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Tony, who is no spring chicken, finds himself working in Vietnam, having previously worked in other Asian countries for several years. He is a widower, but being a normal red blooded healthy male tries to find female company, and the book starts with several explicit sexual experiences that he encounters whilst working in parts of Vietnam and Cambodia. One day he meets and is sexually attracted to a younger Vietnamese lady, whose father is believed to be French, at an Embassy reception. He finds this attraction actively reciprocated although the girl, Nicky, has previously participated in and experienced only very limited sexual activity. Nicky herself is surprised at her own wantonness. The two decide to start a journey in life together in a developing country, with a complexity of social and political regulations to overcome. The book also describes some of the social outlets in the capital Ha Noi, where they enjoy one another’s company, leading to love and marriage. And the level of explicit sexual activity that they enjoy together amazes both of them.

Release dateMar 29, 2016

Adam Mann

Adam Mann has lived and worked in Africa and then Asia for many years. He has always been fascinated by personal relationships, and in real life is now enjoying his fourth marriage, after being widowed, divorced, and even had a marriage annulled as this ‘wife’ had forgotten to get divorced.As a result he has extensive experience of social and sexual activities, which he brings into his books in explicit detail. Underlying all these activities is a quest for a loving and ongoing relationship with his partner.Adam Mann is a pen name.

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    Depraved! - Adam Mann

    Butterfly Books


    By Adam Mann

    Right said Fred

    Right said Fred, both of us together,

    One each end and steady as you go.

    Tried to shift it, couldn’t even lift it,

    We was gettin’ nowhere, and so,

    Then Charlie and me had another cuppa tea,

    And then we went home.

    © Adam Mann, 2016

    ISBBN: *************


    I cannot understand why people who enjoy sex are deemed to be depraved!

    I can only imagine that there must be are a large group of people who regard sex as an essential but even reprehensible and only reluctantly undertaken in order to procreate.....

    Note: The sins of the flesh...

    The Beginning.

    Tony’s boss telephoned him from his office in England;

    Tony, would you consider working in a changing economy? he asked, we’ve just been awarded a project in Vietnam, and we nominated you for lead role, The boss was very persuading. Tony was aware that his project in the North West province in Sri Lanka was coming to an end in just a few days.

    How many in the team? Tony queried.

    One, and the voice on the phoned laughed, Only you.

    Can you get there later this week, or early next week? the boss continued, and added, You’ll have to fly via Singapore to get a Visa. Is that OK?

    Tony liked Singapore having lived there as a boy, not that the remaining smattering of his knowledge of the Malay language would be much good now, but he might remember to say hello, and thank you, he thought.

    I’ll be in Hanoi also, if you can tell me your arrival time, as I’d like to meet the local project staff and see where you’ll be working, Tony’s boss continued.

    OK, let me talk to the airlines, Tony contributed.

    I’ve already done that, and it’s all paid for, so all you have to do is collect your ticket from Singapore Airlines in Colombo.

    Tony laughed. It looked like a faite accompli.

    See you in Ha Noi, said Tony laughing.

    It took Tony a couple of days to pack his belongings, say goodbye to the staff in the project office – the two youngest girls cried – and he had to shut down the house he had rented three years earlier. Tony flew to Singapore and the Visa was waiting for him in the Vietnamese Embassy. Amazingly, Tony thought he would have to wait at least a day or two for the Visa to be fixed in his passport, so unfortunately his visit to Singapore was limited to Changi Airport and the diplomatic area!

    Tony in passing also thought to himself Embassy not High Commission. This would be the first time he would be working in a non-English speaking country.

    Whilst Tony was waiting at Changi Airport he wistfully remembered working in Pakistan and then Sri Lanka;

    Tony thought about his work which was to advise local governments, that means provincial and district councils, on various methods of managing projects, especially those aimed at assisting poor farmer families.

    Tony was in his mid-forties, and about 1.86m tall, that is 6ft 1ins in the old system. He was not fat and weighed about 70 kgs, or 155 pounds. He had always tried to keep himself fit, and had played a lot of sport during his younger years. He’d always tried to excel in the sports that he had played, but his lack of bulk had been a bit of a problem, except with horses and riding, which now living in Vietnam he would probably not be able to do. However, his job often took him to remote areas where he had to do a lot of walking, and many of these areas would be hilly or mountainous which kept him fit.

    Tony had a family, two sons and daughter, but unfortunately his wife had died about fifteen years ago from cancer. Since then he had continued to work overseas, which he enjoyed, but have never been very lucky at finding a woman in my life to replace his wife, but that had not been for want of trying.

    His mind went back over the last five years. In Pakistan, the area he worked in was the Buner valley in Swat, which was occupied by the Yusafai Pathans who lived under strict purdah, which meant that all the project staff were men, and during his two years working in Buner he remembered meeting only five ladies. Two were wives of his colleagues in adjoining projects, two were young graduates from Peshawar University who came to the project to try to organise the women in the nearby village, and the final woman was a delightful red haired Pakistan lady who was the wife of a national director from a nearby project, who completely refused to wear a veil. Local men were seen to spit on the ground in their contempt if they saw her in the village!

    Then Tony remembered, one day his driver Bhakti saw two European tourists travelling through the village, Buner village. Bhakti got out of the car and invited them to ‘his project’, and Tony met them when he came back to the car. They were more than a bit ‘travelled stained’, in fact dirty and scruffy would have been a more accurate description, so back at the project Tony offered them a room and a bath. When they emerged an hour of two later they turned out to be two Belgian girls, who had worn loose clothing to cover their bottoms and boobs! They stayed two days and then moved on.

    So I’m wrong, thought Tony to himself, that makes seven!

    The European wives of colleagues had to wear a headscarf and shapeless clothing outside their houses, and Tony never thought they were very happy living like that. The trouble is that the Buner valley is nowadays a hotbed of Taliban and that definition would probably include Tony’s driver Bhakti! The saving grace for Tony had been the gorgeous scenery in Swat, with high mountains, and flat valleys. He had been told that the K2 mountain range could be seen on clear days, although he had never seen them himself.

    Tony’s office asked him to go to a new project in Sri Lanka, after two years in Buner, and he happily had worked there for three years.

    Sri Lanka, he remembered, was beautiful. A lot of the land in the North West was flat, with coconut plantations, except for the central mountains leading to Kandy, a lot of which was high forest. Sri Lanka is near to the equator, and on the south coast are a range of tourist hotels with loads of bikini clad ladies, but unfortunately for Tony too far from his project be able to visit those areas frequently.

    However, Tony remembered, ladies could be seen in the street in Sri Lanka, and in his office several worked there who were easy to talk to. Buddha and visiting temples played a large part in their lives, and temples appeared to be everywhere, with saffron clad monks, flowers, and temple bells.

    However, Tony said to himself, I’m a great believer in leaving the ladies alone in my office. Such relationships can cause a lot of trouble – he knew from his own experience in earlier years.

    The local Veterinary office employed a lovely lady called Rohini, who used to look at Tony behind her lowered eyebrows, which was a definite switch on as she had lovely dark eyes, and a flawless light brown complexion. Once or twice Tony had seen her walking down the road, but she never would accept an offer of a lift, innocent as it was.

    In Colombo, the capital city, Tony got to know a local consulting firm and several of their female technical staff were more than acceptable. One even invited him out to dinner in her brother’s house, but just after getting there was a three hour power cut. He could not see her face in the single flickering candle – that’s all they had – and sorry to say that was as far as their potential friendship went.

    Now Tony was a normal sort of man with the usual supply of testosterone. He was sure that he could have found escorts or ladies on the street, but that’s not what he was looking for. He did meet two Austrian girls on one of his

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