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Detective Ralph Larson Accepts the Challange
Detective Ralph Larson Accepts the Challange
Detective Ralph Larson Accepts the Challange
Ebook22 pages23 minutes

Detective Ralph Larson Accepts the Challange

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Detective Larson wakes up one night thinking he has heard some noise. Getting up and searching his apartment, he cannot find anything or anyone. Thinking he might as well go to the bathroom when I'm awake. Entering the bathroom, he on the mirror saw a written message. 'Detective Ralph Larson leave Brotch alone, or take the consequence. The Terminator." Someone has been inside my apartment. I live on the second floor, my door is always locked, and the safety chain is on. How the heck could this happen? Ralph search his home once again, and found some dust, and derbies on the hall floor. So he entered through the storage compartment. Then Ralph phoned his office and asked for all available info about the Terminator, and someone named Brotch. Coming to work the following day, he found all the info on his desk. The Terminator works mostly in Europe, and Brotch is an insane gangster in Mexico that wants to move in to Florida and Texas. Later Ralph remembers that he has a date with Angelic, his girlfriend, and makes an appointment with a good restaurant. Arriving at the restaurant, they are shown to their table, and when Angelic has to leave, another woman comes up to Ralph and gives him a business card. Looking coldly at Ralph she says, Accept what I wrote on your mirror, or take the consequences. When Angelic comes back, Ralph explains about this other woman, and this Mexican Brotch. He, Brotch, is already working in Florida, and with seven of his men he tries to rob two banks. One robbery goes well, but the one that Brotch is heading, are having trouble with both the police and the swat team. Brotch dies together with another two of his men. FBI succeeded to catching the second of Brotch groups. Now Ralph and Angelic gets a challenge from the terminator, work with me, and make money. It is up to you detective to choose.

PublisherBo Widerberg
Release dateMar 26, 2016
Detective Ralph Larson Accepts the Challange

Bo Widerberg

My name is Bo Widerberg/artbcool, I am born in Europe too many years ago. Have lived with my family in Florida since 1985 and we are happy with our situation. Would feel a lot better if more people would read my stories.

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    Book preview

    Detective Ralph Larson Accepts the Challange - Bo Widerberg

    Detective Larson

    Accepts the Challenge


    Bo Widerberg

    All characters in this story are fictitious,

    and any resemblance to real person,

    is purely coincidental.


    All rights reserved.

    It was well after midnight when detective Larson woke up. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he had heard same noise. Turning to his bedside lamp and switching it on. He looked all around the bedroom, and there was nothing in there that shouldn’t be there. When I’m awake anyway, he thought. I might as well go to the bathroom. When he entered the bathroom and putt his feet on the soft green floor mat, he looked up towards the mirror. There was a message written in what looked like black permanent ink, it said. ‘Detective Ralph Larson this is the only warning you will get. Leave Brotch alone or face the consequences. The Terminator.’

    Detective Ralph Larson is the only detective at a police station down in central Florida. He is thirty-two years old, has what the ladies would say, a handsome face. His eyes are blue, hair medium blond, and he keeps himself clean-shaven at all time. A tad over six feet, and with a muscular and trimmed body. He is always well dressed.

    The Terminator, he thought, never heard of him. And how in all hell did he come in to my apartment, and in to my bathroom? I’m up on second floor, keeps my door locked, and the safety chain is always in place. Looks like I have to get myself an electronic alarm system. With those thoughts, Ralph got in touch with his office. What do we have on someone that call himself The Terminator, and at the same time, who is Brotch, B-r-o-t-c-h?

    Too much awake and feeling angry because

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