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Amorous: The Lincoln Series Book I
Amorous: The Lincoln Series Book I
Amorous: The Lincoln Series Book I
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Amorous: The Lincoln Series Book I

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Marie Adams is a woman who knows what she wants, the man of her dreams who will let her be the strong career woman by day and dominate her at night. But her average height, curvy figure, and auburn hair never seem to attract the tall, dark, and handsome man she envisions. That is until multimillionaire playboy, Jake Winston, shows up at her table. But when the relationship ends before it even starts she decides it’s time to give up on fairy tales.

Marie concentrates on her career and just when she thinks her life is back on track, in walks Dr. Warren Jackson, a neuropsychologist and the new director of Trauma Mental Health. Sparks fly from the start and the passion ignites. But when a misunderstanding comes between them, Jake comes in for a second chance with Marie.
Will she choose the man who can give her anything, or the one who can give her everything...the man of her dreams?

PublisherSusan Baer
Release dateMar 27, 2016
Amorous: The Lincoln Series Book I

Susan Baer

I grew up in western Pennsylvania as a second generation born American, in a family that valued hard work and strong morals. My earliest memory of any hint that I might be a writer was when my father suggested to me, at the tender age of eight, that I should write the sequel to ‘Gone With The Wind’ someday. I have yet to attempt that task and for many years afterward, I never gave much thought to writing as a career because it was seen as an unobtainable dream. So, I pursued another path as an artist, making mostly jewelry, with the intent to teach. But once again, life interrupted my plans.Since then I have written many scenes and partial stories, each unfinished as life pulled me away, until about five years ago when I got the opportunity to devote more time to my desire to write. Thanks to my loving husband who pushes me, I steal every minute I can to work on my stories.I currently reside in western North Dakota, in the heart of the Bakken oil boom. I manage my husband’s private practice during the day and write romance by night. Our two children, of the four legged variety, a German Shepherd and short hair domestic cat, do their best to be supportive but on occasion can’t resist the urge to demand my attention.My characters have become close friends, not only to me but to my husband who insists on being my most trusted advisor. I love to tell their stories of love and loss and I truly hope you will enjoy reading about them. And maybe someday they will become close friends of yours too.

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    Amorous - Susan Baer




    Copyright © 2015 by Susan M. Baer


    Cover Photo: iStock by Getty Images

    ISBN: 978-0-9961503-4-7

    Publisher: Susan M. Baer

    eBooks are not transferable,

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

    may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

    without the express written permission of the publisher

    except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. You may not

    circulate this book in any format. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, places or actual events is entirely coincidental. The characters are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

    WARNING: This book contains adult language and content. It is not intended for persons under the age of eighteen (18).

    Find out more about Susan Baer and her upcoming books online at

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24


    About the Author

    Other Titles by Susan M. Baer


    This book is dedicated to all my friends and family who have given me their love, support, and time. Without them this book would not be possible. Special thanks to my loving husband, Robert, who was willing to argue with me when necessary and tolerating my pouting when I had to admit he was right. And last but not least, to my Aunt Bevy who taught me everything I know about the subject matter. LOL

    Chapter 1

    Marie could feel the cold bricks of the wall at her back. The chill was a welcomed relief to the heat racing through her blood. Jake held her captive as he pressed his body into hers and claimed her lips with the strength of a conquering warrior. The slight pain as he gripped her hair and pulled her head back to nibble his way down her neck only heightened her arousal.

    He slid his hand up under the front of her sweater and—

    Marie? Are you listening to me?

    She sighed, her fantasy disintegrated when Janet’s voice finally reached her. Sorry, Jan, I was distracted for a minute.

    Really? I couldn’t tell.

    Marie rolled her eyes. She knew what was coming. She’d heard it a thousand times.

    Janet continued. You need to get him out of your head.

    I wasn’t thinking about Jake, I was thinking about my interview at Central Valley Monday morning. You know how important that job is to me.

    You’re a big fat liar. How many times do I have to tell you nothing good can come from any kind of involvement with Jake? Besides what I’m trying to tell you is much more interesting.

    Marie smiled at that. Janet was right. Getting the dirt from her best friend on the stuck up snobs they went to college with was delightful. She leaned forward onto the table so she could hear better over the noisy crowd.

    Now, how far back do I need to go? Did you get the bit about Rachel catching her latest boy toy cheating with her sister?

    Janet’s phone chirped and she pulled it out to check the caller ID. "Damn. I have to take this. Don’t go anywhere I’ll be right back.

    Becker Realty, this is Janet."

    Marie watched Janet head for the door, no doubt the crowd at Parillo’s was a bit too loud for a business call. Friday nights were always packed and this one was no exception.

    Despite the wall to wall flesh moving together in various stages of the mating ritual, she was able to steal several glimpses of Jake from across the bar. She frowned. It was quite exhausting when she thought about it. Not only did she have to keep Jake from catching her, she had to keep Janet from noticing as well. She wasn’t always successful at either.

    Janet had made it quite plain to her that Jake wasn’t worth the air he breathed, so maybe it was the rush of doing something forbidden that drew her to him. Or maybe he was just too damned hot to ignore.

    She blinked slowly and tried to recall her fantasy but every whoop and holler from the people around her kept jolting her back to reality. Without the protection of Janet’s presence her senses were too jittery to let her completely block out the world. Getting caught fantasizing by Janet was one thing, getting caught by a stranger was quite another.

    The intoxicating scent of a masculine cologne reached her and she inhaled deeply. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself. She could almost feel the heat of Jake’s body as she conjured an image of him backing her to the wall of her apartment just inside the door.

    He hoisted her up and wrapped her legs around his hips. He pressed her against the wall and yanked her blouse open, buttons flew and material rent as he claimed her mouth again.

    The scent of the cologne got stronger and she inhaled slowly.

    She whispered, I wonder if that’s what he smells like?

    You could move a little closer and find out.

    Marie jumped to her feet and grabbed the chair as it teetered on two legs. She could feel her heart beating so hard she was sure he could see it thumping against her chest.

    Jake was seated at her table next to where she had been sitting, his forearms resting on the polished wood while he caressed a bottle of beer with his fingertips. A cocky smile graced his lips as he dropped his gaze momentarily to her breasts.

    I figured since you’ve been staring at me most of the night, and every other night you’re in here, that it was time I introduced myself.


    I’m impressed. He leaned back. Janet has actually used my name instead of some other unflattering descriptive. She must be mellowing with age. Perhaps she has decided she can keep her youthful looks longer if she scowls less.

    Marie swallowed the nervous lump growing in her throat. Obviously Jake knew exactly how Janet felt about him.

    He laughed softly. Why don’t you sit down, Marie. I’m not nearly as repulsive as Janet thinks I am. After all, my scent is obviously appealing to you.

    She sat back down and tried to slow her racing heart. She knew she looked like an excited school girl with the blush she could feel heating her cheeks. She opened her mouth to speak and suddenly had nothing to say.

    Jake tapped his ring against the bottle and drew her attention to his right hand. He caressed the glass with sensual strokes and she suppressed a whimper. She could almost feel his touch on her body as she watched his fingers glide through the condensation. He cleared his throat and she looked up.

    Janet and I have a…difference of opinion. So I’m sure she has painted quite an ugly picture of me. But I can assure you I couldn’t possibly live up to the monster she has created.

    Marie watched as he continued to glide his fingers through the sweat on the bottle and her mouth went dry. She swallowed in a feeble attempt to rehydrate her tongue and licked her lips. She looked up when he leaned close to her.

    But judging by the way you look at me, you haven’t been listening to her… Have you?

    She shivered with excitement and fought the urge to close the distance between them. She wanted him to kiss her more than she wanted to live another day. But she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop after one kiss and throwing herself at him in the middle of a crowded bar was a humiliation she was certain she would rather live without.

    Jake was casting a spell she was more than willing to be caught under. But right now she needed to keep her head clear. She wanted him to know how smart she was. So…what was he saying again?

    Oh yeah, he was talking about Janet. And he was right. Janet had tried everything to convince Marie he was the wrong man for her, yet something inside her just wasn’t getting the message. She didn’t keep any secrets from Janet so her attraction to Jake was a subject they disagreed on. She didn’t always take Janet’s advice despite the fact that she was rarely wrong. Marie believed in making her own mistakes, at least that’s what she kept telling herself. And Janet wasn’t here right now, Jake was, so she wasn’t about to say or do anything to make him go away.

    She took a deep breath and tried to disguise it by shifting in her seat, her heart rate had leveled off slightly.

    Jake leaned back in the seat and drummed his fingers on the table. Or perhaps you’re the type who likes to make up your own mind.

    You could say that.

    I just did. He licked his bottom lip and he let his gaze roam her body before he looked at her eyes again. I’d like to take you to dinner tomorrow night, Marie. I’ll pick you up at six.


    I’m taking you to dinner tomorrow night. Be ready by six.

    Marie was speechless. He just asked her out to dinner, she wasn’t prepared for that. What should she say? Should she play hard to get or accept graciously? Did he like women who were decisive and strong or carefree and flexible?

    She could see his lips moving but she couldn’t hear him over the ringing in her ears and the noise of the crowd. She leaned forward, rested her chin on her hand, and watched for any sign that he was expecting a response from her.

    Her thoughts started to wander and another fantasy took shape in her mind. She blinked to clear her vision and tried to refocus on the here and now. The two began to merge and suddenly she wasn’t sure what was real anymore.

    Marie discreetly pinched her thigh to see if she was stuck in a fantasy. The sharp pain told her she could believe what she was seeing. Plus Jake’s mouth was still moving and her fantasies rarely included talking, she didn’t see the point in dialogue.

    Jake stopped talking and drummed his fingers on the table. He looked almost…bored.

    She dropped her hand to the table and sat up straight. Oh God! What should she say? What did he say? The gorgeous guys never talked to her unless she was with the beautiful woman they were interested in. And Jake was definitely in the gorgeous category. Maybe she could reply with a question and make it look like she was simply changing the subject.

    He had plenty of beautiful women hanging around and on him every time she saw him, but she had no idea what they talked about. Actually, she never saw him talk to them. He only spoke to the men. Shit! He was just screwing with her because she had been staring at him like a stupid little girl with a crush. Maybe he’d lost a bet or his friends had dared him to come over to her table. She glanced in the direction of his friends but none of them were looking at her or Jake.

    He leaned closer to her. Nice of you to join me but I should be moving along. The Ice Queen will be back any minute. He slid a piece of paper to her. I’ll need your address.

    Her hand shook as she wrote. She still wasn’t sure if he was serious but she wanted this too much to say no. The paper quivered when she handed it to him. All she could do was smile and blush. Whether this was a joke or not Jake knew she had been fantasizing about him so either way she’d just made a fool of herself.

    At least he didn’t laugh at you. He just looked bored as hell. Hopefully he won’t be that bored with you tomorrow night.

    Jake folded the paper and slid it in the pocket of his shirt. He looked over her shoulder and frowned, then winked at her as he got up to leave.

    See you tomorrow.

    Marie watched him walk away, focusing on his backside. Lord he was sexy. She was licking her dry lips when a voice spoke from behind her.

    What the hell did he want? Janet plopped down into her seat.

    He just asked me out to dinner. Marie was smiling so hard her jaw ached.

    And you said no, right?

    Sure. The gorgeous guy I’ve been lusting after just asked me out to dinner and the only logical thing to do is turn him down.

    "We’re talking about Jake, here. Not some nice, gorgeous guy you’ve been lusting after. Please tell me you said no."

    "Why should I? For once the really cute guy asked me out instead of you or my sister. I’m entitled to have some fun too."

    Going out with Jake will not be fun. I can guarantee that.

    Marie’s shoulders slumped and she sat back into her chair. Have you ever been out with him?

    No, but—

    Then you don’t know what he’s like on a date.

    "I know him, Marie. You’re going to regret it."

    Maybe, maybe not. But he said he was taking me to dinner and I’m going.

    Janet smirked. "So he didn’t really ask you out. He told you he was taking you out, didn’t he?"

    Marie opened her mouth and hesitated. ‘Shit!’ The point is he’s taking me to dinner.

    You could always tell him you changed your mind.


    Janet sighed. You will be.


    Marie stood in front of the full length mirror in her bedroom chewing on her lower lip. She couldn’t decide which outfit to wear. The little black dress showed off her figure nicely with a large scoop neckline, but it was a little too short for her comfort. The blue one was the right length but its plunging neckline was too low cut for a first date. She wanted to get his attention not make him think he had to pay her at the end of the night. She held both dresses up and looked at Janet’s reflection in the mirror.

    Are these sexy or do they make me look too easy?

    It doesn’t really matter, Marie. He’s a pig. You could wrap yourself in a brown paper bag for all he cares. Janet kept her eyes on the latest issue of People magazine she had been reading. Actually, I think a paper bag would be less trouble, then you could just burn it after your date and you won’t be out one of your dresses.

    Marie turned to her best friend and sighed. "What is your problem with Jake anyway? He’s gorgeous, sexy as hell, and he looks at me with lust in his eyes not those walking sticks that hang all over him."

    She headed back to her closet to look for another dress to try on.

    She heard Janet slap the magazine down on the bed. "He’s a pig, Marie. He pays attention to you because you’re not hanging all over him. I’ve known him a long time and he treats people like possessions, especially women. Once he has you, he’ll toss you away like he does to everyone else."

    He doesn’t toss away his friends that are always with him.

    That’s because he’s still using them. He pretends they’re friends so he can fool himself into thinking he’s a nice person, and they hang around him because he buys all the drinks.

    But they always look like they’re having so much fun. And Sophia told me he always gives her a big tip when she waits on his table.

    That’s because he can’t have her, he’s trying to buy her.

    Oh that’s ridiculous he doesn’t need to buy anyone. She looked over her shoulder and watched Janet roll her eyes then she pulled an orange, low cut sundress out and held it up to her shoulders. She twirled toward Janet. What about his one? It’s sexy and innocent all at once don’t you think?

    Janet stood with a sigh and walked to Marie. She turned her around to face the mirror and looked over her shoulder. I really wish you would reconsider. He doesn’t deserve you…he’s going to hurt you, honey.

    Jan, you don’t understand, I can’t pass up this chance. I’ve always been second best. My sister was prettier and she always got the good looking guys while I got the friend who couldn’t get his own date. She turned around to face her. "And all the guys that flirt with you practically trample me trying to get closer to you. This is my chance at the best looking guy."

    Oh, please. Those guys trying to get to me are usually drunk and stupid. The sober ones are staring at you. They’re just too shy to make the first move.

    Exactly. The friend who can’t get his own date.

    Ugh! Janet hugged her then went to the closet to pull out another dress. Well if you’re going to insist on going on this train wreck of a date, wear this one. That sundress is too good for the likes of Jake.

    Janet spun around and presented her with the little black dress. Put this one on and don’t waste a lot of time getting ready. It won’t be worth the effort.

    Marie took the dress from her friend and sighed.

    Janet grabbed her purse and turned to leave. Don’t let him hurt you, Marie. I’ll be at Parillo’s if you need me.

    Marie was silent as she watched her friend walk out. When she heard her apartment door close she turned back to her mirror, held up the dress and smiled. You’ll see Jan, it’ll be wonderful. I’m not like the others. Her smile broadened. He’s gonna love me.

    Chapter 2

    Marie fixed her hair and makeup as she tried to imagine how the night was going to go. She didn’t know where they were going for dinner but she was sure she’d love it.

    A shiver of anticipation ran up her spine at the thought of being close to Jake. Every time she saw him she couldn’t help but slip into a fantasy that starred an attentive, caring man who liked to dominate the intimate part of their relationship. He always looked at her with hunger in his eyes and she knew the physical attraction was definitely there. Hopefully the real Jake was just as loving and attentive as her dream Jake.

    She had only ever seen him at Parillo’s so maybe they would end up there. The upscale nightclub catered to the business class looking to unwind after a long day stuck in an office, but it also featured an intimate dining room for couples looking for some privacy.

    Jake was always in the bar with his entourage. He had a group of admirers who seemed to shadow him. That group included numerous beautiful women, who Marie would classify as the underfed model types, but he never seemed to pay much attention to them despite their obvious interest in him.

    They had a table in the back that sat up higher than the rest and was surrounded by a spindled railing. It wasn’t reserved but the regular crowd just naturally left it open for them. Being the playboy son of a multimillionaire had its perks. Marie was hoping he would skip the bar and take her to a nice, quiet restaurant.

    She chewed on her lower lip and began to pace. The last time she was this nervous was…she stopped pacing, she couldn’t remember ever being this nervous.

    She still couldn’t believe Jake had actually asked her out. She had been secretly admiring him for months and he had caught her more than once staring at him. On the rare occasion when he was alone he would pass by her table and wink at her.

    Marie couldn’t help but be attracted to him. With his short, dark hair and piercing blue eyes, he was just her type. Well almost, she liked men tall enough she could stand under their chins as they danced. Jake was about three inches too short for that but she was willing to compromise on height.

    She imagined running her hands along broad shoulders and down a muscular chest right to perfectly proportioned abs. She’d never seen him without a shirt but her imagination was doing a great job of filling in the blanks. Jake was always dressed in the latest fashions and he looked as if he had just walked off the cover of GQ.

    The doorbell rang as she was checking her look in the mirror for the hundredth time. She blew out a deep breath to try and slow her heart beat and opened the door.

    Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him. Jake was dressed in a button down, hunter green, silk shirt and black jeans that weren’t too tight but left little to the imagination. His smile stopped her brain from functioning and his sparkling blue eyes held her captive.

    When he spoke, her heart skipped a beat and she realized she had been standing there with her mouth hanging open.

    This is the part where you ask me to come in. His voice was silky smooth.

    Finally regaining control of her mind and the fantasies dancing erotically around her brain, she stepped aside to let him in. Sorry. I, uh…yeah. Come in.

    Marie inhaled the intoxicating scent of his cologne when he stepped past her. A shutter ran through her as she exhaled and closed the door. She turned toward him when he spoke.

    You look great. I love the dress. Jake eyed her from head to toe with more emphasis on her legs and breasts.

    Marie tried to feel flattered and sexy at his attention but somehow it made her feel self-conscious so she crossed her arms over her breasts. She shrugged mentally and decided it was her lack of experience with gorgeous men that was making her nervous.


    She turned to get her purse. She could feel his gaze on her ass. She hesitated a moment and pictured him bending her over the sofa table and thrusting into her from behind. She blinked to clear the image from her mind and turned back around. He snapped his eyes back up to her face before dropping them once more to her chest.

    God, you are so hot, I can’t help but take it all in. He put his hand on the door. Shall we go?

    Her mind was racing as she tried to think of something smart and witty to say. He seemed so relaxed, but instead of making her feel comfortable it made her feel edgy. His confidence was intimidating her.

    Where are we going for dinner?

    Jake said nothing and stepped toward her. His eyes sparkled and a slow easy grin spread across his face. He slowly pulled her against his chest.

    The warmth of his body chased away a chill she hadn’t realize she’d felt.

    It’s a surprise, he whispered in her ear. His breath felt hot on her neck an instant before he inhaled deeply. He held her against him a few seconds longer before he stepped back and led her down the stairs to his car.

    The first five minutes of the drive were spent in almost complete silence. Jake drummed his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of Do Ya Think I’m Sexy by Rod Stewart.

    Marie tried to relax, but between the looks he was sending her and the images the lyrics were conjuring up in her mind it was damn near impossible. She was hoping she could make it through dinner before she either jumped him and ravished his body, or threw up. She took a deep breath.

    She fidgeted in her seat and looked out the window, the lack of conversation was driving her mad. She tried to figure out what restaurant they were going to as she watched the familiar scenery rush by. Jake had driven by Parillo’s three blocks ago and they were coming up on States Avenue. Once they crossed

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