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Monsieur Touton, Parisian Gigilo Extraordinare
Monsieur Touton, Parisian Gigilo Extraordinare
Monsieur Touton, Parisian Gigilo Extraordinare
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Monsieur Touton, Parisian Gigilo Extraordinare

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Monsieur Touton, not much over four foot tall, a slight hunchback and passably good looking is shunned in his youth by the ladies but when Lilly, the housemaid, discovers his most unique physical quality one day when she walks in on him whilst he is bathing her eyes light up in surprise. Lilly wastes no time in taking him in hand, actually both hands and his life is now going to change forever as she not only educates him sexually but makes him realise that he has one great quality which will appeal to many of the lusty ladies of Paris. He later is seduced by his Governess then Madame Royale a promiscuous friend of the family who suggests that he should earn a living using his prodigious talent.
She introduces him to the darker side of Paris society, the can-can dancers, the shady clubs and other pursuits but she also arranges for him to set himself up in the local brothel as a gigolo. He soon gains a huge clientele, the Ladies intrigued and excited by the whispered stories of his unique dimensions and gentlemanly manner secretly flock to him for their sexual pleasure.
This is his story, a most unusual one that is filled with his many adventures with those ladies. No detail is spared and there are frequent touching moments as well as he develops a relationship with a young woman whom he has the greatest respect for despite her calling.

PublisherCharlie B.
Release dateMar 12, 2016
Monsieur Touton, Parisian Gigilo Extraordinare

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Monsieur Touton, Parisian Gigilo Extraordinare - Charlie B.







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    The horse-drawn cab rumbled through the Parisian cobbled streets, the driver huddling into his overcoat as he kept an eye out for vagabonds in the gas lit streetlamp gloom. Inside, Madame Rousseau trembled slightly as she wondered if she should really be so foolish as to keep her assignation.

    Her confidant, Celine had listened to her complaints of her husband’s inability to satisfy her sexual needs, had been truly sympathetic as she patted her close friends hand while sipping her cognac and then had made a suggestion. One that had truly astonished and surprised Mathilde as she confided her secret in a soft whisper having made sure that no servants of other listeners were prowling about the house.

    My dear Mathilde, you are no older than I, you are still of good looks and your body is most desirable to men. Perhaps you should take up my remedy for your problem. I assure you that it is a most satisfying one but you will need to be most adventurous in its application.

    Oh Celine, please do not tease me so, I must know more. My excitement is growing as we speak, what are you suggesting?

    Shush, not so loud. I have a gigolo, a lover, a most amazing man who more than satisfies my every desire and so fully that after we have met for our sport I am so overwhelmed that the very thought of more sexual deportment utterly flees my mind. He is a most ardent lover and he has the most incredible attribute between his thighs that I have ever seen.

    Attribute, you mean he is well endowed with that instrument of pleasure that all women desire. My own husband is I fear quite average. Well he used to be, now his noodle absolutely refuses to rise to the occasion and leaves me in such frustration that I have to resort to other means to obtain my satisfaction.

    Ah, you mean your dildo? I recall its wooden shape is quite large and very smooth to the touch, but I assure you it is dwarfed by Monsieur Touton’s massive weapon. His is a most splendid tool and is so well fashioned that all dildos should follow its contours in exact detail.

    Touton? No I haven’t heard of him, is he handsome?

    I’m afraid that his most amazing attribute has been gifted to him at the cost of his looks. He’s short in stature, his head is a little too large, he has a slight humpback too, but he has one other attribute that will make you cry out with delight. His tongue is some five inches in length and it feels like wet velvet when used to satisfy women in that most glorious way.

    Oh my goodness, I am all a tremble at your salaciousness, you have visited him then? This superbly endowed owner of a magnificent cock and has he favoured you with his other delight as well?

    Of course, ever since I found out that my husband had dallied with Elise, my maid. I hear her loud cries as he takes her night after night, I don’t really mind because I now have my own lover and he is worth three of Hubert in more ways than I could describe, and as to your second question, why of course. It would be most remiss of me not to have felt his soft caresses over my most sensitive parts. He makes me cry out so loud that I forget all my sensibilities as I writhe beneath his wickedly fulfilling tongue in total surrender.

    I must admit, your story fills me with urgent desire, in fact the thought of such a magnificent piece of male equipment excites me no end. I think my dildo will be put to good use tonight, tell me more. Oh wait, I must go and get it and I will employ it whilst you fill my head with your exploits with this magnificent monster of female seduction.

    Mathilde shivered as she remembered how daring she’d been in her friend’s company; she’d rushed to her room, grabbed the large, well-used implement of pleasure and hurried back to the small dressing room where her friend sat. Once returned she stared in surprise because Mathilde had tugged up her skirts to reveal herself, her drawers open at the crotch, her muff glistening as she worked two fingers into its tight confines without any display of contrite embarrassment.

    My goodness, I see you are hot to play as well, well let’s not delay. There I will join you and we’ll diddle ourselves at the same time. Oh, it’s so hard, I’m so grateful that you presented me with it.

    My pleasure, it certainly looks a tight fit but your lips are tightly clamped around its edges and you have pushed it quite deep, but it is a nothing compared to Monsieur Touton’s magnificent tool.

    Oh sweet Celine tell me more, describe it in all detail while I plough a lusty furrow into my quim?

    Ah, well it’s some seven inches in length…..

    Oh sweet mercy.

    That’s before it’s erect of course!

    Oh god, more, tell me more.

    Nine or maybe even ten thick inches when hard!

    Oh yes, what sheer debauchery, oh don’t ever stop.

    It’s thicker than any I’ve ever had and its head is bigger than a plum, maybe as large as a rosy peach and the skin is of a similar velveteen texture.

    Ah, oh yes, please, more.

    It stands before him like a mighty beast, so hard that fingers cannot indent the pale surface. Oh, I am going to come if I keep this up.

    Me too, I must know more, tell me what you do with it?

    I hold it in my hands, both being required, and slide my tongue along its glorious smoothness. Oh, oh yes. I slake my thirst as I slurp all over the throbbing implement, my desire rising as it bobs about before my face with each stroking caress of my fingers. Ah, oh now I’m there, you too, yes pump that naughty toy in and out, come hard as you picture the gigantic weapon, faster, oh, oh now, now.

    Both women sank back down to recover from their lusty fun, their eyes meeting as they re-arranged their garments. They stared at each other, surprised at their joint misbehaviour, and then Mathilde sighed as she drew the wooden facsimile back out and stood it on end, the shaft gleaming with her

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