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Country Love
Country Love
Country Love
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Country Love

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Abel Lee
When Savannah Mae opened the envelope revealing the note and the picture of my ex-girlfriend, I prayed she wouldn't leave me. All I needed was time to explain. I had to talk to her and finally tell her the truth. I just prayed it wasn't too late.

Savannah Mae
When I saw that picture of a battered and beaten woman, I had to leave. I had no idea where I was goin', but I knew I couldn't stay. There was no way I could look Abel Lee in the face. I know the man he is now, and I know he could never do this. But was he capable of doing such violence back then?

Savannah Mae and Abel Lee have been through so much in such a short time. Can their love withstand another downfall? Will she ever be able to trust him? Why does he not just tell her the truth?

In the final book of the Rose Farm Trilogy, Country Love, all of your answers will be revealed. The long-awaited conclusion is at your fingertips. Happy reading.

Release dateJun 7, 2016
Country Love

Brenda Kennedy

Brenda Kennedy, an award winning and Amazon bestselling author, is a true believer of romance. Her stories are based on the relationships that define our lives - compassionate, emotionally gripping, and uplifting novels with true to life characters, that stay with her readers long after the last page is turned.Her varied, not always pleasant background has given her the personal experience to take her readers on an emotional, sometimes heart wrenching, journey through her stories.Brenda has been a struggling single mom, a survivor of domestic abuse, waitress, corrections officer, hostage negotiator and a corrections nurse. She is also a wife, mom, and grandmother. Even though her life was not always rainbows and butterflies, she is a survivor and believes her struggles have made her the person she is today.Brenda is the author of the award winning book, Forever Country (The Rose Farm Trilogy Book 1). She has been dubbed "The Queen of Cliffhangers" by her adoring readers because books one and two always have a cliffhanger ending. In Brenda's own words, "I write series that end in cliffhangers, because I love them. I always give away the first book in each series so you have nothing to lose by reading it."She was born and raised in Zanesville, Ohio and moved to SW Florida in 2006 with her husband Rex. They have a combined family, and she often jokes about not remembering what child belongs to who.

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    Book preview

    Country Love - Brenda Kennedy

    Country Love


    Brenda Kennedy


    Copyright 2016 by Brenda Kennedy

    Dedicated with love to

    John, Bo, and Rexy

    I will always strive to be better because of you.

    I would also like to dedicate the series to the residents of Rose Farm, Ohio, who witness simple living at its best.



    Chapter One

    Abel Lee

    Here, open your last gift.

    I watch as she takes the small gift. I look around the room and I think that she received a gift from everyone here. She opens the card and it says, Just one more surprise. It is written in a fancy computer font. She flips the card over and it’s not signed. I get an unsettling feeling. Savannah Mae is still smiling. I look at Pops and Levi; they are excitedly watching Savannah Mae.

    She carefully opens the beautiful wrapped red foil box. She removes the lid and I can’t see what’s inside the box. She smiles as she unfolds the single piece of paper. Her smile fades and her hands begin to shake.

    What is it?

    Her face turns pale, and a tear slides down her cheek.

    I stand and ask again, Savannah Mae, what is it?

    She places a shaky hand on her quivering lips before she drops the paper and runs out of the room.

    I watch as she runs out of the room. This can’t be happening again. I hear people standing and some are running after Savannah Mae. I focus on that stupid piece of paper. It’s lying face down on the carpeted floor. I bend over to retrieve it and stand as I flip it over. It’s a picture of my ex-girlfriend, Maria. She’s beaten and battered. It was taken right after the incident between her and me. She’s in the hospital, but she hasn’t been treated for her injuries yet. She looks just as bad as I remember. In the writing that is all too familiar from the notes Savannah Mae and I have received, it says this:

    Savannah Mae,

    Just so there’s no confusion, your boyfriend did this to my sister, and I won’t stop until I do this to you!

    Not a Friend

    I look at her sister, Samantha Marie, who is standing there in shock, and say, Go and find your sister, and don’t let her leave! I watch as she rushes out of the room.

    Next, I look at Pops, who is standing next to me reading the note.

    Pops says, I’ll go and find the owner of the restaurant. He quickly walks out of the room.

    If this prick is still in this restaurant, I want to find him! I say loud enough for him to hear. I scan the entire restaurant and the entrance for Maria’s brother or sister. I’m disappointed and pissed off when I don’t see either of them. I know that both of Maria’s siblings were pissed after the incident; her sister even showed up in Vegas at a press conference I was at to promote my next fight.

    The waitress walks up and innocently asks, Is everything all right?

    Where did this come from? I hold up the red foil gift wrap and box.

    That gentleman gave it to me to give to the birthday girl. He said she was his friend and he wanted to surprise her.

    What gentleman? I follow her eyes to an empty two-top table.

    He’s gone. He was sitting over there just a few minutes ago.

    Do you remember what he looked like?

    Um, yes. I think so. He has…

    Dark, wavy hair; stands about six feet tall?

    Yes, that’s right. Is everything okay? she stutters.

    No, no, it’s not. It’s far from being all right. The description fits Maria’s brother. Pops walks into the room with the owner of the restaurant. Right now in this moment, I wish I had told Pops about Maria. How am I going to explain this to him… to everyone? I run my hands through my hair and pull at the roots. This is a mess.

    I’ll be right back. I have to find Savannah Mae.

    Abel, the girls are with her. Just give them a minute.

    I only nod. How can this perfect evening end like this? Why didn’t I just tell her about Maria? Because she would never have understood. She wouldn’t have been so forgiving. It’s by the grace of God that Maria forgave me. I look around the room at the stunned faces watching me. The girls who didn’t run out of the room with Savannah Mae are standing around in shock or fear, maybe both. Not only did I not tell Savannah Mae about Maria, but now I have to tell everyone in the room. Although I never told Pops or Momma what happened, I did tell Levi. I had to. I had to tell someone what I did. I was a grown man in college, but knowing what I did to Maria was too much to deal with. It did help to tell someone and although Levi didn’t understand, he did listen.

    The restaurant owner says after looking around the room, Abel, your dad told me a little about what’s going on. I’m truly sorry that this has happened to your fiancée. Believe me when I say that when your waitress, Theresa, took the gift from him, she had no idea what was in the package.

    This isn’t her fault. I look around the room at all of the stunned faces. Mia, Sawyer Jackson. Sawyer Jackson? Shit! I have to find Savannah Mae.

    I turn to leave the room and Savannah Mae is slowly walking towards me. She’s with Momma, Samantha Marie, and her mother. Her eyes are red, and her pale face is blotchy. She walks towards me with her arms crossed over her chest. My heart falls to the pit of my stomach because I’m the reason for this. I’m the reason for her looking this way. All I wanted to do was to bring joy and love into her life, and I’ve brought sadness and pain. This is all my fault.

    I’m glad she didn’t bolt from the restaurant and leave. I’m also glad she didn’t tell me to get out. All I want to do is run up to her and wrap my arms protectively around her, but I don’t. I wait and watch. I need to talk to her and see what’s going on. She doesn’t look at me. Not a good sign. As they get closer, I realize she needs an explanation, she deserves an explanation. She’ll need to hear the truth, no matter how painful or how messed up it is.

    The waitress and the owner of the restaurant still stand there. Let me know if there’s something we can do, he says. We’ll give you some time alone. He doesn’t wait for an answer before they both turn to leave.

    Her son’s here. Sawyer Jackson is too young to hear this. This will traumatize him. Savannah Mae sits down with her parents and sister and is visibly shaken. Sawyer Jackson sits on her lap. She still doesn’t look at me. I can only watch as she wraps her arms around him and rocks him side to side. 

    Abel, what is this? Momma asks. Momma? This will crush her.

    Mia stands and says, We’ll take Sawyer Jackson home with us while you explain this to everyone. That tells me that Levi has told Mia about Maria. He swore to secrecy, but I’ve never been more thankful for his betrayal. If that’s all right with Savannah Mae? Mia adds.

    I look from Mia to Savannah Mae. I watch as Savannah Mae raises her head and wipes away the tears. The look on her face sends a dagger straight into my heart. She nods and holds her son tightly. There goes another dagger. As they begin to leave, I want to kiss and hug Sawyer Jackson and tell him I’ll be by later to get him. That might be a lie. After what I have to say, Savannah Mae may never let me near her or her son, again.

    I stand as tall as a broken man can stand. Levi walks past me and whispers, Just tell ’em the truth. I nod.

    Mia walks past next and squeezes my arm, but she doesn’t say anything. I swallow, hard. I notice the restaurant is emptying. That’ll make it easier to talk.

    Sawyer Jackson walks past me and tilts his head back to see me. I make a fist and he hits it with his fist. A fist bump. That simple gesture heals my heart some. He doesn’t say anything. I know this is all confusing to him. If I can smooth things over with Savannah Mae, I’ll need to make this up to Sawyer Jackson. I love him and her. It kills me to know I’ve hurt them. I watch in silence as they leave, and I pray this isn’t the last time I see him.

    This is the part I’m dreading. I turn around and all eyes are on me, except Savannah Mae’s. She looks at her lap and another tear falls. Momma looks heartbroken, Samantha Marie looks frightened, and their parents look pissed.

    I clear my throat and tap the picture of a battered and beaten Maria against my thigh. I decide not to stall any longer. They deserve to hear the truth right now.

    When I was in college I dated a girl, Maria. I hold up the folded paper. This girl. I really liked Maria, I may have even loved her. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, but it’s the truth. Maybe if they knew how much she meant to me, they’ll understand that I would never have hurt her. Not intentionally anyway. We went to a college frat party one night. I remember it was packed. Probably one of the largest parties I’ve ever gone to. Drinks and alcohol were everywhere. I pause and look at Savannah Mae. She still doesn’t look at me. Taking a deep breath I continue. I remember some guys were saying things to Maria that were vulgar and crude. I just wanted to beat the shit out of them for the things they were saying to her. I pause again. Still no eye contact. Maria took me by the hand and led me to the makeshift bar in the kitchen. She was more forgiving of the remarks than I was. I got us a couple drinks from the guy behind the bar, and the next thing I remembered, I was running down a dark ally. I close my eyes. I feel people watching me, and I don’t want to look at them. I can’t face them. Now comes the hard part. I had blood on my knuckles and on my shirt. People were chasing after me and calling my name. I knew I did something, but I couldn’t remember what I did or to whom. Everything was and still is a blur. I inhale deeply. I’d been drinking, but not enough to explain the blackouts. I keep my eyes closed. I force myself to keep my voice even. I was taken to the hospital and that’s where I learned about Maria. I swallow hard. Even now, it’s still hard to talk about. I hear gasps when people start to realize that it’s true that I caused these injuries to Maria. Maria was taken into I.C.U., and I was treated for minor injuries and tested for drug abuse.

    Abel, you don’t use drugs, Momma whispers. You never have.

    I slowly open my eyes and I can see the heartache on her sad face. I was raised that you never wanna do anything to hurt your Momma, and I have. No, Momma, I don’t, and I never have. I take another deep breath. But that night, I had Rohypnol in my system.

    I can hear murmurs before someone says, That’s a date rape drug.

    I look at Savannah Mae and Samantha Marie. They are both watching me. That’s right, it is.

    Someone slipped you a date rape drug? Samantha Marie asks.

    I don’t think it was meant for me… I think it was meant for Maria.

    Oh, God. These are the only words Savannah Mae says. Her hands are placed on her quivering lips.

    I can see the confusion on Momma’s face. So I continue. Almost always, Rohypnol acts as a sedative. In only extreme cases does it cause violence….

    Samantha Marie interrupts. Just like it did with me.

    I look at her. Exactly, but in your case, you weren’t strong enough to cause physical harm to anyone…

    But you did, she interrupts again.

    I did. I’m sorry and I don’t recall anything after ordering the drinks. Maria was placed in a medically induced coma, and I was admitted for observation.

    Momma cries. Why didn’t you tell us?

    Because I didn’t want to disappoint you. Because I went to college to better myself. I couldn’t tell you.

    Oh, Abel. We would have understood, Pops insists.

    Thank you. I called Levi; I had to talk to someone. The school suspended me, but they didn’t expel me. I guess because I didn’t have any other drugs in my system. They found the guy with the date rape drug and he was charged and expelled from school, as were the other guys who were with him. Maria got better and her friend told her about the drugs found in my system. We talked and she forgave me. She knew that I would have never hurt her. I look at Savannah Mae and say, I helped her out as much as I could. When my boxing career took off, I paid off all of her medical bills and I helped her financially. We’re friends, and I’m grateful for that. Because of her family, we never made it public and we never dated again. Her family wouldn’t have understood.

    Abel Lee… I’m sorry. Why didn’t you tell me? Savannah Mae stands. With what happened to my sister, I would have understood.

    I wanted to, and then I didn’t want to. How do you tell someone that you beat the shit out of your girlfriend? I watch as she walks slowly to me. The time was never right, the right words would never form. By the time I realized that you should know, that you had a right to know, I was already in love with you, and I didn’t want to lose you. I turn to face her. "I knew that was a one-time incident, and that history would never repeat itself."

    I’m sorry, she places her small hand on my cheek.

    I search her eyes. I’m the one who’s sorry. I kiss her and whisper in her ear. I’m glad you stayed and let me explain.

    I just had to clear my head. I had no intention of leaving, I just needed a minute to figure it out.

    I understand.

    Savannah Mae

    We both sit down and I look at the photo he’s holdin’ in his hands.

    Savannah Mae,

    Just so there’s no confusion, your boyfriend did this to my sister, and I won’t stop until I do this to you!

    Not a Friend

    There’s still a threat against Savannah Mae we need to deal with, my father says. And he knows where she is.

    That’s why we’re getting her and Sawyer Jackson out of Ohio.

    Abel Lee, I can’t leave.

    Savannah Mae, you can’t stay. I’m putting you in harm’s way, and I won’t do that to you.

    Daddy says, Savannah Mae, listen to him. He’s right. You and Sawyer Jackson can’t stay here. This person, Maria’s brother, has already found you. It’s just a matter of time before he follows through with his threat.

    I shudder.

    Abel Lee speaks clearly and seriously. That’ll never happen. He’ll never get another chance to hurt her.

    I can’t leave. I have work. Sawyer Jackson just started school. I have to work to pay my house payments. I look at my mom and say, Mom, tell ’im.

    She pauses, and that says all I need to know. I’m sorry, Savannah Mae, but I’m with Abel on this. Ugh. That’s not what I was hopin’ for.

    I look to the only other person in the room who might help me. Nelly? Please tell him Sawyer Jackson can’t miss school. She doesn’t look at me. Great! Now what? I can’t leave here, I have a son and I have responsibilities.

    Honey, Sawyer Jackson started school early; it wouldn’t hurt to have him start school next year, Mom says.

    Not what I expected her to say. Then what about my job? I need my job. I can’t just up and quit. They depend on me.

    I think they would understand under these circumstances. Mom is no help. Let me try a different approach.

    Where would we go? I have a four-year-old and no money.

    Everyone looks at the only person sittin’ beside me. I don’t need to look over at him to know that Abel Lee holds the answer to this question. When I unwrapped the gift and saw the picture, I was scared for my life. Now, I’m just plain mad. I don’t want to run from whoever this is. This is my home; this is my town. I don’t want to leave it.

    I sit and remain quiet. No matter what I say they’ll have an answer. I know my family is lookin’ out for me, and I love ’em for it. But I don’t want to be forced to do something I don’t want to do, and I don’t want to leave Rose Farm.

    I get an idea. I got it. I can feel all eyes are now on me. I keep talkin’. What if Abel Lee teaches me how to fight? I can learn to box and beat this asshole at his own game. When he comes for me, I’ll be ready for ’im.

    Savannah Mae! Watch your mouth.

    Sorry, Daddy.

    Abel Lee speaks with authority. You want to learn to fight?

    Yes. I hear grumbles in the background.

    You’ll let me teach you how to box?

    I hear more sounds of disapproval. I said, yes.

    Abel Lee watches me. On my terms? It has to be on my terms, Savannah Mae. Your life is not something I’m willing to play with.

    Yes. On your terms. Whatever you say.

    Abel Lee

    Sawyer Jackson excitedly looks out of the window. A voice comes over the loudspeaker. "Welcome to Sarasota, Florida. The local time is

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