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Under The Big Top
Under The Big Top
Under The Big Top
Ebook79 pages1 hour

Under The Big Top

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The game was always played the same. She ran, and he chased to bring her back home. And somehow Cole managed to fall in love with his wealthy charge. He could never resist the touch of her skin or how her taste imprinted on his memory. Together the flames of passion burned like white heat consuming them both. All he knew is no matter how much he loved her, he couldn’t have her. They were from two different worlds, and no bridge could close the gap. 

Juliette wanted to finish the match of wits she started years ago with Cole. It was fun at first, but now her heart was on the line. Cole was all she wanted in a man and a lover. She could not close her eyes without seeing his brooding eyes beckoning her. For this game, love was the prize, and if she lost, Juliette knew she would never be the same. 

Like a chess match each move led them closer to each other or farther apart. But will the final victory bring them happiness or heartbreak?

Release dateMar 8, 2016
Under The Big Top

Dahlia Rose

Dahlia Rose is the USA Today best-selling multi genre author from Urban fantasy to Romance with a hint of Caribbean spice. She was born and raised on the island of Barbados and now currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. Her life revolves around her family and her grandson who she’s fondly nicknamed ‘the toddler overlord, long may he reign.” She has a love of dark fantasy, crazy sci-fi B-movies, and delving into the unknown. Dahlia writes from romance to suspense, giving her characters the voices they deserve, if she doesn’t, they surely won’t let her sleep. With over seen dozen books published, Dahlia has become a reader favorite. Not only because of her writing but her vivacious attitude in talking to her fans online and at various events. Being a BIPOC, author of color, her books feature strong heroines with a Caribbean or African American culture, that is showcased in the vibrancy of her words. Books and writing are her biggest passions, and she hopes to open your imagination to the beauty of possibilities between the pages of her books. LinkTree:

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    Book preview

    Under The Big Top - Dahlia Rose


    For my sister Crystal and my sweet nieces Alexia and Cheyvonne.

    (My two Patooties). Between the four us there’s enough

    childlike love and laughter to last a lifetime!

    Chapter One

    Welcome to the greatest high flying show this side of the Mason Dixon Line! Le Femme Volant Carnival!

    The ringmaster yelled into the microphone, and the crowd cheered. All the different performers came through the billowing red curtains and into in the middle of the sawdust ring. They twirled flaming batons while people in colorful costumes flipped and did cartwheels or stood on the backs of elephants. Children screamed in delight. Oohs and aahs came from the crowd while they performed. Cole Maxwell rolled his eyes and put a few pieces of popcorn in his mouth. He was in a little rinky-dink town, looking at a B class circus trying to find the person he was searching for. It had to be some kind cosmic joke that he would be here, of all places.

    Every year it was the same damn thing. She’d take off, and he’d have to find her. One would think the monotony of his job would get tiresome, but not to him. Each year the chase became more complex. She became harder to find, and the game they played was more like an obsession to him. He always found her and took her back home, and she always hated him for it. This time, his runner girl had outdone herself joining a circus that was always on the move. It had taken him three months to finally track her and her new identity down. This time, his taste of victory was so much sweeter. It was worth sitting on wooden benches with the smell of elephants and horses in his nostrils.

    The show progressed, and Cole found himself getting irritated. It was long and mediocre. He wanted to see her, to find out what she was doing. Probably in the back playing with kittens, he thought with a smirk. Cole had the sneaking suspicion he was going to be proven wrong.

    The entire tent went dark, and the drum roll started. The crowd went silent, as if holding their breath for what was to come. Cole found himself doing the same when the spotlight was directed into the center of the ring and there stood a woman dressed in a silver gossamer body suit that clung to every curve of her body. Around her waist was a strip of cloth that ran straight up to wires in the ceiling. The crowd cheered when she raised her hand and waved. She turned slowly so everyone in the audience could see her. When she finally faced him, Cole choked on the popcorn he had put in his mouth. It was her! Juliette London, daughter to Randolph London, and one of the richest women in the world.

    Holy Mother of God! Cole whispered in horror. If her father saw her now he would go postal. This time she has gone too far, Cole thought while he watched. Fear gripped his heart as she was lifted from the ground and the music started. If she didn’t fall, he was going to kill her himself for being so careless with her own wellbeing.

    The rhythm of a sexy drum beat filled the air, conjuring thoughts of humid days in some tropical paradise. Juliette twined herself up in the fabric before spinning downward and stopping at the final moment. The crowd gasped, and all eyes were fixed on her movements high off the ground. Cole watched in fascination. Each movement of her body was sensual and languid. His temperature shot up when she turned herself upside down and spread her legs with pointed toes.

    Her balance was amazing. Cole felt dread leave his body and desire replace it, for every movement she made tempted him to touch. Her skin was like whipped chocolate under that silver body suit. He remembered she was creamy to the touch, and her taste was as addictive as some kind of drug. Cole knew all of this because, while chasing her year after year, they’d sampled each other like craving people who were starved for nourishment. Theirs was a long, complicated battle of will, sexual conquest, and love. Yes, Cole knew he loved Juliette with all his being and, for him, no other would do. But she was out of his league, the daughter of a tycoon, with a wild streak. When it ended, she would go back to socialite life and debutante parties and then marry someone from that lifestyle. And he would be left chasing down some other rich, spoiled child. Without her in his life, he would be empty, but she would never know that.

    The crowd’s roaring applause brought him back to the present. She slid down the fabric rope like she’d been born doing it and bowed to the crowd before she walked backstage. Cole moved from his seat and quickly left the red and white striped tent. He caught a flash of her costume heading behind a yellow camper, and he went in that direction. Around him, people paid no mind. They were all getting ready for their act or getting ready to sell concessions to the audience after the show. This would make it easier for him to find her and get her to the car and back to New York where she belonged.

    He rounded the camper quickly and, instead of seeing Juliette, a loud honk filled his ears, and a clown in a brightly-colored costume jumped out in front of him. Without hesitation, he pulled his gun and aimed it at the clown’s head.

    Hey, whoa man, wait. I’m a man under the make up! The clown backed away with his hands held up in defense.

    Uh-huh, Cole muttered.

    Blinky, it’s all right. He won’t shoot you. He has a thing about clowns. Her consoling voice came from the steps of the caravan. He looked up to see her standing there, beautiful in sparkling silver. Cole, put the gun down. Blinky is harmless.

    Like I’m going to trust someone named Blinky. Cole trained his attention back on the

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