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Joy to the World
Joy to the World
Joy to the World
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Joy to the World

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Unbeknownst to Eliza Berkeley, the second daughter of a baron, the man she thought she was going to marry was not Stephen Huntington, the Duke of Wyndale. Thankfully, the reprobate does not appear for the wedding. The true duke arrives instead. Will a match formed originally through deceit blossom into love this Christmas? Or will the imposter ensure neither experiences happiness ever again?

Joy to the World originally appeared in the Bluestocking Belles' Mistletoe, Marriage, & Mayhem box set.

Release dateMay 7, 2016
Joy to the World

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    Joy to the World - Nicole Zoltack

    Joy to the World


    Nicole Zoltack

    Copyright 2015 by Nicole Zoltack

    Published in the United States of America

    Publish Date: 2016

    Cover Artist: Sheri McGathy

    Cover Art Copyright 2016

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    Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination, or are used in a fictitious situation. Any resemblances to actual events, locations, organizations, incidents or persons – living or dead – are coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

    Table of Contents

    Joy to the World Title Page


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    About the Author

    Other Works

    Unbeknownst to Eliza Berkeley, the second daughter of a baron, the man she thought she was going to marry was not Stephen Huntington, the Duke of Wyndale. Thankfully, the reprobate does not appear for the wedding. The true duke arrives instead. Will a match formed originally through deceit blossom into love this Christmas? Or will the imposter ensure neither experiences happiness ever again?

    To my husband. Our time together started near Christmastime, and I hope we’ll have many, many more happy Christmases together.

    Chapter One

    Eliza Berkeley adjusted her bonnet as best she could despite her trembling hands. She, the second daughter of a baron, marrying a duke. Sometimes she felt her life belonged in a storybook—unbelievable and too impossible to be true.

    In just over an hour, she would be leaving the church to return here for a wedding breakfast as a married woman. The thought should have sent a thrill through her, yet her stomach twisted in knots. Stephen Huntington, Duke of Wyndale—that tall, dashing man—would soon be her husband.

    Her fingers traced the engraved edges of the gold brush he had given her. For your beautiful hair, he had whispered. She had giggled nervously behind her fan, eyes lowered, when he touched a blonde curl and placed it behind her ear. A simple touch. A sweet gift. A tender phrase.

    And yet they had known each other for only five days before he asked her parents for her hand. Now that the banns had been read, they could be wed, and with Christmas nearing, he wished for them to spend the holiday together as husband and wife. How could she—or her parents—refuse a duke? Not that she wanted to, of course, but now that the day had come, she could not help but reflect on their every encounter and conversation. Could she be certain her love was true, that she was not blinded by his title and promises of lavish treasures?

    To her horror, a tear streaked down her cheek. She wiped it away with a gloved hand—blue, to match her dress. It was not as if she did not believe in love at first sight. She did. Her mother often told her the tale of how she and her father had fallen in love at a ball. That night, they had shared every dance after they literally bumped into one another, though that was far from proper. Love is magical, her mother would always say to finish the recount.

    Did she feel that magic with His Grace? Of course she did. Nerves were surely common.

    A soft rap at the door had her climbing to her feet. She adjusted her best dress and called out, Do come in.

    Her older sister Jean waddled in. For a year now, she had been married, and the arrangement suited her well. Her dress had been let out to accommodate her growing midsection.

    How are you feeling? Eliza asked.

    Jean's laugh sounded like a bell. Should not I be asking you that same question? How are you, my dear sister?

    Quite well. Eliza faced her mirror and pinched her cheeks. No matter how she tried, her face remained almost too pale.

    Come along. The coach is waiting.

    A deep breath did little to calm her nerves, and she placed her hand to her forehead.

    Are you certain you are all right? Jean looked at her strangely.

    Positively. Eliza forced a smile and weaved her arm through her sister's. Let us go. It will not do to keep them waiting.

    The ride to the church was a short one, and Eliza barely had time to think before they arrived. Her family ushered themselves inside, her father giving her a smile that looked almost more grim than happy. He will miss me, and I him. A lump formed in her throat, and she

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