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One Last Promise: Tiffany & Malcolm, Book, #2: The Edgehill Series
One Last Promise: Tiffany & Malcolm, Book, #2: The Edgehill Series
One Last Promise: Tiffany & Malcolm, Book, #2: The Edgehill Series
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One Last Promise: Tiffany & Malcolm, Book, #2: The Edgehill Series

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*******WEEKEND SALE!!*******WEEKEND SALE!!********WEEKEND SALE!!*******

The EDGEHILL SERIES special sale!

Both books in the Tiffany & Malcolm love saga on sale for $0.99 each, this weekend ONLY!

Book#1, SURRENDER TO TRUST, only $0.99!!
Book #2, ONE LAST PROMISE, only $0.99!!


***PLEASE NOTE: This story is the conclusion to "Surrender to Trust", Book 1 of Tiffany & Malcolm's story

One Last Promise: Tiffany & Malcolm, Book, #2

Tiffany is living a life vastly different from the one she had always imagined. Now the stay-at-home mother to an energetic three year old she would never have guessed she could find happiness living a cozy life with the man she loves as they raise their daughter. She doesn't want for anything--or so she thinks. But when the desire to return to her former life takes a hold of her, her life is suddenly full of conflict. She is determined to prove that she can have it all. But her ambitions soon threaten destroy the life she has built with the man she loves. She knows exactly what she wants from him and won't give up until she gets it.

Once self-proclaimed eternal bachelor now loving father of a sweet little girl and devoted man to the woman he loves, Malcolm is a totally changed person. He barely remembers his life the way it was before. He is ready to make things official and to spend an eternity with the woman he knows he is meant to be with. But when the threads begin unravelling, he is challenged with honouring his relationship, or falling back into his old ways.

32,200 words in length

Release dateMar 29, 2016
One Last Promise: Tiffany & Malcolm, Book, #2: The Edgehill Series

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    Book preview

    One Last Promise - Sherilyn Banks

    The Edgehill Series

    One Last Promise, Book 2 (Tiffany & Malcolm, the conclusion)

    Written by Sherilyn Banks


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without express written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Please refer all pertinent questions to the publisher.

    Be sure to join mymailing list for news on upcoming releases!

    Also currently available from The Edgehill Series:

    Falling for Delilah, Book 1 of Sydney & Connor’s story

    Heart of Solace, Book 2, conclusion of Sydney & Connor’s story

    The Edgehill Series, One Last Promise, Book 2 © 2016 Sherilyn Banks

    Chapter One

    Malcolm took one look at the sparkling Asscher cut diamond engagement ring encased beneath the locked glass counter at Birkstons Jewelers and knew he had found the ring; it had Tiffany's name written all over it. That’s the one right there. He pointed through the glass.

    He couldn't help feeling a twinge of anxiety as he stared at the sparkling piece of jewelry that would cement his step toward him and Tiffany finally becoming eternally bound to each other.

    Sounds like you're fairly convinced. The jeweler peered at Malcolm over the glasses sitting on the edge of his nose.

    With no further ado he unlocked the glass casing that housed several exquisite engagement rings. Pulling the ring out from underneath the glass, he set it on the counter and carefully slid it toward Malcolm.

    Malcolm had never seen a more spectacular piece of jewelry. He picked it up, staring at it for a moment, studying it closely as he envisioned himself slipping it on Tiffany's slender fingers.

    One of our finest cut diamonds, and very popular at the moment, the jeweler interrupted Malcolm's thoughts.

    So I've heard, Malcolm said. So I've heard...

    Truthfully, he hadn't planned on going inside the jewelry store to look at diamond rings but the lavish display in the window had compelled him to go in, in hopes of finding a pair of earrings to surprise Tiffany with. And now he was looking at engagement rings.

    The ring's hefty price tag spoke volumes to its quality, but as far as Malcolm was concerned no price was too great to pay for the woman he loved. The ring would be an eternal symbol of their union and despite his anxieties about the giant leap he was about to take, he felt like he was ready.

    Maybe he would surprise Tiffany by proposing for their fourth year anniversary as a couple. Their committed, live-in relationship had never been stronger and Malcolm couldn't help thinking maybe now was the time to take the plunge to becoming a married man. The very idea of marrying the woman he had fallen in love with, despite all his initial fears, seemed meant to be.

    I take it you know her ring size? the jeweler asked.

    Her ring finger is a six, but she's a ten. Malcolm gave him a cheesy grin. She's the most beautiful woman in the world and I can't wait to slip, this beauty on her finger. He took a few more moments to study the ring while the jeweler went about explaining the specifics of that particular cut of diamond.

    Malcolm and Tiffany had talked at great length about marriage over the years and both mutually agreed marriage was the goal, and when the time was right, it would happen.

    Tiffany had made it plain that she didn't want to wait forever. Malcolm had battled bouts of doubt about it, but ultimately knew it was the right thing to do. For him, for her, and the little girl that lit up both their lives—Abby.

    Abby would be turning four in a matter of months and Malcolm couldn't help but wonder where the time had gone.

    Seemed like only yesterday that he had been hit with the bombshell that he had fathered a child with a woman he had merely been sleeping with.

    He had felt like his life was over after being hit with the dreaded 'father' label. It had been a lot to cope with for a man living comfortably in the throes of freedom.

    He would never forget the sinking feeling at the idea of giving up that freedom in favour of daddy-daughter playdates and in favour of looking out for a young, innocent life who hadn't asked to be born.

    But somehow he got through it all, and even managed to allow himself to fall in love.

    He had grown so much since then. He had become the type of man he had always turned his nose up at, the kind of man to whom the only thing that mattered was protecting the life that had his blood pumping through her tiny, little veins.

    He was a father and damn proud of it.

    She sure sounds like a keeper, the jeweler said, of Tiffany.

    "Trust me...she is. Malcolm handed the ring back to him. You have it in her size, do you?"

    We do indeed.

    I'll take it. Malcolm said, feeling no hesitation at all about the purchase, already whipping his credit card out of his wallet to seal the deal.

    Several minutes later after stopping by the bank to put the ring in the safe deposit box until the actual proposal, Malcolm headed for Abby's preschool to pick her up.

    He glanced at the digital time display on the car console and realized he was running late. He had gotten so caught up at the jewelry store that he had lost track of time.

    Hurriedly parking the car, he made his way inside the building. He walked into the classroom and saw that Abby was the only child left waiting to be picked up. She and one of the ECE's were busily playing together. 

    As if sensing his presence in the room, Abby immediately turned her head in his direction, her eyes wide with excitement. Abandoning the toy she had been playing with at once, she went bounding toward him, her feet barely touching the ground. Daaaadddy!

    Malcolm swept her up into his arms and swung her around like he always did. A moment later he felt a big, sloppy wet kiss on his cheek and as always, he wondered how he had ever lived without his little girl in his life.

    So I take it you were on your best behaviour for your teachers today? he asked her.

    Abby nodded her head rapidly, her curly pigtails bobbing up and down, big, blue eyes widening expressively. "Yes, daadddy..."

    "Ah, that's my Cookiebear," Malcolm said with a smile as he he put her down, and told her to go get her jacket. He stood and watched as she skipped over to the coat rack and yanked her jacket off the coat hanger.

    The ECE who had been watching on in amusement made her way over to Malcolm just then. He realized he hadn't seen her before. I don't believe we've new here? he said.

    She couldn't have been any more than twenty-five and was strikingly pretty. It dawned on Malcolm that if he had been the old Malcolm—the man he had been before being a father became the most important thing to him, and the one before he had given his heart to Tiffany—he would have already been plotting ways to get her into his bed. But he was a totally different man now. Those days were long past. He was content with life just the way it was.

    Charlotte, she said, offering her hand for him to shake. You're Abby's dad, right? I recognize you from seeing you in the binder of parent photos. Pleased to meet you. Abby's such a bright and happy child; such a joy to have around."

    Malcolm already knew that, of course. But that didn't stop him from beaming with pride just the same. Thank you, he said graciously.  And please accept my apologies for running late; just one of those days. He shrugged.

    Oh no worries, Charlotte said good-naturedly.

    I'll do my best next time. At that moment Malcolm felt Abby's tiny hand tugging his as she attempted to pull him toward the door. "Let's go, daddy..." she said in a sing-songy voice.

    Malcolm eyed Charlotte with a knowing grin. Looks like I'm being summoned by the commander-in-chief, so I I'd better run. Anyhow, nice meeting you Charlotte. We'll see you next time. Abby, say goodbye before we leave.

    Abby looked at Charlotte with a broad grin and waved pleasantly before turning and skippingly leading Malcolm toward the door.

    Can we go to gammie's house? Abby asked from the back seat of the car a few minutes after they had set out on the road. Peering briefly at her in the rearview mirror, Malcolm focused his attention back on the road.

    Well, if you remember, Cookiebear, we go directly home after school so we won't be late for supper...

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