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Sexual Role Play for Nerds
Sexual Role Play for Nerds
Sexual Role Play for Nerds
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Sexual Role Play for Nerds

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About this ebook

Sexual Role Play for Nerds is a refined and entertaining introduction to sexual role play. Using the trope of the ‘nerd’ stereotype, Tomás Redrose is able to distinctly dissect sex and intimacy in a way that really breaks the ice to a wide audience. Written for and by a nerd, the author draws on his own personal experience with role play. This experience is not one-sided as he is able to faithfully and comprehensively include the perspective of his long term sexual partner, who is female. Unlike many other books, this one offers tried and tested activities that really work for real couples. The author’s suggested activities are accompanied by highly specific details, including instructions, and followed up by the reactions of both partners. At every step of the way, this material is helpful, very easy to relate to, and a lot of fun to read.

Release dateMar 3, 2016
Sexual Role Play for Nerds

Tomás Redrose

Tomás Redrose is the pseudonym of a real life nerd, professional sex therapist, and monogamous sex enthusiast. Being a literature nerd, Tomás enjoys reading and writing on a variety of levels. Sexual Role Play for Nerds is his first book that pertains to this particular subject in his life. He resides in Portland, Oregon with his family and cat.

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    Book preview

    Sexual Role Play for Nerds - Tomás Redrose

    Sexual Role Play for Nerds

    By Tomás Redrose

    Copyright 2016 Tomás Redrose

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Are You a Nerd?

    The Nerd Test

    Sexual Role Play

    Getting Started

    The Classroom Note

    The Psychoanalyst

    The Masseuse

    The Interrogator

    Advanced Nerd Play

    Fantasy Topics


    About the Author

    Sexual Role Play for Nerds

    Are You a Nerd?

    The stereotype of the ’nerd’ would dictate that as one, you are already familiar with role playing. This would be in the sense that you’ve had some experience playing role playing games (RPGs) such as ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ and thus you are possibly already comfortable (LARPing), and pretending to be a wizard or a dragon or something. In light of this, there is the very real possibility that there are many ‘nerds’ out there that may have absolutely no use for this book. That being said, there is a very significant distinction between role playing in a game and role playing sexually, for real, in the bedroom, with a real actual partner. This book is about how to make this happen for you and your partner.

    Next, we must come to the understanding that you don’t have to be a true, classical ’nerd’ to get something out of this book. For starters, the term ‘nerd’ nowadays is much more flexible than it was say 20 or 30 years ago. At that time, ’nerd’ used to only apply to people who were literally nerdy to point of completely repulsive. This was often actually an extreme and rare ‘unicorn’ scenario that required comparatively high standards. To actually be considered a ‘nerd’ there was this very discriminating combination of intellectual prowess, social and / or physical awkwardness, and general lack of attractiveness that only a Steve Urkel could achieve. This level was the only true, mythical, uncontested nerd status. But, like I said, that was a long time ago and many things have since changed.

    Today, more people self-identify as ‘nerds’ than I would ever have imagined. The definition of a nerd nowadays includes a much larger pool of factors as more people are associating developmental specialization with success in the professional sphere. In some sense, if you are a ‘nerd’ in today’s world, it can simply mean that you are successful - or you have at least one interest in your life that you take seriously. On this topic, you may attempt to analyze or consider matters on an unusually deep level. You might always want to talk about this particular topic with people all the time. You may spend an inordinate amount of hours or days on this said interest, and when you get deeply involved in it, you confess that you were ’nerding out.’ Sorry, I was nerding out, you apologize - but you’re not really sorry - you are a fucking nerd. Thus, all it takes is this one special interest to qualify yourself as nerd worthy, and this ‘nerd object’ of yours could be practically anything in the ever expanding nerdiverse. Who knows, you could probably qualify as a nerd by ‘nerding out’ on the ways in which you’re ‘totally not a nerd’ - the room grows silent, your friends turn to each other and insist - ’Get a load of this nerd.’ In the end, this is what makes the World we live in today so great - we have embraced nerd-hood like never before. In the future (4070 on a distant planet), this time period may very well be known historically as the ‘Era of Nerd Liberation.’

    To continue my working definition of ‘nerds’ or the kinds of people who would benefit the most from this book, I will elaborate further. Firstly, you must have some in-depth area or topic of interest that is outside of being some sort of ‘sexual master or guru.’ Obviously, if you are already a ‘sex nerd’ you probably don’t currently need help incorporating Role Play into your sex life. In fact, if you are truly a ‘sex nerd,’ you have, by definition, already won this game. By this time, you and your partner have no problem channeling the souls of wizards and dragons and the fact that you’re still able to have great sex doing this suggests that you are at the highest level of all ‘elite sex nerds’. Achievement of this would be truly amazing, but unfortunately such an epic level of ‘sex nerdery’ is not accessible or desirable to most people.

    Thus far, we have assessed that you are not already some kind of a ‘sex nerd.’ This is the first qualification. If you are a ‘sex nerd’ you probably don’t need my help so much, but this book could still be entertaining to you. So, feel free to continue reading. Secondly, you have something in your life that gets you ‘nerdy.’ On this topic, you are able to have deep, rewarding conversations with others and you love reflecting on all the ‘nerdy details’ associated with said topic. In my view, this is an important step. This is because intimacy and connectivity are defined by this exact type of exchange of highly specific, ‘nerdy details.’ With so little as the exchange of the right kind of information between you and your partner, you could come closer intimately and you could excite each other, sexually, in ways that you may never have imagined. This is where focusing on your nerdy side can really help you. If you are able to consider details in a specific manner and communicate those details to your partner, this will be very helpful on account that this very thing

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