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Between Love and Honor
Between Love and Honor
Between Love and Honor
Ebook30 pages24 minutes

Between Love and Honor

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About this ebook

It’s 1914 and David looks up from his Post Office counter to see the man of his dreams. Carl is everything he’s ever wanted, but Australia has laws against ‘deviants’ and the two men must be circumspect. When World War I breaks out, Carl tries to enlist but is rejected. People see his delicate features and stature and assume he’s ‘less than a man’. He’s scorned for not doing his duty while David is applauded for serving his country at home. Public condemnation turns violent, and Carl and David are torn between love and honor.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.

Release dateNov 23, 2011
Between Love and Honor

E E Montgomery

For E E Montgomery, writing is the thread that stitches the fragments of a curious mind into myriad imaginary worlds.  A dedicated people-watcher, E E finds stories everywhere. In a cafe, a cemetery, a book on space exploration or on the news: there’ll be a story of personal growth, love, and unconditional acceptance there somewhere. E E Montgomery has published short stories, novellas and novels across genres (contemporary, historical, romance, science fiction and fantasy) since 2011. You can contact E E Montgomery at; on Facebook:; on Twitter: @EEMontgomery1; on Google+:; or at her web site: and blog:

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    Book preview

    Between Love and Honor - E E Montgomery

    Between Love and Honor

    Brisbane, March 1914

    HE CAME to the counter at the same time every day with his small bundle of letters and a shy smile. I tried to ensure I was the one to serve him, but I had to be careful. Mr. Steinberg watched all of us, checking the large watch on his fob chain regularly. I had already been warned about being too friendly with the customers.

    The young man stepped forward, his earnest blue gaze fastened on my face. He passed the letters over the counter and waited while I calculated the postage owed. I flipped through the stamp book, tearing the correct number of stamps from the right sections. His hand landed on mine as I pushed the envelopes back across the counter, his warm, slim fingers sending a jolt of awareness through me. A surreptitious glance showed Mr. Steinberg frowning at Edgar, the other teller. I raised my gaze and smiled at the young man in front of me as I slowly withdrew my hand.

    I’d like to send a telegram today.

    I nodded, assuming my professional visage again. Of course, sir, I murmured as I reached under the counter for the book of telegram forms. Who is it to?

    He leaned over the counter, creating a cell of intimacy that quickened my breathing. I bent my head lower over the paper and felt a couple of strands of my hair catch in his carefully styled blond locks. A shadow appeared at my side, the thick odor of cheap cigars coming with it.

    Is everything all right here, Mr. Harrison?

    I lifted my head a little but didn’t stand straight. It would gain me a stern talking to before I finished for the day, but I didn’t care. Bent over the counter as I was filled my lungs with the green-grass scent of the man opposite.

    "Mr. Harrison is

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