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Ebook63 pages49 minutes


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Nobody is going to take Joan's house. Nobody. Her husband, Troy, a popular architect, spent years designing their perfect home and when the mob kills her husband and tries to take her house as payment for a deal gone bad, Joan refuses to give in. Joan is not having any of it. The mob meets their match when they meet Joan and her special set of skills.

She is just the woman to get things done.

Release dateMar 24, 2016

Christopher Ridge

Christopher Ridge is a creature feature horror and sci-fi writer. He enjoys B horror movies, aliens, monsters and mutant insects and such. To get an idea of what his stories and short novels are like think ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES, THEM, and IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE. He lives in Indianapolis Indiana with his wife and two sons.

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    HOME INVASION - Christopher Ridge


    By Christopher Ridge

    Copyright© 2016

    This E-Book is licensed for your personal enjoyment. This E-Book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any persons or places are purely coincidental.

    Special thanks for the use of the woman photo from

    Iron gate image courtesy of Simon Howden


    Joan remembered the night it happened. The night she made it happen. Of course she did. She was a make it happen gal.

    Bright and full of spunk. Well, nobody in their right mind would screw with her.

    Somebody did.

    A couple thugs. To them she was an easy target. So they thought. Don't most thugs think women by themselves, late at night are easy targets? They didn't know Joan Crawford.

    Joan Crawford, a black belt in Karate and practiced fencing while in Switzerland as a college exchange student.

    Joan lived in a large house. This incredible house was designed by her husband,Troy who was a  big shot architect for some company, which he never discussed. The house was in the range of thirty-five hundred square feet. A house one could easily get lost in. It had several doors with adjoining rooms equipped with a special shutdown security system. In case of emergencies the house had lighted hallways that run the perimeter accessed through special doors in the walls.

    Only the two of them knew where they were.

    The house was in a remote part of town in the mountains somewhere in upstate New York down by the lake. It was quiet.  The way she liked it.

    Until that night.

    2:00 A:M

    That was the night it started.


    Before it happened,  they were on the bed fooling around. He was tied up to the bed post and she was on top of him.


    You're one kinky chick, you know that? Troy said.

    She slapped him across the face and purred like a female tiger.

    She knew he liked it like that. He enjoyed it when she played rough. She did to. She relished the feeling of being in complete control of a man. A man who thinks he is much stronger than she.

    Then they switched. She had Troy tie her up as tight as she could so she could impress him with her flexing abilities.

    That's not tight, she said as she twisted not feeling enough resistance. Make it tighter.

    Any tighter and I'm gonna cut off your circulation.

    Just a bigger challenge.

    You're nuts. How much time you want to go for?

    Thirty seconds.

    Thirty seconds? No way.

    The more tension, the better she thought.

    Troy watched with widened expression as he heard her joints pop and watched them twist, her body contorting in ways he'd never thought possible.

    Fifty seconds, he said and stopped the watch. Best time yet.

    In seconds, the ropes flew off and Troy was on his back.

    She ran her tongue along his neck and down his chest purring like a cat. He giggled like a school boy getting it on with the high school teacher of his dreams.

    Ouch, he cried out. You bit me.

    Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

    What did you do, turn into a vampire?

    I'm an animal, she said and leaned her head back and roared.

    Female lions don't roar like that.

    This one does. Now shut your mouth before I  duct tape your sorry butt. Which reminds me. I have a surprise for you.

    You do?

    She brought out a strap on. A long thick one.

    What the heck is that? He asked, eyes wide.

    She twirled it around like a rope and slapped him in the face with it. Come on. You know you want it.

    Ahhh, no I don't.

    I wanna try something new.

    Who are you and what happened to my wife he pulled the covers over his head.

    "Come on. I'm just kidding. You think I would really try to shove this up your butt?'

    He pondered the thought for a second. Yeah. If you really wanted to.

    She tossed the strap on and gently ran her fingers over him until he

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