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Ghost Squad 4 - Haunted Train Station: A Rest in Peace Crime Story, #4
Ghost Squad 4 - Haunted Train Station: A Rest in Peace Crime Story, #4
Ghost Squad 4 - Haunted Train Station: A Rest in Peace Crime Story, #4
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Ghost Squad 4 - Haunted Train Station: A Rest in Peace Crime Story, #4

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Detroit Police Detective Russ Baker is in charge of Cold Cases and with his partner, Mary, and their ghostly friend and partner, Wes Loomis, they have to solve murders to be able to send the victim’s spirits to the hereafter. Their Captain came to them with a problem, it seems that the old Michigan Central Train Station has ghosts haunting the workers who are trying to clean out the station for renovation. They find seven ghosts who all have cases of murder forcing them to haunt the station. It becomes a task to hunt down each case and set the ghosts free since some cases have not been solved in over fifty years. Will they find the killers to give the victims their freedom? Murder, mayhem, humor, ghosts galore, and lots of fun are in store in this paranormal ghost crime story by Bob Moats. This book is a novella.

PublisherBob Moats
Release dateFeb 27, 2016
Ghost Squad 4 - Haunted Train Station: A Rest in Peace Crime Story, #4

Bob Moats

Detroit area resident, Bob Moats, has been writing short stories and plays for as long as he can remember. He has lost most of his original stories, typed or handwritten, in the numerous moves he has made from his hometown of Fraser, Michigan to Northern Michigan, to Las Vegas and back to Fraser, where he now lives. Moats became one of the causalities of unemployment a year ago, and had time on his hands to finally pursue a life long dream of writing a full blown crime novel. Thus was born the first book, "Classmate Murders".What followed was a series of seven books starting with "The Classmate Murders" which introduces the main character, Jim Richards, who has to admit he has become a senior citizen, reluctantly. Richards, one day, receives an email from a childhood sweetheart asking for his help, but by the time he reaches her, she has been murdered. His life turns around and he is pulled into numerous murders of women from his high school who he hasn't seen in forty years. Along with a friend of his, Buck, a big, mustached biker, they go off to track down the killer before he can get to one former classmate, Penny Wickens, a TV talk show host who Jim has just fallen for while protecting her. The killer is also murdering the women right out from under police protection, driving homicide detective Will Trapper crazy, and he slowly depends on Jim to help. There's humor, suspense, wild chases across suburban Detroit with cops, classic cars and motorcycle clubs; murder, mayhem, a good amount of romance and a twist ending.Jim and his crime fighters, continue in the other books, traveling to Las Vegas twice, back to Detroit and out to New York to solve murders involving dominatrix; mistresses; Bridezillas; magic and strip clubs.Book titles: Classmate Murders; Vegas Showgirl Murders; Dominatrix Murders; Mistress Murders; Bridezilla Murders; Magic Murders; Strip Club Murders and Made-for-TV Murders.

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    Ghost Squad 4 - Haunted Train Station - Bob Moats

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    This is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


    For information and address:

    Magic 1 Productions

    P.O. Box 524, Fraser MI 48026-0524



    Cover design by Bob Moats

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    Extra special thanks to:


    To Susan Haughton, for editing my chapters.


    To the proof readers, Amy Morningstar, Cindy Valstad, and Al Norris for proofing the final copy and hopefully catching all those annoying little errors that slip through.


    To Russ Holthaus, a police officer, who made sure my characters didn't violate any laws.


    To my ARC readers for their comments, Beth Rosen, Pamela Cooke Malone-O'Brien, Carolyn Linington,  Lisa Keller, and Debbie Carter. I thank you.


    Thank you to all the people who purchased this book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it for my faithful readers.


    The Bob Moats Family of Readers is listed in the back of the book.


    Chapter 1


    Stop looking at those women, Mary said as we sat by the pool of the Wynn hotel in Vegas. I had my wraparound sunglasses on but she could tell where I was looking.

    Me? I'm not watching that girl in the pink bikini. Or that girl in the one piece red bathing suit with the big bazooms. Not me.

    I can leave you out here and go in to gamble what money we have left, she said.

    Wes was standing behind her and said, I can control that little roulette ball and make it drop into your numbers.

    No, Wes, you can't, and you won't. We aren't here to cheat Vegas, but to enjoy it, I said.

    Can you do that, Wes? Mary asked.

    I sure can, let's go see how much money we can make, he grinned.

    I'm not bailing the two of you out if you get caught cheating the casino.

    They couldn't know, I'm invisible to them, Wes said.

    Fine, go make a fortune. But I'm not agreeing to it.

    Mary jumped up and she took Wes with her. I couldn't believe that she would cheat at gambling.

    We were in Vegas on vacation after solving the murder of the women from the escort service and sending their ghosts off to the hereafter. I was relaxing by the pool watching the girl in the pink bikini.

    An hour later, while standing by the wet bar, Mary came back and said she lost about twenty dollars.

    I thought you were going to cheat with Wes?

    I had a change of heart when I saw all those people losing their money the hard way. It wasn't pleasant to think I could make money by cheating. So I sent Wes to watch the showgirls. He agreed to that.

    I jumped when Wes appeared at my side, standing by the bar.

    Hey, Russ, we should move here. They have ghosts all over the place. I explored the older hotels and casinos where people had been murdered because they were caught cheating, he said, then looked at Mary. Good that we didn't cheat.

    Wes, this town has a dark history with the mobs and murder, so it wasn't unusual. But I don't think we could solve all their cases. Considering most would be over fifty years old.

    True. Detroit is just as bad, but we can solve many of the cases that come up, Mary said.

    I met this one girl who was murdered last week by her pimp. The police just brushed it off.

    Wes, they have two huge police forces out here, the LVPD and the Sheriffs. I'm sure they try to do their best to solve cases of murder.

    Yeah, but she knows her killer. We could go visit him and send her to the hereafter.

    Wes, I appreciate you're wanting to help, but we aren't police out here. I don't want to aggravate the local cops.

    It would be a courtesy if we solved a case for them, Wes pleaded.

    I could see he wanted to help this girl, so I said, Okay, we'll talk to her, but I'm not making any promises.

    I looked at Mary and said, What do you think?

    Couldn't hurt to talk, she replied.

    Okay. Wes, have her come to our hotel room in an hour and we'll talk.

    Wes smiled and disappeared.

    I think Wes has a crush, Mary said.

    Again, if we help her, she'll just leave Wes alone by going on to the hereafter. He'll never have a girlfriend.

    Maybe we could leave one case open for him. She could become his sidekick.

    I don't know. We'll see. I picked up my drink from the bar and sipped.

    What are you drinking? Mary asked.

    I looked at it and said, I don't know, I just pointed to it when some woman ordered one. I took another sip and said, This is awful. I set the glass on the bar and we walked away.

    Back in the room, we changed into our on-the-town clothes to go see a show. We waited to see if Wes would bring his latest charitable case for us. A few minutes later, Wes appeared and said he had the girl with him.

    I said for her to sit and then asked Wes what the story was.

    "Her name is Stacy Wellington, she was a hooker. Okay, not a good profession, but here in Vegas, she was in one of the legal licensed brothels. But she was forced to sell it in the hotel rooms by a man who became her pimp. She didn't want to do that and told him so. He beat her and she hit her head on a table and he thought she died. She didn't. The pimp dumped her

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