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September Morning
September Morning
September Morning
Ebook106 pages1 hour

September Morning

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Jagger Davis, JD to his friends, takes a summer sabbatical at picturesque Sandbridge Beach in Virginia to enjoy some sun, surf, sleep, and solitude. Arriving at a rented cottage, JD finds sun and surf, but the cottage next-door houses six fun-loving guys determined to include him in their summer activities. It's quickly evident JD won't have time to feel lonely.


Nate Fischer is one of a group of friends who spend every summer at Sandbridge. An IT specialist, Nate's taking a few weeks off before his next assignment sends him out to sea for months. He introduces himself to the new neighbor and invites JD to the first bonfire of the season.


JD fends off advances from Nate's roommates as the two men grow close. JD harbors a secret in his past, one he worries Nate won't accept. When Nate's job abruptly calls him away, JD realizes his mistake in not giving his summer lover a fair chance. He must convince Nate he'll be waiting when Nate returns - if Nate still wants him.


Release dateApr 1, 2016
September Morning

KC Kendricks

KC Kendricks calls herself an accidental writer. After completing her first novel writing as Rayne Forrest, she was urged to submit it to a publisher, and everything snowballed from there. Today, the author has had over seventy books published. In July of 2021, she tried to retire but her employer offered her a deal to work at home. She accepted. Now she balances work, writing, and hearth and home in a controlled chaos. A native of scenic western Maryland, the author enjoys most activities that don’t include snow. In warm weather she might be found walking the dog, biking on the C&O Canal towpath, planting delicacies in her garden for the deer to munch on at night, playing in the creek, or lazing on the patio with her Kindle reader or laptop. She recently began to research her family history and can't drive past a cemetery without stopping to search for family sites. Her mission is to photograph old tombstones before the elements erode the stones and the names are lost to time. For more about KC Kendricks and Rayne Forrest’s writing life, please visit the Between the Keys blog at . If you’d like to know more about the author’s country lifestyle and her daily activities full of simple country pleasures (and a lot of work), please visit the Holly Tree Manor blog at . KC can be reached through her blog, Between the Keys. All comments are strictly moderated by the author and personal messages are treated as such. Follow the author on Twitter for up-to-date announcements at

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    Book preview

    September Morning - KC Kendricks

    September Morning


    KC Kendricks

    Second Edition

    This book was previously published. The title and author have not changed.

    This book is a work of fiction. While references to actual places or events may occur, the names, characters, incidents, and locations are from the author’s imagination and any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental.

    September Morning

    Copyright © 2015, 2016 KC Kendricks

    Cover art © 2016 KC Kendricks

    All Rights Reserved

    Reproduction of this digital e-book for file-sharing or selling, regardless of whether any type of currency is exchanged, other than what the author grants, or short quotes for the purpose of review, is strictly prohibited by law. Piracy is a crime.

    Published in the USA

    Praise for the writing of KC Kendricks

    KC Kendricks never disappoints!"—Fallen Angel Reviews

    ..beautifully moving in all the right places...KC Kendricks gives us a well-crafted tale- The Romance Studio

    Good to the last word....- Sensual Reads

    ...Seriously entertaining and totally engaging...- Joyfully Reviewed

    ...solidly written contemporary romance...-Jessewave

    About September Morning

    Following the death of his partner, Jagger Davis is on a sabbatical to finish healing and to get his life moving again. JD goes to Sandbridge, Virginia for a restful summer of solitude and discovers the cottage next door is full of friendly neighbors. One in particular catches his interest.

    Nate Fischer is part of a group of guys who spend every summer at Sandbridge. An IT specialist for a private contractor at the nearby Naval base, Nate’s taking some vacation time. When JD arrives, Nate invites him to a cookout on the beach. It isn’t long before Nate and JD are inseparable, but there are three men in the relationship.

    JD’s memories are a constant companion. He won’t banish them to satisfy someone new. When Nate’s job abruptly calls him away, JD realizes he didn’t give his summer lover a fair chance. Now he has to convince Nate there’s room in his heart for both the past and the future.

    Table of Contents

    Praise for the writing of KC Kendricks

    About September Morning










    CHAPTER 10

    A bonus read from A Hard Habit to Break

    About the Author

    Books by KC Kendricks

    Dear Readers,


    There was a time I loved the beach above almost everything else. My life revolved around being near or on the restless, living water. Funny how everything can change in the blink of an eye and we stop loving those things we once deemed essential.

    Yet here I was, in a rented seaside cottage in Sandbridge, Virginia. I stepped out on the deck and shaded my face with a strategically placed hand.

    It was early morning, just past six o’clock, and already the Atlantic Ocean glistened as the rising sun turned every small peak and swell into sparkling diamonds. This chilly sea was very different from the one I used to love. Movement on my left drew my attention and cut short my watery contemplation.

    Ah. The neighbors were up. In one short week, I’d learned they were early risers and late partiers. I’d wondered about this until I realized they were never seen between the hours of one and six o’clock in the afternoon. It was easy to stay awake most of the night if you indulged in quality naptime. A tall, lanky man with shaggy light brown hair waved at me. I returned his little salute but was unprepared for his sudden approach.

    We had to say hello sooner or later, and it looked like this morning was the time. I arranged my face into what I hoped was a pleasant expression. He smiled as he trotted up the steps onto my deck.

    Good morning, neighbor. I think it’s time I introduce myself. He held out his hand in that time-honored gesture of men everywhere. I’m Nathan Fischer. Call me Nate.

    Dear Lord, he had pretty brown eyes. Lit from the side by the sun, they were tawny, like amber. I shook his hand.

    Jagger Davis.

    He blinked at me, once, rapidly, but his expression didn’t change.

    Like I’d never gotten that reaction before. I’d get the explanation over with, and we could move on. Hopefully.

    My father was a roadie for the Rolling Stones the summer I was born. I think my parents went to the dark side when they named me. Most folks call me JD.

    I’m pleased to meet you, JD. He grinned. I bet no one else in school was named Jagger. There were seven Nathans in my graduating class.

    I smiled at him. I never looked at it that way. You’re right, though. I’ve never had to share my name with a school chum. I noticed I still held his hand and pulled away. I like to look on the bright side. Explaining about the name is a good conversation ice breaker.

    It is that. The reason I came over, other than to find out your name, is to invite you to our barbeque Friday night. We’re digging a pit and roasting some piggie to celebrate the start of summer.

    Summer? It was only the Memorial Day weekend, but hey. Close enough. I felt my left eyebrow begin to creep skyward.

    A pig? The whole thing? Like a luau?

    Oh, hell no. That takes too long. This is your simple beach bash. It’s really baby backs, spare ribs, wings, burgers - but we do dig a pit to heat the charcoal and roast everything. And we’ll have beer. Lots and lots of beer. Nate tilted his head to look at me through long, dark eyelashes. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.

    Well, he had caught me off guard. I’d expected small talk, not an invitation.

    You haven’t. I’m flattered to be invited, is all. What can I contribute to the party?

    Only what you want to drink if it’s something special. We won’t have any imported stuff or do any mixology.

    All right. I’ll bring some micro-brews to expand the selection.

    Nate laughed. And they’ll be sucked up in about thirty seconds.

    I grinned at him. Dear God it felt good to smile. How long had it been since I’d genuinely smiled at anyone?

    Sounds like it’ll be fun to watch. What time is this shindig or should I just come over when I see the crowd gathering?

    Whenever you like. We expect the ribs to be ready around seven, and the campfire gets lit around nine-ish. Oh, and um, no drugs. Not even weed.

    He didn’t need to worry himself about me using anything non-liquid.

    No worries there, Nate. I do not partake.

    I flushed warm when a look of approval flashed in his brown eyes. Not that I needed, or wanted, his approval, but it nonetheless felt sort of good to have it.

    Nate held out his hand again.

    Great! So we’ll see you on Friday?

    I shook his hand a second time. You will, and thanks for the invitation, neighbor.

    You’re welcome.

    He let go of my hand and turned to go down the steps to the sand. The man was nimble, navigating the old wooden plank steps with ease. I watched him jog back to his place and disappear inside. It was only then I realized I’d had my gaze on his ass.

    I wasn’t ready to think about sex again. Hell, these days I didn’t even masturbate.

    Maybe I’d get the urge now because Nate was one fine piece of inspiration. Perhaps I could talk myself into it later and see if it was like riding a bike in that you never really forgot how to do it.


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