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Flash Foresight (Review and Analysis of Burrus and Mann's Book)
Flash Foresight (Review and Analysis of Burrus and Mann's Book)
Flash Foresight (Review and Analysis of Burrus and Mann's Book)
Ebook40 pages30 minutes

Flash Foresight (Review and Analysis of Burrus and Mann's Book)

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The must-read summary of Daniel Burrus and John David Mann's book: "Flash Foresight: How to See the Invisible and Do the Impossible".

This complete summary of the ideas from Daniel Burrus and John David Mann's book "Flash Foresight" explains how a flash foresight is a "blinding flash of the future obvious". It is the ability to intuitively grasp what will unfold in the foreseeable future and then to understand the hidden opportunities involved. In their book, the authors explain how you can consistently generate these flash foresights using seven key triggers which you can understand and apply. This summary will teach you how to find new ideas before everyone else and stay ahead of the curve.

Added-value of this summary:
• Save time
• Understand key concepts
• Expand your knowledge

To learn more, read "Flash Foresight" and discover the key to developing a strategy for staying ahead of the game.
Release dateNov 12, 2014
Flash Foresight (Review and Analysis of Burrus and Mann's Book)

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    Flash Foresight (Review and Analysis of Burrus and Mann's Book) - BusinessNews Publishing

    Book Presentation: Flash Foresight by Daniel Burrus with John David Mann

    Book Abstract

    About the Author

    Important Note About This Ebook

    Summary of Flash Foresight (Daniel Burrus with John David Mann)

    Book Abstract


    A flash foresight is defined as a blinding flash of the future obvious. It is the ability to intuitively grasp what will unfold in the fore see able future and then to understand the hidden opportunities involved. If you can come up with a flash foresight, you in effect solve your biggest problems before they happen.

    You’ve probably already had an occasional flash foresight where you’ve caught a glimpse of where things might be heading and followed your gut instincts and things turned out very well. Fortunately, flash foresights aren’t random – learning how to consistently generate them is a business skill which can be developed, refined and strengthened.

    There are seven triggers which you should understand and then consistently and systematically apply to generate more flash foresights:

    Start with certainty – know the hard trends

    Project–base your strategies on what you know

    Transform – use technology-driven change

    Skip your biggest problem– get to the real issue

    Go opposite – head in the other direction

    Redefine and reinvent – leverage uniqueness

    Direct your future – be pre active

    These triggers are like the notes on the musical scale. You won’t use all of them in every flash foresight but many flash foresights will be a combination of a few of these triggers. Learn to use all seven mental processes consistently well and you increase the likelihood you’ll generate worthwhile flash foresights.

    Take those triggers and

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