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YOU and the 21st Century’s 7 Rules for Highly Effective Habits! Powerful Lessons for Changing Your Life
YOU and the 21st Century’s 7 Rules for Highly Effective Habits! Powerful Lessons for Changing Your Life
YOU and the 21st Century’s 7 Rules for Highly Effective Habits! Powerful Lessons for Changing Your Life
Ebook72 pages2 hours

YOU and the 21st Century’s 7 Rules for Highly Effective Habits! Powerful Lessons for Changing Your Life

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About this ebook

Habits are a funny thing.

They sneak up on you and end up controlling your life without you really having a say in the matter. Until today...

In The 7 Rules of Highly Effective Habits, you'll discover a simple and easy to implement system of seven rules that will re-organize yourself and force you to get rid of bad habits and develop good habits... and ultimately create a better life for YOU. Simply put, it’s a do-it-for-you system where the good habits automatically start appearing and taking over your life... propelling you forward.

In The 7 Rules of Highly Effective Habits, multi-million-book bestseller Greg Perry hands you straight-to-the-point answers for:
• How 95% of your behaviors and actions are driven by your habits and what you must do to make your habits work for you, not against you!
• Discover this one thing from Donald Trump (no, it’s not how to comb your hair or campaign for office) that will catapult you past others almost immediately!
• The real truth about to-do lists and whether they actually truly help you or just waste your time!
• How to use an 80-20 Rule to transform your life... go from mediocrity to the GO-TO person!
• Ovid said 2,000 years ago “Nothing is stronger than habit” – Use this one trick to override bad habits and turn them into good habits!
• How to use a bad memory and Rule #1 to create good habits!
• 80% of success is just showing up” ... here’s how to use this rule to “show up” and propel yourself to success faster than you ever thought possible!
• How you can cut out roughly six out of every eight hours of work and actually be more productive (less work, more play, and more money)!
• A seven-word sentence that forces you once and for all get out of the habit of putting off things you don’t want to do (this information is worth the price of the book alone)!
• How to get yourself out of the drudgery of the dreaded "comfort zone" and into the exciting, fun, and productive "passion zone"!
• The secret promise you must make yourself in order to excel in life!
• How to use Bill Murray's "baby steps" to develop success habits and when it’s critically important to avoid using "baby steps"!
• How to develop a "Halo Effect" that gives you power and prestige over other people!
• Learn the two-word principle that can build yourself an empire to rule over!
• The "5 Minute Ultimate Habit"... if you do this it will launch you into a better life... Guaranteed!
• Want to be an expert... I show you how easy it is using a certain "magic # system"!
• How to use the "Night Guy vs Morning Guy" battle to thrust ourselves into a more productive lifestyle!
• The power technique Shakespeare used and preached to become great and world-renown!
• How to use "The Habit of all Habits" to create new habits easily and effortlessly!
• And SO much more!
There's one thing that is certain... if you want to live a better, more fun, more fulfilling, more productive life... you have to improve your habits. The government isn’t going to give you a better life. Corporations won’t give you a better life. Your family probably won’t be able to help you. The 7 Rules of Highly Effective Habits will help you to achieve a better life for yourself.

Get it today or continue limping along your current path in life...!

Release dateApr 17, 2016
YOU and the 21st Century’s 7 Rules for Highly Effective Habits! Powerful Lessons for Changing Your Life

Greg Perry

This is Greg Perry: a successful businessman, entrepreneur, community leader, mentor, family man and father, who has spent his entire life discovering the steps to successful living. Through Greg's years of joy and pain, success and failure, he has discovered how to play the game of life and win. Greg's life is a true rags to riches story; one that has taken him from poverty to a life of spiritual, business, family and financial wealth. Greg Perry wants to share the knowledge he has gained. His dynamic and powerful story will show you how you can achieve true wealth, success, balance, and peace of mind. You too can discover the power within you to change your life.

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    Book preview

    YOU and the 21st Century’s 7 Rules for Highly Effective Habits! Powerful Lessons for Changing Your Life - Greg Perry

    YOU and the 21st Century’s 7 Rules for Highly Effective Habits!

    Powerful Lessons for Changing Your Life

    By Greg Perry

    ©2016 by Greg Perry

    Book 4 from the Acclaimed The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to YOU! Series

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction to Habits: The Automatic Power to Improve Your Life in All Ways

    The Series YOU Need: The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to YOU

    Rule 1: Make a Move – and Make a List, Check it Twice, for Habits that are Doubly Nice

    Rule 2: It’s the 80-20 Rule that Sky-Rockets Your Habitual Returns

    Rule 3: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

    Rule 4: Get Into Your Passion Zone

    Rule 5: The 5-Minute Ultimate Habit

    Rule 6: Always Be In a State of Training or Practice for Something Important

    Rule 7: Reward – Punishment


    Introduction to Habits: The Automatic Power to Improve Your Life in All Ways

    Habits can be either good or bad.

    Stated simply, your habits determine the quality of your life. People with better habits generally lead far better lives. To automate each success factor in your life, you need to develop quality habits, put them on auto-pilot, and eliminate any bad habits. The problem for most people comes with the difficulty of developing good habits replacing the bad ones.

    That is not easy to do. Until now.

    Written for YOU by the Most Interesting Author in the World: Me

    Here’s the deal: I won’t waste your time here. This book is All Stuff and No Fluff. I will not make you wade through 100 pages to get to the meat. You get only straight to-the-point, on-target instructions to qualify and gain healthy habits immediately. Now is the time to start you on a new and more habitually successful life by showing you these seven habit-building skills.

    Yes, I’ve been on John Stossel, had my own C-Span episode, helped write and then starred in a Penn & Teller Showtime show, spoken and trained all across the country, and major publishers have published more than 85 of my books that have been translated into every major language on the planet. (And that doesn’t include my own publishing company’s 60+ titles I’ve written.) Yes, all that is true and yes, it comes across as bragging. But I have only a short time to prove my Habitual credentials to YOU in this volume from my smash series, The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to YOU!

    It’s Time for YOU

    People are creatures of habit. So developing habits is a natural procedure. We all have the ability to develop habits. When we don’t pay attention to them, bad habits begin to creep into our mind and bodies and the good habits don’t get reinforced as much. Your habitual mind controls 95% of your behaviors. Habits begin in our minds and ultimately control our lives. We cannot stop habits from forming. They will form. As said earlier and will be said again: people are creatures of habits.

    Without a change in habits you’ll rarely accomplish improvements in your lifestyle.

    With good habits, any improvements you do establish can be enormous game-changers though!

    You learn habits through repetition and reward. Over time your habits become automatic. The great thing for most of us is we don’t even need to consciously think about habits. That’s why they are habits, our bodies and then our minds perform them automatically. You are on autopilot. That is why you should immediately begin to nurture good habits and put a stop to your bad ones.

    The good news about developing new habits is this: With habits you become routine oriented. You fall into a comfort zone. You begin to get constant feedback from the better habits and that reinforces you wanting to continue them and develop more. For some, however, it’s that comfort zone that enables people to slide into mediocrity and into a boring, unfulfilled, unproductive life.

    Through bad habits, you dull yourself to the possibilities of improving

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