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Crazy Shopping People
Crazy Shopping People
Crazy Shopping People
Ebook42 pages29 minutes

Crazy Shopping People

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About this ebook

Crazy people like to shop.

A fact of retail life learned by my fifteen year old self while working at my first "real" job at a small town discount store. When you're the only place to shop in an isolated town, you become a mecca for all sorts of people who need to buy stuff - including weirdos, creeps and terrible people who should NEVER leave their lairs.

True stories from a true store, a true retail newbie thrilled to be making $5.50 an hour; who quickly decides that a few bucks a night is not enough money to deal with bargain-hungry zombies!

PublisherPenelope Nykl
Release dateMar 27, 2016
Crazy Shopping People

Penelope Nykl

Always a greedy reader and a passionate writer, I've always read and enjoyed all forms of fiction. As I started university, a few novels would accompany my textbooks on my journeys to school and work. I remember spending endless hours on the city bus, imagining writing fiction myself. Since then, I've begged, borrowed and stolen experiences: both imagined and real. These are my first steps in writing both erotic and general fiction stories. I want to create a delectable experience for my readers, combining exotic adventure, fantasy, history with a touch of fun. On a more personal note, I am a new resident of Quebec, Canada - moving from Ontario to marry my husband. Eloping was one of the best experiences of my life, and I value every day with him. The cold winters have me snowbound, so I look forward to writing a variety of steamy and stunning stories to heat things up! Wattpad: PenelopeNykl Smashwords: Twitter: @PenelopeNykl Facebook: Radish: @PenelopeNykl Amazon:

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    Book preview

    Crazy Shopping People - Penelope Nykl

    Crazy Shopping People

    By: Penelope Nykl

    Copyright 2016 by Penelope Nykl

    [Smashwords Edition]

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Content

    Chapter One: Babysitting Sucks, Retail Must Suck Less – Right?

    Chapter Two: Retail Resume of Destiny

    Chapter Three: So, Do I Get a Discount?

    Chapter Four: Chinese Horoscopes and You!

    Chapter Five: No Interview? No Training? No Clue? No Problem!

    Chapter Six: The Five Finger Discount

    Chapter Seven: Pervy Dan

    Chapter Eight: Epilogue

    About the Author

    Chapter One: Babysitting Sucks, Retail Must Suck Less – Right?

    At fifteen, there aren't that many options for employment. An industrious young teen could opt for neighborhood yard and snow removal work - but for my fifteen year old self, who was pretty much allergic to outside, yard work was a no. I had already learned that babysitting sucked; parents who entrusted me with what was supposed to be their most precious possessions were notoriously cheap, always late returning home, and were generally total weirdos. This quickly soured me on babysitting. My dad also had a bad habit of volunteering me to babysit for random people in the small town we lived in. I could not understand why these people would hire an unknown babysitter recommended by my unknown dad on the unknown value of his word! I could be a high priestess of Cthulhu, addicted to calling long distance to Micronesia, a nosy kleptomaniac with a penchant for stealing undergarments, or an enterprising young organ harvester.

    They never wanted to know anything about me, they just wanted me on time and to have a pulse. These parents were so desperate for a babysitter, but they would always nickel and dime me for my pay, gleefully swindling a not yet assertive teen, and then wonder why I would never return to babysit again when asked. My dad would continue to volunteer me to babysit for potential axe-murderers;

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