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Threesome On Order
Threesome On Order
Threesome On Order
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Threesome On Order

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A feisty wife, her doting man, and her prank that he not only meets, but also exceeds. She imagined something so wild and bizarre to tease her man that she planned ahead and changed his travel arrangements to support her challenge. She had no idea that he could possibly meet her absurd challenge. Everyone gets more than they bargained for as the games unfold.

~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~

I took another slow sip of beer, while looking at the guy, to keep my hands occupied so I didn't knock his teeth out and the drink kept me from grinding my own teeth. It was hard to look impassively at the guy who was trying to fob his angry wife off on me for the evening, so he could go out and play with his little buddy.

He continued after my initial lack of expected response. He was trying to put me back on my heels to get me to agree to things I did not want to do. He was on his little power game, when he asked, "My buddy and I haven't seen each other for a while and are heading out. Do us a solid, and keep our wives company for the evening."

I kept the strong silent type as I obviously considered the request. I took a moment to look directly at both put out women. They were both solid shapely women. The one with brown hair a little shorter than I like but with nice big natural tits and firm legs packed into her stylish short skirt for a daring night out on the town. The other was a blue-eyed blonde, with an impatient hand on her hip, with one of those tight silky moonlight-silver three quarter length dresses that showed firm midriff past the low line a little fleshy cutout in the middle and back of her designer dress. Both wore open-toe sandal type things against the warm spring climate.

Both left my pants feeling tighter with every heartbeat as they looked me over too.

Yapping-boy continued into my ear without much notice, "Do us a solid, man. Help us out with a guy's night out! You were an army type; you gotta know what I mean!"

I was too busy undressing the proffered women with my eyes to rise to his barb, implying that as an Army guy I went out cheating on my women all the time. Treating his wife like that, no wonder she never wanted to introduce any of her girlfriends to him for some exotic play. But guys like these never considered the military as a career; it was too low for their arrogance to conscience.

I stared in the brunette's eyes, wobbling my head slightly as if considering something I did not want to do, for the viewing of the husband. My eyes drilled into this sexy piece of meat as the far corner of my lip curled up slightly so the clown could not see but his wife could. I let my mind wander to the moment I planned to free her giant tits from her top and lustily undressed her in my mind.

Release dateFeb 18, 2016
Threesome On Order

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    Book preview

    Threesome On Order - AU Link

    Threesome On Order

    By: AU Link

    ~~ All characters in this book are over 18 ~~

    For Rose: Because playful fantasy is fun and healthy, this will make you blush, but still only fantasy, because changing diapers...well...kinda sucks.

    COPYRIGHT, 2013 by AU Link

    Author's Note:

    This is a fun story about a dare gone wrong, to the pleasurable result for everyone worth mentioning.

    I am slowly working on a website. It currently does not have much content, but is publicly viewable. The site is located at:

    I always appreciate comments via the site or to:

    Chapter 1

    Rose knelt between my splayed legs, open on our leather couch.

    My shorts casually tossed over her shoulder, like some trophy she had not yet won, but already claimed. Rose leaned forward on both hands and licked slowly up the underside of my shaft, never blinking or looking away from my eyes during her worship.

    I groaned at her amorously teasing touch. Her tongue left a thin clinging thread of my thin pre-cum and her warm saliva draped between my oozing hole and her pink tongue.

    Rose corrected for the thousandth time, You are going to bible camp.

    I groaned again, this time in protest at her continued tease, I'm not going to a damn bible-camp! I stroked her long dark brown hair, while her bedroom-brown eyes and loving smile held me to her. Her light-tan Hispanic features hypnotize and arouse me every time. It was so hard for me to think when I looked at her. I stroked her cheek and hair, as she nuzzled lovingly back into my touch, and I corrected her for the thousandth time, It is a weeklong combat veteran's, post traumatic stress retreat....

    Rose's right hand snuck up, dragged up between my legs from the bottom, and she caught my balls in her palm; closing her thumb and fingers around my thin scrotum to trap her prize.

    Her calm lusty eyes and firm grip killed any further words before I could speak them.

    We wrote real mail to each other for a long time, in addition to talking like normal people. It was something nice, unique and different that we could do together. I pretty much knew that I was done and spoken for a long time before when my mate started signing her cards and letters to me 'your lady'. Then more so once, she started adding to 'your lady' my last name with her 'Mrs.' moniker. Once she started marking her territory like that, I pretty much knew I did not want anyone else.

    Still without looking away, Rose leaned forward and kissed each one of my sensitive balls that she held prisoner in her firm grip. When she spoke her hot breath and voice tickled exquisitely, It is a faith based organization run by an ordained minister. Face it baby, I may need to coax you out of bed in the morning with sex before I drag you to church every Sunday, and I may need to let you fuck me where ever you want to in our house when we get back for being a good boy and going with me ... but you still go.

    I made a 'hum' at her mischaracterization of our Sundays.

    Rose sucked my balls into her mouth and tongued them all over, rolling them in her hot mouth.

    I took a deep breath and corrected her, You enjoy your Sunday morning fuckings as much as I enjoy giving them to you. The only reason I go to church with you is that I know for a fact all those uptight little churchy people are going there all showered and clean, but I make you go with my hot load of fresh sperm swimming in your recently fucked Catholic-pussy.

    Rose hummed an approving 'umm-hum' around my balls, as her brows climbed approvingly.

    I drew a ragged breath and stroked Rose's hair with both hands, You like it when I make you my own personal Catholic whore.

    Rose slowly bit down to remind me who-had-who by the balls.

    She released and pulled back slightly before correcting, Watch your mouth, Mister. She stood naked and slowly stroked her slightly rounded belly, I'm going to be somebody's mama. She straddled and stepped forward so she pressed her hotly soaking pussy against my balls and trapped cock. Rose pressed my hands to her womb and informed me, matter-of-factly, It was probably one of our Sunday sessions that put our baby into my belly in the first place.

    I rolled my eyes, knowing that drove her crazy, and countered, I fuck you every day. All you know is that your pretty, little egg popped out and she got mugged by all my waiting sperm.

    Rose giggled, pressed her warm firm breasts to my chest and kissed me hotly invading my mouth with her tongue. She stroked her heated pussy up the underside of my dick leaving a thicker coating of her inviting fuck-juice. She teased back, Don't forget that you don't pay me enough to be a 'whore'.

    I grabbed her ass and pulled her tighter, I don't let you fuck other guys either. But I do like treating you like my personal fuck-slut.

    She purred approvingly, I am your personal willing-fuck-slut. I'm still going to be our baby's mommy. And, you are still going to bible camp.

    I groaned and complained, I'm not going to bible camp!

    Rose's teasing smile lit the room as she gripped her arms around my shoulders, lunged forward and up, and then dropped her tight fuck hole down my shaft. She stared calmly into my eyes as she adjusted to my entry. She wondered aloud breathily, I love your blue eyes. I can stare at you all day. You are so handsome, my handsome man. Rose finally broke her gaze as her head slowly fell forward so she could coo into my neck.

    I kissed Rose's ear, loosed an ecstatic sigh, and breathed into her, I'm home.

    Rose purred and agreed, as she slowly began to rise and fall, Yes, lover, you are home in me. While her pussy worked her magic and drained all reason and resistance from my brain along with my blood, Rose demanded, You will go to bible camp. She paused a moment, considering and then began again, I know there will be women there, so I want you to slide this dick into some of them. She worked herself hard, groaning in her throat, And then, I want you to fill those churchy closet-sluts with shots of your hot virile sperm.

    Sanity protested weakly from me, I'm not going to fuck any veteran's wives.

    She groaned at my protest and its infringement upon her fantasy, and she amended, Fine. Then find and fuck a cute young local chick, or even better, a corporate sponsor's wife. Knock that bitch up. Come home to me, your pregnant mate, slip your dick into me and tell me all about it while you pump my pregnant pussy full of sperm when you get back. I want you to knock that strange bitch up and send her back to her husband with your baby in her belly.

    I shivered at my kinky mate's request.

    I had known Rose for a long time before we ever made love for the first time, so I knew exactly what she liked and wanted before our first time. After that, it was just a matter of loving her with all my heart and pleasing her like I knew she wanted.

    I wrapped my hand in her hair, pulling her down onto me hard and tight, and demanded, You really do have an impregnation fetish, don't you, you bossy little bitch.

    Of course, I knew the answer to that question. Rose fought it as long and hard as she could, but eventually instinct and her sexual nature won outright and she capitulated. She had grand plans about 'waiting' and 'working until we were perfectly-set', but

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