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Tropical Dreams: Tropical Series, #1
Tropical Dreams: Tropical Series, #1
Tropical Dreams: Tropical Series, #1
Ebook276 pages4 hours

Tropical Dreams: Tropical Series, #1

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Betrayal and death permeated Tiana Alexander’s past and threatens to rip apart her future. She can’t escape the devastation of anger and pain. Bringing Tropical Dreams to life is the culmination of facing all life has dealt to her. The same life that taught her trusting someone carried dire consequences. Until David Murphy walked into her club. He made her want to trust again, made her want to love again. What she didn’t know was someone wasn’t about to let that happen. They wanted her dead!

Can David keep her alive long enough to find out who is after her? Can he put aside his own demons for her? Can they overcome deceit, betrayal and more death? Or will life finally take its toll!

PublisherKelly Cozzone
Release dateMar 31, 2016
Tropical Dreams: Tropical Series, #1

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    Tropical Dreams - Kelly Cozzone


    The vibrating phone startled David Murphy, interrupting his thoughts as he went over the plan one more time; Murphy.

    "Code word Apollo, something’s off; watch your back."

    The unknown voice’s simple statement confirmed what he already knew, striking at the heart of his worst fear. In an instant, it explained the uneasiness in his gut.

    David’s eyes darted around the area as moonlight shimmered off the water. The eerie glow of it surrounded the abandoned wharf and encased the dock. Glass from broken streetlights gathered the soft beams, scattering them in all directions. Scraps of paper tumbled across the pier on the night breeze. Shadows intermingled with each other, creating a puzzle that almost begged to be figured out.

    Even though the docks were deserted, they came to life with traces of a past lying in every corner. Empty crates, piled all around the area, appeared as if they’d been unpacked moments ago. Pieces of abandoned equipment sat waiting for their operators to return to them. The idea that no one had worked in this area for years only added to the ghostly calm.

    Staring out across the ocean, David continued to mentally analyze every step of the plan. Brows furrowed, the seriousness of the job he was about to undertake played across his face. His gaze focused on the men gathering around him; his men, his responsibility. He bore the weight of their lives on his shoulders; a weight he’d carried before and would carry again. The group met his gaze with steely eyes; eyes that didn’t reveal even an ounce of fear.

    Straightening his stance to portray the easy confidence his team had come to rely on, he stepped up to them. Alright, it’s almost time. We’ve got eighteen months of planning in this bust. We’ve considered every possible scenario, but as you know, anything can happen. Stay alert and watch your backs. Let’s go to work!

    When headlights crept slowly towards them, he ordered his men into position. Once in place, a dozen men waited patiently while tension filled the silence. No sound pierced the hot, humid air. The highly skilled team waited for the moment they would make their move.

    Watching the car drive closer, David inhaled deeply to still the uneasiness that plagued him. An ominous feeling stole up his spine and his muscles twitched in anticipation. He had learned over the years to rely on his gut. It had never failed him before, although it had saved his life on more than one occasion. Tonight, it sent dark vibes, indicating to him something about the op was off. He didn’t know what, and ignoring his gut ate at him.

    He concentrated on the car as it stopped, and mentally began the countdown. Tension and stress rippled through his body, soaking his shirt with perspiration. He could feel the sweat dripping from his brow and taste the salt on his lips. Thirty seconds, he thought as his heart pounded with adrenalin, and then we go.

    Stand by; we go on my mark, he advised his men. Silently, he counted down to himself, his objective clear. Get ready guys. The closer he came to giving the go-ahead, the worse the tingling at the base of his neck became. He desperately tried to put aside the signals his gut sent to his brain. Swallowing, he forced himself to breathe slowly.

    When the car came to a stop, it was time. Go! Go! Go! he shouted into his radio. Once he gave the command, his men sprinted towards the car from all directions. Targets square in their sights, their guns were raised and ready.

    From the moment the men broke cover, gunfire erupted all around them. Damn, that was close! he swore, flinching as he ducked behind a crate. Trying to pinpoint where the gunfire was coming from, he crawled to the other end.

    Oh shit, he cursed at the sight of a scared rat, which had skittered from underneath an upturned carton when bullets ripped through it.

    Slowly peering around the side of the wooden box, he felt a bullet whiz by his ear, embedding in the corner next to him. Realizing instantly the bullets were coming from behind them as well, he knew they were surrounded. Feeling as if he’d been punched in the stomach, he understood immediately what his instincts had been trying to tell him; we’ve been set up.

    Son of a bitch, he swore as the truth of the betrayal hit him. From where he was crouched, he could make out the edge of one of his men's boots, sticking out from behind another container. If I can just make it to him, he thought, then maybe I’ll have a chance.

    The moment he stepped out of his cover a second thought hit him. Not only had they been set up, they’d been betrayed by someone inside. Someone close to them had sold them out.

    Sparks and muzzle flash lit up the night sky. The smell of gunpowder and death permeated the air. Yelling to his men to pull back, David knew it was too late. He had known it was over when he witnessed two of his men go down, their blood forming puddles under their lifeless bodies.

    Racing around the dock, he prayed for some sign that part of his men had survived. Refusing to accept their evident fate, he quickly tried to come up with an escape plan. Attempting to find a safe way off the dock, he kept dropping down to use anything and everything to provide cover.

    Pull back, he kept yelling into his radio. Pull back. Silence was the only reply. Slowly, he retreated using the shadows as cover.

    Just as he thought he was in the clear, he felt it. Felt the burning and tearing as the first bullet ripped into his flesh. Grabbing his side, he groped around, finding the hot stickiness of blood. Who the hell betrayed us?

    The second hit sent him spiraling towards the ground. He couldn’t accept that one of his men could have given them away. Couldn’t understand what might have gone so wrong in someone’s life to drive them to sacrifice so many lives. The plan had seemed so perfect.

    Hand out to catch his fall, all he could focus on was the loss of his team. My men, he grieved, their loss overwhelming his awareness that his own life force was being slowly spread across the rough wharf. Blackness engulfed him. He saw the darkness looming closer, the life he had envisioned passing through him as an empty dream.

    He never felt the impact of the rough wharf. He lay upon it, no longer conscious of the deaths surrounding him or the rapidly spreading pool of his own blood. Its color appeared to be almost black in the eerie gloom of the deserted pier; his last thought almost a prayer for revenge.


    David Murphy stood at the end of the pier. Music from a band swirled through the air, and he leaned against the railing, watching the waves roll onto the beach. Staring out towards the horizon, he spotted a dolphin playing in the water.

    Garden City, South Carolina was the last place he wanted to be. The need to find the traitor that offered up his men for money a year ago burned like a fire inside of him. It was his one constant thought.

    No matter how hard he tried to focus on why he was here, in this city, he couldn’t help but silently kick himself for taking on this case. He wanted to get it over with quickly so he could finally put this life behind him. But once again, the retribution he desired had to wait.

    Allowing himself the luxury of a moment’s rest, he eyed the ocean crashing onto the sand. His gaze settled on seagulls flocking around the men fishing from the pier. He sighed as the tranquility of nature spilled over him, bringing with it a peacefulness that soothed his frayed nerves. Seeing families play on the beach, he found it hard to imagine the danger lurking in the small seaside town.

    He hadn’t noticed the moisture in the air until his back began to ache from the gunshot wounds. Although they’d long since healed, the area surrounding the wounds still ached in the damp weather. Stretching, he tried to ease the throbbing. It served as a chilling reminder of what happens when you let your guard down.

    What am I doing? he thought to himself. Why can’t they understand that once I find the traitor, I’m done with this life? I can’t do it anymore, especially if it involves Dubose. Don’t they understand that after losing my men, I can’t be responsible for anyone again?

    Pulling a picture out of his shirt pocket, he peered closely at the woman in the snapshot. How could anyone as young and innocent as you have a contract on their life? He spoke to the photograph as if it would speak back. Studying the woman for a few moments longer, he stuffed the picture back into his pocket.

    With a quick last look at the ocean, his gaze lingered on the boats that passed. Breathing in the salty air, he spun around and plodded back up the pier towards the shore. By the time he reached North Waccamaw Drive, his mind was clear and focused on the job at hand.

    Gazing down the street, he could make out the outer edge of Tropical Dreams, an up and coming nightclub. He inhaled a long and cleansing breath, then he started towards it, deep in thought. With each step, he mentally prepared himself for the case he had agreed to work, although he dreaded having the weight of someone else’s life placed on his shoulders.

    Reaching the front of the club, he studied the exterior. He could see the front doors standing wide open, concluding aloud, This is going to be a nightmare. Who leaves doors propped open like that?

    Squaring his shoulders, he sauntered up the boardwalk and through the entrance. The luscious scent of the Gardenia bushes filled the air, tickling his nose. Almost immediately, he spied a lone woman standing in the center of what appeared to be a dance floor.

    The entry adorned by large potted palm trees, he retreated into their shadows. He felt as though he’d been punched in the stomach as he watched the woman and her sparkling waves with fascination.

    A beautiful woman, Tiana Alexander had long hair that fell to her waist in a golden cascade. Soft-spoken and carefree, she had a childlike enjoyment of things she loved. Her driving force in life was her desire to turn Tropical Dreams into more than just a nightclub. She had lived and breathed the club every single day of the four years she had been planning the opening, and it represented thousands of hours of hard work finally coming together.

    Peering around, she pictured the building as it had been when she first made the purchase. Old and run down, shabby was the first word she used to describe it. Her friends tried desperately to talk her out of buying the shack as they named it.

    However, it was oceanfront, and the ocean seized her clear down into the depths of her soul. It soothed something in her as nothing else ever had. She’d known from the moment she laid eyes on it that she had to own it. It was her little slice of heaven; her dream waiting to come true.

    We’ve come a long way baby, she thought with a chuckle as she examined the almost finished product. Who would have thought an abandoned warehouse could emerge this beautiful? Like a butterfly that has come out of its cocoon.

    Transforming the club into a tropical island at night, the stars and moonlight seemed to dance over the entire room. Shimmering beams of it splashed every surface with its own mystical hue. Palm trees swayed in the night breeze along the floor length open windows. The sound of ocean waves crashing on the beach sang in the background. The alluring scent of salt water mixed with Gardenia hung in the air.

    Losing herself in thoughts of couples dancing and of music sweeping through the doorways, she dreamed of the grand opening of Tropical Dreams. Disappearing into her own world, she slowly spread her arms and threw her head back as she swayed and spun around the dance floor. Her sundress billowed around her, her sandals tapped to music only she could hear.

    Watching the sensual way Tiana carried herself, David felt his heart rate quicken, and he anticipated her every move. Stifling a moan, she’s not just beautiful. She’s stunning, he thought.

    Poised in the fading sunlit room, he was convinced she was an angel sent from heaven. Trying his hardest to rein in his thoughts and his body’s carnal reaction, he attempted to distract himself by scanning the immediate area.

    Sensing they weren’t alone, he froze as he hesitated. Listening intently, he peered into the growing shadows. Unable to make out the emerging silhouette, he braced himself, ready to strike at a moment’s notice should the need arise.


    Arms crossed, CeCe McCleary watched her boss and friend. Don’t you need a dance partner for that?

    In Tiana’s mind, CeCe was her closest friend; the only one who truly understood her and shared her dreams. Hearing her voice, she turned to meet the deep brown eyes that seemed to reveal her soul. Gazing at her friend, she thought of CeCe's skin as a beautiful shade of milk chocolate, with soft black curls framing her face.

    Proud of her body, CeCe always reminded Tiana of a runway model. She had a flashy sense of style, today being no exception. True to her fashion sense, CeCe wore a bright orange wrap-around skirt with a slit high up her thigh. She’d topped it off with a floral shirt over a bright yellow tube top. The flamboyant look of her outfit matched her personality perfectly.

    When she first met CeCe, Tiana had been emotionally beaten and lost, and CeCe had helped her to find herself. Even more importantly, she had helped her heal. Looking at CeCe at that moment, in that setting, reminded her of the day she had introduced herself to her. The memory also brought all of Tiana’s pain cascading down upon her.

    Without warning, Tiana recalled the losses that had plagued her at about the same time the two of them had met. The first of the devastating events, the death of her mother, occurred when Maria Alexander’s life tragically ended in a fiery car crash. Her death stole more than the mother Tiana had loved and adored. It had eaten away at her father, and brought what remained of her way of life crashing down around her.

    Life before the accident had been full of the love her parents, Tony and Maria Alexander, had felt for one another. The bond their devotion created had always reassured Tiana, giving her a sense of security. When Maria died, it had almost killed him, taking not only Tiana’s mother and best friend, but forcing her to watch her previously happy and loving father become bitter and cold.

    After the accident, it felt as if Tony’s life had no room for anything but grief, and had no place for Tiana. At certain moments, it seemed as if he resented the times mother and daughter had shared. The rejection made her feel as if she had stolen away time with Maria that should have been his, in his eyes at least.

    Then, as if she hadn’t suffered enough, Tiana discovered that her father wasn’t the man she believed him to be. The little girl’s reverence she still carried for him had been shattered in one short moment. Drifting back to that fateful afternoon, she recalled the chain of events.

    Concerned by his yelling, Tiana had cautiously approached Tony’s office. Finding the doorway slightly ajar, she could hear him on the phone. I don’t care, Justin. Evidently you don’t get it. I want you to find out who caused that accident. I want them dead and I want them to suffer. Do I need to make it any more plain? I don’t care what it costs. Good. I don’t want to hear another word until it’s finished!

    Tony had screamed the words, ending the conversation by slamming down the phone. His utterance had torn at her heart, and Tiana had gasped in disbelief, thinking that it did not sound like something he would say or do. Hearing the gasp, Tony had spun around to discover her.

    The ensuing confrontation between Tiana and her father had left her emotionally broken. A daddy’s girl, she had always idolized her father. Even though Tony Alexander expected nothing less than her best behavior, she had adored him. She, as most young girls do, had built her father up in her mind, and thought of him as perfect.

    When her image of him had been crushed, the effects had been devastating. The fact that he had involved Justin, her fiancé, in his crimes, had made them even worse. She realized she hadn’t really known either of them. How could she ever trust a man again?

    She broke off her engagement to Justin immediately and refused to change her mind or take him back, regardless of his reasons. He had betrayed her on a deep emotional level, and she knew she would never trust him or his love again.

    Heartbroken and alone after being betrayed by the men in her life, Tiana felt unable to bear living in her childhood home, seeing her father day in and day out. Desperate to avoid what her reality had become, and more importantly, trying to escape the person she feared she would be, she fled from the States.

    She had vowed from that moment that his influence would not affect her again. As far as she was concerned, Tony Alexander was no longer her father, and she needed to put as much distance between her and the two men as she could.

    Running away to the Caribbean, she arrived in St. Lucia wounded and lost. She spent her days walking along the beaches, suffering in her pain and grief. Over time, life on the quiet island gave her an inner sense of tranquility; one she had fought hard to find. This inner peace allowed her to begin to heal.

    It was during this time that Tiana’s dream of owning a nightclub had been born. The atmosphere of the Caribbean Islands enchanted her, inspiring her dream of taking a part of the peace and serenity she had discovered home to the States. She made the decision then that through Tropical Dreams, she would recapture the time she spent on her tropical island paradise.

    Tiana met CeCe during her stay on St. Lucia. The time they shared on the islands created a deep bond between them. During their lazy days, they spent many hours trading the memories they cherished. Finding in each other someone with whom they could reveal their darkest fears and feelings had made their connection even stronger.

    Standing in her nearly complete club, Tiana’s memory shifted, and the image of the first time she had seen CeCe flashed before her. She had stepped into Ricardo’s Roost, a small cabana-like club on the beach of her tranquil island. CeCe sat in the corner alone when their eyes had met, and Tiana had recognized the pain and anger that reflected her own.

    There was an instant connection between them when Tiana had introduced herself; a bond formed out of desperation and loneliness. They had lingered through their days, walking on the beach and swimming in the ocean. Their nights were spent sitting on the deck of Ricardo’s Roost, sipping margaritas and looking at the stars. Yet, no matter the setting, they were always talking, and they never ran out of things to talk about.

    For Tiana, it seemed as if she’d known CeCe her entire life. Their vastly different lives paralleled one another, as if they were kindred souls, and Tiana found that in itself fascinating. Where she had grown up wealthy, CeCe had been raised in poverty, and yet their lives had been very much the same.

    One conversation that stood out most regarding this occurred a week after they had met. She and CeCe were both stretched

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