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Dragol Slayer
Dragol Slayer
Dragol Slayer
Ebook229 pages3 hours

Dragol Slayer

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Olivia, a young woman who is caretaker to a dying, elderly woman, makes an intriguing promise to her. She sets out to the beach at dusk to fulfill it when a sudden, intense storm hits. Noticing a small boat coming her way with a slumped over person inside, she braves the storm and rescues the half-conscious injured man. Finding out the next day his boat was lost at sea and he has nowhere to turn, she tells him she'll give him food and shelter in exchange for work on her home.
As their friendship grows, Olivia and the man find themselves falling in love with each other. His mysterious background starts to unfold when his brother finds him, relaying that their kind is being slaughtered and he is needed. He confides to Olivia that he must go back to stop the terrorizing and killing of his people. Upon his arrival home, he realizes that a full-blown war is their only hope.

PublisherD. C. Smith
Release dateFeb 20, 2016
Dragol Slayer

D. C. Smith

From the moment I learned to read, I loved books.The emotions and thoughts of the characters in a book can be expressedso much better that it puts you in the mindframe of the characters.I am fascinated by angels and like to look at pictures of them as well ascollect figurines of them. I also collect dolls.I've always wanted to write, and finally decided to go after my dream.Those things that I love inspired me to write my first novel, The Descended.I am currently working on my fifth novel.

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    Book preview

    Dragol Slayer - D. C. Smith

    Dragol Slayer

    by D.C. Smith

    Copyright © 2016 by D.C. Smith

    Smashwords Edition

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

    Chapter 1

    Olivia awoke to the sound of her alarm clock going off. Five a.m. Bright sunshine filled her bedroom; a warm wind billowed out the white curtains with the pretty little yellow rose pattern on them. She could smell the distinct air of the sea not far away from Rita’s small but quaint stone house. She loved being caretaker of Rita, ninety-one years old today and just as spunky and alert as ever. Love this time of the year. Eighteen hours of daylight, the warmth, the wildflowers, the fresh vegetables and fruits, just everything is more alive, more alluring. She put on jean shorts and a gray colored t-shirt. Shirt color brings out the green color of my eyes, Olivia thought as she smiled at herself in the mirror. She combed her long, blond hair, put on some light makeup. Shamus, Rita’s little west highland terrier dog greeted her in the kitchen. She quickly and quietly made herself some tea and toast. Slipping her feet into sandals she headed out to the garage, Shamus tagging along.

    Ah ha! There’s that huge basket! she said as she stood on tiptoe and took it down from the shelf. This should hold a lot of strawberries and wildflowers, right Shamus? Shamus barked and wagged his tail. Olivia bent down and patted his head. Today is Rita’s birthday and we are going to pick the ripest, plumpest strawberries and bake her favorite pie to celebrate!

    Olivia and Shamus made their way to the garden area. Wow! Our garden is abundant this year! Look at all the beans, peas, garlic, and broccoli heads. Onions, carrots showing their tops, a lot can be picked. I bet there’s even potatoes. I’m going to pick a bunch and make a delicious stew for dinner. Rita will love that. She said as she started going down the rows, filling her basket with fresh vegetables. She reached the big strawberry patch, picking enough to make the pie. Ohhh this basket is heavy, Olivia chuckled as she used both hands to lift it. I’m going to leave it here while I go get the flowers. Come on, Shamus!

    She picked a handful of wildflowers in various shades of yellows, purples and pinks that dotted the land Rita owned. That’ll do. Let’s go get that basket and go in now, Shamus. I’ve got my work cut out for me.

    She picked up the basket and headed for the back kitchen door. Shhh, Shamus! she whispered as she held her finger to her mouth and looked down at the dog. Mustn’t wake Rita. We want to surprise her. Shamus wagged his tail as they quietly walked into the kitchen. Olivia set the basket down on the counter. She cut and arranged the wildflowers in a pretty cobalt blue glass vase that caught the sunrays coming through the window and lit it up. She placed it in the center of the little wooden table. Quickly she shelled the peas, scrubbed and cut up the remainder of the vegetables placing them all in the slow cooker along with chicken broth, diced tomatoes, and spices. She then busied herself making the pie. She put it in the oven and looked at the clock. Perfect! The pie should be done right before Rita gets up. She cleaned up the kitchen in record time. She went to her room, took out the hand-crocheted blanket she made off her closet shelf and went to place it over Rita’s rocking chair. She heard footsteps and the bathroom door closing. She’s up! Olivia thought as she waited in the living room with Shamus by her side.

    I smell something divine! Rita said as she turned into room.

    Happy birthday! Olivia shouted as she gave her a warm hug.

    Is that a strawberry pie I smell? Rita’s smile lit up her hazel eyes.

    Yes. I picked the plumpest, ripest strawberries in our garden to make it with. Only the best for you, Rita.

    Oh you’re such a dear heart, Rita said as she kissed Olivia’s cheek.

    Shamus helped by keeping me company.

    Rita reached down and picked him up. He’s a dear too.

    There were lots of vegetables that were ready to be picked. I have a thick vegetable stew simmering in the slow cooker with them.

    Oh boy! This is truly a lovely birthday. And I just woke up! Rita chuckled. Her eyes caught the blanket hanging over the rocking chair. She walked up to it and felt it.

    I made that for you.

    It’s beautiful. So soft to the touch. The blues of the sea. Oh my! Rita turned, tears forming in her eyes. When did you find the time?

    Those nights I retired early to my room this past winter and early spring.

    I thought you were reading.

    Well I couldn’t give away what I was doing during those times. I know it’s summer now, but it’s the only thing I could think of that you needed. Your other blanket you sit and rock with is getting frayed. I could store it in that big trunk if you like. By the way, what’s in that trunk?

    I’ll use it now. I can wrap it around myself when I take evening walks down to the sea. Cools down a lot at night, and this would be perfect to keep my old bones warm. I’ll give Shamus my old blanket. I just love it! Thank you so much! Rita walked over to the huge wooden trunk and ran her hand over it. I’ve lost the key to this trunk a long time ago. It belonged to my mother so I keep it in memory of her.

    Oh that’s sweet. It’s a beautiful trunk, Olivia said as she lightly touched Rita’s arm. I’m glad you like my gift. Thanks for teaching me how to crochet. It’s relaxing. Helps fill in those long cold winters staying indoors. Still love to read and cook too.

    Sounds like you’re artistic at heart, Rita said as they walked into the kitchen. Oh my! What beautiful flowers adorn my table! You thought of everything to make my day so special!

    Sit down and have this slice of pie with a fresh cup of coffee. Olivia pulled out a chair and motioned for Rita to sit down.

    Thank you, dear.

    They ate in silence as Olivia watched Rita gaze out the window at the sea in the distance.

    Have you lived on this island a long time?

    Yes, all my life. This house my father built with his own hands.

    Wow, that’s amazing! He was very talented. It’s beautiful. Solid stone. It’s got such character to it, like a house out of a fairy tale. Olivia cleared her throat, Were you lonely as a child growing up here? It’s so far away from any other homes.

    Rita smiled. No, I had a dog named Mack that kept me company. I was close to my mother and we’d do a lot of interesting and fun things together. Oh and I had a cousin named Martha that was my age. She came and stayed a couple of weeks during summer school break and my parents let me go to her house for a couple of weeks too and we’d play together.

    Parents. Miss my parents. I need to thank Rita for coming into my life. Olivia touched Rita’s hand. Rita, I can’t thank you enough for hiring me. I don’t know what I would have done after my parents died in that car crash.

    "You’ve been a blessing to me, Olivia. I’m so happy to have you stay here with Shamus and me. You’re like family to me. I should say you are family to us, Rita patted Olivia’s hand. Ninety-one years old, Rita shook her head, I never would have thought to live to be this old, she said as she locked eyes with Olivia. Which reminds me, I’ve put you in my will. Everything I own I’m leaving to you."

    I… I can’t accept that, Rita.


    Because you still do have family, your cousin Martha, her children, grandchildren. They are blood so they should inherit. Besides, you’re going to live at least another twenty years if not more. You’re in perfect shape mentally and physically, she said as she looked into Rita’s eyes. It scares me when you talk like that. I don’t want to even think of losing you. You’re all I have left, Olivia’s voice cracked as she felt tears forming.

    You’re a sweetheart, dear. But when the good Lord says it’s my time to leave this earth then it’s my time. I’ve been blessed with living a long life already. And as far as my will, it’s all been set. Martha passed away five years ago so I don’t believe she’ll be fighting it, Rita chuckled, and even if she was alive today, she had no children. I have no other living relatives. Everything has been taken care of. The only thing I can think of now is that you need to find a nice man.

    Yeah, well let’s just go to the mainland market and see what they have.

    Rita laughed as she shook her head. Wouldn’t that be something? Putting in an order for the type of man you want.

    Olivia got up and took their plates to the sink. She refilled their cups of coffee and sat back down. How did you meet Vince?

    Rita’s smile grew wide as she gazed out the window.

    Come on. I’m curious. Tell me. I see that huge smile on your face.

    Rita looked over at Olivia. He was a fisherman. The sea was like his second home, she said as she gazed back out the window.


    That’s it. That’s all your going to tell me?

    Rita chuckled as she glanced over at Olivia, we met on the beach. It was a beautiful summer night. Winds were calm, moonlight shone on the water. I watched as his small fishing boat made its way toward me. I thought it was strange that a boat was heading my way. There were no docks nearby. He dragged his little boat on to the shore and tied it securely to some rocks. He glanced around and that’s when he saw me. I was standing by a wind-blown twisted tree.

    I know that tree. I love that tree. It’s got character to it, Olivia blurted out.

    Yes, you could say that. It’s been there ever since I can remember. Even though it has been bent sideways by the wind, its roots run strong and deep.

    I’m sorry for interrupting. Please tell me more.

    Well he smiled and waved as he approached me. I could tell he was tall and had a strong build to him. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there, Rita took a sip of her coffee, He came up to me, put out his hand, and introduced himself. He told me he had been fishing all day and was tired; he had seen what he thought was a deserted beach area and was going to take a nap before he went on his way again. He didn’t realize I was there so he apologized and said he’d find another beach. I told him he didn’t have to leave; he could stay and get some rest. He thanked me. He started to ask me questions and we talked. I found him very charming.

    The pictures you have of him, I’d say he was more than charming. He was extremely handsome.

    Yes, he was definitely that. I offered to take him to my home where I’d feed him a nice meal and he could get some sleep in the extra bedroom. He thanked me but refused. He laughed and told me he felt awake now, realized he just needed to rest, not sleep. Said he wasn’t hungry, he had eaten food he packed right before he came here. We sat down on the soft sand and talked for hours. I was mesmerized by his looks, his voice, everything about him.

    Weren’t your parents worried?

    No. I was a grown woman then. Oh I imagine they would have been if I didn’t come home until the next day. When dawn started approaching, he told me he had to go. I didn’t see him again until a year later on the same day at around the same time, same place. I wasn’t going to let him get away from me that time, Rita chuckled. We stayed together from that point until his death, Rita sighed, her eyes misting over. And with that said, I hope to meet up with him again when it’s my time to leave this earth.

    Aww, you will. True love is eternal.

    Do you like living out here?

    I love living out here, Olivia smiled. I must confess that I was a bit apprehensive when I met your friend Bonnie at church after my parents died and she told about the location of your job opening. But when I saw your land, the sea, and the cute house you lived in, the beauty of it all took my breath away.

    Bonnie was a dear true friend of mine for years, Rita smiled, we were like sisters. Well she chose well, coming to you to tell you about my job opening. She must have sensed what a loving, caring person you are.

    She was a sweet lady. I enjoyed the lively conversations we all had together when she would pay you a visit.

    Rita got up from her chair and immediately grabbed onto the table, knocking over her half-filled cup of coffee. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

    Oh my God, are you alright? Olivia quickly reached out to put her arm around Rita’s waist. She could feel panic setting in as she gently guided Rita back into the chair. She ran to the phone, her fingers shaking as she dialed 999.

    She knelt down by Rita. I called emergency services and the ambulance is on the way. I gave them your doctor’s name too, whispering, she barely could get out the words. Hold on, Rita. You’re going to be alright. She turned her face away, wiping the tears continually streaming down. She touched Rita’s hand. Ice cold, clammy. I’ll be right back. I’m going to get you a blanket. She ran to the rocking chair and put the soft blanket around Rita.

    Rita moved her hand out of the blanket as she looked into Olivia’s eyes. Thank you, sweetheart. Please don’t cry now. Can you do me a big favor? Rita asked.

    Of course. Anything. Olivia held Rita’s hand.

    I want some of those special shells.

    I don’t understand. What special shells.

    The shells that wash up on the beach only on June 23rd. Go down there and pick me up some.

    What do they look like?

    You’ll know. Their beauty is like no other. Also, I want you to call my lawyer first thing tomorrow morning. His phone number is in my little phone book in the first drawer of my nightstand.

    The lawyer, why the lawyer? She’s dying and she knows it. God, no! Olivia thought as she brought her forehead down to rest on Rita’s hand she held, tears flowing, covering both their hands.

    Sirens blared as the ambulance approached the house. Olivia quickly got up and ran out the front door. Please hurry! she shouted as two men jumped out and followed her inside.

    Rita sat there, her hand by her heart, sweating. Two other men came in bearing a stretcher. Everything became a blur to Olivia as one medic talked to Rita while the other one took her vitals. She took the blanket the men had taken off Rita and walked into the little living room. She sat down on the rocking chair, the blanket wrapped around her, her mind going numb.

    Excuse me, miss. Is your name Olivia?

    Olivia looked up and nodded.

    My name’s Josh. We stabilized her as much as we could and are taking her to the hospital. She asked to talk to you for a moment before we leave, the handsome young medic said as he held out his hand to help her up.

    Olivia walked outside and climbed into the ambulance. Rita lay on the stretcher, her complexion gone gray. Olivia touched her hand, Rita, I’m here, she whispered. Rita’s eyes lit up and she smiled weakly as she looked up at Olivia. Promise me you’ll do everything I asked.

    Olivia stood there, uncontrollable tears streaming down her face. She nodded. Yes. I promise. I love you, Rita, she whispered.

    I love you, too. Thank you sweet… Rita clutched at her heart, her eyes widened.

    Her heart’s arresting! the medic said as he started CPR.

    Josh, the young medic, moved toward Olivia. Miss, you’ll have to leave so they can work on her, he said as he took her hand and steered her out of the ambulance. He walked her back into the house. He felt her body shaking and led her to the couch. Do you need a sedative?

    Olivia shook her head. No. Just… please save her.

    We are doing everything we can for her, he softly said as another medic came in

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