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How To Keep Your Man, And Be His 'One And Only' - Successful Wife's Manual
How To Keep Your Man, And Be His 'One And Only' - Successful Wife's Manual
How To Keep Your Man, And Be His 'One And Only' - Successful Wife's Manual
Ebook67 pages43 minutes

How To Keep Your Man, And Be His 'One And Only' - Successful Wife's Manual

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About this ebook

To understand how you are going to do your best in a relationship with a man, you must first understand what they are looking for in a woman.  This seems to be an underlying problem with most individuals who get married, and the changes that often occur.

What a man is seeking in a woman in the earlier stage of their relationship, is usually very different from what is it for him in the long- term relationship. In the beginning men are motivated by the  physical appearance of women, the way that they  smile, and now bubbly their personality is.

They  are attracted also by the way that a woman makes  them feel, by complements that she gives him,  and how she makes him feel better about  himself.

Most men  are insecure, and the more bravado they show, the more likely it is that they  are not confident in a relationship. The more  love that you show them, the sooner they will put  down the shields that they have around them, and  allow you to get to know them.

In this book you will learn the things that a man is looking for in a  woman, and believe it or not, it's not just  about breast size, how they look in a bikini,  and how great they are in bed.

PublisherCathy Pearson
Release dateApr 6, 2016
How To Keep Your Man, And Be His 'One And Only' - Successful Wife's Manual

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    Book preview

    How To Keep Your Man, And Be His 'One And Only' - Successful Wife's Manual - Cathy Pearson

    Know What Your Husband Wants

    What Men Are Looking For In A Wife

    How They Change Their Emotions

    A Strong Personality

    Great In Bed

    Improving Your Marriage

    Seeing The Other Perspective

    Coordinate Your Lives Together

    Sharing The Day

    Best Tips For Newlyweds

    Realizing It's Not Just About You

    Ease Into The Transition

    His Favorite Routines

    Accommodating His Needs

    Make Your Marriage Last

    Availability Is Everything

    Learning To Listen

    Patience Truly Is A Virtue

    Resolving A Failed Marriage

    Top 10 Reasons For Divorce

    Married for the Wrong Reasons

    Loss Of Identity

    Lack Of Shared Visions

    Intimacy Vanishes

    Expectations That Will Never Be Met

    Financial Difficulties

    Make Sure He Never Cheats

    Increase Your Sex Life

    Do More Activities Together

    Do Less Activities Together

    Problems That Need To Be Addressed

    Addiction To Drugs And Alcohol

    Psychological Changes

    Sexual Dysfunctions

    Medical Conditions

    Hormonal Changes

    Relationship Problems

    How To Be A Good Wife

    Kissing Is Important

    Know What Your Husband Wants


    At first inspection, the concept of trying to know what your husband actually wants might seem a little difficult to ascertain. It may also seem a little bit one sided in that you should expect the same from him, your husband trying to understand what you are looking for in this relationship. If you have been dating for quite some time, you more than likely know this individual very well, and what to expect with their personality, the habits that they have,  and the things that they expect from a  relationship. The reason you are getting  married, or the reason you are married, has to  do with the simple fact that this person, more  than anyone else, is an individual that you get  along with better than anyone that you have ever  met. They may have a way of making you into a  better person, helping you to get through the  day, and you will know that they will be there  to comfort you if things go wrong. However, you  also need to know how to be there for your  husband, understand what they are going through,  and offer the support and understanding that  they need in order to make everything okay.

    An excellent strategy that you can use is to  assess their personality, understanding both the  beneficial aspects of the person that they are,  and the faults that they have. As mentioned  before, the reason that you are married is that  you actually understand most of these  personality traits, know what buttons to push,  and the ones to stay away from. Each person is  different, and what most people find out after  they have become married to an individual is  that changes do occur, seemingly a normal aspect  of any relationship that is now bound for life.  Fear can play a large well in the changes that  you expect, this feeling of being tied down to  one person forever. Men, more than women, will  have this irrational fear, and even though they  do love you, this quantified confinement that  they may be processing within their minds may  actually corrupt a good relationship that you  have always had.

    What you will want to do initially is assess all  of the good things about your husband, the  things that you love about them the most. You  will then want to make a list of the things that  you really don't like, and this is true for any  relationship because no relationship is ever  going to be perfect. In the same way that you  have negative and positive attributes to your  personality, ones that are both beneficial for a  long-term relationship, and those that are not,  you need to show the same respect for them, 

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