559678-9-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    For further information please contact the official website at

    A copy of this book is held at the British Library.

    Cover design and illustrations by Adrian Holland

    I was very close to both of my parents who were my best friends, and I have lost count of the number of happy times we shared, and all of the creativity and laughter. Like my beloved father Joe, my mother Margaret was so special, and my total inspiration. I would therefore like to dedicate this book to their memory.





















    This book has been an amazing journey for me, and one which arose out of an extraordinary set of circumstances.

    I had never really thought much about past lives, as it was a subject that I, like most people, viewed with some scepticism. Quite a lot of people do believe in them, and are convinced that they were a historical figure like Merlin or Cleopatra.

    Research has been conducted, and some children tell of their previous incarnations, and when their stories have been investigated, they seem to confirm what they have been saying. In some circumstances, they tell of living in a completely different area where they have not been before, and of people they are unlikely to have known. Such cases give compelling evidence, although no one can sure for certain.

    The nearest I had ever come to this, was when the going got tough, I would say that I did not know what I had done in a previous life to deserve this!

    Little did I know that I was going to find out a whole lot more about the subject, and indeed relive events from a distant time…


    My life had already seen more than its fair share of bizarre incidents combined with many ups and downs, more downs that ups as it happened!

    Born into a loving family, with two remarkable parents who I idolised, was certainly an up. We were so very close, and my life was full of love and happiness, as they were not just my parents but my best friends too.

    Growing up in an idyllic part of the country, my earliest memories are of green fields, little character properties dotted about with a village post office and stores, a tea rooms, river with a ford and wooden footbridge, a canal and a boatman’s rest. There was also a little railway station with a line that stretched from Birmingham to Stratford-upon-Avon.

    My home life had been wonderful, but my school life was a sharp contrast being very unhappy to say the least. I was dyslexic, not that anyone understood what that was in those days.

    Away from school I had some good friends and we did what children of the late 60’s and early 70’s did. We went on bike rides, roller-skated, built dens, had a tree house, went ice skating, snowballing, built snowmen and sledged, played in a paddling pool, had trips out and holidays, went to the cinema, painted, played games, dressed up, and thoroughly enjoyed every moment.

    Secondary school, college and then work soon followed, and even a career in music until everything came to an abrupt end - one of the many downs!

    My life had certainly been interesting to say the least, and it is contained in my autobiography A Way of being - The Journey to Spiritual Enlightenment.

    I had even gone to university as a mature student, which is where I had a profound spiritual experience, which may have opened the way for what was to come.

    With the help of my mother and one of my teachers at college I had overcome my dyslexia to a certain degree, but was still struggling academically. The previous few years had seen me become a studio engineer, following a stint working for the government in valuation. The opportunity to go to university had seemed an opportunity to good to refuse, but once there I began to realise that getting there was one thing, but staying there was quite another.

    I had a lot of recording equipment at home, and bumped into someone interested in recording some music, which seemed far more viable than my ill-fated attempt at academia. So a meeting was arranged and I was duly picked up the following evening, and off we went to discuss the project at a local pub. I am not much of a drinker, and on that occasion I just had a Pepsi. On the way back my usual car sickness reared its ugly head which had plagued me for years, and so the car was duly stopped and out I popped to get some fresh air.

    All of a sudden I was hit by what felt like a beam of light, everything went brilliant white and I felt myself being shot up towards the moon, which was shining out fully in all its splendour. It was an extraordinary feeling, and one so very difficult to explain. The closest that I can come to it, is what it must feel like to be shot out of a cannon at the circus. It was a feeling of total weightlessness, and all I could see was the brilliant white light which had engulfed me. I do not remember any visions, voices or colours, just the light and feeling euphoric love. Every molecule seemed to be vibrating in harmony as I shot upwards. It felt as though there was a great big white trampoline in the sky that looked just like the moon, and I bounced off it without any sensation. Everything happened so quickly that I had no chance to think, just feel. If I had, then I would have been terrified!

    There was absolutely no fear, just a deep trust and an inner knowledge that I would be safe, as I felt a deep love emanating from within and around me. If I was a religious person, then I would be saying that I had quite literally been touched by the Hand of God. There are just no words to describe the whole experience other than to say that I felt different. It could be said that I was feeling the effects of something I had ingested, but I have always been careful as I have a somewhat delicate system.

    Time actually felt as though it was standing still, and that moment seemed to last for hours, and when I came back to Earth only a few minutes had passed.

    Why it had happened then and there I do not know, maybe it was connected to Ley lines, planetary alignments or some unknown factor that to this day that still alludes me, but it was certainly very real nevertheless.

    It took me several years to discover that my soul had temporarily left my body. The soul usually does this when we are asleep, as it finds the constraints of the body too restricting.

    I also believe that I encountered my higher self - the part of you that sees and understands at the highest level, and I felt a whole lot different afterwards. Somehow, everything seemed to fit better within me, and I went on to graduate.

    Another one of the major turning points in my life was when I had received a vaccination at school, and soon developed a large lump on my arm which burst with yellow puss. Then there was the green liquid which oozed from it - yuk!

    Shortly afterwards I contracted a bad case of Glandular Fever, and was off school for four months. They say that you can only have it once, but I had it every year until my thirtieth birthday, where I then acquired a secondary infection, nearly died and was left paralysed from the neck down!

    Oh the joy!

    That was what ended my musical career, and I was originally diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which many years later was revised to Fibromyalgia following what they term as Transference Myelitis. Someone had had the bright idea of putting the Epstein Barr (Glandular fever virus) into the vaccine to get a reaction - well congratulations you certainly did!

    Things were however, not quite as grim as they would appear, as I was able to slowly get better with aid of regular Reiki treatments. For those who are unfamiliar with Reiki, it is a natural system of healing which evolved in Japan.

    We had relocated from the outskirts of Solihull to Chester a few years previously, and quite by chance, whilst my parents had been out shopping, they had been introduced to someone by a mutual friend who they happened to encounter. My father had been suffering from a niggling health complaint, and the next day an odd looking man arrived at our house. He looked liked a cross between Demis Roussos the 70’s Greek singer, and Crocodile Dundee, and was clutching a big bottle of Aloe Vera. The natural liquid did make a big difference to my father’s health, and he was not the only one.

    My parents also mentioned about my illness, and from under the Australian hat, and out from the bushy beard he claimed that he could make a real difference to my life.

    So, the next day I found myself in his house wondering what I was doing there and more importantly, how he could possibly help me. The whole situation felt very bizarre, and I was asked to lie down on his therapy couch, as he played some weird sounding Eastern music, and rang some equally weird looking bells. He then started to put his big hot hands all over me, much to my astonishment!

    My eyes felt heavy and began to close, as he worked down as far as possible, up as far as possible and when I thought he was going to put his hands on possible I went to sit up, but found that I could not move.

    I was convinced that he was holding me down by the shoulders, and as I took a quick peek, I discovered that he was in fact, working at my feet. It was the weirdest thing that I had ever experienced, as my whole mind and body seemed to have been taken over by a force which I did not understand.

    I was also suffering from back problems at the time, just to add to the increasing long list of complaints, and if that was not bad enough I now found myself in the grip of what I felt was a type of Voodoo, and half expected that next time I opened my eyes, I would see him dancing around the room shaking a set of animal bones like a Witch Doctor!

    When he eventually finished and the strange sensation had left, I hesitantly opened my eyes. Much to my relief he was back to being a Demis Roussos lookalike, and I half expected him to break into song, singing his hit forever and ever!

    He just smiled informing me that I had an energy blockage in my head, and that he had released it. I wondered what he was talking about, and when I got up off the therapy couch, to my total and utter amazement, I discovered that the back pain I had been suffering from had mysteriously disappeared!

    It turned out that the treatment I had received was my very first Reiki energy healing. (Little did I realise that I would go on to not only be attuned to Reiki, but become a Colour Therapist too).

    I thanked him very much, and from that moment on we became firm friends. Steve became my Reiki Master and introduced me to some other therapists, who volunteered their services to provide treatment to those on limited income. Naturally being thankful for all of the help he had given me, I offered my services too.

    It felt good giving something back, and whilst I was helping out, Steve attuned me to Reiki as well. It was not

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