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Blood Spelled: Rogues Shifter Series Book 8
Blood Spelled: Rogues Shifter Series Book 8
Blood Spelled: Rogues Shifter Series Book 8
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Blood Spelled: Rogues Shifter Series Book 8

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With Charlie back safely from his adventure in Faerie and the Unseelie Realm, Jackie believes she’ll have a chance to relax. However, she quickly finds herself engaged in a quarrel with her overprotective family over what role she should play in the battle that’s brewing between Faerie and the Demon Realm. She wants to be on the front lines, but Garrett and Charlie disagree, suggesting that because she’s a natural healer, her talents would serve the army best if she worked the medical unit.

But Jackie has other ideas. Taking matters into her own hands, she gets busy with a new project, enlisting the help of some key friends to train a group of female fae who’ve never once wielded a weapon. With the threat of war breathing down their necks, why shouldn’t all females have a chance to learn to defend their homes, their families and themselves?

Happily distracted by her future plans, Jackie lets her guard down, placing herself in danger. Suddenly nothing is as it seems and Jackie is forced to cooperate with the one creature who holds her life and the lives of her family in the palms of her icy hands. Jackie is changed forever, and fears it may put an insurmountable rift between her and her loved ones.

PublisherGayle Parness
Release dateMar 30, 2016

Gayle Parness

Gayle was surprised when she first discovered how much she enjoyed writing. She began eight years ago after reading a popular paranormal romance series and thinking, I’d like to do that too. Since then, she’s indie published fifteen books with many more on the way, writing paranormal fantasy/paranormal romance under Gayle Parness and spicy paranormal romance/urban fantasy and hot contemporary romance under her pen name Marie Booth.Besides writing books, Gayle’s a musical theatre geek, a Disney parks maniac, a lover of pasta, pizza, and pinot noir, and is owned by a black cat with big bones named Stealth. She’s raised two amazing daughters who bring her great joy every day and hopes to take some time off to travel really soon. As soon as she finishes that next book...She can’t write a word without music playing in the background so if you ever bump into her, she’ll probably have her earbuds in, listening either to music or an audiobook. You may have to shout to get her attention. :)Audiobook news: All nine Rogues Shifter Series books are currently available on Audible, ibooks, Amazon, and many other vendors: Narrated by Reba BuhrNext on my writing agenda: In Demand: Rogues Shifter Series: Book 10, releasing spring, 2022Thanks for reading!GayleSign up for my newsletter to get all the latest info on my new releases and to have the opportunity to win books, audiobooks, swag and other fun prizes.Newsletter Signup:Website: https://www.gayleparness.comFB: to my evil twin, Marie Booth, for LGBTQ+ Paranormal Romance, M/F Contemporary Romance & M/F Urban Fantasy.

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    Blood Spelled - Gayle Parness


    Imoved the curtains aside just enough to peek out the living room window at my son. Like yesterday morning and the morning before that, Charlie had settled in his favorite wicker chair on the front porch, his long legs stretched out and his feet perched on the railing. One of those fantasy novels he liked to read was closed and resting in his lap and Samson was snoring on the wooden floor beside his chair.

    Charlie stared ahead at the forest, lost in thought, and not for the first time I wished I could sneak into his mind and gently poke around to see how I could help him. The healer in me couldn’t turn away, especially when it came to my son.

    Charlie was grieving. Grieving the loss of his child, as Fin called the Zerian clone Charlie had created. In his mind, he knew she hadn’t been real—had only been created to hide the real Zerian’s location—but Charlie had somehow instilled enough magic in the female to make her a complex creature, one who was capable of thinking outside of Charlie’s desires.

    When she’d died, she hadn’t disappeared like the other clones he’d created with his incredible magic. Charlie had held her in his arms when she’d taken her last breath and that moment still haunted his dreams, even in daylight. To honor her, King Finvarra had buried her body on a mountaintop in Faerie, the grave tended by demi-fey and guarded by a mated pair of dragons. But honors aside, my son was hurting.

    Not that he spent his days moping around since he’d gotten home. He’d been visiting all his buds and playing nighttime soccer with Sash, Rick, Garrett and whoever else wanted to kick a ball around with a bunch of crazy supes. Elle, Sash’s girl, and I usually hung on the sidelines eating pretzels or popcorn and drinking honey wine, cheering on our respective guys. The longer the game went on, the louder our cheers got, a result of the very high alcohol content of the beverage, but also the fact that the games were always exciting.

    To keep it fair, Charlie refrained from using his magic, so Rick and Sash were pretty much unbeatable. The two vamps would split up to make the teams more evenly matched. Garrett was by far the weakest player, but he probably had more fun than all of them combined.

    It was still early, much earlier than Charlie usually dragged his butt out of bed when he was home. His glazed over expression clued me in to the fact he hadn’t slept well. There’d been no evidence in the kitchen that he’d had breakfast or even coffee, two situations I could fix.

    Charlie sighed and shifted in his chair, finally giving me hope he might stir, although it would take a lot to brighten his mood. He seemed to save up his melancholy moments for the rare times he was alone. Charlie really needed to talk to someone he trusted, and gosh, guess who happened to be available for a heart-to-heart?

    Moving into the doorway I kept my tone gentle. Good morning, honey. Eggs, pancakes or waffles?

    Not hungry, but thanks. He hadn’t even turned around.

    And good morning to you too, Mom. Moms can dream, right?

    I narrowed my gaze. Passing up breakfast wasn’t one of his choices. As long as you’re here you’re eating, so pick.

    This time he looked up, bestowing a wary glance in my direction. You don’t know how to make waffles.

    I’ll have you know I begged on street corners for the last month so I could save up my pennies to purchase a waffle maker.

    Really? Took you a whole month?

    Fingerless gloves and all.

    Uh huh. But once you got the machine home, could you figure it out or did you need Dad to explain it?

    My hands moved to my hips. I was always getting razzed about my cooking abilities. If I can make pancake batter, I can make waffles.

    Can you? Make pancake batter?

    You’ve eaten my pancakes and lived to tell the tale.

    He laughed, but his expression turned serious again in only a heartbeat. Way too fast. I’m not really hungry.

    Pfft. When are you not hungry? How are you going to beat Sash in the rematch game if you don’t get your carbs?

    I figured I’d go home this afternoon. Realizing what he’d said and who he’d said it to, he checked my face for any sign of irritation or sadness. I’d become a master at keeping my expression neutral around him, because wearing my heart on my sleeve made him feel guilty, which wasn’t my intention. It usually shut off all communication, and then we were back to square one. I mean, I’m going back to LA.

    You’ve made a home for yourself in LA. I get it. No problem.

    Good try. He knew I wanted him home, in our home, where I could be sure he was safe. We weren’t like a normal family where kids went off to college and moms waved goodbye knowing their sons and daughters would not be hunted down and killed by vicious supernatural creatures. No, Charlie had an enormous target on his forehead and his back, and a day didn’t pass that I didn’t worry about him.

    I smiled to shake off my dark thoughts. Busted, huh? I love you and miss you, sweetie, I’m not going to lie, but I won’t butt into your life. I get that you’re busy saving Faerie, protecting teenaged witches and sorcerers from dark magic users, journeying to other realms to form alliances with the Goblin King and the King of the Kelpies. You know, just doing those normal things most young adults do. Nothing to worry about at all.

    The corners of his mouth curled up. You’re good, Ma.

    Would you like blueberries in your waffles?

    You have whipped cream?

    Yep. I stretched out my hand and he took it, unfolding his long body from the chair in the graceful way of most supernatural creatures.

    He gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek. Morning, Mom.

    Did you feed the original doofus this morning?

    Yeah, I fed Samson. Where’s Hercules?

    Hercules was my new rescue dog. A Corgi. Still sleeping. That lazykins doesn’t understand that the sun coming up has anything to do with increased activity.

    Samson wore him out last night. He has to run three times as hard to keep up.

    Problem is, he doesn’t know when it’s time to go to sleep. He reminds me of you when you were little.

    I remember. He scratched his chin, the blonde stubble hardly showing.

    You been having trouble sleeping, sweetie?

    Not really. I arched an eyebrow. He knew I could pin out a lie from fifty paces, so he held up his hands in surrender. Okay. Yeah. I have dreams.

    Keep me company in the kitchen and tell me about them while I make the waffles.

    As I pulled the batter I’d made last night out of the fridge and waited for the waffle iron to heat, he began to talk. "It’s always the same. I’m hanging with Zerian and a bunch of other people, only a tornado is coming. No one seems to be frightened even though we’re in some kind of an enclosed porch with lots of large glass windows. I keep screaming at them to move to the basement, but they don’t listen. Even Zerian. They keep gabbing away and laughing.

    No one is looking out the window, and the storm is so close. The glass begins to crack, then slivers are flying toward us. I’m able to protect Zerian and myself, but the other people are in the line of fire. They’re sliced up, bleeding all over. But they’re still smiling as if it didn’t hurt. More and more of them are injured and I can’t do anything about it. I usually wake up when the guy next to me is beheaded by a huge slab of glass.

    Pretty clear, but I asked anyway. What do you think it means?

    The war’s coming and no one is preparing. They don’t see the danger. If I don’t do something… He hesitated. They’ll die.

    Remember, this is a dream, not a prophecy. Dreams are usually our wishes or our fears. This is scary, so I’m guessing it’s the latter.

    But it’s true too. How do I make everyone see the truth? Fin is busy taking care of Faerie, making it into the world he’d left behind, ensuring the safety and health of all his people. I’m not saying that isn’t important work, but wouldn’t it make sense to put in some time with the kelpies again? It’s been centuries since they’ve worked together. Or send out some spies to gather info? Or have Aedus, Kaera and Brina help with training the troops? Or…

    Have you spoken to Fin about any of this?

    No. I waited. I’d have to go back to Faerie. He won’t come here. He’s too busy.

    Why not return?

    You know why.

    You didn’t kill her.

    "I did. I made her too real. I added too much—I don’t know—too much something to the magic. Maybe too much heart. I connected to her, more than even the real Zerian. It was so weird."

    Fin told me what she said at the end. She was proud to have helped restore Faerie.

    You don’t get it, Mom. You’ve never—

    I whipped my head around and met his gaze. I killed my sister. My twin. I chose to kill her. It wasn’t an accident. I get it.

    William killed her.

    I put her in the ring and hurt her badly enough for Will to strike the final blow. I was responsible.

    But Aunt Bridgett wanted to kill me. You were protecting your kid.

    And when you created the clone, you were protecting the real Zerian.

    He raked a hand through his light blonde shoulder length hair. Zerian didn’t want to broadcast to the world that she was in Faerie.

    Because you protected her, you were able to form an alliance with her father, the Goblin King, giving us another powerful ally when the war begins. That was an incredible accomplishment.

    Okay, I get it. I do. My motives for making the clone were… Well they made sense at the time. It’s just… When does it stop hurting?

    His voice caught and he glanced at his shoes. But I wouldn’t lie. I don’t know. Maybe never.

    His broad shoulders slumped as he sat in his usual chair at the kitchen table. Great.

    You’re out of whack. Unbalanced, as Liam would say.

    And how the hell do I re-up my whack?

    Snarky comment, which was okay. I’d rather argue than watch him staring off into space like some zombie.

    My advice? Go back to Faerie and make her death mean something. Get those overly tranquil elders thinking about a war council. Talk over your ideas with Aedus and Caelen and Fin and anyone else in charge these days. They’ll listen. Especially now that they see you’re dedicated to keeping Faerie healthy.

    I don’t know…

    Go forth and ruffle some tunics.

    And like that the wall between us came tumbling down. Charlie bent back his head and laughed so loudly I had to join in. When we’d calmed down enough to speak again, he said, You make it all sound possible.

    I plunked the plate of four blueberry waffles down in front of him, then slid the bowl of fresh whipped cream closer. I have learned that almost anything is possible in our world. Now please eat.

    Don’t I smell bacon?

    Would I forget bacon? I’d had it warming in the oven for the last half hour.

    We shared a few minutes of silence over our breakfast, at least until Samson came racing in with Hercules nipping at his heels. Samson flew around the table twice, with Hercules ducking under and cutting across, the smart-ass. Samson ended up hiding behind Charlie’s chair, growling softly when he wasn’t whimpering. Wow. I’ve never seen you back down to anyone—dog, human or supe. What’s up, boy?

    Herc, heel! My newest companion was in territorial mode, common for corgis. He doesn’t get that this was Samson’s territory first. He’s trying to protect me.

    Couldn’t he do that a little more quietly? Garrett was up and looking delicious enough to eat, although maybe I shouldn’t have those thoughts with my kid in the room. I glanced in Charlie’s direction, but he was smiling at his dad and not paying any attention to my thoughts. Too late anyway.

    Privacy had an entirely different meaning in a house where mind to mind communication was possible.

    Garrett poured himself coffee. Waffles? You made waffles? Isn’t this the first time you’re using that contraption?

    Oh, is it? I did my best to look innocent.

    Hey, she did good. Charlie leaned closer to his dad. Nothing got burned and the power didn’t go out in the neighborhood.

    You two think you’re so funny. My cooking has improved over the years.

    Charlie looked to Garrett for help. Don’t ask me. I don’t eat food. Vampire here.

    My handsome mate moved closer and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, kissing the top of my head. I can only say with certainty, her blood is more delicious each time I—

    TMI, Dad.

    Garrett chuckled and sat across from Charlie. Are you ready for the rematch? Sash and I are practicing later.

    You two shrimps are never going to beat us again, Charlie said. Garrett was six feet and Sasha was six two; however, Rick and Charlie were over six seven. It gave the two younger members of the team a slight advantage, although Sasha and Garrett had great speed, even without using their natural vampire quickness.

    The stark truth? If magic was allowed, whichever team Charlie was on would win every time.

    When I looked at my son, I automatically read the power signature of his magic, amazed by how it seemed to gain in strength from day to day. It held the crystalline focus of a fae lord, the passion and strength of demons, and the calm compassion of a healer. He was learning to meld the three magicks together, creating something unique and untested. I was awed by his power but also worried as hell. Creating Zerian’s clone, a feat I wasn’t sure even the King of Faerie could match, had taught him a harsh lesson. Her death had marked him in a way he hadn’t as yet experienced in his young life. That was one of the reasons I was pushing him into Finvarra’s hands instead of Isaiah’s.

    Isaiah could take Charlie’s anger and frustration and work magic, but Isaiah was not who my son needed now.

    I wished with all my heart Charlie would allow me to share my healing energy with him. He’d damped down his own and had been pushing me away because he didn’t think he deserved to heal, which I understood, but disagreed with intensely. Charlie was young, and still equated healing with forgetting. But that wasn’t the case at all. Through the help of friends and family the traumas I’d suffered and the pain and guilt I’d felt because of the deaths I’d caused, no longer affected the choices I made moving forward.

    But I would never forget.

    Charlie brought the plates to the sink and loaded the dishwasher. He caught me watching him and smiled wanly. I’m okay, Mom. Don’t worry about me.

    Garrett placed a hand on Charlie’s shoulder. We’ll always be proud of you, son.

    He jerked out a nod, then stepped away. I think I’ll call Jay. See how things are going in LA.

    He picked up his cell and strode out the door, Samson following. Hercules had decided the better part of valor was to curl up on his doggy bed, keeping an eye out for invaders.

    Garrett drew me closer and kissed me with gentleness and understanding. My level headed lifemate must have seen the pain in my expression. He’ll be fine. It takes time.

    If he won’t go to Faerie, maybe you can take him camping. Or to the city. You’ve always known better how to help him.

    My dad was a great teacher. But don’t ever think he doesn’t adore and respect you. He does. We both do. He laughed. We worry about you as much as you worry about us.

    Not likely.


    Charlie spoke to Jay on the phone for over an hour. Their friendship was back on track again and now that Farrell was stopping by the LA private detective business to help out, Jay and Ivy were managing the operation just fine. There’d been no sign of Zerian—the real one—but Charlie seemed okay with that.

    The next call he made was to Faerie.

    He came to me twenty minutes later with his duffel bag packed and Samson by his side. You taking off? I asked, keeping my voice steady.

    Fin’s willing to listen to my ideas.

    It’s where you have to be right now.

    Something glowed in his eyes, a confidence that hadn’t been evident a couple of hours ago. In a sudden move Charlie crushed me against him, my very tall son practically smothering me with his tight hug. My heart burst with happiness. Since he’d turned into a teen, we’d had a rocky relationship to say the least.

    When he pulled away, he held my shoulders and drew me in with his violet gaze. His eyes darkened, beginning to sparkle. Fear?


    What is it?

    He stood straighter, stepping away, obviously shifting what he was going to say. Um…take care of Dad.

    I smiled, trying to ease his mind, at the same time puzzling out what had caused this change. I always do.

    And take care of yourself. I mean it.

    There it was. I will. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I waved away his comment.

    But we do. All the time.


    Me and Dad. And the team too. You’re a prime target and you don’t see it.

    Kennet’s gone.

    But not dead.

    I stepped back. You know this for sure?

    No, but I’ve been snooping around and that’s the word on the pathways. Some think he and Fionna were sent to Tir Na NÓg to hang with Aine. Others think Fin transformed Kennet and Fionna and is keeping a close eye on the two of them. Knowing Fin, I’m guessing door number two.

    Changed them in what way?

    Stripped them of power—maybe changed their appearance. I’m not sure.

    Fin can take away all of someone’s magic?

    Fin, Naberia and Khent are ancients. They may be older than the planet.

    Fin always feels so vibrant, but Naberia broadcasts ancient. Icy cold. Ghoulish. I hugged my body, a shiver creeping up my spine.

    She’d use you against me. His eyes darkened to a dangerous shade, golden specks melding with orange. I wouldn’t be able to continue to…

    I stepped closer, lifting my chin, not that it did any good. I was still at neck level. Don’t you ever sacrifice winning the war for me. I’ll survive, no matter what. I gave him a two fingered nudge and he stepped back. You go off and do what you have to do to save the world. I will be perfectly fine.

    His smile warmed my heart. Dad said you’d say exactly that.

    Hmph. I tipped my head in the direction Garrett had gone a few minutes earlier. He thinks he’s so smart. The sound of deep chuckling somewhere in the house curled the corners of my mouth.

    Charlie bent a little so we’d be eye to eye. You’re the bravest female I’ve ever met, but you don’t always protect yourself. Like now.

    What do you mean?

    Your mental shields are down. You should never let them down.

    But it’s just you and Dad and…

    There are creatures who can attack through our protective spells. Do it for me. For Dad.

    I snapped my shields in place, even though it wasn’t necessary. Living with two extremely territorial and overprotective supernatural males has its disadvantages, but I wouldn’t trade these two for all the power in the universe.

    I’m sorry I haven’t been the greatest son lately, but I intend to fix that.

    His last adventure in Faerie had changed him, matured him, but it had also destroyed a bit of the hopeful boy he’d once been. We’re good, baby, I said, patting his cheek.

    My son bent down again to kiss my cheek and I kissed his at the same time. Love ya, Ma.

    Love you too.

    We’ll always come for you. You know that, right? he asked.

    I could only nod. I’d never seen him so serious.

    He backed up a few steps and gestured to Samson, who took that opportunity to cuff Hercules hard enough to send him sprawling on the floor. They were gone a moment later, Hercules left barking at thin air.

    I was almost immediately swept up into familiar arms. Movie tonight?

    You were eavesdropping.

    I couldn’t help but hear. You two are working things out. It’s wonderful.

    I grinned, realizing I wasn’t tense the way I usually was when Charlie left. I think there’s hope, I teased. You know, sometimes I feel like Mrs. Kent sending Clark off to do his super stuff.

    Garrett chuckled. I always preferred Bruce Wayne.

    Well, your inner vampire would, wouldn’t he?

    Not only inner. Garrett allowed his fangs to lower, his eyes sparkling with tiny silver dots as he moved in to kiss me.

    After a delightful moment, I asked, already knowing the answer, Have you fed?

    "Non. Are you offering?"


    On what? Garrett lifted my mess of blonde hair from my neck. Checking out prime territory for a bite. He nuzzled beneath my ear, spreading a delicious warmth throughout my body. I had to be strong. Or maybe not.

    On whether you’ll spar with me later.

    He lifted his face and met my gaze. I can’t take your blood, then spar with you, my love. It weakens you.

    It did a lot more than weaken me. Sexy vampire and all. Worth it.

    His eyes narrowed in suspicion. And why do you want to spar? The team has nothing scheduled for at least a month and I’ve sent out orders for everyone to rest up.

    You do know a war is coming? Charlie thinks it may be soon.

    Yes? And?

    We’ll be fighting beside our son, in the middle of the action. I want to be in top form. My eyes widened with excitement. I wonder if two of the kelpies would consider being our mounts. In the past they’ve only carried the fae, but they might agree, especially if Charlie puts in a good word for us. If so, we should take a trip to Catalina and see if we can practice fighting while mounted. I wouldn’t want to have to do it for the first time during a battle. Falling on my ass with demons surrounding me sounds like a bad scenario.

    Garrett had gone very quiet. No advice? No comments? No arguments? Silence. Good. We’ll make a ressie at the Catalina Lodge. Still nothing. What is it?

    Charlie and I spoke about—

    If you say keeping me safe by locking me up somewhere, then you can take that idea and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine!

    He arched a brow, perhaps surprised by my vehemence. We discussed various options. Your skills should be used at their best advantage without putting you in the…

    In the what?

    Center of things.

    "The center is where I’ll be, so you two can bite the bullet or the sword or the arrow and accept it. Use someone else’s skills in those other locations."


    Oh, no. Don’t. Even. Start.

    I walked to the kitchen counter, placing my hands flat on the granite and counting to ten. I did not want to think about those two bullheaded males discussing my life and how they could control me. I’d shown over and over I was magically strong. Smart in the heat of battle, with skills others didn’t possess.

    My hands curled into fists. They wanted to force me away from the action while they were in the field putting their lives in danger. This situation needed straightening out right this minute, but I was way too angry.

    Garrett stepped behind me, his voice soothing. You’re being unreasonable, my love. What can you do against Naberia and her army of demons? He moved my hair to the side, probably meaning to work his nuzzling mojo again.

    I spun around, pushing past him and putting the table between us. "What can you do against Naberia?"

    I have almost three hundred years of experience fighting other supernaturals. He walked around the edge of the table, but I countered his movement. He could have used his master vamp speed to get to me, but he behaved himself. Plus, I was no slowpoke either. We’d be going in circles. Jackie…

    Haven’t I fought by your side on every job the team has handled since it was founded? Except for my own kidnapping?

    Yes, but we’ve never fought against an army of demons.

    I’ll be with the most powerful of the fae, Aaron and his packs of wolves, my father and his high level sorcerer friends. Our kelpie allies and other unseelie races. You know I can kick ass, so what is this really about?

    Garrett sighed and sat, raking both hands through his hair. Charlie thinks, and I agree, that you will be singled out. Targeted to be killed or injured early on in the fighting. Naberia is no fool. She will look to strike at Charlie’s heart, and as he has no mate of his own, you would be the logical choice. Charlie will have trouble focusing on the battle if he’s worrying about you. If by any chance you’re injured, he may lose even more focus.

    I lowered myself into a chair, the cold metal of the chair legs against my calves matching the feeling in my heart. You two have put me in a box, labeled me as a handicap, a hindrance, a…a…

    Jacqueline. This time Garrett used his vamp speed to scoot around the table and pull me out of the chair. His kiss was full of passion but I was having none of it. I pushed him away. He met my gaze but didn’t release my shoulders. You are the opposite in every way, my love. You are my life.

    Except when it comes to fighting Naberia, it appears. I gently

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