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Think It, Act It, Become It!
Think It, Act It, Become It!
Think It, Act It, Become It!
Ebook183 pages3 hours

Think It, Act It, Become It!

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Sometimes all it takes to change your life is the inspiration and motivation that you can be better, achieve more, and do greater things. "Think It, Act It, Become It!" is the key to unlocking your greatest potential in every area of your life. Through his own personal triumphs and ability to overcome challenges, Jason Boreyko's story will give you the incentive to reach higher and dream bigger than you every have before.
Release dateJan 14, 2016
Think It, Act It, Become It!

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    Think It, Act It, Become It! - Jason Boreyko

    The Early Years

    "Believe that anything is possible, and then find

    the evidence to support your belief."

    –Marcia Wieder

    Timing is everything.

    Anything is possible.

    Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    My life is an uncanny proof of these sayings. I have found that at different times in our lives, things unfold imploring us to stop and to change the way we think and live. Sometimes, all it takes is a single incident, an insight, or even a series of interactions to change the direction we are heading for; and then, from that single moment onward, everything is somehow different. This is the story of how I overcame the obstacles and challenges I met along the way and how I found the reward in each one of them. As I have achieved my goals, the greatest reward came from the lives that I’ve impacted in the process.

    I wrote this book to encourage others, to help them believe that they can live a successful and happy life, and to aid in making their dreams a reality.

    As I started to write this book, we suffered the untimely and unexpected death of my father. He inspired me to become the best I could be, instilled in me a sense of success, and inculcated in my mind the drive that has been the very essence from which my story flows.

    Let me take you to the early years before the success. On the outside, my family seemed to be doing fine financially but we were what I would refer to as broke at a higher level. Like many Americans, we were living hand to mouth; we were living paycheck to paycheck. Boy, we were struggling!

    What money we did have, we ultimately lost because my mother became ill. At that time, we didn’t have health insurance coverage for our family because we didn’t have the extra money, so my mother’s illness wiped us out.

    For over four years, my mother searched to find something, anything, which would help her regain her health; then one day she found a product made in Canada.

    I remember the day she brought it home to try. I was the first one to try it because I was the youngest in our family. My family said "Hey, let’s get Mikey, he’ll try anything!" I tried the drink and I hated it!

    My whole family laughed at my mom and told her she was crazy. But she was so determined to get healthy that she would drink anything. She believed that this product would help her and she didn’t care what anyone said or thought, not even her family. She stayed focused on her dream to be healed. That was the first time I can remember her showing me she had unshakable faith.

    Ninety days after the first herbal drink, Mom was a changed woman. She not only regained her energy but she also took on a passion to tell the world about the product. This eventually turned into a lucrative business. My parents became the company’s number one distributors--Dad handled the business side while Mom handled selling.

    Finally, after years of financial struggles, my parents had made it! They finally had enough money to afford the kind of freedom only money can buy. Our family had at last achieved the American dream.

    Nine years after my mom started the distributorship, she became ill again and this time it was terminal. In February 1994, she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor which eventually took a toll on her body.

    We tried everything to help, but as my mother so eloquently explained the first time I asked how she was doing I’m going to be fine. It’s in God’s hands.

    Mom never once showed any signs of fear. All she could think about was how she needed to get better because there were so many people out there that she wanted to help. She was amazing because even in her darkest moments, she was future pacing; she was seeing herself in the future. She always wanted to help people and was inspired by their success as a result.

    I always believed my mother was going to get well and it wasn’t until Mother’s day in 1994 I realized that she actually was going to die. Her death marked the beginning of a significant and downward spiral in my life and career.

    I’m certain of one thing: I would not be who and where I am now if I hadn’t lost my mother.

    Life is always a cycle in motion and there is sometimes adversity. Like my Dad used to say, You’re either moving up the hill or you’re sliding back down. He instilled a belief within me at a very young age with a famous, Napoleon Hill quote: Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. The secret is searching for the benefit.

    Take a moment and look back at your life and recall an adversity that you were certain you’d never get over. Did you learn anything from it? Are you in a better place now than where you were at the time? Are you a lot stronger? Maybe today you can even say you’re glad that it happened.


    Ten days before Christmas, the company we were with organized an emergency conference call and announced that they wouldn't be able to send our checks because they filed for bankruptcy protection. Disappointing as it was for our family, my heart had sunk deeper for the lives that would be drastically affected by the news.

    Nine years prior, I worked as a bellman, made $2.00 an hour, was $10,000 in debt, and unable to get even a 25-cents-an-hour raise. Remembering the late Jim Rohn's words that you must first become more to achieve more, I quit that job and jumped back into network marketing even after failing several times before. I was young and ambitious, but above all, my mother believed in me and she encouraged me to step out in faith just one more time.

    This is why when the company announced its bankruptcy, I honestly didn’t panic (well maybe just a little). My mother had taught me the discipline of saving money and it was about to pay off. I had put away enough money over the years and I knew I would land on my feet. We had to believe that God had a better plan for us, and that he was moving us in that direction very quickly.

    We all dream of making a difference in the world and of making our lives significant. When I was a young boy I dreamt of being rich and successful.

    At the age of twelve my father had me reading books like Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. In fact, it worked because my father would pay me $10 for every book I read and at that age, that’s a lot of money.

    Who among us can honestly say that we don’t have any dreams? Maybe we want more money, a better job, true love, or to lose twenty pounds. I know on the surface these might seem immaterial but these are typically what we, as humans, aspire.

    We often find excuses for keeping our dreams idle. Have you ever asked yourself why you don’t have everything you want? Why aren’t you the success Have you ever asked yourself why you don’t have everything you want? Why aren’t you the success you want to be? Why aren’t you blessed with good fortune? What is it that’s holding you back?

    Maybe you think you’re too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, too dumb, or too smart. Perhaps you don’t feel good. Maybe you’re a single parent or a working mom. Are these reasons or are these excuses?

    In the deepest parts of your heart and your soul, don’t you believe you can do anything if you only dared; if only you weren’t afraid?

    Ask yourself again: what is it that’s holding you back? Chances are you’ll find it’s only you. You are where you are because that is exactly where you want to be. If you want to be somewhere else, all you have to do is make a decision.

    Over my life I have searched my innermost self and found the courage to break out of my old self-imposed roadblocks. I have learned how to move mountains and so can you.

    If you have faith as small a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain,

    "Move from here to there, and it will move; and

    nothing will be impossible to you."

    -Matthew 17:20

    When I first thought of my dream of writing a book, I told some of my buddies about my plans. They looked at me and laughed because they couldn’t imagine what I could write about that anyone would want to read. But I believed in myself enough to ignore their it-can’t-be-done attitude, just as I have done so in everything I have attempted in my life. After years of never giving up on my dream of writing a book, you’re reading positive proof that anything is possible. (No matter what my friends said!)

    Every day we hear amazing stories of people who perform the impossible. Over our lifetime we have seen diseases cured, wars ended, incredible inventions come to life, and even watched men land on the moon. Over and over, again, we have witnessed unbelievable human spirit– from Bob Wieland, a man with no legs who walked across America on his hands, to Reggie Brown the Detroit Lions player who was dying on the football field after a paralyzing injury. Brown’s teammates all gathered on the field and prayed for him until the paramedics took him off the field and today, he can walk. A strong will, dedication, and determination to make something that can’t be done become a reality is what sets these people apart from everyone else.

    A strong spiritual belief in your life can also have tremendous positive impact on the things you do. Look at the inspiring story of Randall Cunningham, the quarterback of the Minnesota Vikings who played 11 seasons for the Philadelphia Eagles. When he retired in 1996, he started his own tile company and was working in Las Vegas when he received a message from a pastor that his career would change. Two weeks later, as he was laying tile, the phone rang and he was asked to join the Vikings to play as a backup quarterback in the 1997 season. He has gone on to break several NFL and Viking records and led his team to the final playoff game in the 1998 season before losing to the Atlanta Falcons. He credits his comeback to his newfound belief in God as a born again Christian. Cunningham said God put me through that year of sitting out of the game to humble me. I hadn’t missed a year of tackle football since 1972. I was tired of the game and everything that went along with it. Coming back as a backup with the Vikings was so good for me.


    Making a promise is powerful. Regardless of whether it was a promise made to you or by you, it is a commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly. There can be no great success without great commitment. It is the quality of that commitment that will separate the good from the great.

    When you make a promise to yourself or to someone you love, you are committing to fulfill that promise. Write it down on a piece of paper so you can have visual stimulus. Let it inspire you to set new goals and to achieve them.

    Every person carries a dream within themselves that can become a true source of power if unleashed. To make great things happen, you must assume from the beginning that your dreams can and will come true. With your faith in God and the belief that you have the ability, all things are possible.

    With God, all things are possible.

    –Matthew 19:26


    Dream Big Dreams

    Dream big dreams; small dreams have no magic!

    –Dottie Boreyko

    What if you could make one wish and it would come true? How big can you think? What would you wish for? Everyone dreams. Maybe you want a promotion at work, a raise, a bigger house, or more money. Maybe your dream is to find the perfect partner in life.

    Ask yourself two more questions. Have you placed any limitations on this dream? What can you change in your life, this very minute, to take that first step to making your dream a reality?

    Overcoming the idea that big dreams are impossible to achieve is the first step in creating the life you want. You must become a willing participant in your dreams in order to fulfill them. You have to make a conscious choice to go for it and then take the first step to make it happen. Your approach and level of enthusiasm will determine whether or not you can actually get there. In the end, every aspect of this journey is up to you– how you choose to embark upon this path and which direction you take. It takes courage and determination to reach for the stars and to obtain your wildest dreams. These traits reside in each one of us whether you believe it at this moment or not.

    There are some people who really rise to the occasion when they are under great pressure. I remember the first time my dad told me I was going to have to speak at one of our business meetings. I was so nervous, my hands were sweating, and my throat was dry. I said to my dad, I can’t do it! He replied, Son, if you want to be a leader than you must act like a leader.

    It had always been my dream to be a leader and I knew at that moment I had to act on this opportunity and step outside of my comfort zone. I had to take the shot. I had the desire and now I was a willing participant to fulfilling that dream. It is your desire and your imagination that will fuel any dream you have and help you to make it a reality. If you can see it, in your mind’s eye, it can be. Napoleon Hill famously said, Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

    Your vision is what becomes of your desire. Without vision you do not have the ability to see where you are going. Everything we know to be real in our world was once only a thought. What has now been proven once existed only in someone’s imagination.

    When I was just starting

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