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At Heaven's Edge: True Stories of Faith and Rescue
At Heaven's Edge: True Stories of Faith and Rescue
At Heaven's Edge: True Stories of Faith and Rescue
Ebook219 pages3 hours

At Heaven's Edge: True Stories of Faith and Rescue

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Veteran EMT Andrea Rodgers has helped hundreds of people in their most vulnerable moments.

Some of the victims faced their mortality head-on and cried out to God for help. Many experienced fleeting but life-changing connections with their first responders. Often these crises became unexpected sources of inspiration.

Now Rodgers shares brief, real-life stories of heroic courage in the face of fear. In times of intense suffering, she has repeatedly witnessed signs of God's quiet intervention and healing presence.

  • A man is resuscitated after Rodgers was able to repair a defibrillator—with her teeth!
  • Several bystanders help rescue a young girl who is accidently buried alive in sand.
  • Rodgers also experienced some lighthearted moments, including the time she arrived at the scene of a crime only to find herself in the middle of a mystery dinner theater.

Experience the miracles, the life-and-death drama as you look at life from heaven's edge.

Release dateOct 1, 2015
At Heaven's Edge: True Stories of Faith and Rescue

Andrea Jo Rodgers

Andrea Jo Rodgers has been a volunteer EMT for 35 years and has responded to more than 9,500 first aid and fire calls. She holds a clinical doctorate in physical therapy and has worked as a physical therapist in a trauma center for more than 30 years.

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Prior to reading this book, I was not familiar with volunteer first aid squads, at least not by that title. I find it fascinating that some emergency service workers are volunteers and go through training but perhaps not formal schooling. In all areas of the population, but especially in more rural and undeveloped areas, these squads are vital in initiating life-saving measures until they can get the patient to the hospital. Many times, lives are saved thanks to the early efforts of EMTs.An interesting and poignant collection, “At Heaven’s Edge” by Andrea Jo Rodgers is a collection of true stories by the author, pointing toward divine intervention and the sacred beauty of life. Each case involves the author; Rodgers has served as a volunteer EMT for over 30 years, and she holds a clinical doctorate of physical therapy, the former accomplishment being the basis for this book. As a result, readers are treated to firsthand accounts as well as the author’s thoughts in the moments of a rescue and those of the patient(s) involved in the case. Not only that, but in most cases, the ultimate outcome for the patient is shared, which naturally enhances the reading experience and whets one’s interest.Each chapter is titled and opens with an epigraph in the form of a Bible verse. These are all steadfast reminders of who God is and of who we are in Him; some of the pairings with the chapters, though, did seem slightly haphazard and not entirely fitting to the chapter’s context. Included also in each story is the dispatcher’s message to all of the volunteers, telling them where to go and what type of emergency was occurring. These details augment the authenticity of “At Heaven’s Edge”, but nonetheless, I am glad that Rodgers also tells some of the sadder stories that did not have the desired happy ending, all while remaining inspirational and always pointing to the Lord as the ultimate Healer. While I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this book for those with an aversion to the medical field, this is a clean read in the traditional sense and also in the sense that there are no graphic details. Readers who enjoy “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and have an interest in either medicine or EMTs will doubtless be inspired by these stories of faith, hope, and resilience in the face of medical emergencies. I received a complimentary copy of this book through Celebrate Lit and was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are my own.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The book is a look at emergencies and the people who answer the call to help. The stories are different yet all have a similar theme of hope. The author says a prayer as she goes to 911 calls . I liked her compassion and how dedicated she is to her work. We get insight into what first responders deal with daily. Each call is different and some are more difficult than others. The author gives details of emergency equipment and what to expect as they roll upon a scene. I think it would be very hard to do her job but her expertise and faith help her as she helps patients. I have had to call 911 several times when my brother was ill. The first responders were kind and very knowledgeable. They made me and my brother feel better knowing he was in capable hands. As I read the book I thought of all the scenes the author witnessed from drownings, heart attacks and gun shot wounds. I appreciate how they put their lives on the line each day to help others in difficult situations . The book shares several incidents when God’s healing hands were there. Overall I enjoyed the book and it gave me a greater appreciation for the men and women who have dedicated their lives to help others. I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

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At Heaven's Edge - Andrea Jo Rodgers

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