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Bondage Academy: The Initiation
Bondage Academy: The Initiation
Bondage Academy: The Initiation
Ebook41 pages41 minutes

Bondage Academy: The Initiation

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Our eyes met on the street, and there was a flash of recognition deep inside me. I felt the heat from his body close in on mine. Far too close to be a coincidence. His scent was heavy, masculine, and intoxicating. I tried to move forward but he had stopped me with his hand on my elbow. His touch was almost electric, spreading throughout my entire body. I had to follow him...

Release dateMar 21, 2016
Bondage Academy: The Initiation

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    Book preview

    Bondage Academy - Vittoria Lima

    Bondage Academy

    The Initiation

    Vittoria Lima

    Copyright© 2015 Vittoria Lima. All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without prior permission of the publisher and author.

    The Initiation

    As he silently led me down the dark hallway, all I could see in front of me was a heavy steel door. Never once did I question where I was, or why I was here. The events that had led up to this moment were hypnotic and strange.

    Our eyes had met on the street, and there had been a flash of recognition deep inside me. I had felt the heat from his body close in on mine. Far too close to have been a coincidence. His scent had been heavy, masculine, and intoxicating. I had tried to move forward but he had stopped me with his hand on my elbow. His touch had been almost electric, spreading throughout my entire body.

    I had sensed his unspoken cue to follow him. I knew that I’d had to follow. I couldn’t have done anything but follow. I had followed him, as if in a trance. I didn’t know what I had started, I couldn’t clearly imagine what would happen but knew that I had needed to find out.

    My body had taken on a life of its own, separated from free will and reasoning. The heels of my shoes had felt thin and unsteady, as I’d tried to keep up the pace behind him. The car is coming, was all he had said.

    As I continued to follow him down the hallway, I remembered that his car and driver had already been waiting, as if he had already anticipated me. He had held the car door open, and with a motion of his hand, had guided me to into the backseat.

    I remembered that his eyes had tracked the movement of my hand as I had tried to keep the hem down on my skirt as I stepped into the car. I had noticed his almost imperceptible head shake and removed my hand, blushed, and had felt something stirring between my legs.

    Now, here we were, standing in front of the door. He held my gaze intensely, as he produced the key that apparently unlocked the large lock. Now, my dear. What’s behind this door isn’t for everyone. Do you understand that?

    I nodded, hypnotized by his bright blue eyes and his firm grip on my arm. He inserted the key into the heavy lock, an obviously familiar action for him. The tumblers clicked, he paused with his hand on the heavy steel ring.

    I felt his breath right next to my ear. Once you’ve entered this room you’ll be required to surrender a part of yourself. But, in doing so you will understand much more in return. Do you understand? I nodded, though I probably would have agreed to do anything he said at that moment.

    His voice was low and smooth but somewhere there was an undertone, I was unable to pinpoint. Demanding? Appreciating? Wanting? The hairs on the back of my neck raised, I

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