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Falling In Love
Falling In Love
Falling In Love
Ebook70 pages57 minutes

Falling In Love

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About this ebook

This is a collection of seven short, sweet romances about falling in love. Six of them are contemporary romances. One is a historical. One is a reunion story. All are short and just right for a quick pick-me-up to brighten the day.

Release dateMar 8, 2016
Falling In Love

Penelope Marzec

EPPIE award-winning author, Penelope Marzec grew up along the Jersey shore. She started reading romances at a young age even though her mother told her they would ruin her mind, which they did and she became hopelessly hooked on happy endings. A member of the New Jersey Romance Writers and the Liberty States Writers Fiction Writers, Penelope currently writes for Pelican Book Group..

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    Falling In Love - Penelope Marzec


    I started writing stories at the age of nine. From the very beginning, I wanted to write a book, too. I had an active imagination, but life and responsibilities got in the way. I knew I would starve if I didn’t have a real job so I went to college and started teaching. I also wanted a family so I fell in love, married, and had three daughters.

    Life was hectic. Sometimes, I wrote poetry because I had no time to scribble down more than a few words. I kept a journal, but half the time I fell asleep on top of it.

    Then one day I realized I was soon going to be forty years old and I had not accomplished the one thing I always dreamed of—getting a book published.

    I sat down and wrote the book. I sent it off to one publisher after another. I joined the New Jersey Romance Writers and learned more about the business. As I was waiting for a publisher to get back to me, I started to write short stories. I knew I tended to digress and go off on tangents when I wrote long books and I figured writing short would give me the focus I needed.

    I sent off my short stories to small magazines and was delighted when they were accepted. Getting those stories published gave me hope that someday my book would get published.

    I wrote another book, and another, and another. With the advent of epublishing, I finally found a publisher willing to publish my book, Sea Of Hope. The next year, I found another publisher willing to publish Irons In The Fire. Since then, I have been happily writing full-length romance novels every year.

    In the meantime, my short stories languished in a file since the original short story publishers closed down. But I’ve always thought short stories were wonderful, rather like a snack—a quick pick-me-up to brighten the day.

    I have read other authors’ short stories while eating lunch, while the baby napped, or while I was waiting in the doctor’s office.

    I decided to make my short stories available for everyone. I hope my brief, sweet romances will lift your heart and leave you with a smile.

    A Christmas Dance

    A Short Story originally published in December 1996

    Neala’s teeth chattered as the wind gusted around her table at the flea market. The cold sliced through her heavy coat, reminding her that Christmas loomed only two weeks away. All her hopes for a prosperous holiday hinged on the sales of her merchandise, but today her business seemed as frozen as her toes.

    I’m turning into an icicle! she called out to nobody in particular.

    Dance! shouted Bob. The neighboring vendor turned up the volume on his CD player. His rap-style Christmas carols blared out a savage beat that pounded through Neala’s brain.

    I’ve forgotten how, she mumbled under her breath. She couldn’t remember the last time she had swayed in a man’s arms. Her ex hadn’t like to dance. Still, she stamped her feet in a hopeless effort to get the blood circulating in her toes.

    You gonna pack it in? Bob’s voice boomed out, carrying easily over the sound of his music.

    No, she yelled back at him. I’ve got a customer coming at eleven o’clock.

    He raised his eyebrows in surprise and she glared back at him. So what if in the past four hours nobody had given her wares a second glance?

    He’s interested in musical instruments, she reported, tilting her chin up. Someone with the talent to do more than just spin the dial on a CD player, she felt like adding, but refrained from the impulse. The man who had called her had such a resonant voice that the memory of it warmed her a little. He had sounded so sincere. His name was Weston. Weston Graham. She’d been expecting to go home with her cash box full and her sedan empty.

    10:55, her neighbor announced glancing at his watch. He isn’t coming. They do that when they’re not really interested. They leave you hanging.

    She heard the bitter note in his voice. Maybe someone had left him hanging, but it would not happen to her. Weston Graham sounded very reliable.

    I’m waiting until at least 11:05.

    Snowflakes drifted down from the leaden skies and landed on her lashes. The tiny dry flakes heralded the promised blizzard. She set her mouth in a grim line and decided to wait until 11:10. She’d brought everything from a kazoo to a bass fiddle. Weston Graham must have gotten stuck in traffic.

    The wind shifted and the snow whipped around the crowd horizontally. The imitation Tiffany lamp blew off the table and landed on the blacktop. The subsequent crash and

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