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A Splintered Hope: The Realms of War, #15
A Splintered Hope: The Realms of War, #15
A Splintered Hope: The Realms of War, #15
Ebook74 pages1 hour

A Splintered Hope: The Realms of War, #15

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Aewyn returns to her home, the Kingdom of Erun, to find it in absolute ruin.  The once lush green plains have been burned to ashes and the trees torn to shreds.  The blue skies are now filled with gray smoke from the plumes of fire that rage across the lands.  Her quest to find her sister and stop the Pit Lord from resurrecting the Lich King has come full circle.

Robyn is still learning her newfound powers that she learned from her training with the Shifters.  She, along with Tirador, Rick and Kara are ready to support Aewyn in finding Leila and stopping Lord Lazarus.  As the five of them traverse the dangerous lands, Aewyn senses something is horribly wrong, her sister has succumbed to the Call of the Krakenos.

The group learn that Aewyn's connection with her sister puts them all in danger, yet they refuse to stop fighting.  They decide to meet Lord Lazarus head on and devise a strategy to enter the castle and sneak into the Library of High Arts before taking on Lord Lazarus.  Once the plan executes things start to get more and more troubling...

PublisherJenna Powers
Release dateMar 23, 2016
A Splintered Hope: The Realms of War, #15

Jenna Powers

Jenna Powers is a sultry executive assistant by day who lets her fantasies come true through erotica writing by night.

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    A Splintered Hope - Jenna Powers

    Aewyn stared out at the waters as the small boat she was on rocked slowly closer to a nearby shore.  Robyn was quietly steering the ship with Rick's help while Kara tried to direct them closer without running into any protruding rocks.  All manners of thoughts were crossing through Aewyn's mind as she worriedly bit her lower lip.

    She didn't know what to expect when they arrived at her home, the Kingdom of Erun.  It had been one of the first Elven Kingdoms to fall.  She also worried for her sister, unsure of whether or not she had survived her ordeal.

    We will find her, Robyn called out, sensing Aewyn's nervousness.

    Aewyn turned and nodded, steadying herself as the boat rocked.  The boat had hit the bottom of the seas, signaling for them to hop out.  A craggy, stone filled beach awaited them.  In the distance, Aewyn could see dark flumes of smoke scattering through the gray skies.

    Gods... what have they done...  Aewyn whispered.

    The lush green plains were nowhere to be found, replaced by dried yellow leaves, dark soil and the pits of small flames.  The once blue skies were now a muted gray, darkening the lands below.  Aewyn clenched her fists as she looked at the absolute destruction the Horde had caused.

    Uh... wow, this is... something, Rick grunted as he hopped out of the boat first.

    The water was up to his mid thighs and he shivered for a moment.  He made his way to the front of the boat and began pulling.  His muscles strained as he tried to pull on the boat filled with an Elf, two Human women and a Dwarf.

    Tirador!  Get out there and help him, Kara yelled.

    I hate water, Tirador grunted as he crossed his arms and stared at the water.

    Yeah, a little help would be nice, Rick agreed as he glared at the Dwarf.

    Why don't you turn into that monster creature that you do?  That'll give you enough strength, Tirador replied.

    For the love of the Gods, it's not like a switch.  How many times do I have to explain this?  Rick grunted back as he continued to pull.

    Rick had a unique ability for a Human.  Coming from a small tribe with fantastic stories of a mythical legend regarding a hero in every generation with the ability to transform into a beast; he was among the last of his tribe's male survivors.  While initially skeptical, Aewyn, along with everyone else on the boat, barring Robyn, had seen Rick turn into the Berserker.  He indeed became a beast of a man who could kill a small army.

    Then why don't you cast a spell?  Make us fly?  Tirador asked as he stared up at Aewyn.

    That would not be a wise use of my mana, Aewyn replied.

    Kara sighed and kicked Tirador from behind, right out of the boat.  He plopped down into the water before emerging with an angry roar. The others laughed as he shook his head furiously, water spraying around from his beard and long curly hair.

    Damned Human!  You don't kick a Dwarf into the water!  Tirador yelled angrily.

    Oh shush and push the boat, Kara responded.

    Unbelievable, Tirador grunted as he made his way to the back of the boat.

    Due to his short height, the water was easily above waist level for him.  He grunted as he pushed the boat from behind as Rick pulled.  Aewyn smiled, momentarily forgetting about the horrors of the Horde.  It was the calm before the storm for the small group.

    Once the boat was close enough, Robyn hopped out, then Aewyn.  Rick caught Kara as she hopped out and carried her to the shore.  Tirador shook his head as he watched them.

    Love birds, he mumbled under his breath.

    How far out are we?  Robyn inquired.

    It should be close.  Our fleets departed not far from here, Aewyn answered as she began moving forward, leading the others.

    The group paused as they heard a long howl fill the air.  Tirador nervously gripped his axe as his eyes shifted from side to side.  Robyn raised her hand to try to calm them.

    That's a wolf, nothing to worry, Robyn said.

    Nothing to worry?  Tirador barked.

    Compared to the Horde?  I'd say so, Robyn replied calmly.

    Tirador grunted and the group continued forward.  Aewyn felt uneasy as she led them closer towards the castle.  Her eyes narrowed as she focused, just barely able to see the ruins of the castle in the distance.  A chill ran down her spine as she saw nothing but rubble surrounding it, the great walls protecting it long gone.

    Is that it?  Robyn asked, leaning closer towards Aewyn.

    Aewyn responded with a small nod.  Robyn couldn't see the castle as clearly as Aewyn could.  The most she could see were the pillars of smoke and fire.

    So, what happens when you two are in bed?  Does the excitement make you into the beast?  Tirador asked as he tapped Rick on the arm.

    "What?  That's a

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