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In The Meadow Of Night
In The Meadow Of Night
In The Meadow Of Night
Ebook371 pages2 hours

In The Meadow Of Night

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Society grows ever more vulnerable in its folly. Human self-harm threatens the survival of the race and our fellow creatures. No amount of dystopian science-fiction or satire can shake the pathological blunderings of governments. Yet the beauty of creation can make makers or poets of our-selves. And if we can not cure the human condition, we can at least laf (or laugh) at its absurdities, not least in one-self.

One could not hope to change things for the better with verses. However, I did try to make these verses better, as good poets generally do. Most poems are short. Not so, the long first two poems, which are revised and up-dated versions of narrative verse, that I put on one of my web-sites.
The quickest way to get a hint of the range of topics is to look at the titles of the 160 poems listed in the table of contents, that begins the free sample.
I hope kind readers will find this great variety of thought and imagination, information, fancy and speculation, well worth their precious time.

PublisherRichard Lung
Release dateApr 19, 2016
In The Meadow Of Night

Richard Lung

My later years acknowledge the decisive benefit of the internet and the web in allowing me the possibility of publication, therefore giving the incentive to learn subjects to write about them.I have been the author of the Democracy Science website since 1999. This combined scientific research with democratic reform.While, from my youth, I acknowledge the intellectual debt that I owed a social science degree, while coming to radically disagree, even as a student, with its out-look and aims.Whereas from middle age, I acknowledge how much I owed to the friendship of Dorothy Cowlin, largely the subject of my e-book, Dates and Dorothy. This is the second in a series of five books of my collected verse. Her letters to me, and my comments came out, in: Echoes of a Friend.....Authors have played a big part in my life.Years ago, two women independently asked me: Richard, don't you ever read anything but serious books?But Dorothy was an author who influenced me personally, as well as from the written page. And that makes all the difference.I have only become a book author myself, on retiring age, starting at stopping time!

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    Book preview

    In The Meadow Of Night - Richard Lung

    In The Meadow Of Night.


    part one: allure

    exotic energy


    iced cherry water

    the stars my detestation

    facades of the gods

    pyramid power

    the visitation

    horoscope kaleidoscope


    to dispel the myth


    a hard rain

    lunar periods


    first in the moon


    spectator and participant

    the daystar is solaris

    eye of heaven

    from the sea star

    Voyager eyes

    little surprises

    Thwing is not mocked

    Sissys synchronicity giggles

    Voyager One


    we are alone

    when love is lost

    The Galileans

    Plan 9 from outer space


    When Worlds Collide


    one two

    plague of the fire-flies

    unearthly messenger

    comet strike


    love above!

    the flying man

    The Wheels Of Chance/The Time Machine

    those alchemists again

    the time machine hits limbo

    the wheels of reels

    riddle of the sphinx

    a slight compass error


    Zondik speaks

    part two: endeavor

    on Demopolis

    in the scroll forest of Aviopolis

    the emperor

    the great game


    the Channel gun

    NATO secretly knew of Stalins last war

    the sin by which the angels fell

    are we not men?

    space dog

    NASA bagatelle

    Grub Street

    utopia 1956

    the space age

    back to the feature

    not in the script

    flying saucers from outer space

    the sound-effects apprentice

    forbidden planet

    money spinner

    atoms for peace



    year of horrors

    nuclear winter

    the radioactivists

    the Age-team



    masonic funeral music


    femme fatale

    cloud mother-of-pearl

    gambling life

    the pink and white blues

    living in Cornwall

    mans divorce from nature

    nuclear family

    1970 by Gorge Irwell

    got your flu mask?

    the strange invaders

    the peace of the worlds

    the hill-isle pool

    afore ye go

    the British islets

    the Anglantis supersticon

    vested interests

    when the wife left


    the opening is closed

    not waving but warning

    part three: fate

    starring 2001

    the forgotten folk

    the invaders

    the Hawking directive

    getting up

    dream artist

    storm below

    living space

    sparrow moon

    till death us do party

    for saints

    airs and graces

    the asteroid cowboys

    Skarthi the murther

    psychic detective

    beware of siren voices


    the natural contract

    a continental

    the bathyscope

    left to ones own devices

    biot and his robots




    test-tube baby


    the world is your lobster


    invasion of the mind snatchers

    the ship is wrecked

    at 3e point ov de3

    I wake I sleep I die I live

    no-one wants to play in goal

    we amoebas evolve

    the being of light


    on jujment n'it

    SHRINKing MAn

    the invisible man

    the interference of angels

    forces beyond our control

    a shiner


    crown of fire


    the meaning of life

    the great divorce

    the black dwarf

    the revelers

    the changling

    where am I?

    a dream of death?

    a well (multi)versed mind

    Schrödingers kat

    Flash Gordon reminisces

    Flashes last reminisce

    a borrowed life

    Hor, the hawk god

    SF short stories:

    an evil dream

    the doors of progress



    The lost world of typewriters


    T'Wter Limits

    guide to collected verse in five volumes by Richard Lung

    guide to two more book series by the author:

    Commentaries series;

    Democracy Science series.

    return to contents

    In The Meadow Of Night

    part one: allure

    exotic energy

    Nature is the mother of invention.

    What wiser are we for fifty years of UFOs

    traced to so many aeroplanes, air-ships,

    planets, weather balloons, secret weapons,

    space junk, or the odd mirage? Alien craft

    can be faked like fairies in a foto.

    Crop circles may not be alien landing grounds

    but hoaxers leave no energy traces.

    Mans more sensitive ancestors sited

    megaliths and mounds near natural forces

    along ley lines for a prehistoric grid

    to light-up psychic states of consciousness.

    In many-fractured Pennines, the Craven Hills,

    favored by UFOs, were wick wit fairies.

    These cave and pothole dwellers showed best

    at midnight, melting into thin air at cock-crow.

    Miners, of old, sought lodes from fairy lights

    or fiery dragons guarding a treasure trove.

    A mis-reported pilot began the legend

    of flying saucers dazzled Kenneth Arnold.

    An echelon of discoid tailless flyers flashed

    blue-white mainly before changing from

    hugging faulted terrain between three peaks

    of the Cascades, where Mount Helens was

    to erupt after lightnings and luminous

    displays found in classical accounts

    of Vesuvius night suns, sparking shields.

    Glowing balloons crossed north-east America

    at latitude and time of Tashkent earthquake.

    Red, white or amber Chinese lanterns espied.

    Ball lightning paraded down a plane aisle.

    In hot dark down-pour, a window-slit blew

    across room soap bubble burst a drain-pipe.

    Fuzzy-edged fizzing and hissing or humming

    bluish or yellow-white ball of orange core

    writhed worms of light, in rapid short moves

    seemed come out smooth over-all, as if

    in the balance of probable pathways

    like Feynman sub-atomic sum over histories

    of light taking all possible pathways

    escaped the quantum scale before ones eyes

    to show light follow minimal path over-all.

    Earth lights brain-stormed a religious revival

    presaged quakes from Harlech to Barmouth

    road on a fault-line for low-flying formations.

    Two white lights wait upon one, blood red.

    From sea to a mile inland mountain top,

    an aurora borealis of arch raised the curtain.

    Over cloud-capped summit, a frame of light

    to a black bottle with bright blue base

    fountained rainbows of fire all sides the slope.

    A rounded triangle changed chapel roof ends

    and a great star flashed forth diamond-fashion.

    Light columns spewed smoky vapor or light balls.

    Eighty years on, in Cwm Canol, a sferes

    purple fluorescence silently exploded

    in shower of sparks to emerge a white disc.

    A yellow-green light rose from quarry to clouds

    coming down, near a road, rotating red

    inside a brilliant white globe. Later,

    the sky lit-up and a disc of spinning

    multi-colored stripes flew near Meliden Hills.

    Todmorden had over one hundred UFOs:

    Tunneling thru mist, a giant soft light bulb,

    with black hole beneath, slightly above ground

    hover-crafted over wooden marker posts.

    Two bleating sheep followed. Branches shook.

    Witness ears popped. A terrified policeman

    found himself parked further on, missing

    the time. Swirls marked road. Hanging hugely,

    red glow on top, bluish green below, a gold

    shimmer of spinning top arched Rossendale.

    Nature has its gyroscopes, from atomic spin

    to the precession of planetary orbits.

    The childs toy gyro is wilfully wonderful.

    Earth lights with a Saturn ring field

    electric versions of the gyro wheel.

    Grey flying saucer revolving red glows

    shot off circle flattened in red after-glow.

    Crop circle stems weave into straw baskets

    with base hard and dry from compression

    and vapor suction by the vortex chimney.

    Corn sheaves swathed in opposing rings show

    counter-rotating sheaths of the vortex.

    Only electrified twisters can descend.

    A glow-orange saturn halted a generator,

    on again, lightless from burnt-out wiring,

    and generated branch-breaking wind-power.

    Six beams of lightning struck the ground.

    Heat wave shocked and paralysed farmer.

    His attacking dog froze, dying from radiation.

    This UFO rocked from side to side

    as vertical rotors stabilize ships roll.

    Conserving angular momentum

    is mainly why a gyroscope's stable.

    The saturn, changed glow-red, shot away.

    Low pressure trofs, hot spots, air-flow eddies

    over and around steeps, arbored corrals

    whirlpool air. Glows, orange with water

    vapor or other chemical colors, stir

    in thunder-storms, power-line force fields,

    falls and commotion of rivers, waves on rocks.

    Thus charge-separated, atoms in a vortex

    cascade ionization for a pinch effect

    of their magnetic field: at lowered pressure

    less electric resistance makes air fluoresce.

    Rate of spin and ion content govern shape,

    discoid or sferoid, conical or cigar.

    A plasma vortex out-lasts ball lightning

    drawing in air to replace consumed ions.

    Suction makes observers feel light.

    The funnel alters speech acoustics.

    To Perth, bright light paced and lifted a car,

    tearing off the roof rack, bursting a tyre,

    to passengers distorted shouts and screams.

    Ionizing gas radiates on a broad band

    of frequencies, jamming radios and ignitions.

    Masts, pylons, metals attract or repel plasma.

    Pressure contrast dazed a stumbling eagle

    flew at rival pulsating yellow monster,

    with helicopter revvings high-pitched whine,

    hovering over panic-stricken lambs.

    Fluorescent lights softly hum but a vortex

    is match for big generators or emits

    shattering jet engine screech, up and down.

    Noise level measures jet powers air-speed

    excess over its plane or vortex slipstream.

    Microwaves fired into small test chamber

    of air at normal pressure create plasma fire;

    splits, like ball lightning, and defies wind flow.

    As if some out-size quantum tunneler,

    thru ceramic board, it escaped the chamber

    for few seconds after power off.

    Aluminum dust detected rings.

    Engineers wised Professor Ohtsuki

    to dust circles in Tokyo underground.

    Electric trains raise mini-vortices track-side

    even triplet models of grouped crop circles.

    Joined vortices pre-figured the plasma-

    juggling theta pinch fusion design

    with perimeter current round whole system.

    Near ground, fast rotating domes in formation

    spiralled grass flat with massive blast-offs

    rapid climb into cloud, jetting white vapor.

    From Close Encounters of the Third Kind

    to encounters of the Earth lights kind,

    space-ships are alien only as we to Earth.

    Taking years to travel the solar system,

    rockets over-shoot unless thrust decellerates

    half-way between stops, at twice the time.

    Near the Pinnacles of California,

    light streaked and swirled, spreading

    an apparent shock wave (as if massive)

    until stopped without decelleration

    (so of no mass) going into a spin

    to dissipate energy. Conversely,

    Sandy Kidd tried motor gyro alignments

    to turn rotary to linear motion,

    a literally revolutionary notion.

    Suppose the ion-compacted region

    of natures sky-ship, the plasma vortex, makes

    light waves slower than tear-away electrons.

    A flying lights shock wave could be

    the bow wave of Cherenkov radiation.

    Nuclear fission reactors emitted electrons

    can out-speed light thru their water surround

    to set off glowing light waves, like boat

    bow waves moving faster than natural waves.

    To forestall use of radioactive fission

    as a trigger for nuclear fusion,

    Helium-3 could be mined from the Moon.

    In fusion, light elements or their isotopes

    become ion gas at stellar temperatures.

    Oxford first held plasma without a holder

    vaporising at heat needed for fusion reaction.

    A magnetic field pinch on charged particles

    leaves research problem of plasma leakage,

    illuminated, in early nineteen hundreds,

    from Welsh mountain top bottle

    of fiery out-pourings, perhaps a magnetic bottle

    leaking plasma rainbows in wave-band

    emissions across the spectrum?

    Fusion designs have turned the bottle

    into a closed tyre or kind of torus.

    Low pressure inside involves fewer particles

    to heat to the energy level of fusion,

    tho reaction takes longer and must release

    energy enuf to become self-sustaining

    by holding temperature and magnetic field

    for a continuous supply of power.

    Natures electrified vortex stably holds

    plasma. So, a plasma vortex may lead

    to electro-magnetic powered and also

    fusion-reactored gyroscopic propulsion.

    Earth lights vortex-conserved plasma

    for longer life appears alive, seeking out

    lines of least electrical resistance.

    Witnesses swore the lights interact

    with them or their own electric fields.

    Nelya Mikhailova registered bodily

    extremes attracting and repelling

    things not normally magnetic

    maybe thru ionizing radiation.

    Mind control of distinct brain waves

    was first rigged to operate a light switch.

    The mind might computer-regulate a gyro-

    ship quick and versatile as

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