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The Winner's Code: How to Unleash the Winner Within
The Winner's Code: How to Unleash the Winner Within
The Winner's Code: How to Unleash the Winner Within
Ebook149 pages26 minutes

The Winner's Code: How to Unleash the Winner Within

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About this ebook

Today is the day for you to start unleashing more of the Winner within! As you read the following you will begin to rid yourself of the negative attitudes and thoughts that have dictated your bad outcomes thus far, and you will begin to see things from a new perspective and process of thought. You will give yourself the okay to move forward in your life and career and enjoy it. Read on and find out how to change your thinking, and your life for the better of your present and your future.
Conversing with the Winners
"The Simon Effect"
Childhood Conditioning
Making a Solid, Determined Choice to be a Winner
Firmly decide, and firmly commit to the fact, that you are a winner.
Set and commit to a start date (Your "January 1st, so to speak).
There are 2 kinds of prison; which are you in? How do you get out?
Emotional Childhood Trauma
Self-respect in Relation to Self-Esteem
The True Root of Healthy Self-Esteem
Winning Defined
Balancing the 10 Parts of the Life Dynamic
Leisure Time & Socialization
Family Relationships
Money and Finances
Present & Future Goals
Personal Thought Life
Physical Care
Giving Permission to Win Regularly
Accepting the Truth
Facts about Setting Missions & Goals
Always Be Specific
Why are You are Here?
Be S.M.A.R.T.E.R.
Be Introspective
Patience is a Virtue
Always Set Personal & Professional Goals, No Matter How Small
Dream Like a Child; Plan Like a Grown-up
Look and Feel Alive!
What Have I Accomplished?
Your Personal Mission Statement
Choose to Win, and then See Yourself Winning
Mental Coaching
Reprogramming the Subconscious
The Price
Your Coach
Talk to Winners and Successes
Positive Self-Talk
Dress for Success
A Winning Home Life Atmosphere
Time Alone to Meditate
Get Rid of the Rubbish
Education Breeds Results
Throw the Excuses Out the Window
Negative School Experiences
To Keep Winning, You Must Keep Learning
Now Is the Time!
Soak Up Knowledge On Your Own
What Looks Like Instant Success Really Took Years
Communication Skills
Stay Focused on Your Mission
Think First
Voice Tone & Emphasis
Listen & Learn
Body Language
Hear First
Stay Simple
Personal Life Relationships
Relationship Conflict
Winners Survive
Adjusting Your Sails
Win at Work
Think About Inspirational People
Exclude Excuses
You Are Responsible
Be Where You Are
Share Yourself
Meaning in Life
Your Life's Mission
Be Financially Healthy
Make a Decision to Organize
Working & Dreaming
The Water that gives Life
The Spirit
The Body
Rest & Play
Time for rest must be taken if you want to win.
Spirituality is Not Religion
Move Your Body
The Past
Clear the Air
Giving Yourself Permission to be a Winner
Look In the Mirror
Think Like a Champ

Release dateFeb 24, 2016
The Winner's Code: How to Unleash the Winner Within

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    Book preview

    The Winner's Code - Gloria Moses


    The following information has been provided to you to assist you in putting your personal mission into actual motion. Today is the day for you to commit to making some changes and actually following through with what needs to be done to make those changes take place. As you read the following you will begin to rid yourself of the negative attitudes and thoughts that have dictated your outcomes thus far, and you will begin to see things from a new perspective and process of thought. You will give yourself the okay to move forward in your life and career and enjoy it. Read on and find out how to change your thinking, and your life for the better of your present and your future.

    The suggestions and practices below are very effective when implementing them into your life routine on a consistent and regular basis. We are talking about a lifestyle change at heart. The success you will subsequently reap is simply a fruit of the life changes made and work invested.

    Conversing with the Winners

    Here are some points that, if kept in mind and applied accordingly, will get you going in the right direction:

    The Simon Effect

    Remember Simon Says? Well, a Simon is an individual you have in some capacity in your life whose presence and influence contribute to negative thinking problems. When you are around a Simon, you wind up keeping your eyes on what you think you lack, rather than the abundance you possess as a unique individual. If you have a low level of self-esteem or self-worth, a Simon can easily motivate you to throw in the towel when it is not even necessary.

    Childhood Conditioning

    Our mindset and outlook in regard to ourselves as individuals is formed during our upbringings and through the circumstances of our lives. Any negative stigmas we have come to accept and embrace in regard to ourselves will remain with us throughout our lifetime, and will negatively affect the result of anything we attempt to take on regarding our goals and ambitions. Do you want to get rid of this destructive mindset? Doing this requires proactivity of the most dedicated and motivated kind. You alone can fix the problem, and it can only be done by hard work applied to the changing of attitudes and thoughts systematically and diligently. You must literally reprogram a lifetime

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