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A Superhero's Past
A Superhero's Past
A Superhero's Past
Ebook110 pages1 hour

A Superhero's Past

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About this ebook

: A Superhero’s Past is about two aging friends who stumble upon an infomercial claiming they’ve patented the worlds first, “Superpowers in a bottle.” Both friends get the idea to buy these superpowers, and give them to their younger selves. After successfully giving their younger selves the superpowers, one friend decides he will use his powers for good, Treadwell while the other decides he will use them for evil, Freddie. Upon deciding that, both take their sides, and begin in an all out war that may never end.

But eventually Freddie does get the best of Treadwell. Freddie freezes Treadwell in an iceberg million of years in the past. Freddie then makes his way to present time, where he begins his world domination. He puts the population under mind control and messes with them for his own amusement. But... There’s one thing Freddie didn’t think of. The iceberg Treadwell is in melts due to global warming. With Treadwell set free, he is able to try and stop Freddie one last time. He ends up besting Freddie, and manages to convince him the world isn’t such a shitty place after all. Freddie then devises a plan to stop everything before it happens. He sends Treadwell into the past to stop Freddie’s older self from giving Freddie’s younger self the superpowers. After a long discussion with Freddie’s older self, he agrees not to give his younger self the superpowers. Freddie’s older self then goes back into the future and stops Treadwell’s older self from doing the same thing. The past is now restore and the two friends can begin to look towards their futures.

PublisherRobert Ale
Release dateMar 27, 2016
A Superhero's Past

Robert Ale

I write all types of stories

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    Book preview

    A Superhero's Past - Robert Ale

    FADE IN:

    INT. Terry's Living room - day

    TERRY TREADWELL is a relatively overweight dead looking old man who sits on his couch watching TV.

    As he sits on his couch, he gets a phone call.

    He answers it.



    Person on Phone





    How are you?


    You know damn well how I am.


    I know. I just meant.


    I know what you meant.


    Then you know why I'm calling?


    I know why you're calling.


    I mean... I don't want to sound insensitive... But you are going to be dead soon... And I just want you to know that I think I deserve the money.


    Yeah, you're not the first kid to call and say that.


    But I've already decided whom I'm going to give my money to. It's in my will, and you'll see once I'm dead.

    Treadwell hangs up.

    INT. Cafe - aftERNOON

    Terry and his friend, FREDDIE, another old looking guy sit in a cafe drinking coffee and what not.


    Could you believe it? All my kids called me up asking about my money. My money.


    I could believe it. Kids these days are nothing short of rotten.


    Yeah. It really made me think though.


    About what?


    What I've done with my life.


    And what did you do with your life?


    Nothing. That's just it. I did nothing with it.


    Well you had a successful business.


    But I never lived. I put sixty hours plus into the business each week, and all it left me with was a bunch of money.


    That's good though, right?


    Treadwell's once again on his couch watching TV.

    As he's watching TV an infomercial comes on.


    Have you ever wanted super powers? Have you ever wanted the ability to fly? Or move at lightening speed? Well if you have we got the answer for you. We created and patented this special formula that gives you the ability to have a super power of your choosing. Not only does it give you super powers, but it also tastes great! And if you're not bought just yet, then we will sell you a box of six for only seventy-seven dollars, and seventy-seven cents. And if you're still not interested, then we will also include a superhero costume. So just call 555-5455 to order now.

    Treadwell's amazed by this. He picks up the phone and begins to call the company.




    I'm calling about this infomercial I just saw. The one about super powers.




    Yeah, and I'm wondering if I could get the box of six.


    Yeah, you absolutely can.


    Okay. And by any chance do you have a time traveling one?


    Indeed we do.



    INT. Terry's house

    The doorbell rings and Treadwell answers the door. It's the mailman.


    Hi. Package for Terry.


    Yeah, that's me.


    Okay. Sign here.

    Treadwell signs where asked and the mailman leaves.

    Treadwell then walks over to his kitchen table and opens the box.

    Inside we see six different bottles all different colors.

    Treadwell takes out the instructions and reads.


    Let's see. Blue makes you fast... and which one makes you time travel. Ah here we go.

    Treadwell takes out a bottle with orange liquid inside. He then pops the bottle open and chugs it.

    He then begins to read again.


    Effects are guaranteed to last a lifetime... Effects should begin within the hour.

    Title card: One hour later

    INT. Treadwell's HOUSE

    Treadwell stands up from his chair and walks over to the table with the bottles on it. He then grabs the bottles and speaks.


    I'd like to go back to the date: December 24th, two thousand and thirteen.

    Nothing happens and there is a beat.

    Treadwell (CONT'D)


    Still nothing.

    Treadwell (CONT'D)

    Please take me back to December 24th, two thousand and thirteen

    Still nothing.

    Treadwell (CONT'D)

    Goddamn you mother fu-

    Treadwell's transported through time.

    EXT. SKy - night

    Treadwell falls from the sky.

    He screams as he's falling, but lands in a haystack.

    He then gets out of the haystack and looks around.


    Where the hell am I?

    He begins to walk.

    Treadwell (CONT'D)

    I should have specified a location.

    EXT. Highway - night

    Treadwell walks on the highway.

    As he's walking he sees an exit sign.


    I'm so close.

    EXT. Outside of young treadwell's house

    Treadwell looks into the window of his old house.

    Inside we see a Christmas tree, and some presents under the tree.

    Treadwell then opens the window and places the box with the super power bottles inside under the tree.


    Take me back to two thousand and sixty, please.

    Treadwell's transported through time.

    INT. Young Treadwell's Bedroom - day

    YOUNG TREADWELL, who looks nerdy, but in

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